字幕表 動画を再生する
スコット・フリー フィルムプロダクション
Life in a Day
[solemn music]
女: かわいいわね
woman: Isn't he pretty?
[man howling]
[howling continues]
女: あの... 男: やあ
woman: Can you-- man: Hello.
女: 英語話せますか?
woman: Can you speak English?
男: ああ
man: Yes.
女: 今日... 男: [笑いながら] ああ
woman: What-- man: [chuckles] Oh-ho.
女: 今日は何の日ですか? 男: ああ
woman: What day is it? man: Yes.
I like to move it move it.
女: いえ... 男: ああ、わかった
woman: You know. man: All right.
今日はね 人生最高の日だよ
This is best day of my life.
女: いえ、そうじゃなくて... 男: ああ、何の日か?
woman: No. I'm asking-- man: Oh, what day?
女: ええ 男: えーと...
woman: Yes. man: Uh, it's, uh...
ちょっと待って [笑]
Wait a minute. [laughs]
バカな質問だなあ 「何の日ですか」だって
A stupid question. "What day is it?"
えーと、ごめんね 女: いえいえ
Ah. Sorry. woman: Okay.
男: 7月24日か
man: It's 24 July.
女: 何の日です?
woman: And what a day it is.
男: 今までで最高の日さ
man: It's the best day ever.
女: こんな時間まで起きているなんて 変かもしれませんが
woman: You might be wondering why I'm up at this ungodly hour.
多くの人たち同様 私も信じています
Like others, I believe that the time
午前3時から 午前4時の間は
between 3:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
現世と来世の 間にある「とばり」が
is one where the veil between this world and the next
is the thinnest.
この時間になると よく聞こえるんです
Often during this time of the day,
見知らぬ何者かが 私の名前を
I hear the sound of my name uttered
by an unseen presence.
[dog barks]
[rooster crows]
女: おはよう
woman: Good morning.
[woman #2 speaking native language]
[woman laughs]
男: おお [笑]
man: Whoa. [laughs]
[母国語で] いいねえ
[speaking native language] That's nice.
男: さあいよいよ 駐車場に入ります
man: And here we go into the garage.
That's right.
これからエレベーターに 乗ります
We're going to ride in the elevator.
さあそれでは 乗りましょう
All right. Let's ride it.
Here it is.
That's right.
バージニア州ロアノークの 駐車場の
This is the elevator at the Market Parking Garage
in Roanoke, Virginia.
この辺では有名な エレベーターです
This elevator has been made famous right here.
Here we go.
6階に来ました 最上階です
Here we are at six, which is burned out.
よく見かける エレベーターです
Just your basic Dover elevator.
皆さんは ご存じですよね
For all of those of you at Dover Elevators,
a good brand of elevator.
それでは1階に 戻りましょう
Now we're gonna go back down to one.
それでは 仕事に向かいます
All right. Now it's time to go off to work.
[engine turning]
Wasn't that fun?
グレイ: 反逆にどれほどの 強さが必要だかわかるか?
Gray: You know how much strength it takes to rebel?
これがS.グレイの 人生の一夜だぜ
Ha. So this is a night in the life of S. Gray, man.
You know what I'm saying?
椅子の固い 馬車に揺られて
Sleeping on the coach... with nobo--
ケツの皮を すり減らす毎日さ
Grinding my ass off every day.
チビたちは母親に 甘えることもできない
Shorties not enjoying their mother.
男たちは女房や彼女と 一緒にいることもできない
Man not enjoying his wife or his woman--his lady.
[baby wailing]
Just bullshit, man.
リーダーは捕まって 監獄行きさ
Alpha male trapped in and locked in
through religion and politics.
もうすぐさ 俺の計画が
Soon enough, man, my plans
will all come into perfection.
[celestial choir]
[man snores]
[phone rings]
[toy rattles]
[alarm beeping]
[rooster crows]
[phone rings]
[celestial choir]
女: [静かに] 愛してるわ 男: [静かに] 僕もだ
woman: [softly] I love you. man: [softly] I love you too.
[man coughs, gags]
[オーケストラの 盛大なフィナーレ]
[triumphant orchestral finale]
[boat horn blows]
男(母国語): だいちゃん、おしっこ
man speaking native language: You need to have a pee.
おしっこしないと テレビ見れないじゃん
If you don't pee, you can't watch TV, can you?
Hey. Here we go.
少年: なんでパパは おヒゲ生えてるの?
boy: Why do you have lots of hair growing?
男(母国語): 男の人だから
man speaking native language: Because I'm a man.
少年(母国語): 女の人は?
boy speaking native language: What about women?
男: 女の人は生えないよ あんまりね
man: Women don't have hair, not as much.
[man speaking native language]
Say good morning to mummy.
少年(母国語): おはよう、ママ
boy speaking native language: Good morning.
男(母国語): お線香、ほら
man speaking native language: Here's the incense.
少年(母国語): お線香はいい
boy speaking native language: I don't want to.
男: だいちゃんはいい? じゃあパパだけやるよ
man: Daddy will do it alone then, Tai-Chan.
だいちゃん、ほら チーンして
Tai-Chan, here, sound the bell.
When daddy has put the incense in,
you can sound the bell.
[bell rings]
Not yet.
お線香ここに挿したら チーンて
When daddy has put the incense in here.
[bell rings]
はい ママ、おはようございます
That's it. Good morning, mummy.
少年(母国語): ママ、おはようございます
boy speaking native language: Good morning, mummy.
男(母国語): はい、じゃあお線香消して
man speaking native language: Good, now put the incense out.
少年(母国語): やっとできた
boy speaking native language: All done.
I want some water.
[man speaking native language]
[woman laughs]
[man coughs]
男: 今日は、サーシャを ビデオに撮ります
man: Today we're gonna videotape Sasha
doing his first ever shave.
サーシャ: やだなあ
Sasha: Oh, boy.
男: サーシャは、いくつになった?
man: Sasha is how old now?
サーシャ: えーと...15 男: よし
Sasha: Uh...15. man: All right.
サーシャ: 15
Sasha: 15.
男: まずは お湯を熱くして
man: The first thing Sasha's doing
is getting the water hot to put a hot cloth
on his face.
サーシャ: こうだね
Sasha: Yes.
男: こうすることで 顔が温まって
man: So that it'll warm up your face
and moisturize your skin.
温まって 気持ちよくなった?
Does he have, like, a nice, warm face now?
サーシャ: 結構熱いよ 男: よし
Sasha: It's always been hot. man: All right. Yes.
Whatever you say there, dude.
もっと近くで ヒゲを映したほうが
Actually, we should probably do a close-up of your--
those whiskers.
They're really long now.
[笑] サーシャ: おかげさまで
[chuckles] Sasha: Thank you.
男: しっかり 泡立てたほうがいいぞ
man: You need to, like, really lather it up.
サーシャ: わかった
Sasha: Okay.
男: 鼻に付けるなよ
man: I don't think you need to put it on your nose.
サーシャ: あ、そうか 男: [笑]
Sasha: Yeah. Yeah. man: [laughs]
サーシャ: 5枚刃のかみそり 試供品です
Sasha: Five-blade razor, which we got as a sample.
シャキーン! やっていい?
Schwing! Is it time?
男: いいよ
man: Go ahead.
サーシャ: 今、ヒゲを 剃っています
Sasha: Okay, you're shaving for me.
This is embarrassing.
血が出てる 男: ああ、心配ないよ
I'm bleeding. man: Yes. Don't worry.
死ぬことはないさ サーシャ: うわあ
You will survive it. Sasha: Wow.
男: 大丈夫 すぐに止まるから
man: Don't worry. It will be all right.
サーシャ: ああ
Sasha: Oh, wow.
This is torture.
男: 痛いか? サーシャ: うん
man: Does it hurt? Sasha: Yes.
男: しばらくは 痛むかもな
man: It'll sting for a little while.
There, just dry yourself off.
うまく剃れたか 見てみよう
And let's take a look at the nice...
サーシャ: むう 男: どうかな?
Sasha: Meh. man: Nice clean shave.
