字幕表 動画を再生する
I love this, uh, this outfit. I never seen you dressed this way before.
Yeah, I come from "Gebel" today. Which is "get a Rebel"
ええ、今日は "ゲッベル "から来ました。それは "反乱軍を捕まえろ "だ
Get a Rebel is Gebel. - Yeah.
ゲット・ア・リベルはゲベルです。- そうだな
Very nice, I like your necklace here.
Thanks, this is my grandma's.
It has been handed down over the generations?
- Yeah, well I come from a family of professional dog showers.
- そうだな......俺はドッグシャワーのプロの家系なんだ。
And so..
No, that is not a joke, unfortunately.
And so the word "bitch" is like used all the time.
それで、"ビッチ "という言葉は、いつも使われているようなものです。
Is it, that's true your family actually does has..?
- Yeah, shows beagles and my great grandma founded the beagle club of Australia.
- 祖母がビーグルクラブを設立したのよ
- So you grew up hearing the word "bitch" constantly?
- "ビッチ "という言葉を常に耳にして育ったのか?
- Yeah, like you know, "Bring that bitch over here."
- "あの女をこっちに連れて来い "みたいな感じで
"That bitch looks fat, stop feeding her." - Right.
"あの女は太って見える 餌を与えるのはやめろ"- そうだな
- Actually, I got in a lot of trouble in my very first day of kindergarten.
- 実は私、幼稚園の初日に色々とトラブルに巻き込まれてしまいました。
Because I look at the teacher and said, "That bitch looks pregnant."
先生を見て "あの女は妊娠してるみたいだ "って言ったから。
I didn't know. - You were like 5 years old.
知らなかった。- 5歳くらいだったんですね。
-Yeah. -That didn't go over so well, did it?
- No, didn't. - I didn't think so.
- いや、そうじゃない。- そうは思わなかった
Well, a lot to talk about here, as you say you are Australian, you're from Australia.
Sydney, or you.. where're you from? - Yeah. Sydney. -Sydney.
シドニー?それとも...どこから来たの?- シドニーよシドニー-シドニーよ
- The western side. Which is the more gangster side.
- 西側だどっちがヤクザなんだよ
Although we didn't do drug, but we just do drive-throughs.
- That's not quite as tough, yeah.
- それほど厳しいものではありませんよ、うん。
- Yeah, with your tough fighting beagle. - Yeah.
- タフなビーグルと一緒に- そうだな
- Do you, I love your accent, I love your Australia accent. I've notice that in this movie,
- あなたは、あなたのオーストラリア訛りが大好きです。この映画を見ていて気付いたのですが
you have an American accent. I've seen you do an American accent before,
you're quite good at it. You're quite convincing.
- Oh, thanks. That's a big compliment.
- ありがとう褒めてくれたんだ
- Well, how do you perfect that?
- どうやって完成させるの?
Is it a hard accent to get done your American accent?
- Well, basically I just pull my ear, and then like I totally starts speaking American.
- 基本的には耳を引っ張ってアメリカ語を話し始めるんだ
If I wanna get rid of it, I'm like two pulls and then now I'm back to Australian, no.
And then you're like Crikey!...
'Cause a lot of people, they're like, "How do you fully American?"
And I watched a lot of reality shows,
- Like which ones do you watch?
- どれを見るかとか?
And 'cause like I want like a real genuine American accent,
So I watch shows like Real Housewives, Beverly Hills..
I've been watching a lot of Honey Boo-Boo.
- Oh, you watched Honey Boo-Boo? - Yeah.
- ハニーブーブーを見たの?- 見たよ
- And that's helping you. - Got a red-neckonize!.
- そして、それがあなたを助けている。- レッドネッコナイズを手に入れた!
So, yeah, I'm just.. because I really want my accent to be authentic when I'm doing movies.
映画を撮る時は 訛りを本物にしたいんだ
So I do actually, you know, seriousness,
like watch them, and just like repeat them when they talk.
Then eventually you just hold back as mosts.
- So you were watch reality shows, as they say their lines, you just sitting there repeating, staring.
- だから、彼らは彼らの行を言うように、あなたはちょうどそこに座って、繰り返し、見つめて、リアリティショーを見ていました。
That must look very crazy, when people walk in.
- "I got a pig called Glitzy, I'm gonna take my pig to the pageant." And I just... copy them as they talk,
- "私はグリッツィーという豚を飼っているの 私の豚をページェントに連れて行くわ"そして私は...彼らの話を真似したの
if anyone watch me do it, they'll go,"That girl's nuts."
誰かが私を見たら "あの子は頭がおかしい "ってなるわ
-Yeah, that's very sad.
-(山里)悲しいですね (YOU)悲しいですね