字幕表 動画を再生する
Are you tired of hearing about Logan Paul? (yep)
Logan Paulの話は もう聞き飽きたってか?
That's great. Me too! (see what you did, logan? you made the man scream)
But before we move on to the next drama that will inevitably happen and forget about everything that went down
There is a few more things that
だが次の炎上事件が起こって みんながヤツのことを忘れ去る前に…
We need to consider
もう少し 話したいことがある
BUT Pewds YoU SaiD BaD WORd, so YOU aRE NOT alLOwed tO CRiTICize hIM
Shit. I forgot, damn it.
“だからお前にヤツを批判する 権利はないよ”
Damn it.
God damn it- keep forgetting. I said the badword. Oh well
しまった 忘れてた
*slight chuckle*
You gotta give the Paul brothers some props, you know. They... They got a good ball game going on, you know.
One person does something and all of a sudden you-you've completely forgotten what-how bad the other one was
And then just back and forth.
Uhhh..As you can tell Logan Paul is in deep pain after this incident. He's..-
He's suffering immensely.
Clearly his audience put-..uh..-put their feet down and said: "No, Logan. You..-
You stepped over the line." A lot of people are pointing out,
みんな 突然 もう片方の酷さを忘れる
with the suicide forest video that "It was just a mistake, okay?
Everyone makes mistake-you make mistake too, Felix." That is true.
みんな知ってると思うが Loganはあの事件でかなり痛手を負った
I have. I'm guilty. Ahh, but people also started watching Logan's older videos and noticed a continuous pattern.
[Logan]: "So as you guys know I am a little sick, my voice is kinda gone"
地に足ついた 賢い視聴者ばかりだからな
"but God blessed tomato!"
[Sound of douche throwing tomato at a wall]
[F]: Did he just throw a tomato...
“自殺の森”の動画に関して 多くの人が意見してる
on a wall?
That's hilarious
「人はミスを犯すんだ お前だってミスしたろ」
[Logan]: "...Deliver you guys the most entertaining"
"Exhilarating incredible content EVER!"
[F]: Please throw another tomato on the wall, cause that was hilarious.
Loganの以前の動画を 見ていたんだが
*extreme coughing sounds*
[Logan] "I think in honor of being sick, we're now gonna be selling [Logan and friend laugh] official Logan Paul masks at {website}"
( 俺 ちょっと風邪ひいてんだ 声おかしいだろ )
get your own sick mask, and prevent the Bubonic Plague from spreading in your town."
( おだいじにトマト!! )
[Waiter]: "This one is uh, just for display." *pointing at centerpiece*
今 トマト投げたん…?
[Logan]: "Oh so I can't eat them? Ok, that's my bad."
[F]: "...god."
How old is he?
( 最高に面白くて爽快な動画を おとどけするぜ!! )
So while in Japan, Logan Paul clearly knew about the Japanese culture. They really value respect above anything.
もっかいトマト投げてよ オモシロイからさ
[Logan]: "I just got to be careful to not like disrespect their culture
( 風邪ひいた記念に… )
cause Logang, Japan is all about the respect." [Logan's Friend]: 'Actually it's true.'
( 「Logan Paulマスク」発売決定! )
[Logan]: I know it's true, so...
I gotta take my {chotch?} levels and bring them down"
( カッコいいマスクを手に入れて ペスト菌の感染を防ごう! )
*LP screams like an idiot*
( こちらは展示用ですので… )
[F]: "I didn't edit that, to make them look bad. HE he edited that."
( ああ 食べれないんだ )
( 間違えたよ )
I didn't even have to do anything.
Oh man
コイツ 何歳だ?
[Logan]: "This is where you throw coins into the well. You make a wish and they come true"
Logan Paulは日本の文化を よく理解してたようだ
[Logan's Friend]: "What are you gonna wish for?"
"I wish for.....
( 失礼がないように気を付けないとな )
...health... uhh...
( 日本じゃ礼儀がすごく大事なのさ )
... happiness...
