字幕表 動画を再生する
- Oh, look!
- 見て!
You're a genius.
- I know.
- 知っています。
- Oh my god!
- 何てこった!
- We had a lot of fun trying on Santa stuff
- サンタさんのものを着てみたりして、とても楽しかったです
and pretending to be Santas, breaking in Ned's house,
サンタのふりをして ネッドの家に押し入った
but, the whole point of being Santa is
to bring cheer to little kids.
- Find somebody that has a want
- 欲しいものを持っている人を探す
that you can help fill, whatever it is.
- Have you two been good girls this year?
- 今年はお二人ともいい子になったのかな?
- Yes.
- そうですね。
- What's your favorite kind of puppy?
- あなたの好きな子犬の種類は?
- My little favorite puppy is the little one.
- 私の一番のお気に入りの子犬はチビちゃんです。
- For my favorite children across the world,
- 世界中の大好きな子供たちのために
we have puppies that kiss the presents before they go out.
To just give them a little extra dose of magic.
And, I'm gonna tell you, your presents
will both have puppy kisses.
- Listen to what they say, maybe ask them a question
- 彼らの言うことを聞いて、多分彼らに質問をする
about it, just interact with them like you would anybody.
- What's your favorite dinosaur?
- 好きな恐竜は?
- Do you have little arms like a tyrannosaurus?
- ティラノサウルスみたいに腕が小さいのかな?
You have big arms for a tyrannosaurus!
David, watch out!
David, ho ho ho!
Thank you, David.
ありがとう デイビッド
Good eye touch!
- Violeta, I hear that you really like science!
- ビオレタさん、本当に科学が好きなんだそうですね!
- Mm hmm!
- ふむふむ!
It's mostly experiments in science and art.
- What's your favorite song?
- 好きな曲は?
- The Titanic.
- タイタニック号
- Mrs. Clause thinks that Leonardo DiCaprio
- クラウス夫人はレオナルド・ディカプリオが
is very handsome. - [Violetta] Yeah.
とてもハンサムよ- ええ
- But, it's a movie based on a horrible tragedy.
- でも、悲惨な悲劇を題材にした映画なんです。
- Yeah, they die.
- ああ、彼らは死ぬ。
- You just want to talk to them like real people.
- 本物の人間のように話をしたいだけでしょう。
- Samia, I hear that you like beauty and fashion.
- サミアさん、美容やファッションが好きなんだそうですね。
- I do.
- I C.
- What's your favorite thing?
- あなたの好きなものは何ですか?
- I guess it would go to makeup.
- メイクに行くんだろうな。
- What makeup would you put on me?
- どんなメイクをしてくれるの?
- Red, darkish lipstick.
- 赤くて濃いめの口紅。
- Yes girl.
- そうだな
- How do you get onto a nice list?
- どうやって素敵なリストに載せるの?
- Well, let's see, I got a million things.
- えーと、えーと、私は100万のものを持っています。
- Doing chores, doing your homework,
- 雑用をしたり、宿題をしたり。
being obedient to your parents.
- I was being a lot good.
- 随分といい子にしていました。
- I clean up my room.
- 部屋の掃除をしています。
- We help our mom when she's sick.
- ママの体調が悪い時に助けてあげています。
- And, my sister, sometimes, helps me with my product.
- そして、たまに妹が商品を手伝ってくれます。
- Yes, she's also a very good girl.
- そう、彼女もまた、とてもいい子なんです。
- You know, there's nothing more rewarding
- これ以上やりがいのあることはない
then giving gifts.
- What do you want for Christmas this year?
- 今年のクリスマスは何が欲しい?
- American Girl doll, maybe you haven't heard of it.
- アメリカンガール人形、もしかしたら聞いたことがないかもしれません。
Maybe you have.
- Oh, Santa knows American Girl.
- サンタさんはアメリカン・ガールを知っている
Santa made American Girl doll.
- Wow!
- うわー!
- Yeah, I did that.
- ええ、そうしました。
- 2-in-1 computer.
- 2-in-1のコンピュータ。
- Presents.
- プレゼント。
- Presents!
- プレゼント!
- What about you, Manuel?
- あなたはどうですか、マニュエル?
- I want robot!
- ロボットが欲しい!
- Santa loves robots!
- サンタさんはロボットが大好き!
(robotic noises)
- Are you guys ready for your presents?
- プレゼントの準備はできていますか?
- Yes.
- そうですね。
- When you give something to someone and they feel
- 誰かに何かを与えて、その人が感じたとき
touched and warmed and loved by what you've done,
it is, I think, the embodiment of love.
(holiday music)
- [Keith] Keep on, now, David!
- 続けて、今、デビッド!
- Oh my gosh.
- なんてことだ
- One, two, three!
- 1、2、3!
- (gasps) American Girl doll!
- アメリカンガール人形!
- Tablet!
- タブレット!
- My computer!
- 私のパソコンが!
- Monster truck!
- モンスタートラック!
- It's a monster truck!
- モンスタートラックだ!
- Meccano!
- メッカノ!
- You really did know what I want.
- あなたは本当に私が欲しいものを知っていました。
- To have something to give and to be able to experience
- 与えるものを持ち、体験することで
the joy of giving, and to see the people who receive,
there's nothing more magical than that.
- That was the cutest, sweetest thing of all time.
- 今までで一番可愛くて甘かったわ
I've never seen a kid's face light up like that.
- I just have this bubbling joy feeling.
- この泡のような喜びを感じているだけです。
- I have a huge respect for all the people out there
- 私はそこにいるすべての人を尊敬しています。
who are Santas.
- We're all connected and that is really what Christmas
- 私たちはみんなつながっていて、それが本当のクリスマスです。
is about, what Santa Clause is about,
and what the magic's about.
It's that web between us all that connects us all.
- Can we get your sister to come up.
- お姉さんを呼んでもいいですか?
- [Samia] She's scared!
- 怯えてる!
- Just caring about someone else can really
- 誰かを気遣うだけで
be the difference between being lonely and being loved.
I think, because you've been, both been such good girls
to your moms, you both should have a present.
So, we have a surprise for you, as well.
- It's okay.
- いいんだよ
- It's, um, I don't know what to say--
- 何と言っていいか...
- You don't have to say anything.
- 何も言わなくてもいいですよ。
I think it's great that you guys are such good girls
for your families.
You are studying and you're gonna go a lot of great places
in your life, and this is just to help you along the way.
- [Samia] That's--
- それは...
- You, even, don't really need this,
- あなただって、これは必要ないわ。
but, this is something that you deserve.
For me to be able to give that to someone, today,
just once, was a, was really cool. (sniffles)
We did a really good thing. (sniffles)
Merry Christmas, Santa.
メリークリスマス サンタさん
- Merry Christmas, Santa.
- メリークリスマス サンタさん