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- What's up, everyone and welcome to TRUE,
Your 30 Day Yoga Journey.
I am your guide Adriene and today,
day one, babies,
we're gonna focus on motive.
So hop into something comfy and let's get started.
(relaxed ensemble music)
All right, my friends,
let's begin in a nice comfortable seat.
Come on down to the ground
and slowly as you're ready draw the hands together,
you guessed it, at the heart.
Now take a minute to close your eyes here,
which could feel a little funky if this is your first time.
But close your eyes, sit up nice and tall
and begin to notice your breath.
We'll be easing into our journey today
so you can relax your shoulders.
You can give the thinking mind a break
and perhaps you accept the invitation here
to simply feel your way through this ride.
Inhale in
and exhale to bow the head to the heart.
Now pause here and gently begin to deepen your breath
and if you like you can set a little intention
or consider your motive.
What brought you here?
What's motivating you
to participate
in TRUE?
And at the very least,
you're getting a nice stretch in the back of your neck.
Then once you feel like you've explored
that question, what's your motive,
or once you've set a little intention for yourself,
take the deepest breath you've taken all day,
maybe all year,
and as you exhale, release the hands to your knees,
tuck the chin into the chest and then slowly lift it up.
Here we go, big inhale,
squeeze the shoulders up to the ears.
Pause here, squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift
and then exhale, relax the shoulders down.
Super simple, let's go again.
Inhale, squeeze and lift, sit up nice and tall.
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and then exhale,
shoulders drawn down.
One last time, squeeze and lift, get in there
and then exhale to release, awesome.
We're gonna send the fingertips forward.
Spread the fingertips, you can even wiggle the fingertips.
A little spirit fingers here never hurt anyone
and then you're gonna plug the shoulders in.
Move nice and slow as we take the right arm
over the left and then we're gonna use the left
hand to just guide the right arm into a stretch here.
So the tendency is for the right shoulder to come up.
See if you can draw the right shoulder down.
This is a shape many of us have encountered before in our
lives maybe in a gym class or a simple stretch post-workout.
But what makes this different is how you move,
again your motive, the feeling behind every movement.
For me that's what makes yoga unique
and it's all about being true to how you feel in the moment.
It's kind of like picking out an outfit.
You want to be true to how you're feeling that day,
not just put on the red dress, am I right?
Slowly release, send the fingertips out.
You can wiggle the fingers.
Sit up nice and tall and then left hand's gonna cross over
this time and you're just gonna come into a nice stretch,
again considering
how you move and how you exist in this movement.
We're just like dropping right in.
And at the very least, again if it's not quite clicking,
it's okay to just enjoy the stretch, this time for yourself,
off your phone,
away from your work tasks.
Drop the left shoulder down,
just actively engage the left shoulder,
drop it down, take one more breath
and then slowly release everything.
Hands are gonna come now to the side.
So fingertips are gonna reach out and then come to the sides
here and then we'll walk the fingertips back just a bit.
Loop the shoulders, lift the chest.
Big inhale as you lift the chin up towards the sky.
Pause here, breathe, just opening up through the front body.
Close your eyes for a cycle of breath,
just notice how you feel
and then draw the navel in, release.
Right arm goes over the left again, give yourself a big hug.
So if not for love,
if that's not part of your motive, then why?
At least that's what I'm inviting
us to think about on this journey.
So give yourself a big hug and if you can, close your eyes
and see if you can just really feel this embrace.
Start to deepen your breath and again,
at the very least you're getting
a nice stretch in the upper back body.
Then slowly release, fingertips come
to your side and then walk 'em back.
Maybe the pinkies come a little bit closer this time
as you open up through the chest in the arm to chest.
Inhale, lift.
Legs are heavy here, heart lifts, chin lifts.
If the knees are coming up like this,
dude, you are not alone.
It took me forever to find this space.
So accept where you are today, be kind and then one
more breath here, everybody this big power pose as we're
opening the heart, opening the mind up for this experience.
Then slowly release, draw the navel in
and this time left over over the right
as to give yourself a big old hug.
Maybe you really inch the fingertips in there.
Heyo, and then close your eyes
if you can and just try to feel this out.
Feel this embrace and when we take the time to really feel
this embrace, we're sending a certain signal to the brain
and of course it's different for everyone, that signal.
and exhale to release, awesome.
Hands are gonna go forward once again and this
time we're gonna continue the journey forward
as we come all the way onto hands and knees.
So moving forward nice and slow.
So no segmented movement here, especially for
those who have practiced yoga before or a lot,
see if you can move with a certain ease,
with intention, with your motive.
Let your movement reflect that, the why, why you're here.
So often we'll set an intention and then
it doesn't really show up in the movement.
