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Today I'm going to talk about work.
And the question I want to ask and answer is this:
私が問い 答えたい疑問は
"Why do we work?"
Why do we drag ourselves out of bed every morning
なぜみんな毎朝ベッドから 体を引きずり出すのでしょう?
instead of living our lives
just filled with bouncing from one TED-like adventure to another?
You may be asking yourselves that very question.
皆さん自身 この質問を 自分にしているかもしれません
Now, I know of course, we have to make a living,
もちろん生計を立てなければならないのは 分かっていますが
but nobody in this room thinks that that's the answer to the question,
それが「なぜ働くのか」という 疑問への答えだという人は
"Why do we work?"
For folks in this room, the work we do is challenging,
ここにいる人たちにとって仕事は 挑み甲斐があり
it's engaging, it's stimulating, it's meaningful.
夢中になれ 刺激的で 意味があるものでしょう
And if we're lucky, it might even be important.
そして幸運なら 重要でさえあるかもしれません
So, we wouldn't work if we didn't get paid,
お金をもらえなければ 仕事をしないとしても
but that's not why we do what we do.
それが仕事をする理由では ないでしょう
And in general,
I think we think that material rewards are a pretty bad reason
私たちがやっているような 仕事をする動機として
for doing the work that we do.
物質的な報酬はまずいものだと 私たちは思っています
When we say of somebody that he's "in it for the money,"
誰かについて 「金のためにやっている」と言うのは
we are not just being descriptive.
Now, I think this is totally obvious,
これはまったく 自明のことだと思いますが
but the very obviousness of it raises what is for me
an incredibly profound question.
極めて本質的な疑問を 引き起こします
Why, if this is so obvious,
why is it that for the overwhelming majority of people on the planet,
圧倒的多数の人々に とっての仕事はなぜ
the work they do has none of the characteristics
毎朝私たちにベッドを出て 仕事場に向かわせるもののような
that get us up and out of bed and off to the office every morning?
How is it that we allow the majority of people on the planet
なぜ大多数の人が 単調で無意味で
to do work that is monotonous, meaningless and soul-deadening?
魂をすり減らすような仕事をしている状況を 許しているのでしょう?
Why is it that as capitalism developed,
it created a mode of production, of goods and services,
仕事から得られる非物質的満足を 失わせてしまうような
in which all the nonmaterial satisfactions that might come from work were eliminated?
Workers who do this kind of work,
whether they do it in factories, in call centers,
それが工場であれ コールセンターであれ
or in fulfillment warehouses,
do it for pay.
There is certainly no other earthly reason to do what they do except for pay.
賃金以外に彼らの仕事をしようと思う 理由はありません
So the question is, "Why?"
And here's the answer:
the answer is technology.
Now, I know, I know --
ええ ええ 分かっています
yeah, yeah, yeah, technology, automation screws people, blah blah --
そう そう テクノロジーと自動化は 人間の敵だとかなんとか
that's not what I mean.
私が言っているのは そういうことではありません
I'm not talking about the kind of technology
私が言っているテクノロジーは 私たちの生活を包み
that has enveloped our lives, and that people come to TED to hear about.
みんなTEDに聞きに来るような種類の テクノロジーではありません
I'm not talking about the technology of things,
profound though that is.
それはそれで重要に 違いありませんが
I'm talking about another technology.
私が言っているのは 別のテクノロジー
I'm talking about the technology of ideas.
I call it, "idea technology" --
私はこれを「アイデア・テクノロジー(IT)」と 呼んでいます
how clever of me.
In addition to creating things, science creates ideas.
科学はモノだけでなく アイデアも生み出します
Science creates ways of understanding.
科学は理解する方法を 生み出します
And in the social sciences,
そして社会科学が生み出した 理解の方法は
the ways of understanding that get created are ways of understanding ourselves.
And they have an enormous influence on how we think, what we aspire to,
そしてそれは 私たちがどう考え 何を望み どう振る舞うかに
and how we act.
If you think your poverty is God's will, you pray.
貧困が神の意志だと思うなら 祈るだろうし
If you think your poverty is the result of your own inadequacy,
貧困が自分の無能さの 結果だと思うなら
you shrink into despair.
And if you think your poverty is the result of oppression and domination,
then you rise up in revolt.
Whether your response to poverty is resignation or revolution,
貧困に対する反応が 服従か革命かは
depends on how you understand the sources of your poverty.
貧困の原因が何であると 理解するかにかかっています
This is the role that ideas play in shaping us as human beings,
これが人間を形作る アイデアの役割です
and this is why idea technology may be the most profoundly important technology
そしてこれこそが 科学のもたらすテクノロジーの中で
that science gives us.
アイデア・テクノロジーが 最も重要かもしれない理由です
And there's something special about idea technology,
that makes it different from the technology of things.
