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-Welcome back to the show.
I haven't seen you since "Bates Motel," I think,
when you were on here, so congratulations on that...
[ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you.
-...as well.
You were fantastic, and I remember, last time,
we were talking about "Bates Motel" and Norman Bates,
and I said, "Have you been to the Universal Studios tour?"
Because they have a Bates Motel
where Norman Bates looks at you on the tour
and then starts running after the tram.
And you hadn't done it.
-I hadn't done it, no.
And it must've been three years ago,
I finally went and did it.
I was doing ADR, actually, on the Universal lot
and sort of stole one of their golf buggies and headed on up,
and met one of the guys,
'cause I think there's a rotation of them.
-Yeah, there's like three.
-Of the people who was pretending to be Norman.
-Scary murderers, yeah. -Yes, but very nice people, too.
-Very nice scary murderer. Yeah, actors, actors. Yeah.
-And Norman himself. -Yes, and Norman was very nice.
-But I switched out with one of them and put on the costume.
He gave me his knife. -No!
-Yeah, covered in blood.
And then went out and did the gig.
-You did the bit? -Yeah.
-I knew you'd like it.
-Did people go crazy?
-I think they were a little bit confused.
I -- I got a bit too into it.
I think that was the problem.
-How far did you chase the tram?
-Well, I looked around and was in War of the Worlds,
and thought that I'd probably gone too far.
Left the Bates Motel premises.
-And you went through The Grinch onto War of the Worlds, yeah.
You've got to stay in your lane, bro.
-So you can see the house. -Yeah, exactly.
Wait, because -- Did you come out with a fake dead body and everything?
-Yeah, the dead body, then you put it in the car...
-In the trunk, yeah. -...and then you just
start running manically,
I thought, just as far as you could go.
You know, it was a good bit of exercise.
-He's method. Of course you're gonna do that.
You filmed "Bates Motel" -- Was that in Vancouver?
-Yes. -And also, this new show,
"The Good Doctor," is in Vancouver, as well.
-Yes. [ Cheers and applause ]
-I love Vancouver. -I love Vancouver, too.
Boy, it's a beautiful place.
-It's spectacular. -It's clean.
-You have the mountains and the forests.
I managed to convince some of the same people
who were working on "Bates Motel,"
some of the crew, to be on "The Good Doctor,"
so it feels like that family's intact.
-How did you -- How did you get Rihanna to be on "Bates Motel"?
Are you guys buddies?
-She -- Well, now, hopefully.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-Though I wonder what she made of Norman.
I think Norma was probably her favorite.
-Oh, really? -Yeah.
But, no, she was...
I think someone had seen a magazine article
whereby she had said, "Everyone thinks that I'm bad girl RiRi
and stay up all night.
But, actually, I like to go home and watch 'Bates Motel' in bed."
And from that, they thought, "Well, it would be brilliant.
Let's get her on and have her play Marion."
She was fantastic.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Good for her. -Yeah.
-I love that. Now --
-Staying in Vancouver -- I do love Vancouver.
Except, there was this one...
I have one bad thing to say about Vancouver.
[ Laughter ] Which is --
-It's very rare.
-It was a near close encounter with a bear.
-[ Gasps ]
See, I wouldn't know what to do there.
Where were you? I have no -- I have no...
I wouldn't even understand what to do.
I think play dead, right?
-Well, I think there's two different --
-Yeah, there's two different types of bears.
-It depends on what it is. -Yeah.
'Cause you have to identify which bear it is.
-Well, there's one that you play dead.
-And there's one that you run.
-And one that you run up a tree. -Yes!
-And it's like the Roman-nosed side profile or something,
or a shoulder hump.
See, this is too much pressure.
Wait. What happened?
Where were you? Where were you?
-Well, I was going up this trail,
and a couple of people come down the other way.
-That's your first problem, first of all.
Stay off the trail. -I know.
-Stay off the trail. -Just -- Go into the wilderness.
Just stay on the sidewalks. Yeah, absolutely.
Vancouver, you're in the trail. Okay, sorry.
-And people come down saying, "Oh, we've just seen a bear.
You should probably turn back."
But I was with a fellow Brit, and, to us, bears are these --
It's Paddington Bear.
You know, it's this lovely... [ Laughter ]
No, he doesn't wear a jacket and a hat.
-No, the bear is not in a raincoat! No!
-He comes in this box and says, "Please take me home."
-No! That's a different bear, totally.
-Little, cuddly toy. -No.
-So we thought, "Well, it would be great to see one of those."
And carry on up, and then, up ahead of us,
out jumps a -- a bear,
not looking very like Paddington.
And so, as I was sort of wondering what to do
and trying to work out which sort of a bear it was,
I hear this man's laugh,
and the bear literally pulls its head off.
And it was someone dressed up in a bear costume.
[ Laughter ]
-What is wrong with people?
What is -- What is wrong?
-I know. -Wait, so this guy comes --
-Well, it was on a stag --
It was on a bachelor's party weekend,
and I think this whole thing
had been contrived as some in joke.
I don't know -- It was raining.
I don't know how long they were there.
[ Laughter ]
He really needed the raincoat.
-Yeah, he should have dressed like Paddington.
Yeah, he would've been perfect.
I want to talk about "The Good Doctor,"
because, man, oh, man, congratulations.
-Thank you. -It is a giant...
[ Cheers and applause ]
It is a major, major hit.
Can you explain what the show is about
if anyone has not seen it yet, but I'm sure everyone has.
It's a big show.
-Yes, hopefully, I can.
From my character's perspective,
it's this young surgical doctor, Shaun Murphy,
who joins a prestigious hospital,
but because of his conditions --
he has autism and also savant syndrome --
his appointment is somewhat contentious.
And so, I guess, he has to prove his backers right,
but also the people who didn't like him, wrong.
-Yeah, and it's great,
and it's really connecting with people.
Do you know why people are just loving it and flocking to this?
Any...things that people are saying to you?
Like, is it because it's just positive?
-I think that's a large part of it.
He's got such a hopeful outlook on the world.
I think he's a genuinely nice person
who always tries to see the good in people
and isn't judgmental,
and I guess, at a time when there is so much negativity
that's so easy to come by on a daily basis,
having someone like Shaun,
who's refreshingly optimistic, is nice.
-Well, I love what you're doing with it.
I want to see more of it.
And stay away from those bears. -I will.
-Freddie Highmore, I love you, buddy. Come back, please.