さっぱりした サーシャ: 全然ダメだ
Good job, buddy. Here. Sasha: This is not clean.
男: こんなもんさ サーシャ: ああ
man: Here's what we do. Sasha: Agh.
男: ほら カメラを見て
man: Don't--give me-- face the camera here.
小さく切って 付ける
And we put a little piece on there.
こうやって 傷口をふさぐんだ
See? And it sticks to the bloody part.
And voila, he's done.
おい ハイタッチは?
Hey, wait. High five, buddy.
You survived it.
[animal bells ring]
男: お前ら、浮気なんか すんじゃねえぞ
man: Guys, it's not good to fall in love with girls
カミさんが いるんだからな
You have wives, so you are all right.
Whereas I don't have a wife.
男: 今日何日だっけ? 男2: 24日だよ
man: What day is it today? man #2: The 24th.
男(母国語): うそつけ
man speaking native language: No way.
男2: じゃあ何日だよ
man #2: Then what day do you think it is?
男: 25日 男2: 違うよ
man: The 25th. man #2: It's not the 25th.
男: 25日だよ 男2: 24日だって
man: It's the 25th. man #2: 24th.
男(母国語): ホントに?
man speaking native language: Oh, dear God.
[man speaking native language]
[man cheering]
男: 全部記録するよ
man: We're documenting everything.
ボビー: ワアー! 男: シーッ
Bobby: Wha-ah-ah! man: Shh.
ボビー: ダーダー ダダッダッダ
Bobby: Dah dah dah dah nah nah nah nah!
ダーダー ダダッダッダ!
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah!
男: ボビー 静かにして
man: Bobby, let Mommy sleep.
[Bobby laughs]
男: 気分はどう?
man: Are you feeling okay?
キャシー: ちょっと疲れたわ
Cathy: Yeah, I'm just really tired, you know.
男: そうか ボビー: 気分が悪いの?
man: Okay. Bobby: You feel weird?
Okay, this is how you'll be weirder.
Whoa, tch.
男: ママ眠いって
man: Okay, let's let Mommy sleep.
ボビー: OK、ママ
Bobby: Okay, Mom.
ダーダッダ ダダッダッダ!
Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah!
男: 降りなさい ママ寝るって
man: Bobby, get down. We're gonna let Mommy sleep.
ボビー: ちぇっ
Bobby: Son of a cuss.
キャシー: ええ、どうも
Cathy: Thank you. Thank you.
Um, I do have a question, though,
'cause I--my biggest worry
いいものか 心配なんです
is, you know, of course, my bandages and stuff.
But I've been taking a sh--
I know I can take a shower, but I haven't.
But I thought maybe I could at least try to take a shower
before you got here.
Is that okay if I just go ahead and do that?
Oh, good. Okay.
ボビー: パパ 降りてもいい?
Bobby: Dad, can I come down?
キャシー: ボビー 話があるの
Cathy: Bobby, can we have a talk, though?
お願い ボビー: うーん
Please, please, please? Bobby: Oh.
キャシー: どうしても 話したいの
Cathy: I just need to have a talk, okay?
Because Grandma is telling me--
お友だちも みんな言ってる
all the grandmas, all the friends are saying
what a great boy you are.
And of course I know that.
And I know that it's hard.
I've never been in a hospital.
こんな状態に なるのもね
I've never been like this before.
今はみんなで 助け合わなきゃ
I just need us all to help each other, okay?
でもあなたに お手伝いを
And I know that sometimes when we ask you
お願いしても 1人で2階に
to do something to help, sometimes it's 'cause
行けないとき あるよね
you don't want to go upstairs 'cause you get scared.
And that's fine. I understand that.
ボビー: パパのせいだ
Bobby: Dad's fault.
キャシー: もし怖くて
Cathy: If it's because you're scared
1人で2階に 行けないなら
to go upstairs by yourself or downstairs by yourself,
just tell me that.
ボビー: うん、だけど... [言葉が不明瞭になる]
Bobby: I will. Sometimes... [speaking indistinctly]
And stop videotaping!
キャシー: ボビー...
Cathy: Bobby...
男: 「撮る?」って 聞いたのに
man: I was gonna give you a camera too.
キャシー: これは プロジェクトよ
Cathy: We're gonna do a project--
a family project, okay?
みんなで力を 合わせないと
Can we all agree to do the family project?
だから協力して 男: 撮りたい?
If not, then we can't do it. man: Do you want a camera?
キャシー: わかった? ボビー: なに?
Cathy: Okay? Bobby: What?
男: カメラで パパを撮りたい?
man: Do you want a camera to videotape me?
ボビー: うん
Bobby: Mm-hmm.
キャシー: 家族の プロジェクトだから
Cathy: It's gonna be a family project.
今日は笑顔で いてね
I need to have a happy boy today, okay?
男: カメラを持ったら 笑顔になるさ
man: You have to be happy if you have the video camera.
ボビー: なんで?
Bobby: Why?
男: 楽しい映画 だから
man: Because it's a happy film.
キャシー: 大丈夫?
Cathy: All right?
男: ハッピーエンドの 映画にしよう
man: And it has a happy ending.
女: 私って おてんばだった?
woman: Kompiang, was I a naughty child?
女2(母国語): いいえ
woman #2 speaking native language: No.
女(母国語): ほんと?
woman speaking native language: Truly?
女2: まあ、多少はね
woman #2: Well, maybe a bit.
[woman speaking native language]
女: 家族のために もう何年働いてる?
woman: How long have you been working for our family?
女2(母国語): 25年以上になるね
woman #2 speaking native language: Over 25 years.
女(母国語): 何のためにお供えするの?
woman speaking native language: What are these offerings for?
女2: 満月を祝うためよ
woman #2: To celebrate the full moon.
女(母国語): 満月?
woman speaking native language: The full moon?
[woman #2 speaking native language]
女: これ何?
woman: What's this one?
女2: ペルンサルケーキよ
woman #2: Pelungsur cake
儀式が終わった ことを表すの
to indicate that the ceremony has ended.
[rooster crows]
[rooster crows]
女(母国語): どの神様へのお供え物なの?
woman speaking native language: Which God is this for?
女2(母国語): これはヴィシュヌ様
woman #2 speaking native language: This is to Vishnu.
この水はヴィシュヌ様 へのお供え物
The water is an offering for Him.
女: さあ、潜入しましょう
woman: Okay, we're coming in...
Okay, first of all--
彼も 聞こえてるはず
and I'm sure he hears me by now--
まずは 説明を
let me explain something to you.
私の声、ちゃんと 聞こえます?
Everyone, can you hear me loud and clear?
息子は昨日 部屋を片付けるはずでした
My son was supposed to be cleaning his room yesterday.
Come on, boy!
少年: うるさい!
boy: Woman!
女: [笑って] うるさいって
woman: [chuckles] Woman!
長い1日になりそうだわ いつもみたいに
Oh, this is gonna be a long day, as most are.
少年: [うめき声]
boy: [groans]
女: 起きたときは 赤ちゃんみたい
woman: He's always a bundle of joy when he wakes up.
ほら、シャワーを浴びて 目を覚まして
Come on, come get in the shower, get the day going.
やることも 行くとこもある
We got things to do, places to go.
少年: うん
boy: Yeah.
女: 人に会って 未来を作って
woman: People to see, futures to make.
[lighthearted music]
男: 私は心臓の 大きな手術を受けました
man: I had a major heart operation.
すばらしいスタッフに とても感謝しています
I'm very thankful to the beautiful staff.
「職業に貴せんなし」 といいますよね
No job is too big or--or too small.
ついさっきも お尻を拭いて
And even down to a few minutes ago,
just wiping my bum,
最初の...最初の うんちが出たから
because I had my first-- first poop...
in about a week or so.
スタッフが 言ったんだ
So one of them came to the rescue and said,
"Listen, would you like me to trim that up for you, sir?"
So I said, "Yes."
それで、そのとても、とても 勇敢な若い女性が
And a very--very, um, courageous young lady in my case,
I think, did the job.
いつもしていること なんだろうけど
And just, uh, all in a day's work.
[chiming faintly]
スタッフには 本当に感謝しています
I'm very, very grateful for these people
that have treated me like...