So that's what we're looking at today.
Spread the fingertips, walk the knees underneath
the hip points, wrists right underneath the shoulders.
Then press away from your yoga mat and check it out.
We're gonna play with this a lot during this series.
So see if you can drop your belly down,
just kind of drop it and let it all hang loose
and then see what you can find
when I invite us all to take the front body
and draw it up to meet the back body, what happens?
Navel draws up, lower ribs hug in,
we broaden through the upper back body,
we press away from the yoga mat.
Stay here or curl the toes under.
Inhale in and exhale, lift the knees and let them hover.
So this is a series for beautiful people
and pets all around the world.
So explore things that feel good for you
and omit the things that don't vibe with your body.
Take one more breath here, you might
start to shake and tremble, feel the heat
and then slowly lower the knees.
We're gonna bring the two big toes together.
Knees go as wide as the yoga mat and then listen carefully,
we're gonna inhale, drop the belly to look forward.
A little cow pose variation, claw through the fingertips
and then exhale, cat pose variation, round through the spine
and then send it all the way back, forehead to the earth.
Beautiful, claw through the fingertips, inhale,
draw a line with your nose forward up and back,
drop the belly and then exhale around through.
Chin to chest and then all the way back
and now notice the tendency to kind of rush through this.
But we're going a little deeper here this series.
So see if you can really slow it down
and move with intention.
Easing into your practice, easing into the year
with a mindfulness.
Inhaling to come forward
and exhaling to round and send the hips back.
close your eyes or soften your gaze and start to
catch the sound of your breath here as you move.
Find a little rhythm.
Find what feels good.
Great, do one more.
And the next time your hips go back, lift the palms.
Really press into the fingertips and if you want,
you can sway gently side to side.
Start to amp up your breath.
Now know that your intention,
your motive for the day lives inside.
You can give the thinking mind a break and as we begin
to move the body, just pay attention to the feeling.
Plant the palms, lift the hips up,
walk the knees back underneath the hip points
and here we go with really conscious placement of the hands.
Upper arm bones rotate out.
We're gonna curl the toes under and here we go,
the celebratory first downward dog of our journey.
I'm such a nerd.
We're gonna peel the tailbone up towards the sky.
So for everyone wherever you are in your yoga journey,
think of peeling up to downward dog here.
Often people think the heels have to touch the yoga mat
but they don't, you can quote me on that.
Bend the knees, lift the hip points,
the hip creases up high.
So often we're really focused on getting those heels down
but oh my gosh, we're bypassing all this yummy stuff,
all this stuff that is true for our body that we're
just ignoring because we're trying to get to the shape.
So it's no problem if you want those heels down.
But I'm here as your friend to
invite you to look for more.
To really align with whatever
sensation is going on in your body today.
Hopefully you've amped up the breath a bit
to support you in this pose.
When you're ready, inhale, lift the right leg up high.
No higher than the hip here, just nice and level.
Turn all of your right toes down.
Then take a deep breath in and then as you exhale,
shift forward, upper body's in plank for just a hot second
and then we'll step the right foot all the way up.
Pivot on the back foot,
take your time here, there's no rush.
It's not a race, it's not a competition.
Find your footing and then slowly rise up,
hands together at the heart.
♪ And feel that flush of energy ♪
♪ Money can't buy that ♪
♪ And that's good because this series is free ♪
Okay, so we have warrior one legs.
What is warrior one?
But we're gonna bring the palms together.
Press into the knife edge of that back foot,
engage your left inner thigh.
Then same thing guys, instead of forcing the hips
to square towards the front, and this is not
just for beginners, this is really for everyone.
We're starting this way on purpose.
Lengthen the tailbone down and just allow your hips
to open towards the front left corner of your mat
and then notice if you're like me even here
trying to press and form to the front.
Just give yourself a little time
and space to feel out what needs to
Eventually front knee might come over that front ankle.
You want to feel a nice power, a connect through the legs.
Once you feel, and you can look down.
Often I've been inviting people in my recent
practices to kind of see feelingly and not look down.
You can look down today, getting that nice foundation
and then once you feel like you have it from the waist down,
let's draw the navel in and up.
That connection, that action of hugging front body
to meet the back body and then check it out.
You're just gonna from your center, dudes,
from here you're gonna slowly turn to warrior two.
Hands stay at the heart.
And then notice what fired up here, right glute, okay.
Maybe I needed to adjust my stance a bit.
Also notice that the movement initiated from here,
from the center.
Breath deep, be patient
and then stay here or as you're ready,
send the fingertips out.
Pull the pinkies back
and then send your gaze, your focus,
your drishti out past your right fingertips.
Sink down a little lower,
stay connected to your center, your core.