( マジだよ だから控えめにいかないとな )
and hella bitches"
[F]: "You know when you're in a church, or mosque, or Buddhist temple
there's generally the approach that you..
Keep it down a notch. You're a bit more quiet, like I'm not religious or anything like that, but even then I-I'd still--
You know you need to show a certain amount of respect and you're at a Buddhist temple
Just throwing in money in the thing like whatever
( ここにコインを入れるんだ )
It's so dumb.
( 願い事をすると叶うって )
[Logan]: "What'd he do?"
( 何お願いするの? )
Some of the authorities weren't happy about them acting this way and
( 俺は 健康と… )
Their guide is the one that apologizes. He's the one that has to step up and be like, "I'm sorry for this person"
( 幸福と… )
*police and guide talk*
( 女どもを! )
[Logan]: "{Shusei?} saving the day with his flashlight.
( ほらよ )
[Logan]: "What did you do?"
教会やモスク… 仏教のお寺とかを訪れる時は
[Friend]: "I was just cleaning myself with water!"
普通はもっと 控えめに 行動するのが礼儀だろう
and then he's like 'out, out'"
[Guide]: I'm sorry. Filming's. Filming's"
[Logan]: "Oh, it's the film- oh, it's the vlog"
[Logan]: "Alright guys, we're gonna see you back in a--"
敬意を払う必要がある ことぐらい分かる
[F]: "because you're at a Buddhist temple. It might be a tourist attraction
and a lot of people there as someone who really loves Japan and loved visiting there
まるで捨てるような態度で 賽銭を投げ入れるなんて
I'm always really on guard whenever I'm there
I don't want to be that person, that Logan Paul, and his friends are I don't want to be
( 何なの? )
It's not attractive
警備員の方々がヤツらを 注意したんだが
It's not someone you want to be
謝るのはいつも ヤツらのガイドだ
[Logan, unironically]: "you know how it is in Japan there all about the respect."
"So we're gonna be respectful for a little bit. I know it's new but we got to do it sometimes"
[F]: "Literally the next cut
( ヤスシが何とかしてくれる )
*extreme coughing sounds*
( 何したんだよ? )
"He's not sick"
( 手を洗ってただけだよ! )
[F]: "I get that he's sick, and then that's a problem, but then wear the fucking mask dude.
( そしたら「出てけ!」って… )
In Japan, it's a big deal to be spreading germs, like, they have the masks not-not to protect themselves from other people being sick
( 撮影禁止らしくて… )
They have them if you're sick, to not admit it to other people. It's another respectful thing, that if you are sick
( ああ 撮影禁止なのか )
You don't spread that disease around
( 仕方ない みんな またあとで… )
It's considered really rude to be sneezing and coughing out in public as well, and it's simple things that you could have looked up
そりゃ 寺院だからな
You've been to Japan twice you should know this and if you think I'm just nitpicking at this point. Don't worry. It gets worse.
多くの人が来る 観光地ではあるけど
*Logan bragging about his sub count* *lol only 15 million*
日本を愛し 日本旅行が 大好きな人間として…
[F]: "Oh my god Logan, can you be more unfunny and annoying?
俺は日本にいる間 常に自分の行動に気を付けてる
God damn it this is just
Logan Paulやヤツの仲間 のようにならないためにな
だって 非常識だろ
あんな人間には なりたくない
( やっぱ日本じゃ 礼儀が大切なんだよな~ )
[Logan]: "he has no idea.
( だから もうちょい礼儀正しくいこう )
( たまには ちゃんとしないとな )
[Driver]: "Oh"
そして早速 次のシーンで…
( 風邪じゃねぇぞ! )
How you feel?"
( 風邪なんかじゃ… )
[F]: "Logan's- slogan his whole identity with his brand is, "be a Maverick." That's his merch
That's what he sells, that- that's what he acts like, but you're just being annoying- you're just being fucking annoying.