Just treated me so well.
In a short--short while...
回復に 向かうでしょう
I-I will be on the road to recovery,
退院したら またバカなことをして
and I'll be out there again doing crazy things
and enjoying life.
[overlapping chatter]
男: 56、56...57
man: 56, 56...57.
61 Rupees.
他ないか? 他ないか?
61 going once, 61 going twice.
[overlapping chatter]
[ultrasound pulses]
アマンダ: アマンダです
Amanda: I'm Amanda.
今日のハッピーな 出来事はコレ...
What makes me joyful this Saturday is this...
ちょっと怖いけど 本当に楽しみです
And a little terrified and really excited.
女: あ、ほら! 今わかった?
woman: Oh, my God, did you feel that?
Let's try again.
[speaking native language]
よく聞いて 赤ちゃん寝てるかな?
Have a listen if he's sleeping.
[water dripping]
女: どうしたの、ビアトリス?
woman: What's up, Beatrice?
[bird chirping]
男: オッ、オッ、オッ、オッ...
man: Oh, oh, oh, oh...
[speaking native language]
[relaxed instrumental music]
女: いいわよ ほら、こっち来て!
woman: All right, then. Oh! Come over here!
What a little miracle you are!
本当にママそっくりの 赤ちゃんね
Now your mama has made herself a little copy of Mama.
[woman speaking native language]
歌: 飲みたいのは
man singing: I want to drink
from the clearest water.
食べたいのは 食べるべきもの
I want to eat the things I ought to.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
たどり着きたいのは 一番高い山
I want to reach the greatest mountain.
登りたきゃ登る 何も言わずに
Climb, if I want, without all the shouting.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
雲はほんとに 白じゃなきゃ
And clouds really should be white at least,
海に出会うのは 砂浜でなきゃ
and oceans should meet us at the beach,
無理は あまりしたくない
and I don't want to overreach
先行きが わかってるときはね
when I know what's in store, raw love.
一日一日を生きるだけ マイラブ
Life, a day at a time, my love.
一日一日を生きるだけ わからないけど
Life, a day at a time, don't know.
Life In A Day Life In A Day
Life in a day and life in a day
Life In A Day...
and life in a day...
飲みたいのは 一番きれいな水
I want to drink from the clearest water.
食べたいのは 食べるべきもの
I want to eat the things I ought to.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
たどり着きたいのは 一番高い山
I want to reach the greatest mountain,
登りたきゃ登る 何も言わずに
climb, if I want, without all the shouting.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
雲はほんとに 白じゃなきゃ
And clouds really should be white at least,
海に出会うのは 砂浜でなきゃ
and oceans should meet us at the beach,
無理は あまりしたくない
and I don't want to overreach
先行きが わかってるときはね
when I know what's in store, raw love.
オークワン・ユン: グッドモーニング、エブリワン
Okhwan Yoon: Good morning, everyone.
ボンジュール ブエノスディアス
Bonjour. Buenos días.
ナマステ アッサラームアライクム
Namaste. Salaam alaikum.
My name is Okhwan Yoon.
I was born in Korea.
北朝鮮か韓国かは 問題ではありません
It doesn't matter South or North Korea.
私は世界中を 自転車で旅しています
I'm traveling around the world by bicycle.
[dog barking]
[男が母国語で 何か叫んでいる]
[man shouting in native language]
ユン: 今日で 9年と36日になります
Yoon: Today it's been 9 years and 36 days.
[bus horn honking]
This is Kathmandu, Nepal.
これまでに190か国を 旅してきました
I have been in 190 countries so far.
I've been struck by cars six times.
Five times, surgery.
世界には、注意が散漫な ドライバーがたくさんいます
There are so many careless drivers in the world.
いろいろな大きさの ハエを見てきました
I have seen many different sizes of fly.
北米のハエは これより小さいです
In North Africa, smaller fly than here.
トルコのハエも これより小さい
And Turkey, smaller fly than here.
朝鮮のハエは これとだいたい同じ
But this size is same fly in Korea
and in Japan and China.
So I feel very emotional.
[car horns honking]
[door bangs]
[easy jazz music]
男: 旅行用歯ブラシと 歯磨き
man: Travel toothbrush and toothpaste--
女の子との夜の 必需品だよ
essential if you're spending a night with the goats.
[wind whistling]
男(母国語): 3Dメガネ
man speaking native language: 3D glasses.
男(母国語): 薬のケース
man speaking native language: A box with medications
これがないと 生きていけない
which I need every day in order to live.
男: 私が持ってるのは このゴム手袋
man: Oh, and I have this plastic glove
この間仕事で 使った
from when I was at work the other day.
男: 50ペソ、いいね
man: 50 pesos. Sweet.
男: 500ルピー紙幣
man: A 500 rupee note.
2BA 596135.
I still remember the number.
女: まずはカナダの国旗
woman: First is a Canadian flag,
because some of my ancestors
were from Nova Scotia, Canada.
次はドイツの国旗 私の祖先が
Next is a German flag, because some of my ancestors
were from Germany.
ウィスコンシン州に 住んでた祖先がいて
Some of my ancestors lived in Wisconsin.
ポーランドから来た 祖先もいます
Some of my ancestors were from Poland.
アルタイマン チョコエッグのおまけです
Altai man that came in a chocolate egg.
An electric die.
悪から目を守る アイプロテクター
It's an anti-evil eye protector.
ランディ: 金属のこぎり
Randy: Metal saw.
Metal eagle.
Metal wheels.
Anybody want some granite?
My name is Randy Raisides,
これが ケニス V.フレッチャーの家
and this is Kenneth V. Fletcher's house.
Giant I-beam...
basket with grapes...
pipe bender...
a billion boxes.
He's kind of a hoarder.
俺がここに来たのが4年前 ひどい薬物中毒だった
I moved here four years ago, a terrible drug addict.
この4年間に ケンがしたことは2つ
And in four years, Ken has done two things.
He has sobered me up,
and he has lost everything.
おはよう ケン: おはよう
Good morning. Ken: Good morning.
ランディ: ケニス V.フレッチャーです
Randy: Kenneth V. Fletcher.
ケン: 敗者
Ken: Loser.
What else?
Destitute human being.
ランディ: ケンは明日 カナリア諸島に行く
Randy: Tomorrow Ken leaves for the Canary Islands,
向こうでマッサージセラピスト になる
where he has gotten a job as a massage therapist.
And I go back to Nebraska,
where I'm going to be living with my folks.
奴は アイデアがあっても
He's one of those guys that has a billion ideas
1つも 実現できない人間だ
and never completes any of them.
昔ピアノが 欲しかったけど
Ken wanted a piano as a kid.
子供だったし 買えなかった
Ken couldn't get a piano as a kid.
3年前の夏に 不用品サイトで探して
So three years ago, we looked on Craigslist all summer
ミネソタ州まで 出かけていって
and went over to the Twin Cities
and got pianos!
[Ken playing mid-tempo melody]
天才だよ ただ時間がなかっただけさ
The man's a genius. He just never quite had the time.
なんかオークション みたいだな
It looks like the auctioneer's here.
男: ポケットの中?
man: What's in my pocket?
Well, it's a key.
すごくかっこいい ロゴが入ってる
And it's got a really neat little logo there.
[engine turning, revs]
This is a Lamborghini.
これが僕のLife In A Day
And this is my life in a day.
女: これが財布 マークジェイコブス
woman: Here's my wallet from Marc Jacobs.
これがお気に入りの マークジェイコブスのキーホルダー
There's a Marc Jacobs key chain that I love.
女: iPod これは私の魂なの
woman: My iPod, which is my soul.
男: ロザリオ
man: Rosary.
永遠の次元の中で 心豊かに過ごす
Very good way of spending your time profitably
in the eternal dimension.
Telephone headset.
永遠の次元の中で 無駄に過ごす
Extremely good way of wasting your time
in the earthly dimension.
[man speaking native language]
男: これは ニームの木の小枝
man: It's a small branch from the Neem tree.
男2(母国語): 何に使うの?
man #2 speaking native language: What do you use it for?
