字幕表 動画を再生する
In your eyes, there's a heavy blue
In your eyes, there's a heavy blue あなたの目には、深い憂鬱がうつる
One to love, and one to lose
One to love, and one to lose 愛すべきもの、失うもの
Sweet divine, a heavy truth
Sweet divine, a heavy truth 愛おしくも素晴らしいもの、重い真実
Water or wine, don't make me choose
Water or wine, don't make me choose 水かワインか、私に選ばせないで
I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night
I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night 感じたいの、あの夏の夜の私たちのように
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky 感情に酔って、一人きり星空の下
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky
I've been running through the jungle ジャングルの中を走り続けてる
I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves 狼とともに走り続けてる
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you あなたの元へとたどり着くため、あなたの元へ
To get to you, to get to you
I've been down the darkest alleys 闇深い道を進み続けて
I've been down the darkest alleys
Saw the dark side of the moon 月の暗闇の部分を見た
Saw the dark side of the moon
To get to you, to get to you あなたの元へたどり着くために、あなたの元へ
To get to you, to get to you
I've looked for love in every stranger 他の人に愛を探した
I've looked for love in every stranger
Took too much to ease the anger 怒りを鎮めるために危険を犯した
Took too much to ease the anger
All for you, yeah, all for you 全てあなたのために、あなたのために
All for you, yeah, all for you
I've been running through the jungle ジャングルの中を走り続けてる
I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves 狼とともに走り続けてる
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you あなたの元へとたどり着くため、あなたの元へ
To get to you, to get to you
To get to you あなたの元へとたどり着くため
(To get to you)
To get to you あなたの元へ
(To get to you)
To get to you あなたの元へ
(To get to you)
Your fingertips trace my skin あなたの指先が私の皮膚をたどる
Your fingertips trace my skin
To places I have never been 未だかつて経験したことのないところへ
To places I have never been
Blindly, I am following やみくもに、私は従っている
Blindly, I am following
Break down these walls and come on in その壁を壊して、中に入ってきて
Break down these walls and come on in
I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night 感じたいの、あの夏の夜の私たちのように
I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky 感情に酔って、一人きり星空の下
I've been running through the jungle ジャングルの中を走り続けてる
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky
I've been running with the wolves 狼とともに走り続けてる
I've been running through the jungle
To get to you, to get to you あなたの元へとたどり着くため、あなたの元へ
I've been running with the wolves
I've been down the darkest alleys 闇深い道を進み続けて
To get to you, to get to you
Saw the dark side of the moon 月の暗闇の部分を見た
I've been down the darkest alleys
To get to you, to get to you あなたの元へたどり着くために、あなたの元へ
Saw the dark side of the moon
I've looked for love in every stranger 他の人に愛を探した
To get to you, to get to you
Took too much to ease the anger 怒りを鎮めるために危険を犯した
I've looked for love in every stranger
All for you, yeah, all for you 全てあなたのために、あなたのために
Took too much to ease the anger
I've been running through the jungle ジャングルの中を走り続けてる
All for you, yeah, all for you
I've been running with the wolves 狼とともに走り続けてる
I've been running through the jungle
To get to you, to get to you あなたの元へとたどり着くため
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you あなたの元へ
To get to you, to get to you
To get to you あなたの元へ
(To get to you)
To get to you あなたの元へとたどり着くため
(To get to you)
(To get to you)