字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント What's love got to do? got to do? Right? Love that Tina Turner song a lot. of people are not just searching for love they're searching for this magical mystical unconditional love. Today, here on limitless TV, I'm bringing on one of my, one of my, dear, dear friends and guests mentor, marianne de Novelists to talk about what unconditional love is and how you create it. You know, a lot of people have asked me what is unconditional love? and what does it mean in a relationship? what does it mean in terms of yourself? how can you really have it? and here's what I want to share with you, I've discovered a lot of things on what unconditional love is and what unconditional love isn't. Let me give you an example, you know we think about love. There's a lot of different ways to express love. There's a lot of different ways to feel love. Many of you have heard of love languages and many of you have heard of different kinds of love and different languages. You know, you love your animal, you love your pet, you love your dog, you love your house, you love your kids, you love you know to do things. You love to go on hikes, you love to have hobbies, you love yourself and maybe for some people that's a new concept. Maybe for some people you have had these inclinations and voices in your heads with Oh, I hate it when I do this. I hate it when I do that. And here's the difference, unconditional love, means no matter what. It means no strings attached. It means whether or not the circumstance shows up like I expect it or not. That's what unconditional love looks like. And when you have unconditional love, that means that nothing can rob you of your peace. Now let me lay the foundation for this for just a moment. Unconditional love, when you look at yourself in the mirror what do you see? when you look at yourself in the mirror do you see things that are just objectifying for you? do you see and I used to do this. I used to look at myself in the mirror and say, "Oh, I like how I look today". I like this outfit or I don't like this part of me and sometimes I would just look at myself you know from the neck down makes a bunch of judgments. And, I was super conditional. If I looked at the scale one day, and I saw two more pounds than I noticed yesterday, or the week before, then I put a condition on it. That I'm somehow less than that two pounds more made me less than. I looked at my bank account says this number, this figure represent how much I'm worth? is it affect how much peace I have? is it a heading to or taking away? I'm checking on dipping my energetic dipstick you will into all of these different circumstances in determining my level of self-love and I really want to define for you, what self-love means. What does love mean to you? Just consider that for a moment. What does love mean to you you? You know in Greek there's so many different words for love there's a word for love that means brotherly love. There's a word for love that means close intimate love between you and a spouse. There's a word for love that means, you love your field or your job, or what you do. There's several different words for love and in the English language we don't really have that? We have just love. We have friendships that means something different. We have relationship that means something different. But what is love really mean? and this is my definition. Love means commitment to success. Let me say that again, love means commitment to success. You see love isn't an emotion. It's not something that you feel although there are emotions that come with it. Love is a commitment. Love is a commitment to success. I once had a dear friend and mentor who was explaining this concept to me and he said, "Maryann, if I love this cheese burger, I'm committed to his success. and the highest success for this Cheeseburger is to become part of me, and fuel me, and give me energy to do what I do for out the whole day." and I just laugh I thought that was the most hilarious thing they were her but he had a point. Committed to the success. So what does that mean for you? you think about a child. Now I don't mean how many of you have kids but I know you've also been one before. speaking as a former one-year-old, I can tell you this and having one year olds of my own I've watched them get up and I've watched them take steps and I've watched them learn how to walk and I watch them fall a lot of times. And, sometimes the fall is a little trip, and sometimes the fall is a fall down a flight of stairs. And you can imagine, as an adult, I'm not looking at them and saying, "oh you should really do better, you know that wasn't a very good try, you know that was a really maybe, you should stop, maybe you should stop doing what you're doing because that's not really working for you you're getting results that aren't favourable. Hmm.... you should just really cut that on". No! What kind of parent does that? I mean can you imagine a world where we have full-grown adults crawling and rolling on the ground because they never learned how to log because someone told them to give up? I mean it's funny that would be, that would never happen because, we are committed to success. Because, we love ourselves enough to take the next step even if it's unsure. Even if it's unsteady. now couple that with unconditional. You take love, commitment to success you've got unconditional which means regardless of circumstance which means regardless of no strings attached and you put them together into one and here's what you come up with unconditional commitment to success. Now, how does it show up in relationships? before you can give it to someone else you have to have it here. It has to start somewhere because, you can't give what you don't have. You can't give what you don't have. So if you are lacking unconditional love for self, how could you possibly give it to someone else? Oh, you may think you do and a lot of times in this world we've heard the old adage you know love your neighbor as yourself the golden rule do unto others as you would do unto yourself. And a lot of times, people will make the mistake of giving more than they have of giving to other batteries are tapped out. And then, giving more. And you know what happens when that happens? We forget ourselves. We forget. We forget to take care of ourselves. Imagine if you were sinking and someone's thinking next to you're in a big vast ocean and there's no life preservers. There's no possible way for you to save someone unless you've got a life preserver or you're on higher ground. You've got to give from a full tank. We learn about this all the time if you've ever been on the airplane,