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  • [low music in headphones]

  • Yo.

  • Hey, yo.

  • Hey, yo.

  • Yo, yo.

  • Excuse--Excuse me?

  • Oh man, oh man, oh man.

  • I'll tell you one thing,

  • if 9/11st were to happen up on this here plane,

  • psht, don't worry.

  • We got this.

  • Oh.

  • Okay, I have no idea what you're talking about.

  • He said that if them terries is gonna try something

  • up in here today, like the bounce, boogie, and bump,

  • that we got this shit on lock.

  • Terr--Do you mean terrorists?

  • - Oh yeah. - Hells yeah, baby.

  • He ain't talking about Teri Garr.

  • And I certainly ain't talking about no terry cloth.

  • I mean, if a terry up on this plane,

  • even thinking about trying to do something,

  • we gon' draxx him up.

  • You're gonna-- You're gonna what?

  • We're gonna draxx him sklounst.

  • I think what my partner's trying to say

  • is if any terries come up in here,

  • - we gon' get our Berger on. - Yeah.

  • Did something happen, or did I miss something?

  • Is this hypothetical, or...

  • Oh, we're gon' definitely drop some hypotheticals

  • on that terry's clavicle, 'cause I'm talking 'bout...

  • [imitates neck breaking]

  • [both imitating blood spurting]

  • Don't you just wish though?

  • Don't you just wish in your heart of hearts...

  • Yeah. Yeah.

  • Some terry would come up in here, trying some grab-ass,

  • and the touchy-feely?

  • That's the opposite of what I want to have happen on a plane.

  • Okay. That's unfortunate.

  • Conference.

  • This was unexpected.

  • It certainly was.

  • I'm thrown right now as to who's gonna be our comrade.

  • I can still hear you.

  • He doesn't have the heart, nor the gumption.

  • You're literally right next to me, so...

  • On three, break.

  • Three.

  • Yoo-hoo.

  • I got an idea, feel free to say no,

  • but can we switch seats?

  • I will not take no for an answer.

  • Why?

  • That's the combat seat, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

  • If you gon' be in the combat seat

  • then you gots to be willing to blast up on some terries.

  • Because with great power

  • come great responsitrillitrust.

  • Okay. I just-- I just wanted some leg room.

  • Um...

  • Okay, Max Legroom.

  • You get yours.

  • Meanwhile, I'm gon' go Hayden Pantinerry

  • on some terries.

  • Especially when they get froggy.

  • Ribbit, ribbit.

  • - Yeah. - Um...

  • You gon' have to be ready to kidnap a terry.

  • - I don't-- - You gon' have to be ready

  • to torture a terry.

  • I don't think that's necessary.

  • Absolutely, you have to fireboard those motherjammers.

  • I don't even understand what that means.

  • Do you trust me?

  • No.

  • I'll take that as a yes.

  • Okay.

  • Trust.

  • These terries come up in here trying to act froggy...

  • Whoo!

  • Then we gon' give them the Rainbow Connection.

  • Here, froggy, froggy, froggy, froggy.

  • Is that a box cutter?

  • Oh, you best believe it, baby.

  • We gon' be eatin' like Diane Keaton.

  • 2.36 inches, baby.

  • Shifax.

  • Perfectly leg-well.

  • And if those don't work,

  • you know I'm working up that Plan B, brother.

  • [suspenseful music]

  • You have a gun?

  • Oh, yeah. 3-D printer, baby.

  • 100% polyurethane.

  • They can't detect these mamajamas.

  • They have a-- They have a weap--

  • They have-- They--

  • They have a weapon! They have a weapon!

  • - Oh, God! - These guys got a weapon.

  • - Who got a weapon? - Where you at terry?

  • Everybody relax. We takin' control of this plane.

  • No, wait a minute, I'm not with them.

  • [all shouting]

  • The guy on the right is the ringleader.

  • Ow!

  • I don't know them. I don't know them.

  • I don't know those guys.

  • I'm on vacation.

  • [whimsical music]

  • Draxx.

  • Them.

  • Sklounst.

[low music in headphones]


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

キー&ピール-テリーのために準備された (Key & Peele - Prepared for Terries)

  • 54 1
    pchome12345678 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日