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Using Visualization & Intention To Amplify Your Spiritual Abilities
Visualization without intention is like having a great car without fuel.
Visualization (covered here) can open the gateway to infinite spiritual progression
and facilitates spiritual abilities such as spirit communication, types of meditation,
healing, telekinesis, psychic abilities and so much more.
Without 'intention' (or will) then the drivers are not there to make visualization work for
Take these examples.
Your intention is to remove negative energies from your mind/body/spirit complex after a
busy day, so you visualize abundant healing energies during meditation.
Your intention is to meet your spirit guides and explore other dimensions, so you visualize
an astral body and send it travelling.
Your intention is to perform psychometry on an object you're holding to know more about
its previous owner, so you relax and allow images to form naturally in your mind, visualized
within the mind's eye.
You see, without the intention, visualization lacks purpose.
But the same goes for everything in life right?
Every action you perform requires the will to do so.
However, within the spirit world intention (or will) has far more power.
In our earthly lives, we intend to do something so we activate our physical body to take the
action to get it driven by the mind.
In the spirit world, thoughts become reality far easier than here in the earthly realm.
Thoughts are powerful energies, especially when backed up by powerful emotions, and these
can, and do, cause real manifestations within other dimensions of existence.
The intention is the fuel, or even rocket fuel, behind making your visualizations become
Intention (the will) can change anything and here's some proof.
Stand up and get ready to touch your toes keeping your knees locked in the classical
Have the attitude that you really cannot do it, that it's too difficult - now give it
a try.
This time, do it again and know that you can do it, you really can, you can do anything
- now go for it!
Hopefully you haven't strained a muscle, but how much further did you get the second time?
You see, the power of intention changes everything.
A general visualization with little or no intention, such as imagining a walk in the
park, has no real attachment to the energy outputs of the self and therefore will not
attract back to self.
It is simply a daydream that may or may not manifest in other densities of existence,
past, present or future, experienced by you or any other entity.
The energy in not invested.
If you visualize strongly about owning a new home, you greatly increase the probability
of this event occurring.
'Visualize strongly' meaning to visualize with powerful intent, investing much emotional
energy into the visualization - really wanting it to happen, picturing it as if it has already
happened, as if it is real.
Create emotional energy, mix it with your intent and visualize it happening.
This does three things.
It motivates your physical earthly self to take action to achieve the ambition.
Secondly, it creates a thought form that can actually manifest into other past, present
or future dimensional realities, and when the will is strong enough, literally drop
in frequency and occur here in this earthly realm.
Thirdly, your spirit guides, companions or higher self may heed your strong will and
help to manifest the event for you if the conditions are right and it's in accordance
with your life plan (if you have one).
There's a problem though.
Think about the power of intention and the will to really achieve something.
You can visualize meeting your soul-mate and every aspect of them that makes them perfect
for you, and you can set your intention of really wanting to meet them.
You can feel the joy of doing so and the love that you both will share.
However, if there are any blocks to this intention then the probability of the visualization
manifesting are greatly reduced.
For example, you may have doubts that it's possible to meet the right person, that they
even exist.
You might feel like you don't deserve to find love, that you're not sure if you're quite
ready, or if you have time for a new partner due to your career commitments.
Any of these thoughts and others like them are the polar opposite to your strong intention
of meeting your soul-mate.
You may even find yourself inadvertently visualizing opposites like working late and your new partner
wondering how they really fit into your life.
Any thought energy, emotional energy or visualizations that work against the initial visualization
and intention will greatly counteract it's effect.
Take telekinesis.
In order to move an earthly physical object (with knowledge of prana (chi) and oneness
of the universe), you must totally believe what you're doing will have the intended effect.
If you visualize making a pendulum swing, strongly visualize it moving with the playful
yet focused intention of creating the movement - any thought in your mind that this feat
is impossible will counteract the effect.
The will is everything.
The universe knows what you want and acts upon it.
This is because you are one with the universe, it knows what you know and it wants you to
have what you strongly desire.
Make your visualization and intention pure - it must be focused with pure thought and
strong emotional energy directed at a singular intention.
Then the blocking interference is minimized.
Have a creative attitude when performing visualization with strong intention.
Oftentimes you're creating something like thought-forms, manifestations, gifts of high
vibrational energy, healing and more.
You are the creator and you can do what you wish (in love and light).
Intention is the ultimate creative force when using good visualization.
Other times you are receiving visualizations rather than creating them yourself, for example,
clairvoyance during spirit communication involves imagery being shown to you in your mind's
eye to interpret.
Psychic (human to human) images, visions and information too is given and not created by
In these cases you should always communicate with the highest intent, for purpose of healing
and radiating love.
Intentions are just as important in these cases because, for instance, the spirit world
needs to know what it is you want from the communication and sometimes more importantly,
what you don't want (like for any passing spirit to drop in on the conversation).
Although all life on Earth is important, a key reason why humanity dominates the earth
is that the level of 'soul' progression among us facilitates a constant seeking.
A strong intention or will to make things happen.
In this way we are different from the rest of the animal kingdom and therefore able to
visualize many realities into existence, often without even realizing we are using visualization
and intention to do so.