字幕表 動画を再生する
Theoretically we are free to select the kind of person we love. We might have chosen someone else.
We're not being forced into a relationship by social convention or match-making or dynastic imperatives.
社会的な慣習やお見合いや王朝的な<a href="#post_comment_1"><strong>強要</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>で関係を押し付けられているわけではありません。
But in reality our choice of lover is probably a lot less free than we imagine.
Some very real constraints around whom we can love and feel properly attracted to come
いくつかの非常に現実的な<a href="#post_comment_2"><strong>制約</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>私たちが愛し、適切に惹かれていると感じることができる人の周りには、<a href="#post_comment_2"><strong>制約</strong><i class="icon-star"></i></a>が来ます。
from a place we might not think to look: our childhoods. Our psychological history strongly
predisposes us to fall for only certain types of people. We love along grooves formed in childhood.
We look for people who in many ways recreate the feelings of love we knew when we were small.
The problem is that the love we imbibed in childhood was unlikely
to have been made up simply of generosity, tenderness and kindness. Given the way the
world is, love was liable to have come entwined with certain painful aspects: a feeling of
not being quite good enough; a love for a parent who was fragile or depressed; a sense
that one could never be fully vulnerable around a caregiver. This predisposes us to look
in adulthood for partners who won't necessarily simply be kind to us, but who will – most
大人になってからは、必ずしも単に私たちに親切にしてくれるとは限らないが、誰がするパートナーのために - 最も
importantly – feel familiar; which can be a subtly but importantly different thing.
importantly - 親しみを感じる; それは微妙に、しかし重要な違いを感じることができます。
We may be constrained to look away from prospective candidates because they don't satisfy a
yearning for the complexities we associate with love. We may describe someone as not
"sexy" or "boring" when in truth we mean: unlikely to make me suffer in the way I need
to suffer in order to feel that love is real. It's common to advise people who are drawn to tricky candidates simply to leave them and find someone more wholesome. This is both
theoretically appealing and often practically impossible. We cannot magically redirect the
well-springs of attraction. Rather than aim for a transformation in the types of people
we're attracted to, it may be wiser simply to adjust how we respond and behave around
the occasionally difficult characters whom our past mandates we will find compelling.
<a href="#post_comment_5"><strong>説得力のある</strong><i class="icon-star"></i></a>。
Our problems are often generated because we continue to respond to compelling people in
the way we learned to behave as children around their templates. For instance, maybe we had
テンプレートの周りで子供のように振る舞うことを 学んだ方法です例えば、私たちには
a rather irate parent who often raised their voice. We loved them, and reacted by feeling
どちらかというと<a href="#post_comment_3"><strong>irate</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>親がよく声を上げていました。私たちは彼らを愛し、感じて反応しました。
that when they were angry we must be guilty. We got timid or humble. Now if a partner
彼らが怒った時 私たちは罪を犯したに違いないと思った私たちは臆病になったり 謙虚になったりしました今、もしパートナーが
(to whom we are magnetically drawn) gets cross, we respond as squashed, brow-beaten children:
we sulk, we feel it's our fault, we feel got at and yet deserving of criticism, we
build up a lot of resentment. Or perhaps we're drawn to someone with short-fuse – which
makes us blow up in turn. Or if we had a fragile, vulnerable parent who was easily hurt, we
readily end up with a partner who is also a bit weak and demands us to care for them;
but then we get frustrated by their weakness – we tiptoe round them, we try to encourage
しかし、私たちは彼らの弱さにイライラしてしまう - 彼らの周りに忍び寄り、励ますようにしています
and reassure (as we did when we were little) but we also condemn this person for being undeserving.
We probably can't change our templates of attraction. But rather than seek
to radically re-engineer our instincts, what we can do is try to learn to react to desirable
<a href="#post_comment_4"><strong>ラジカルに</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>私たちの本能を再構築するために、私たちができることは、望ましい反応を学ぶためにしようとすることです。
candidates not as we did as children but in the more mature and constructive manner of
a rational adult. There is an enormous opportunity to move ourselves from a childlike to a more
adult pattern of response in relation to the difficulties we are attracted to.
Consider this table, column A: Partner's tricky behaviour. Column B: the child-like response on our part.
この表を考えてみましょう、A列:パートナーのトリッキーな行動 B欄:こちら側の子供らしい対応
And column C: The more adult response we should aim for. Raising our voice could lead to a sense of "it's all my fault"
そしてC欄:目指すべきは大人の対応。声を荒げると "全部私のせい "という感覚になりかねません。
The more mature response might be, "This is their issue, I don't have to feel bad."
"これは彼らの問題だ 悪いと思う必要はない" っていうのが大人の反応かもしれない
Or if the partner is rather patronising the child-like response might be; "I'm so stupid." But the more adult response might be; "There are lots of kinds of intelligence. And mine is fine."
あるいは、相手がどちらかというと恩着せがましい反応をしている場合、子供のような反応は「私ってバカなのね」となるかもしれません。 しかし、より大人の反応は、次のようになるかもしれません。私のは大丈夫だよ」となるかもしれません。
and so on... Take a moment to look at the chart.
といった感じで...。 チャートを見てみてください。
We are almost certainly with somebody with a particularly knotty set of issues which
trigger our desires and our childlike defensive moves. The answer isn't to end the relationship,
私たちの欲望と子供のような防御的な動きを 誘発してしまうのです答えは関係を終わらせることではありません。
but rather to strive to deal with their compelling challenges with some of the wisdom of which
we weren't capable when we first encountered these in a parent or caregiver. It probably
isn't in our remit to locate a wholly grown-up lover. But it's always in our remit to behave
大人の恋人を探すのは 我々の任務ではありませんしかし、それは常に私たちの任務の中にあります
in more grown-up ways around our lover's less mature sides.
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