Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • (spaceship flying away)

  • *groans*

  • Ooooo

  • Eeeeh.

  • Huh?


  • eeeeeh

  • See? No one's home.

  • This will be an easy one.

  • You're right, Marv!

  • Place must be loaded.

  • Let's make our move.

  • Well that's weird.

  • E.T. Home Alone.

  • E.T.

  • Phone Home.

  • UGH!

  • Huh?

  • Ooow!


  • What are you doing? You wanna wake up the entire neighborhood?!

  • There was a THING, Harry!

  • A THING!

  • What thing!?

  • I don't know! It was small... wrinkly...

  • It kinda looked like my grandma.

  • Stop screwing around and fill these bags!

  • Huh?

  • What the!

  • Aaaagh!

  • E.T Home Alone. E.T Phone Home.

  • Alright little freaky monkey...

  • Come to Papa!

  • Ooof!

  • Aaaaooogh

  • Ooooouch.


  • Alright Alright What's the big commotion?

  • What in the world is going on here?

  • Ooow!

  • Alright! That's it! Get over here!

  • Oooff!


  • hmm?

  • Tooth.

  • E.T. home alooooooone.

  • Where is that little runt?! He is gonna pay for this!

  • What the!

  • Beeee Goooood.

  • Awe...

  • Maybe we should be good, Harry.

  • Thanks little fella!

  • I... I love you!

  • I love you too!


  • Freeze! You're under arrest!

(spaceship flying away)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

ホームアローン 主演E.T. - ヒーロースワップ (Home Alone Starring E.T. - Hero Swap)

  • 64 6
    Jin Wang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日