だったら マスクをしろよ
This is sort of attitude that he's emitting towards his fans like, "be like me be an asshole be an idiot"
日本の人は 菌の拡散を とても気にするんだ
This is okay. You know you've gotta be edgy.
彼らは 自分が風邪をひかないように マスクするんじゃなくて
You gotta do stuff that no one else does.
他の人に風邪をうつさないために マスクをするんだ
But it's like- I get that- I get that not everyone should be the same but goddamnit
I hope no one else is like you.
風邪をひいてるなら うつさないよう気を付けること
[Logan]: "If you want to see the fish at the fish market in Japan don't party with 'thots' the night before"
公共の場での大きいクシャミや咳は 酷く失礼だと考えられてる
"I'm also not giving up hope."
こんなこと 少し調べれば 分かったはずだし
"See now that's what I'm talking about!" *logan yells at fish*
日本を2度も訪れてるなら 知ってて当然だろ
[F]: "So Logan Paul goes to the fish market
Which is very famous and...
it's already sorta shutting down because they don't want tourists in there because they're being too... it's being too much of them...
( ヨォ~ )
it's becoming too much of a tourist attraction. It's really just people working there.
( 何名様? )
It's a fish market after all, and then you have Logan Paul of course
( 何が何人? )
furthering that even more by just buying fish
( 登録者が何人かって? )
To walk around in public with
( 1500万人だ! )
Like you have people literally scoffing at him, but can you imagine how many of those there that is edited out?
( 急成長中だぜ! )
And of course what a maverick
( アンタも登録者? )
What a legend
Logan お前…
I can't believe he just did that
that is
マジで これは…
'le epic'
( 気付いてねェぞw )
Wow. I wish I was that brave to do that cuz men that's pretty edgy
( ハロー! )
[Logan]: "I just want to say one thing though Japanese people are so nice" Logan!
( 調子どう? )
Let me just explain this because I don't think you get it
“ローガンポール”というキャラ… ブランドのテーマは
They're- they're polite, but that doesn't mean they like you okay, they may not tell you "Hey fuck off. You're an asshole"
"Be a Maverick ( 型破りであれ )"
But they definitely think it
それがヤツの商品であり ヤツの振舞い方だが…
And if you think I'm nitpicking, don't worry it gets worse.
[Logan]: "This was my life"
"the Game Boy Color"
ヤツはこういう考え方を ファンに発信してる
[F]: "so Logan goes
“俺みたいになれ! バカやろうぜ!”
to the market to buy a Game Boy
“他人なんか知るか! カッコよくいこうぜ!”
*logan yells*
“他のヤツには出来ない ことをするんだ!”
indeed why. why? what was the joke?
確かに 人と違うことをするのは 良い事だと思うが
[Logan]: "Excuse me Sir,
お前みたいにだけは なってほしくないね
"The game seems to be malfunctioning"
( 日本の魚市場を楽しみたいなら )
"Mucho broken-o" *felix repeats*
( 女と夜更かししてちゃダメだぜ )
'mucho broken-o'
( でもまだ諦めないぞ! )
mucho broken-o!!
( これが欲しかったんだよ~! )
Can we- Neil deGrasse Tyson cringe meme? Oh God.
Logan Paulは魚市場を訪れた
[Logan]: "Here we go" ..
"Heck yeah, bro"
もうすぐ なくなりそうなんだ
[F]: "Logan Paul clearly cares a lot about his fans when they ask for a signature as a good good old meme. He signatures as
as a good old meme, he signs as "chu"
観光地だから 人が来すぎて…
[Logan]: "Don't mind me. Cause I'm American
Pant's comin' down"
"Toyota, I choose you!"
そして今回Logan Paulが その状況を悪化させた
You gotta respect the culture. You can tell how much he enjoyed this meme.
