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  • hi there I'm Drew Badger the world's

  • first and number one English Fluency

  • Guide and in today's video what I'd like

  • to do is answer a question from sheila

  • and this is how do I stop thinking

  • hesitating and translating in my head

  • before I speak English now this is a

  • very very common problem so if you also

  • have this one we are going to give you

  • the solution right in this video but

  • also remember that it takes time you

  • can't just learn a tip or some knowledge

  • about how to do something you have to

  • practice it practice practice practice

  • and the reason we practice is so we can

  • develop habits hopefully you're learning

  • these things and remembering this with

  • me each time I'm teaching these things

  • it's all about developing the habits of

  • a native speaker so if you learn like a

  • like a student you're going to speak

  • like a student if you learn like a

  • native speaker you're going to speak

  • like a native speaker it's very

  • obviously very simple anyway so first

  • let's talk about learning the wrong way

  • if you want to be a good speaker

  • learning the wrong way if you want to be

  • a good speaker now there are two ways to

  • learn a language the first way is the

  • classroom way where they give you lists

  • of information you do drills and

  • hopefully try to push and force

  • information like you're going to hammer

  • it into your mind so that when test day

  • comes you can practice these things and

  • be able to use them and pass the test

  • but the problem with taking a test is

  • that you have time to answer questions

  • so if i get a question it's like which

  • is bigger this or that and it's going to

  • give me four different things so i have

  • to understand what the sentence is

  • asking me and then choose the right

  • answer then I've got time to do that

  • while I'm taking a written test but in a

  • conversation I don't have time to do

  • that I can't sit and think like way

  • we'll wait give me time to think and try

  • to say this thing in my head I'm going

  • to translate it so all of that like all

  • of the kind of tools that you use the

  • ways of learning to teach you through

  • the non-native way of learning a

  • language and this is typically I would

  • give you like if I'm a Spanish speaker

  • learning English I would learn like red

  • and then I would

  • earn you know like the English word for

  • red but I'm learning it through Spanish

  • and again learning a language through

  • another language you're trying to make a

  • connection there that does help you for

  • test but it does not help you when

  • you're speaking it actually just makes

  • you more and more frustrated so every

  • day that you're continuing to learn more

  • you're watching YouTube videos online

  • like if I'm from the Ukraine and I'm

  • trying to like watch and learn with

  • English videos online I should not be

  • listening to like you know a Ukrainian

  • person is trying to teach me English

  • like you can learn a little bit from

  • that but really you're just going to

  • hurt yourself and I hate to say it but

  • really is true like if I'm trying to

  • learn Japanese from an American English

  • speaker like yeah they might know a lot

  • about that but if they're telling me

  • things in English that I'm making that

  • subconscious connection in my mind

  • between the thing that they're saying in

  • English and then Japanese and then when

  • I have to go into a conversation I also

  • have to make that same step in my mind

  • so I have to listen to something and

  • then try to translate it in my head and

  • then maybe it's correct and then maybe I

  • try to speak and this is what people get

  • worried about because they don't even

  • know if they're using this thing

  • correctly or not and this is because

  • they're learning a language for tests

  • and not to become a confident speaker so

  • if your goal is to become a confident

  • speaker you have to stop learning like a

  • student and start learning like a native

  • speaker and now this is a perfect way to

  • do it see right now the way I'm speaking

  • this is the same thing that a native

  • speaker would be learning if they're

  • trying to learn like gardening for

  • instance or they're trying to learn

  • science or technology or anything else

  • whatever they're studying their

  • listening to a native speaker tell them

  • things and explain things in a simple

  • easy way that hopefully helps them

  • connect information so getting back to

  • this stopping translating things in your

  • head before you speak you have to

  • instead of learning things through your

  • native language which is again what's

  • causing you to translate you have to

  • learn things all in English and even if

  • maybe your understanding level is up

  • here if you're speaking level is down

  • here you have to bring your level of

  • understanding back down here and start

  • learning things and practicing with

  • things that you can maybe more easily

  • understand so as an example like my kind

  • of conversation ability in Japanese is

  • just fine but years ago when I was

  • trying to

  • think I had to like read books for

  • little kids or watch TV shows for little

  • kids even I still go back and learn

  • things when I'm watching TV shows with

  • my daughter who's about she's almost two

  • years old now but we still will watch

  • some TV shows in the morning and I'm

  • always surprised at some new things that

  • I learned from that but I can learn all

  • of it in context because i'm learning it

  • all in japanese and so if there's maybe

  • one or two words that i don't understand

  • i understand at least eighty to ninety

  • percent of what i'm learning but because

  • it's all in japanese and i can maybe ask

  • a question or something like my daughter

  • will back oh you know I'm like hearing a

  • word from her like oh wow where did she

  • learn that from like I'm even learning

  • new words from her already which is

  • amazing but all of these things happen

  • because I'm number one learning it in

  • Japanese and number two it's because I

  • already understand maybe eighty to

