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  • Okay so the question is why don't why do People pursue rewards that don't produce this resonance?

  • They don't have a value Hierarchy so pleasure island

  • It's a Good Example

  • Those Kids That were brought there were lost

  • So they Didn't They didn't have anywhere to go they didn't have an identity.

  • So they Default to local pleasure and

  • That's Better Than none Although The problem with local pleasure Well as the narrative made Clear is That

  • you Better Look Out IF you're impulsive Because it'S gonna Kick back on you hard, and the reason Is

  • you're only considering The immediate time frame and the problem is is that Things

  • propagate across all The Timeframes and so Just Because something Works Really well This second cocaine for Example

  • Doesn't Mean That it'S a Tenable Solution to the class of all problems

  • so what Usually often People pursue

  • Local Pleasure Because That's the best they can imagine it's the best They've Been taught They don't see another

  • Alternative so it can Be ignorant it can Be They don't want. To adopt the responsibility because part of the problem with

  • Working At Every Level of The Hierarchy

  • Simultaneously is that it's it's

  • Well It's like dancing to a very complex waltz Let's Say You have to be?

  • Paying Attention to a very large Number of Things Simultaneously and Doing Things Right It Requires responsibility and

  • so you know That's

  • It's a pain

  • It's a weight Part of The reason People Drink Alcohol is to get rid of Their

  • Responsibility, I Mean That's you know you Hear People Drink Because They have problems it's like yeah yeah, no.

  • Some people Drink Because They're anxious and

  • Alcohol Extreme Because They're in Withdrawal

  • But Young People Drink Because They're sick and tired of Being

  • Responsible Because it's annoying it's like so i'll drink enough i won't care about the medium to long term

  • Consequences Because Alcohol That's Exactly What Alcohol Does It Doesn't Make you

  • Ignorant of The medium to long term

  • Consequences but It Makes you not care about them and

  • Partly It's Because It Dampens Anxiety so it Dampens Anxiety Leaves Your positive emotion Circuits Intact

  • So then You can Go out there and do Stupid fun things and

  • That's Like--That's a Party Really Let's Go do Stupid fun Things That's a Party

  • But

  • The medium to learn Long-term Consequences are

  • It's risky

  • It doesn't Mean You Shouldn't do It but it's risky so yeah They don't know Better

  • That's the Answer i would Say

  • so

Okay so the question is why don't why do People pursue rewards that don't produce this resonance?


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ジョーダン・ピーターソン - なぜ若者はパーティーをする&先延ばしにするのか (Jordan Peterson - Why Young People Party & Procrastinate)

  • 116 15
    Leonie Kuo に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日