男(母国語): これで歯を磨くのさ
man speaking native language: For my teeth.
男: ポケットには 何も入ってないよ
man: I have nothing in my pockets. Zero.
男(母国語): ポケットの中は空なんだ
man speaking native language: There's nothing in my pockets.
They're empty.
少年(母国語): お金がたくさん
boy speaking native language: Money, lots of cash.
男(母国語): いくら?
man speaking native language: How much is a lot?
少年(母国語): 2ソル50
boy speaking native language: Two-fifty.
男(母国語): いくらだって?
man speaking native language: How much?
少年(母国語): 2ソル50
boy speaking native language: Two soles fifty.
[man speaking native language]
男(母国語): その箱はお父さんの?
man speaking native language: Is that box your daddy's?
少年(母国語): お兄ちゃんの
boy speaking native language: It's my brother's.
To make a lot of money.
男(母国語): よう、アベル
man speaking native language: Hello, Abel.
Are you well?
It's Saturday again.
[men speaking native language]
男: 寒くなったな 8月はもっと寒くなるぞ
man: The cold weather is here and August will be worse,
暖かくしとけよ アベル
so you have to keep warm, Abel.
少年(母国語): ここはおいらの縄張りだぜ
boy speaking native language: Hey you, this is my patch.
[men speaking native language]
少年(母国語): 5ソル稼ぐときもあるよ
boy speaking native language: Sometimes I make five soles.
昔、1日に 20ソル稼いだことがあるよ
When I was little, I once earned 20 soles in a day.
[men speaking native language]
男(母国語): じゃあな、また次の土曜にな
man speaking native language: Bye. See you next Saturday.
男: ポケットに 何があるかって?
man: What do you have in your pockets?
It's my knife.
Okay, you can go ahead and judge me all you want,
でも物騒な 世の中だから
but there are some crazy people in the world.
女: 私のルガーP94
woman: My Ruger P94
.40-caliber handgun.
I take this with me
wherever I go.
男(母国語): 鍵
man speaking native language: Keys.
男(母国語): ここは墓場だな
man speaking native language: All this is the cemetery.
[keys jingling]
男(母国語): ここには誰か住んでますか?
man speaking native language: Is there anyone living here?
男2(母国語): どうぞ中へ
man #2 speaking native language: Yeah, I will show you.
男(母国語): 彼らと話せますか?
man speaking native language: Can I talk to them?
男2(母国語): ああ
man #2 speaking native language: Yeah, yeah.
[goat bleats]
男(母国語): 要するに、俺は働けないんだ
man speaking native language: My story is, I can't work,
誰が子供たちの世話を してくれるっていうんだ?
because who else would look after my kids?
女房は死んだよ この子たちの母親さ
My wife passed away, my children's mother.
俺には20歳になる 病気の息子もいる
I've got a 20 year old son who is sick.
He's a retard.
迷子にならないように 1日中見てなきゃならない
We have to tie him up all day to stop him wandering off.
ここには 14人住んでる
Fourteen people live in this place.
電気はない 水も下水もない
We have no electricity, no water, no drains.
But we are still alive.
God will not forget us.
He created us.
That is what I believe.
神は忘れるために 人間を創ったりしない
God wouldn't have created this population just to forget us.
[muffled chatter]
[man speaking native language]
[muffled chatter]
アヨマティ: 私はアヨマティ
Ayomatty: My name is Ayomatty.
ドバイに来て 13年になります
I've been in Dubai for 13 years.
I work as a gardener,
and I am very happy.
男(母国語): 故郷では仕事がありません
man speaking native language: There is no work at home.
ドバイに来たほうが 稼げるんです
It's more profitable to come to Dubai.
給料は故郷の子供たちに 送ってます
I'm here to earn money to send back to my kids.
男(母国語): お祈りするぞ、席につけ
man speaking native language: Pray, be seated.
女: 頭の中は 食べることだけ
woman: All you think about is your belly.
[man speaking native language]
男: アザミの中に 柵が倒れてたぞ?
man: Did you see the fence fell down in those thistles?
Goddamned thistles everywhere.
And you think I'm a prick.
男: ブリンザチーズは こうやって作るんだ
man: This is how brynza cheese is made.
液体がなくなると いいチーズになる
When all liquid is removed, the cheese becomes very good.
Nearly as good as the Dutch cheese.
2~3日で 穴もできる
It even has holes, in just two, three days.
女(母国語): 自慢話はやめときなさい
woman speaking native language: Oh, come on, stop boasting.
女(母国語): お昼よ!
woman speaking native language: Lunch!
[children panting]
[shrieks and laughter]
[女が母国語で 歌っている]
[woman singing in native language]
[他の女たちも 母国語で歌う]
[all singing in native language]
[singing continues]
[singing ends]
男: これはバルート
man: This is balut.
Only in the Philippines.
男2: バルート
man #2: Balut.
男: 見て
man: You see that?
女: まあ
woman: Ew.
男: 気持ち悪いだろ
man: Oh, gross, huh?
Look, let's put some salt right there.
That's salt.
And then watch this.
[女たちが 母国語で歌っている]
[women singing in native language]
男(母国語): どんな仕組み?
man speaking native language: How does it work?
男2: 針みたいなのが 出て戻る
man #2: Well, it goes in and out again, like a needle.
It doesn't fire bullets.
Nothing comes out of the gun.
男(母国語): ああ、なるほど
man speaking native language: Ah, I see.
[women continue singing]
[man groans]
[singing continues]
ジャック: 今日は土曜
Jack: Today is Saturday,
the 24th of July.
この3年間は 家を離れて
For the last three years, I've been away from home
to do my degree.
And as soon as that finished,
大手企業への 就職が決まりました
I ended up getting a job at a very demanding company.
それで、このところ あまり親父に会えてません
So I don't really get to see my old man that much.
But whenever I do see him,
we always go to the same place
同じことをして たくさん話します
and do the same thing and have a catch-up.
男: さっき電話したよ
man: I just phoned you.
ジャック: そうだった
Jack: Yeah, I just got it, actually.
I was about to phone you back.
男: 調子はどうだ?
man: How you doing? All right?
ジャック: 悪くない 男: ひとくちどうだ?
Jack: Yeah, not bad. man: Mouthful?
ジャック: もらうよ
Jack: I'll have a mouthful.
男: タイヤ変えたか? ジャック: いや...
man: You sort the tire out? Jack: Um...
男: このタイヤもうだめだぞ
man: That tire's fucked.
ジャック: 時間がなくてさ 男: もうだめだ
Jack: I haven't had time. man: That tire's fucked.
変えなきゃまずい あれ見たか?
You'll get done for that. Seen it?
You got a rip in it.
ジャック: ヒビ入ってる?
Jack: Is that a rip?
男: なんでそれ撮らないんだ?
man: Why don't you film down there, Jack?
Let's see if we see a cup.
そう、それそれ まったく
Come on, that's it. Jesus.
You're not a student now, you know.
You're a working man.
There's no excuse.
Just here.
男: ここか?
man: Is this where we're going?
ジャック: ああ
Jack: Yeah.
男: これでビーフバーガーの小だってよ
man: Two small beef burgers, believe it or not.
大だったらどうなるんだ 中だってでかいぞ
Imagine what the large ones are like or the medium ones.
あり得ないね 信じられん
Ridiculous, isn't it? Unbelievable.
Anyway, here you go, Jack.
こっち 車で食べよう
This way. I'm gonna sit in the car.
[seagulls crying]
What do you got?
ジャック: これ 男: おお
Jack: This. man: Oh.
Is this bit a photograph of you at uni?
ジャック: ああ 男: いいね
Jack: Yeah. man: Fantastic.
That's fantastic.
I'm gonna get a lovely frame on that,
ニーナがそんなの 持ってたはずだ
'cause Nina's got a frame like that.
男前だな、ジャック ありがとう
That's really cool, Jack. Thank you.
Now, you should be very proud of yourself, Jack,
もう少しで 退学になるところだったのに
considering you almost got chucked out of school.
You was lucky there, weren't you?