  • ninety percent of what I'm learning so

  • all of the things when you're first like

  • to first speak properly you have to

  • understand things and be able to

  • understand like you know what it is

  • people are talking about now from that

  • you can start copying the things that

  • you here so instead of saying things

  • like I'm going to translate it in my

  • head just try to speak quickly let's say

  • something very basic that you can say so

  • if I if I don't know how to say some

  • more difficult thing again you bring

  • your level of understanding in your

  • ability level back down to where you are

  • so you can build it up again and so this

  • means like I can just say a basic

  • sentence like my name is Drew but I can

  • maybe improve that to say like her name

  • is Drew or her name is Sally or you know

  • whatever so I'm just taking that and I'm

  • slowly changing one or two things and

  • i'm adding maybe a little bit more and

  • this is the second part of that which is

  • like you expand on the things that you

  • say over time so you're practicing the

  • same thing but you build a kind of

  • slight variation on to that thing and

  • again my way of learning the language is

  • really simple you're basically just

  • doing it the same way a native speaker

  • does a native speaker learned something

  • and then they think okay how can i

  • change that so i could use it in a

  • different context so i say wow it's hot

  • in here but maybe I walk outside i don't

  • like oh it's hot out here oh wow look at

  • that i can i can take that and like

  • that's how a native speaker begins to

  • play

  • the language and start starting to use

  • the language in English like that

  • without thinking about it so you're

  • taking something and because you

  • practiced it then you can apply that in

  • a different situation and as you start

  • doing that more and more you translate

  • less and less what's really happening

  • here is you have bad habits that cause

  • you to translate so now you need to

  • remove those bad habits and replace them

  • with good habits that actually get you

  • speaking fluently and confidently

  • without having to think and hesitate now

  • it really does feel amazing right now I

  • can speak in Japanese like I even just

  • think in Japanese if I'm trying to think

  • about what I want to say and that's fine

  • maybe I don't know some words or I'm

  • trying to think about it different or

  • better way to explain something it's

  • okay to think about things before you

  • speak but what you don't want to do is

  • think about things in a different

  • language and then try to translate that

  • in your head so go back to the level

  • where you can understand at least eighty

  • to ninety percent and you can actually

  • speak that so even if it's a simple

  • thing practice saying that introduce

  • some variations into that thing like

  • that sentence so instead of I go to the

  • park my friend goes to the park

  • something like that but this is what's

  • going to help you develop the habit and

  • it's not about information you learn

  • like more war words more phrases the

  • same way that you've been learning the

  • language before you need to learn it all

  • in English and then practice it's the

  • practice that develops the habit of

  • fluency and if you're not willing to do

  • that really there's no help there's

  • really nothing you can do there's no

  • lesson no program that's going to help

  • you if you're not willing to actually

  • just get out in practice but the way you

  • make practice fun is by changing things

  • around practicing things like I go out

  • and say like hey how's it going to

  • somebody in English that's like a very

  • common greeting hey how's it going how's

  • it going or I could say hey how are you

  • or how are things how's life how's

  • everything what's up these are all

  • different ways of saying hello how are

  • you but when you go out and practice

  • these things again you're learning

  • greetings and you're learning to say

  • things in different ways so it's taking

  • one idea in introducing some variation

  • to keep it interesting for you but as

  • you go through the different variations

  • you develop the habits could help you

  • use them automatically well I hope that

  • explains for you how you should be doing

  • it so if you're using diff

  • language to learn English right now stop

  • do not do that just learn everything in

  • English but if you have to take it down

  • to a more simple level that you

  • understand at least eighty to ninety

  • percent of whether that's reading or TV

  • shows or music or anything so that you

  • can build up the habits that help you

  • speak confidently well I'm getting hot

  • over them and speaking speaking too much

  • always trying to give too much

  • information but that's how you do it if

  • you have enjoyed this video do click

  • that like button become a subscriber to

  • the YouTube channel and tell tell like

  • 30 people about this if you've got a

  • classroom where you're learning with

  • other people that are also like trying

  • to learn it through your native language

  • say say hey don't do that anymore go

  • watch this guy drew it'll explain you

  • exactly what you need to do and that's

  • what I will do so I'm happy to do that

  • but anyway have a fantastic day and

  • finally the most important part of this

  • is if you really want to improve not

  • only the way you sound the way you speak

  • and you know go into other things that

  • help you speak automatically take our

  • free English fluency quiz by clicking on

  • the link in this video it will share

  • exactly what you need to do in order to

  • become a confident fluent English

  • speaker specifically for the problems

  • that your most frustrated with and we're

  • happy to help you do that right now at

  • English anyone calm absolutely free so

  • click on the link in this video to begin

  • doing that and I will see you in the

  • next video bye bye

hi there I'm Drew Badger the world's


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

英語を話す前に頭の中で考えて翻訳しないと...。 (I have to think and translate in my head before I speak English...)

  • 79 7
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日