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  • - What can you expect from CES 2018?

  • I have your inside scoop plus information tied

  • to a big giveaway.

  • (electronic music)

  • C E Yes! (hands clap)

  • Whoa, see what I did there?

  • Instead of an S, it was a yes!

  • That's 'cause I'm excited.

  • Hi, I'm the YouTube Deal Guy Matt Granite.

  • I find, I test, and I unbox the biggest bargains

  • and gadgets to improve your life,

  • and the Consumer Electronics Show which happens every year

  • in Las Vegas is one of my favorite times because

  • it makes tech accessible to a lot of people,

  • but also brings an awareness to future inventions,

  • or inventions that are yet to hit the market

  • that we can all take advantage of.

  • Last year, some of you may remember that I was the first

  • reporter in the world on the floor

  • of the Consumer Electronics Show, and I went live,

  • and I took you guys around,

  • and we were the first people in the building.

  • This year, I'm gonna do some of that,

  • but also make sure you see everything while it's in action,

  • and I wanna show you what I expect to happen

  • at the Consumer Electronics Show,

  • why this year's gonna be different,

  • but I'm gonna talk about a giveaway and more importantly,

  • how you can join me live.

  • The Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show

  • runs January 9th to 12th, of course I will be there,

  • and there are expected to be

  • more than 184,000 people in attendance.

  • Almost 5,000 exhibiting companies,

  • and if you are not part of the tech world

  • or a hosting company, it's not that easy to get in,

  • and I wanna be your eyes and ears.

  • So what do I expect

  • at the Consumer Electronics Show this year?

  • Last year was about virtual reality.

  • This year, it's gonna be

  • a little bit more toward augmented reality.

  • This is those mixed-reality technologies

  • where you can actually immerse yourself in environments,

  • but more importantly, tie it to medicine, architecture,

  • accessibility, very excited about that.

  • This is also a year where voice control

  • is gonna take center stage unlike any other year.

  • So the rise of the voice user interfaces around your home

  • not only to make it accessible,

  • to make it more convenient, a huge thing.

  • Wearables will be a big focus,

  • as will car tech, driving into the future,

  • a major, major focus of CES 2018.

  • There'll be a focus on robotics,

  • and it's a little bit more of goodbye 4K, hello 8K.

  • The trends that we saw developing at CES last year

  • will mean widespread television price drops

  • on 4K following the show and of course,

  • I will be around to help you predict the price drops

  • and also hook you up with the big deals.

  • Now I've featured items in that past

  • that were Consumer Electronic Show award winners,

  • and sometimes you see this little emblem

  • on the bottom of the box,

  • and the best thing for me to do is actually be there,

  • see how the companies operate,

  • and then put the items to the test right on the floor

  • of the Consumer Electronics Show.

  • I will be going live and I will make sure

  • that I am your eyes and ears to this event.

  • So, very simple process: if you subscribe to this channel

  • and you turn your notifications on, you will get hooked up.

  • You'll be able to join me

  • and you'll get those little alerts from when I go live.

  • Also, if you are subscribed

  • and you've commented in the last six months,

  • I'm gonna be giving away

  • all sorts of CES gadgets live from Vegas.

  • So you can win while I'm there, which is gonna be amazing,

  • and more importantly,

  • we're gonna be saving money and exploring tech together.

  • That's two of our favorite things,

  • especially for many of the long-standing subscribers

  • to this channel.

  • So I can't wait! (hands clap)

  • Let's pack your bags for bargains, let's go.

  • If you are not yet subscribed,

  • click on my head right here,

  • that'll subscribe you to this channel.

  • If you need help turning on your notifications

  • or leaving a comment, just click here,

  • and if you're looking for deals, just click here.

- What can you expect from CES 2018?


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  • 19 3
    johnyang8781 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日