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  • Scott.

  • I've been watching you for a while now.

  • Or should I call you Mr I-don't-wash-my-hands-after-masturbating?

  • Oh my God.

  • Scott, I need you to be the Ant Man.

  • One question: Is it too late to change the name?

  • No, it's not too late. I have a whole list of alternatives.

  • - Small Man? - No.

  • - Micro Man? - No.

  • - Teeny Weeny Man? - No.

  • - The Shrinker? - No.

  • - Captain Compensating? - Wha-? No!

  • - Emascu-Lady? - No.

  • - The Dickless Wonder? - Uh, you know what?

  • "Ant Man" has really grown on me.

  • Well, that's why I picked it.

  • Now, the suit has power.

  • You have to learn how to control it.

  • Uh, just make sure you wash your hands this time.

  • And these are your greatest and only allies.

  • Aw, you're kinda cute.

  • AARGH! Role reversal!

  • When you're small, you have superhuman strength.

  • You're like a bullet.

  • So you need to know how to punch.

  • Show me how you punch.

  • That's how you punch.

  • OK then, show me how to rupture a kidney.

  • You're a slow learner.

  • You tried to hide your suit from me.

  • - Well it's right here. Whoops! It's gone. - Stop it.

  • - Where did it go? Oh, there it is. - Stop it.

  • - Oh, its gone again! [LAUGHS] - Stop it! Stop hiding it, Scott!

  • I wanna see it! No fair!

  • Now, its gonna blow up in your face

  • and destroy everyone you care about.

  • But... the only person I care about is you.

  • Nice try.

  • Ah, these names suck!

  • - How about Anti-social Man? - No.

  • - Anti-depressant Man? - No.

  • - Anti-inflammatory Man? - No.

  • - Anti-semitic man? - That's just racist!

  • - Anti-septic man? - Mm, could have some applications.

  • - Anti-matter man? - Hey, now you're talking!

  • - Anti-perspirant Man? - Stop talking.



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B1 中級

アントマン予告編スプーフ - TOON SANDWICH (Ant-Man Trailer Spoof - TOON SANDWICH)

  • 117 12
    Jin Wang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日