本当に成長したよ 去年ぐらいから
Yeah, you've matured, actually-- actually, in the last year or so
quite good into a real proper lad,
a real gentleman and a nice boy.
[engine turning]
Thanks for that, Jack.
男(母国語): 一番愛してるのは誰?
man speaking native language: Who do you love a lot?
少年(母国語): お父さん...
boy speaking native language: My dad...
because he brings me fruit.
He cooks my lunch,
makes me breakfast.
食事は全部 お父さんが作ってくれる
He prepares everything, all the food we eat.
仕事よりも僕のことを 大切にしてくれる
He cares more about me than his work.
一番愛している物は このノートパソコン
The thing I love the most is my laptop.
ウィキペディアには 物語、歴史、数学
In Wikipedia, there are stories, history, math,
science, religion.
It has everything.
It is a giant library.
[birds chirping]
男: 自分でいることが好き
man: I love being me.
I love life.
It's all such fun.
男(母国語): 自分、って言うべきなのかな...
man speaking native language: Myself, I'd have to say...
女(母国語): 濡れた砂に足を埋めること
woman speaking native language: Placing my feet in wet sand.
It has to be wet.
女: 草、土
woman: Grass, dirt...
dirty river smell.
キャンプファイアで 髪に残る匂い
Mm, the smell of a campfire that gets stuck in your hair.
男: オーブンで焼いた チキン
man: Coated chicken baked in the oven
with seasonings.
男: 何を一番愛してるかって?
man: What do I love the most?
you're looking at her.
男: 家族を愛しています
man: I really love my family,
my brothers and sisters.
女(母国語): 子供たちといること
woman speaking native language: Being with my children.
And taking care of them.
男(母国語): 紹介しましょう
man speaking native language: And now I'll introduce you
この人が世界で一番 愛している人です
to the person I love most in the world.
少女(母国語): こんにちは
girl speaking native language: Hello.
男: 一番好きなのは?
man: What do you love the most?
男: 女
man: Women.
So much.
男: 愛してるよ、ユリア
man: I love you, Uliya.
You are my only love.
You are my first love.
For me, love is all about you.
女(母国語): 夫を愛してますか?
woman speaking native language: Do you love your husband?
女2: ええ、愛さなきゃだめよ
woman #2: Yes, you have to.
男: 妻と息子を 愛しています
man: I love my wife. I love my son.
I love my land.
I love my animals--
私の犬、フェレット 鶏、馬
my dogs, my ferret, my chickens, my horses
in the background.
I love my life.
But what do I love the most?
神です 父なる神です
I love my Lord, my heavenly Father,
すべての恵みの源である 創造主です
my Creator, from whom all blessings flow.
男: 俺が好きなのは 時速150マイルで
man: I love doing about 150 miles an hour
down a motorway in a good car.
男2: [笑]
man #2: [giggles]
男: サッカーだね
man: I love football.
人が1つに なれるスポーツは
I think football is the only sport
that bring people together.
女(母国語): 私が好きなのは...
woman speaking native language: I love...
汚れを掃除すること 成果が見えるから
cleaning something that's really dirty so you can see the result.
男: 僕が好きなのは 冷蔵庫です
man: I actually love my refrigerator.
It's such a cool thing.
It remains at one corner.
It keeps its mouth shut.
I love my refrigerator.
Nothing else but my refrigerator.
男: 何を愛してる?
man: What do you love?
男2: 女
man #2: Women.
男: 何を愛してる?
man: What do you love?
男3: 自由
man #3: Freedom.
男: 何を愛してる?
man: What do you love?
男4: 権力 男: [笑]
man #4: Power. man: [laughs]
女: 好きな言葉は 「マミーラペナタパイ」
woman: I love the word "mamihlapinatapai."
It's from the Yaghan language,
which is now a dead language.
昔は ティエラ・デル・フエゴという
But it was spoken in Tierra del Fuego,
南米最南端の島で 使われていました
the very southernmost point of South America.
ちゃんと 聞いたことがないので
I've never heard the word said properly,
間違って 発音してるかも
so I could be pronouncing it wrong.
意味がとても ステキです
But the meaning is quite beautiful.
2人が何かを 始めたいと思ってて
It means that moment or feeling
でもお互い 先に始めたくない
when two people both want to initiate something,
そんな瞬間や 感覚を表します
but neither wants to be the one to start it.
It can be perhaps two tribal leaders
both wanting to make peace,
先に言い出せない... という感じかも
but neither wanting to be the one to begin it.
Or it could be two people at a party
wanting to approach each other
勇気がなくて 踏み出せないとか
and neither quite brave enough to make the first move.
[birds calling]
Can hear the kookaburras now.
[line ringing]
男: 母に電話します
man: Currently, I'm calling my mom
エミリーに何を言うか 相談を
to ask her what I should say to Emily today.
[line ringing]
女: もしもし
woman: Hello?
男: 今ちょっといい?
man: Do you have a second to talk to me?
女: いいわよ
woman: Sure.
男: 今夜エミリーと 出かけるんだ
man: Tonight I am hanging out with Emily.
女: そう 男: 彼女に気持ちを
woman: Okay. man: But I was planning
on telling her exactly how I feel about her.
And then I don't know.
So I was calling my mother to see--
what should I say to this woman?
[woman laughing]
I don't know. I just think that, you know--
自分の気持ちに 正直に
just concentrate on the fact that, you know,
彼女をとても 尊重していると
you have very, very high feelings of esteem for her,
that she's somebody that you've always admired.
男: 「尊重」? そう言えばいい?
man: "Esteem"? Is that the word I should use?
You think she'd like that?
女: まあ、何でもいいのよ
woman: Yeah. Whatever.
男: わからないよ
man: I just don't know if that's--
女: 君を 大切に思ってる
woman: You hold her in very high regard.
男: うん、それは...
man: Ok--I don't know if those--
女: 僕の人生にとって 特別な人だ
woman: She's a special person in your life.
男: わかった 試してみる
man: Okay. I'll try all that.
やあ 今電車の中です
Hey. I am on the train now.
This is my friend Emily.
[romantic music]
こんにちは「Life In A Day」
Uh, hello, "Life In A Day."
まだエミリーと シカゴにいます
I'm still with Emily, and we're still hanging out in Chicago.
Um, this is...
ここに来てました ステキな店
We--we just came out of this place, which was cool.
でも例の件は まだです
But, uh, I'm gonna leave this thing on
クライマックスは また後で
in case anything gets climactic.
男: テリーザ、こっち見て
man: Theresa, look at me.
テリーザ: [ふざけて笑う]
Theresa: [scoffs]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
[romantic music continues]
男: 結果発表です
man: Well, so here's the deal.
彼女に聞いてみました そのうち僕と
Uh, I asked her if she wanted
to go on a romantic date with me sometime,
and she says, "No."
Just--just no.
That's really all she said.
Just "no."
She didn't want any of that.
到底ない 絶対ない
Ever, possibly. Never, ever.
And so, uh...
Well, actually, I said,
"What about the possibility of a possibility?"
And she said-- She said no to that.
可能性なし ゼロ
No possibility. None.
女: では説明しましょう
woman: Okay, let me say that it is meant
for women to kneel down.
女性は男性の前で ひざまずくしきたりなんです
For example, a woman is supposed to kneel down for a man.
男: なるほど
man: Mm-hmm.
どうやるか 見せて
Do you want to show us how you do it?
女: いいですよ
woman: Yes.
男: 伝統的な方法で モーゼスに挨拶を
man: So you greet Moses, like, traditionally.
[Moses speaking native language]
男: わあ!
man: Wow. Wow.
モーゼス、 どうですか?
Moses, how do you feel about it?
毎日 ひざまずいてくれたら?
She comes, and she kneels down every day?
モーゼス: ええ、僕は男ですから
Moses: Yes, because I'm a man.
She has to respect.
女: これが文化なんです
woman: It's the culture.
[upbeat music]
[cheers and applause]
歌う男: 賢い人は言う
man singing: Wise men say
愚か者だけが あわてて恋に落ちると
only fools rush in.
But I can't help
falling in love with you.
デビッド: おばあちゃん? デビッドだよ。元気?