Just look at his face
Hilarious you got me. I am the Pikachu. That's what he's saying right there with this with this expression
These are just the scoffs that we see okay
Just I'm just like imagining the ones that get cuts out imagine that the ones that are like 'oh, that
Maybe that was a bit far'
This is literally just his last three videos before what happened what happened
Watching them it all kind of makes sense, why he reacted with such little empathy
as he did. He doesn't really look at these people as
People he's treating them like something else.
I get it people are tired of Logan Paul by now
僕もあんな風になりたいナ~ 超カッコイイ~
I'm- I've clearly made mistakes, too. I'm not allowed to criticize it. I agree 100% with that sentiment
( ちょっと言いたいんだけど )
I've always said like I've argued with friends about Logan Paul and people always bring up like "oh, no, Logan Paul
( 日本人ってホント優しいな! )
He he's like that older, more mature brother. Logan Is not that bad compared to Jake"
From one sociopath to another okay. I'm a youtuber. I know how they think. I don't watch Logan's videos
分かってないようだから 言わせてもらうがな
I've seen briefly of it, and it's enough for me to know his character and who he is.
彼らは礼儀正しいが だからって“好かれてる”ワケじゃねぇぞ
He's the kind of guy that plugs his merch when his friend's dog died
彼らは「オイ クソ野郎 出てけよ」 とは言わないかもしれないが
[Logan]: "I'm with you, the whole Logangs with you. We got your back. Yeah, it's gonna feel weird
It's gonna feel weird for the next few days. Unfortunately, it is just a fact of life and another fact of life is
細けぇってか? まだまだあるぞ!
literally right now you can get your merch on loganpaul.com/shop, link in the description"
( コレ 超懐かしい! )
(hahahahah so funny)
( ゲームボーイカラー! )
[F]: "he's the kind of guy that, fakes his own murder... in front of in front of little kids as le "epic meme"
Loganは店で ゲームボーイを買ったんだが…
(and nothing of value was lost)
( なんで? )
*children screaming*
ホントだよ なんでだ?
[F]: "He is the kind of dude that invites his fan to be in a song with him to boost his ego
and of course plug the merch
( すみません )
He's the kind of guy that makes out with his brother's ex-girlfriend
( コレ 壊れてるみたいなんですけど )
GoOd mEmE
( Mucho brokeno ) ( ムーチョ コワレテルーノ )
The kind of guy that tells people to meet him outside of VidCon when clearly told not to do that
「Mucho brokeno」… [ ヒスパニック系差別言葉 ]
That's a danger for everyone someone could seriously get hurt don't do that
ムーチョ コワレテルーノ [ ヒスパニック系差別言葉 ]
*does it anyway*
ムーチョ コワレテルーノ…
There's no joke I don't like Logan Paul. I don't like his type of person
He's the kind of person where I feel like- if I even tried to have a normal conversation with it just wouldn't work.
He would always just be like:
( できたぜ! )
*makes noises in Swedish* "IM A MAVERICK, EHHH"
サインを求めるファンには 丁寧な対応をするみたいだ
It seemed like I got in a lot more shit for a lot less
サインは「チュウ」 というネタ付き
And like I said, I don't think he should have any sort of repercussion or whatever from YouTube
( 気にしないで~! アメリカ人だから~! )
But at the same time #bringbackscarePewDiePie
( パンツ脱ぎま~す! )
Season 2. That's right! If nothing is gonna happen
( トヨタ!君に決めた! )
At least bring back scare PewDiePie season 2 we shot the whole damn thing, alright. It's there. It's waiting
“わぁオモシロイ。 僕つかまっちゃった!”
Remember when plugging your merch used to be something kind of frowned upon like
Okay, alright, you can tell you can do it when you launch it
これはヤツの迷惑行為の ほんの一部だ
Maybe you can tell like, but don't shove it into people's faces. Okay?
選び抜かれたシーンだけで このザマなんだぞ
I Don't know. Squad Fam out
編集者が「度が過ぎる」と カットした部分が想像できるか?
"but god blessed tomato!"
これらは“例の事件” が起こる前の動画3本だ
これを見て よく分かったよ