モノのテクノロジーとは違った 特別なものがあります
With things, if the technology sucks,
it just vanishes, right?
駄目なものは 単になくなるだけです
Bad technology disappears.
まずいテクノロジーは 消えていきます
With ideas --
false ideas about human beings will not go away
if people believe that they're true.
それを正しいと信じる人がいる限り なくなりません
Because if people believe that they're true,
なぜなら それを正しいと思う人々が
they create ways of living and institutions
that are consistent with these very false ideas.
生活様式や組織を 作り出すからです
And that's how the industrial revolution created a factory system
そしてそのようにして産業革命は 工場システムを作り出したのです
in which there was really nothing you could possibly get out of your day's work,
そこでの仕事では 一日の終わりにもらう給金以外に
except for the pay at the end of the day.
得られるものが まったくないような場所です
Because the father -- one of the fathers
of the Industrial Revolution, Adam Smith --
産業革命の父の一人である アダム・スミスが
was convinced that human beings were by their very natures lazy,
人間というのは本質的に怠惰なものだと 考えていたからです
and wouldn't do anything unless you made it worth their while,
やり甲斐を与えてやらない限り 何をすることもなく
and the way you made it worth their while
やり甲斐となるのは インセンティブを与えること
was by incentivizing, by giving them rewards.
That was the only reason anyone ever did anything.
人が何かをするのは それが唯一の理由なのだと
So we created a factory system consistent with that false view of human nature.
工場システムが作られたのは そのような 人間に対する誤った見方に基づいていました
But once that system of production was in place,
しかし一度そのような 生産システムが生まれると
there was really no other way for people to operate,
人が働く方法は それしかなくなってしまったのです
except in a way that was consistent with Adam Smith's vision.
アダム・スミスの見方に 合ったものだけです
So the work example is merely an example
of how false ideas can create a circumstance
誤ったアイデアはそれを正しいものにするような 環境を作り出しうるという
that ends up making them true.
It is not true
that you "just can't get good help anymore."
It is true
that you "can't get good help anymore"
心をなくすような 仕事を与えているから
when you give people work to do that is demeaning and soulless.
And interestingly enough, Adam Smith --
the same guy who gave us this incredible invention
of mass production, and division of labor
すごい発明をもたらした アダム・スミスは
-- understood this.
He said, of people who worked in assembly lines,
of men who worked in assembly lines, he says:
「組み立てラインで働く者は —
"He generally becomes as stupid as it is possible for a human being to become."
通常人間としてあり得る限り 愚かな者になる」と
Now, notice the word here is "become."
"He generally becomes as stupid as it is possible for a human being to become."
「通常人間としてあり得る限り 愚かな者になる」
Whether he intended it or not, what Adam Smith was telling us there,
彼が意図していたか分かりませんが 彼がここで言っているのは
is that the very shape of the institution within which people work
creates people who are fitted to the demands of that institution
その職場の要求に 適合した人間を作り出し
and deprives people of the opportunity
to derive the kinds of satisfactions from their work that we take for granted.
仕事の喜びを得る機会を 奪ってしまうということです
The thing about science -- natural science --
is that we can spin fantastic theories about the cosmos,
私たちは宇宙について 素晴らしい理論を紡ぎ出しながら
and have complete confidence
宇宙が我々の理論を 意に介することはないと
that the cosmos is completely indifferent to our theories.
It's going to work the same damn way
我々が宇宙について どんな理論を持っていようが
no matter what theories we have about the cosmos.
But we do have to worry about the theories we have of human nature,
しかし人間の性質についての理論では 注意が必要です
because human nature will be changed by the theories we have
人間とは何かを説明し 人間を理解する助けとなるべく作られた理論が
that are designed to explain and help us understand human beings.
人間の性質自体を 変えてしまうからです
The distinguished anthropologist, Clifford Geertz, said, years ago,
優れた文化人類学者である クリフォード・ギアツはかつて言っていました
that human beings are the "unfinished animals."
And what he meant by that was that it is only human nature
to have a human nature
that is very much the product of the society in which people live.
その人が住む社会の 産物だということです
That human nature, that is to say our human nature,
人間の性質というのは あくまで「我々にとっての」人間の性質であって
is much more created than it is discovered.
発見されるよりは 作られるものなのです
We design human nature
人々がその中で生き 働く組織を デザインすることによって
by designing the institutions within which people live and work.
我々は人間の性質を デザインしているのです
And so you people --
だから私が最も近くに寄る 機会を得た
pretty much the closest I ever get to being with masters of the universe --
you people should be asking yourself a question,
as you go back home to run your organizations.
Just what kind of human nature do you want to help design?
どのような人間の性質を デザインしようと思うのか?
Thank you.