David: Hi, Grandma. It's David. How are you?
僕は元気. まだニューヨークだよ
I'm good. I'm still-- Yeah, I'm in New York.
うん、すごく暑いけど 楽しんでるよ
It's--Yeah, it's been really hot here, but I'm having fun.
ところで ちょっと話があって
Uh, anyway, I wanted to call you,
僕の友だちの ニック、知ってるよね
because, uh, you know my friend, uh, Nick, that I--
that you've met a lot...
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
He's a very nice boy.
うん あのね、実は
Uh... Well, I wanted to tell you
彼は 友だちじゃなくて
that he's, um, not-- not just my friend.
He's--he's my boyfriend.
前から言おうと 思ってたんだけど
Um, and it's something that I've wanted to tell you for a while,
おばあちゃんがどう 思うか不安で
but I wasn't really sure how you would react,
so I was a little nervous to tell you.
I-I love you too.
I love you too.
And I'm hoping that--
ニックを 好きになってほしい
that maybe you can love Nick too,
僕にとって すごく大切な人なんだ
um, because he's really important to me,
だから おばあちゃんにも
so I'm hoping he can be really--
大切な人と 思ってもらえたら
really important to you too.
Well, that-- that means a lot to me.
Yeah. Thank you.
I--Yeah, I love--
I love you too.
I do. Yeah.
うん、父さんと母さんは 知ってる
Yeah, my parents know. Yes.
いや、今は「ゲイ」って 言うんだ
Well, Grandma, they call it being gay now.
「ホモセクシャル」とは 言わない
You don't have to say "homosexual."
It's not--Yeah.
病気じゃないんだよ うん、ありがとう
Yes, it's not a disease. Thank you.
男: ほら、アヒルにチーズを投げて
man: Here, throw some cheese to those ducks.
もっと近づいて サラ
Get closer to them. I'm taking a video, Sarah.
サラ: 咬まれるかも
Sarah: They might bite me.
男: アヒルは咬まないよ
man: No, they won't bite. Ducks don't bite.
Come on. I'm making a video.
もっと近づいたら いい画になる
Walk on out into them. It'll be a good video.
男2: 撮りましょうか?
man #2: Would you like me to take both of you?
男: おお
man: Oh.
男2: 撮りましょうか?
man #2: Take another picture of you?
男: ありがとう
man: Thank you.
男2: どんな風にします?
man #2: Just tell me what do you want me to do.
男: そのままで...
man: Just...just...
男: 結婚の真実、その1...
man: So marriage truth number one--
uh, love is a battlefield.
これから2人は、覆面をした 鶏のように戦うのです
Um, listen, you two are going to fight like hooded roosters.
つまりこれは 科学です
Let's just get it out there. It's science.
2体の動物を 同じおりに入れると
You know, place any two animals in a contained area together,
荘厳なる優しさが 生まれると同時に
um, you know, there will be awesome tenderness,
but also there will be blood.
トリスタム: ポケットの中は ウォルト・ホイットマン
Tristam: That is my pocket Walt Whitman.
歴史上最も偉大な 詩人だった
He was surely one of the greatest poets that ever lived,
この子たちが 彼の詩を読み
and if my babies can read Walt Whitman day and night
彼から学んでくれたら うれしい
and learn from him, I'll be very happy.
After all, babies, he did say,
"I am August.
魂を正当化するために 魂をすり減らすことはない」
I do not trouble my soul to vindicate itself."
「魂」じゃなかったな 彼が言ったのは...
No, he didn't say "soul." He said, "I do not trouble..."
女: そんなことは どうでもいいわ
woman: That's enough, Tristam, you'll use up all the memory.
勝手ね もうやめて
This is self-indulgent, and-- Please stop.
They need winding. Please stop, Tristam.
トリスタム: 「精神を正当化するために...」
Tristam: "I do not trouble my spirit..."
女: あなたは 自分のことばかり
woman: Stop being so selfish and putting yourself first.
私、この子たちの 面倒を1日中見てるのよ
Please, I've been looking after them all day.
Just stop it.
トリスタム: 「魂を正当化する...」
Tristam: "I do not trouble my soul to--
"I do not trouble my spirit
ましてや理解されるために 精神をすり減らすことはない」
to vindicate itself or be understood."
女: もういいわ...
woman: Okay, fine.
男: アンとジョンは本日
man: Ann and John are today renewing their vows
結婚50周年にあたって 2人の誓いを新たにします
in the light of their 50 years experience of marriage.
少々風変わりではありますが この特別なカップルは
Rather unusually, each of this special couple
お互いの誓いを 文字にすることに合意しました
has agreed to write the vows of the other.
つまり アンがジョンの誓いを書き
That is, Ann has written John's vows,
and John has written Ann's.
男(母国語): 引け、引っ張れ
man speaking native language: Pull, pull.
女(母国語): こんなの楽勝よ
woman speaking native language: This one doesn't lift me up.
[man laughing]
女(母国語): こっちに別のがあるわ
woman speaking native language: There is a new one over here.
[man speaking native language]
男(母国語): おいおい
man speaking native language: Oh, gosh.
You have to pull on this one.
Can you manage it?
女(母国語): だめ
woman speaking native language: Nope.
男: 背筋を使って 引っ張らなきゃ
man: You have to pull using your dorsal muscles.
女(母国語): 動かないわ
woman speaking native language: It won't budge.
[man speaking native language]
女(母国語): 動かないったら!
woman speaking native language: IT WON'T BUDGE.
男: ジョン、あなたには
man: John, it is necessary
克服しなければならない いくつかの欠点があります
to address one or two shortcomings
それは 結婚の肉体的な側面です
in, uh, the physical side of marriage.
Surely no one would argue
いくばくかの肉体的な 要求を抱くことは
that there are certain physical demands
誰にとがめられる ことでもありません
a wife can request of a husband,
アンはあなたがこの問題に 今すぐ取り組むことを望んでます
and Ann asks you that you address these issues right now.
あなたは窓の内側と外側を 磨くことに同意しますか?
Do you agree to wash the windows inside and out?
男(母国語): ジムみたいだな
man speaking native language: It's like at the gym.
You grab here,
you grip there,
and you position yourself with parallel feet
so you can use your dorsal muscles.
Then you pull.
[woman laughs]
女(母国語): ああ、なるほどね
woman speaking native language: Oh, really?
男: アン、あなたは ジョンの40歳の誕生日に
man: Ann, John asks if you will agree
to let him do that thing
まだやらせていませんね 彼はそれをやらせてくれるかどうかを
you once told him you would let him do on his 40th birthday,
but still not have yet done.
さあ、アン あなたの以前の答えを見込んで
So, Ann, in anticipation of your previous answer,
ジョンはこう言っています 「たまになら口でさせてくれるはず...」
John says, "I suppose an occasional blow job is..."
女: あなた何としても 動かすつもりなの?
woman: Are you trying every possible way?
I told you it won't move.
It won't move.
ほら、さっきあなた なんて言ってた?
So, what was it you were saying?
男: 最後に、 この男は火星人で、この女は金星人
man: Finally, in spite of men obviously being from Mars
and women from Venus,
両名はお互いを 愛し、慈しみ、
do you both promise to love and treasure each other
2人が生きている限り すばらしい家庭生活を
and enjoy your lovely family life together
here at Appletree Cottage
for as long as you both shall live?
2人で: 誓います
both: We do.
[clock ticking]
[dog snoring]
[clock cuckooing]
[timer dings]
男(母国語): ほら、起きろ
man speaking native language: Hey, get up.
What are you doing?
[man speaking native language]
男(母国語): さあ、行こうか
man speaking native language: So let's go.
Are we going?
Let's go.
[cat meows]
[P.A. announcement in native language]
[horn blares]
少女(母国語): ヘルメット
girl speaking native language: Helmet.
Good-bye, grandpa.
Climb up, skinny!
[man speaking native language]
[horns blowing]
[band playing lively song]
男(母国語): 登れ、バージニア
man speaking native language: Climb up, Virginia.
Go, go, slowly.
[man speaking native language]
[whimsical music]
男: フーッ!
man: Whoo!
