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  • Blaming others for your problems is a complete waste of time.

  • When you do that, you don't learn anything.

  • You can't grow, and you can't mature.

  • Thus, you can't make your life better.

  • In my three decades as a professor and clinical psychologist, I have learned that there are

  • two fundamental attitudes toward life and its sorrows.

  • Those with the first attitude blame the world.

  • Those with the second ask what they could do differently.

  • Imagine a couple on the brink of divorce.

  • They're hurt and angry.

  • The unhappy, bitter husband recalls the terrible things his wife has done, and the reasons

  • he can no longer live with her.

  • The harried and disillusioned wife, in turn, can describe all the ways her husband let her down.

  • Each has a long list of necessary changesfor the other person.

  • Their prospects for reconciliation are grim.

  • Why?

  • Because other people aren't the problem.

  • You're the problem.

  • You can't change other people, but you can change yourself.

  • But it's difficult.

  • It takes courage to change, and it takes discipline.

  • It's much easierand much more gratifying to your basest desires

  • to blame someone else for your misery.

  • Consider the youthful activist, making a “statementagainst thecorruptcapitalist system

  • by smashing in the storefront of a local business.

  • What has he done, other than to bring harm to people who have nothing to do with his

  • real problems?

  • The guilt, doubt and shame he will inevitably feel in consequence will have to be suppressed

  • so his beliefs can remain unchanged.

  • And that suppression will do nothing but foster his anger and alienation.

  • In the playThe Cocktail Partyby American-English poet

  • T.S. Eliot, one of the characters is having a very hard time of it.

  • She speaks of her profound unhappiness to her psychiatrist.

  • She tells him that she hopes her suffering is all her own fault.

  • Taken aback, the psychiatrist asks why.

  • Because, she tells him, if it's her fault, she can do something about it.

  • If it's in the nature of the world, however, she's doomed.

  • She can't change everything else.

  • But she could change herself.

  • Now, there are people who seem to be consigned to a terrible fate.

  • But most of us aren't.

  • Most of us have a chance to make our lives better.

  • But how?

  • Start small.

  • Ask yourself a few questions: Have you taken full advantage of the opportunities offered to you?

  • Are you working to your fullest capacity at school or at work?

  • Have you, in other words, set your own house in order?

  • If the answer is no, try this: stop doing what you know to be wrong.

  • Stop today.

  • Don't waste time asking how you know that what you're doing is wrong.

  • Inopportune questioning can confuse without enlightening, and deflect you from action.

  • You can know something is right or wrong without knowing why.

  • Start paying attention: Do you procrastinate, show up late, spend money you don't have,

  • and drink more than you should?

  • It's not a matter of accepting some externally imposed morality.

  • It's a dialogue with your own conscience.

  • What are you doing that's wrong, from your own perspective?

  • What could you put rightright now?

  • Get to work on time.

  • Stop interrupting people.

  • Make peace with your siblings and your parents.

  • Diligently utilize everything you already have at hand.

  • If you do those things, your life will improve.

  • You'll become more peaceful, productive and desirable.

  • After some days, or weeks, or months of attentive effort, your mind will clear.

  • Your life will become less tragic, and you will become more confident.

  • You'll start seeing right from wrong more clearly.

  • The path in front of you will shine more brightly.

  • You'll stop getting in your own way.

  • Instead of bringing trouble to yourself, your family, and your society, you'll be a positive

  • and reliable force.

  • Your life will still be difficult.

  • You'll still suffer.

  • That's the price of being alive.

  • But maybe you'll become strong enough to accept that burden, and in that fashion

  • even come to act nobly, and with purpose.

  • The proper way to fix the world isn't to fix the world.

  • There's no reason to assume that you're even up to such a task.

  • But you can fix yourself.

  • You'll do no one any harm by doing so.

  • And in that manner, at least, you will make the world a better place.

  • I'm Jordan Peterson, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, for Prager University.

Blaming others for your problems is a complete waste of time.


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B1 中級

自分を修正する (Fix Yourself)

  • 44 2
    Sonya Tsai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日