Beautiful, then keep the lower body where it is.
Keep this connection to center.
Send the right fingertips forward and then we're
gonna draw a big line all the way up to the sky.
Pause, take a deep breath in and then on an exhale,
maybe you take it back.
Big stretch here, pull the right thumb back.
Inhale, lift your heart
and then exhale from your center,
same thing, navel draws in.
You're gonna cartwheel all the way back.
Don't jerk yourself around here,
we jerk ourselves around plenty off the yoga mat.
So move with intention here as you pivot
all the way back to a nice low lunge.
Inhale to look forward.
Exhale to plant the palms and step it to plank.
Now lower the knees here for half plank
if you like or press up again,
that action of hugging front body to meet back body.
Reach the heels back, deep breath in, you've got this
and then exhale, downward dog.
Pedal it out again, take stock.
What's going on in my body today?
Forget the heels, what about the rest of your body?
Claw through the fingertips.
Listen to the sound of your breath
and then we'll inhale, lift the left leg up
high when you're ready just about to hip level.
Then if you're like girl, my leg doesn't make it that high,
that's okay, then we'll play wherever you're at today.
Turn the left toes down.
Take a deep breath in and then exhale,
slowly shift forward, upper body's in plank,
light up through your core and then step it up.
Pivot on the back foot.
Bend the front knee, take your time
and then when you're ready,
we'll slowly come up, hands at the heart.
Strong legs.
So this constant dance
of opposing forces,
we talk about it all the time here on the channel,
the polarities
and the invitation here in truth is to really
work our way back (chuckles) to that equilibrium,
to that balance that already exists inside.
Then the catch-22 is it changes every day, so
starting from the ground up every time.
Front knee over front ankle
and then don't worry about the picture.
Focus on the sensation,
just the intention of front knee over front ankle
and then pull the left hip crease back,
fire up through the outer edge of your right foot.
Engage the right inner thigh.
Inhale, lift your sternum to your thumbs.
Exhale, relax the shoulders down.
Notice where you feel the sensation.
Front of the right hip crease, core,
back body, legs.
Then activate, draw your navel in and up and here we go.
From there we're gonna slowly turn
from here
to the right.
Then maybe the legs adjust here, maybe not.
Create length through the spine, deep breath.
Press into the knife edge of that back foot, now stay here
or when you're ready send the fingertips out left to right.
Pull the pinkies back,
let energy radiate way beyond the fingertips, guys.
We are so much more than our bodies.
I'm just going right there on day one. I'm sorry, everyone.
Just kidding, not sorry.
Navel draws in and up again, breathing deep.
So the point is just that we remind each other,
and this is for me too that it doesn't stop here.
And that's what's so fun about the 30 days is we can take
this time to play and use our imagination and creativity.
All right.
Lengthen tailbone down,
reach left fingertips forward up and back.
Don't give up, big stretch up towards the sky
and then exhale to continue all the way back.
Big stretch today, inhale.
Exhale from your center, navel draws in and slowly
with control, guys, we'll pick up the tempo later,
nice and slow with control we come
all the way back to our nice low lunge.
Pivot on the back foot, inhale,
open the chest, big stretch here for the legs.
Smile and then exhale, plant the palms.
Step the left toes back.
Plank pose.
Lower the knees at any time for half plank
and both variations really draw
the front body up to meet the back body.
Now inhale in, out with the old,
in with the new and exhale, lion's breath, tongue out.
Two more, you got this, inhale.
Exhale, lion's breath, tongue out.
Last one, you got it, inhale, look forward.
Exhale, lion's breath.
Slowly lower the knees.
Shift your legs to one side
and come back
your seat.
So whatever leg that is crossing in front here,
take that leg and bring it in.
So switch the cross of your legs.
Notice how it feels funky and weird.
So there are gonna be moments along this journey
that feel funky and weird and just want to thank you with
all my heart and soul for saying yes to the exploration
you're my hero.
Take a moment to sit up nice and tall and start
to control your breath from those crazy lion's breaths.
Allow the hands to rest gently on the thighs or the knees.
Just take a minute again to notice how you feel.
Trust that it's all there, it's all inside
and what this journey is going to do or invite
you to do is to uncover what's already there.
An unveiling.
We'll gently bring the hands together at the heart.
Sit up nice and tall, fully embodying the shape.
Gently bat your eyelashes open, day one in the books.
So honoring the teacher within.
Our true motive, our reason for being here,
which by the way you don't have to know.
Honoring that inner wisdom, we're gonna bring
the thumbs up to the third eye today or the brow bone.
This place of intuition.
From here we'll take one last breath in together.
Then exhale
to bow.
(relaxed ensemble music)