[boy crying]
[cheers and applause]
[helicopter whirring]
男: ジャークダンスを 踊ってください
man: Do the jerk. Please do the jerk.
最後は司令官にも ジャークを
By the end, I'm gonna try to get the commander
to do the jerk.
男2: アアーーー!
man #2: Aah!
男: なんでいつも 舌が出ちゃうんだよ?
man: Why you always got to stick your tongue out?
ここでイーソンの顔に パンチだ
Punch Eason in the face right now.
男3: うわあ、やめて!
man #3: Oh, my God!
男: こっちが反乱同盟軍
man: That's the Rebel Alliance.
And there's the Empire.
マスード: やあ これが僕の部屋
Masood: Hi. This is my room.
And this is our garden.
So my name is Masood...
I live in Afghanistan, Kabul,
and I'm a news photographer.
Here is my house.
これが父さん お茶を飲んでます
And he's my father, drinking tea.
My mother is praying.
Farid, my brother, is just--
冷蔵庫をのぞいてます いつものことです
again is staring in the refrigerator, as always.
Right now I'm in my car,
カブールの旧市街に行って 写真を撮ろうと思います
going to Kabul's old city, to take some pictures.
ときどきこの辺を 歩きまわって
Sometimes I like to just walk around there
looking for a good shot.
These are like my two babies.
I carry them everywhere.
[woman speaking native language]
[Masood speaking native language]
女: ここは私1人で住んでます
woman: Here I am by myself,
because my husband is
a half a world away,
私たちのために 戦っています
going to work, fighting for us.
What shirt should I wear?
フィルはどっちの方が 好きだと思う?
Which one do you think will Phil like better?
ねえ どっちだと思う?
Hmm? Which one do you think?
これ? これが一番いい?
That one? Is that one the best?
マスード: ここは 旧市街の市場です
Masood: Here is the market in the old city.
ほとんどの外国人は カブールのこの辺の
Most foreigners think that it is dangerous
道を歩くのは危険だと 思っているようですが
to walk around the streets of Kabul,
ご覧のとおり 何の危険もありません
but as you can see, there is no danger...
for us, anyway.
女: 待機戦術...
woman: Waiting game.
Waiting game.
[birds chirping]
マスード: この通りでは
Masood: So this is a street
こんな風に 小鳥を売っています
that's normally selling birds like this.
They call them lovebirds
いつもお互いに キスしているんです
because they are always kissing each other.
シャロン: ああ
Sharon: Oh.
Where are you?
フィル: やあ、シャロン
Phil: Hi, Sharon.
シャロン: ハァーイ!
Sharon: Hi!
フィル: ハイ シャロン: 元気?
Phil: Hi. Sharon: How's it goin'?
Can you see me?
フィル: ああ、 ずいぶんおめかししたね?
Phil: Yeah. You did get all dressed up, didn't you?
シャロン: そりゃそうよ 今日はデートなんだから
Sharon: Yes. Of course. It's our date night.
[children chattering]
マスード: アフガニスタンは
Masood: Afghanistan comes--
さまざまな問題を抱えてきました 対立、戦争
the name of my country comes with the conflict, war,
自爆テロ あらゆる負の側面が
suicide attack, and all the negative points
ニュースとして 報道されています
that we--I mean hear and listen in the news.
しかし、アフガニスタンには 普段は報道されない
But there is another side of Afghanistan
that you don't normally see.
この娘たちを見ていると この国の将来が
These girls make me feel optimistic
about the future of my country.
フィル: 愛してるよ
Phil: I love you.
シャロン: 私も愛してる 気を付けてね
Sharon: I love you too. Stay safe.
フィル: ああ 君もな
Phil: I will, honey. You too, okay?
シャロン: うん
Sharon: Okay.
フィル: バイ シャロン: バイ
Phil: Bye. Sharon: Bye.
男(母国語): 動機を説明するのは
man speaking native language: It's not easy
to explain motivation.
朝鮮半島を統一するために 何ができるだろうか?
Can I do something to reunite Korea?
不可能に思えるし 自分の手には負えない
It looks impossible. It looks out of my hands.
But impossible is possible.
ボビー: パパ、見て 戦争だよ
Bobby: Dad, do you see my war?
Oh, and the red is bad,
赤いのが敵 白いのが味方
the white is good of the helmets.
[imitates gunfire]
男: ああ、そんなに悪くないよ キャシー: ほんと?
man: Oh, it's not so bad. Cathy: No?
Is there something that's bleeding under my arm?
Let's see if we can just get this.
男: ああ キャシー: えっ!
man: Ew. Cathy: Oh, oh, oh!
なに? [男が笑う]
Oh, what is it? [man chuckling]
キャシー: それなに?
Cathy: What is it?
男: 見たところ なんかの...
man: Looks like some kind of--
キャシー: あなたの 髪にいたの?
Cathy: Did that come out of your hair?
男: かばんの上さ てんとう虫だな
man: No, it was on my bag. It's a ladybug.
キャシー: もう
Cathy: Oh.
少女: いろんなモンスターと おばけと
girl: Any kind of monster or ghosts
or a witch.
少年: ゾンビ
boy: Zombies.
男: ゾンビってどんなの?
man: What do zombies do?
Okay. You do a great zombie.
少女(母国語): ヘビとおばけ
girl speaking native language: Snakes and ghosts.
[man speaking native language]
男(母国語): 午前1時に仕事場に行くと
man speaking native language: When I come to work at 1:00 A.M.
いろんな所から 小さな物音が聞こえる
and I hear little noises here and there.
That scares me a little.
女: 私は犬が怖いの
woman: I have a fear of dogs.
女(母国語): ネコ
woman speaking native language: Cats.
男(母国語): ネズミ
man speaking native language: Rats.
少年(母国語): ライオン
boy speaking native language: Lions.
女: スズメバチ
woman: Wasps.
女: クモ
woman: Spiders.
少女: 私が怖いのは... 泥棒...
girl: I fear... robbers...
少女: 大人になるのが怖い
girl: I fear growing up.
男: この場所を失うのが怖いな
man: I'm afraid of losing this place.
女(母国語): 理解できない文化
woman speaking native language: Cultures I don't understand.
男(母国語): アラーが怖いです
man speaking native language: I am scared of Allah,
nothing else.
女(母国語): 怖いものなんかないわ
woman speaking native language: I fear nothing.
[woman #2 speaking native language]
女(母国語): 神様以外はね
woman speaking native language: God only.
少女: 神様を知らない 人たちが心配だわ
girl: I'm afraid for all the people that don't know God.
救われない人たちは 地獄に行ってしまうもの
People who don't get saved are going to hell.
男: 同性愛が心配です
man: I afraid of homosexuality.
Homosexuality is like...
病気のようなもので 病気は心配です
is like disease, and I'm afraid of disease.
男: 僕はこの部屋にいて、 もしかして数年後には
man: I stay in my room, and all I can think about
イスラエル人じゃない誰かが この部屋に住んでいるんじゃないか
is whether in a couple of years someone else is gonna live here,
と思ってしまうんだ たとえば...
someone who is not Israeli, maybe...
maybe someone Palestinian.
男: わしが何より怖いのは 政治じゃな
man: I guess politics scares me more than anything.
また戦争が起こるのではと 心配しておる
I wonder if we're gonna get in another war.
男(母国語): 毎朝家を出るときに
man speaking native language: When I leave home
無事家に帰って来れるか いつも心配してる
in the morning, I'm not sure if I'll return home safely.
アフガニスタン人は 皆そうじゃないかな
No Afghans expect to return home safely.
女(母国語): 時間が過ぎること
woman speaking native language: Time is passing,
私には息子も 娘もいないから
and I don't have a boy or girl
誰にも「ママ」って 呼ばれない
and no one will ever call me "mummy."
男: 今何よりも 恐れているのは
man: One of the things I fear more than anything right now
髪の毛が薄くなって きたこと
is that my hair's starting to fall out.
女: これが私
woman: This is me.
This is what I'm afraid of.
女: 夫が私を置いて 他の女と結婚すること
woman: That my husband will leave me for another wife
不足している 「何か」のせいで
because of a lack of you know what.
子供(母国語): 離婚
child speaking native language: Divorce.
Divorce. How awful!
女: 1人ぼっちが怖い
woman: I fear loneliness.
男: ある朝 目が覚めなくなって...
man: Not waking up one morning...
1週間も 誰にも見つけてもらえない
and nobody finding you for a week.
That'd be interesting.
女: 愛する人を失うのが怖い
woman: Losing someone you love.
That's why I find it very hard
誰かを心の底から 愛することができません
to really, really connect with someone.
だって、その人を失ったとき どうしたらいいの?
Because, what do you do when they're gone?
少女: もし神様が いないとしたら怖いわ
girl: Because what if God isn't real?
私は神様を信じてるけど もし本当はいなかったら
I believe in Him, but what if God isn't real?
私たちはただ地面に横たわって 永遠に死んでしまうのかしら?
And we're just going to lie in the ground, dead forever?
女: これが私の恐れていること
woman: And that's what I'm afraid of,
being in this grave.
Life is so freakin' short, you know?
男: 死ぬことかな
man: Dying, I guess.
[animal bells ringing]
[thunder rumbling]
[dog growling]
[man speaking native language]
男: こいつら 雷が怖いみたいだな
man: The dogs are frightened of thunder.
男(母国語): ああ、怖がってるな
man speaking native language: Yeah, they're scared.
男: バーシャ、また 花火を手に入れなきゃな
man: Vasya, we need to find some fireworks somewhere.
Because in autumn, wolves will come.
男: さあ急いで帰ろう 雨になるぜ
man: We need to hurry home. It's going to rain!
全員で: 3...2...1...
all: 3...2...1...
男: ようこそ、ラブパレードへ!
man: Welcome to The Love Parade.
[electronic music playing]
女(母国語): あれ見て!
woman speaking native language: Look ahead!
[overlapping shouting]
男(母国語): うそだろ、うそだろ
man speaking native language: Unreal. Unreal.
あれ見ろよ あいつら何やってんだ
Look at the side. What are they doing there?
Look at the fighting there.
We can't get out.
男(母国語): あり得ないよ
man speaking native language: Not normal, bruv.
[overlapping shouting]
[sirens blaring]
男(母国語): バカヤロウ!
man speaking native language: Dickhead.
男: こっちに行きたいんじゃないんだよ
man: I don't want to move out of the way.
男(母国語): やめろ、この野郎!
man speaking native language: Stop this shit!
[overlapping shouting]
男: トンネルは 死の落とし穴となりました
man: A tunnel has become a death trap.
少なくとも18人が 圧死しました
At least 18 people were kicked or crushed to death
惨劇の舞台となったのは デュイスブルクのラブパレード
in a stampede during The Love Parade in Duisburg.
女: お祭り騒ぎをしていた 何十万人もの人々は
woman: Many of the hundreds of thousands of revelers
この惨劇に気付くことも ありませんでした
were unaware of the tragedy unfolding.
[uneasy musical buildup]
歌: 飲みたいのは
man singing: I want to drink
from the greatest water.
食べるべきものは 全部食べたい
I want to have all the things I ought to.
I just want to know that
I feel strong, you know.
たどり着きたいのは 黄金の泉
I want to reach the golden fountain,
誰にも疑われず みんなをだます
beat everyone without all the doubting.
I just want to know that
I feel strong, you know.
雲はほんとに 白じゃなきゃ
And clouds really should be white at least,
海があるのは 砂浜でなきゃ
and oceans should be there at the beach.
本がいるのは誰? 伝えたいことがあるんだ
And who needs books when we've got speech?
未来を知ってるのは誰? 愛はどうなるの?
And who knows what's in store for raw love?
Life, a penny at a time.
Oh、ラブ、ライフ ほんの少しずつでも
Oh, love, life a penny at a time.
ラブ、ライフ ほんの少しずつでも
Love, life a penny at a time.
Oh, love.
[fireworks whistling, popping]
男(母国語): 目を閉じると
man speaking native language: When I close my eyes,
世界中のさまざまな 人々が浮かびます
I can see all different people in the world
あの街、この街 あの国、この国
from town to town, from country to country.
今でも感じて、触れて 見ることができます
I can feel it, I can touch it, I can see it.
髪を切ると 生まれ変わった気がします
I feel like born again because of my haircut.
私の旅を続けるときが 来ました
It's time to continue my journey.
男: 愛してる人は?
man: Who do you love?
キャシー: ボビーとあなた
Cathy: My silly boys, the Bobby-ells.
Okay. What do you fear?
男: うーん、そうだな...
man: Well, I guess...
I'm fearless now.
君がガンになるのが 怖かったけど
I guess my fear was that you'd get cancer,
and you did.
That you'd get it again, I mean.
もうしちゃったしね でももう平気
And you did. But it's over with.
So I'm fearless.
[haunting music]
[overlapping chatter]
[thunder rumbling]
女: 2010年7月24日
woman: July 24, 2010.
It's nearly midnight now,
撮影の時間が なくなってきました
and I'm running out of time to make this.
1日中撮影してました 土曜日に、ええわかってます
I worked all day long, on a Saturday--yeah, I know.
The sad part is...
1日中、何かすごいこと 何かすばらしいこと
I spent all day long hoping for something amazing to happen,
今日に感謝できるような何かが 起こるんじゃないかと
something great, something to appreciate this day
その一部になれるんじゃないかと 期待していました...
and to be a part of it and to...
そして、そういう すばらしいことって
show the world that there's something great
誰にでも、毎日だって起こる 可能性があるんだよって
that can happen every day of your life,
in everyone's life.
でも実際は、 いつも起こるとは限りません
But the truth is, it doesn't always happen.
And for me, today...
1日中... 特に何も起こりませんでした
all day long, nothing really happened.
私がここにいることを みんなに知ってほしい
I want people to know that I'm here.
私の存在を途中で 終わらせたくない
I don't want to cease to exist.
[thunder rumbling]
私は別に 自分がすごい人間だって
I'm not gonna sit here and tell you
言いたいわけじゃありません だって...
that I'm this great person, because...
私はすごい人間じゃないから... 全然...
I don't think I am... at all.
I think I'm a normal girl,
normal life.
Not interesting enough...
to know anything about.
But I want to be.
And today...
even though...
残念ながらすごいことは 何も起こりませんでしたが
even though nothing great really happened,
今夜は何かすごいことが 起こったような気がしています
tonight I feel as if something great happened.
[thunder rumbling]
[water dripping rhythmically]
歌: 飲みたいのは
man singing: I want to drink
from the clearest water.
食べたいのは 食べるべきもの
I want to eat the things I ought to.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
たどり着きたいのは 一番高い山
I want to reach the greatest mountain.
登りたきゃ登る 何も言わずに
Climb, if I want, without all the shouting.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
雲はほんとに 白じゃなきゃ
And clouds really should be white at least,
海に出会うのは 砂浜でなきゃ
and oceans should meet us at the beach,
無理は あまりしたくない
and I don't want to overreach
先行きが わかってるときはね
When I know what's in store, raw love.
一日一日を生きるだけ マイラブ
Life, a day at a time, my love.
一日一日を生きるだけ わからないけど
Life a day at a time, don't know.
Life In A Day Life In A Day
Life in a day and life in a day
Life In A Day Life In A Day
and life in a day and life in a day...
飲みたいのは 一番きれいな水
I want to drink from the clearest water.
食べたいのは 食べるべきもの
I want to eat the things I ought to.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
たどり着きたいのは 一番高い山
I want to reach the greatest mountain.
登りたきゃ登る 何も言わずに
Climb, if I want, without all the shouting.
I just want to know
心を強く 惹きつけるもの
that I feel strong, you know.
雲はほんとに 白じゃなきゃ
And clouds really should be white at least,
海に出会うのは 砂浜でなきゃ
and oceans should meet us at the beach,
無理は あまりしたくない
and I don't want to overreach
先行きが わかってるときはね...
when I know what's in store...
[instrumental and chorus]
[リズミカルな水滴の音、 心にしみるメロディーが続く]
[rhythmic dripping, haunting melody continues]