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You wanna grab some drinks from fridge?
You only have one beer left.
That's alright, you can have it.
Hey dude, your milk is about to expire.
That sucks.
And your mayo and tortillas, too.
On March 7th.
Today is March 6th.
We have 5 minutes.
Oh my gosh. Let me grab us some trash bags so we can get rid of it.
No, we..we can finish this.
There's not enough time. Let me get a trash bag.
We can't waste all this food. It's all practically untouched.
Exactely, which is why it's impossible to finish in time.
Just give me a spoon.
You swear to me that if we start this...we'll finish?
The longer you hold me back, the more time we'll...
Yes, I swear.
Let's do this.
Alright, you drink the milk, and I'll eat the tortillas.
Wait, I'm lactose intolerant.
You drink the milk, I'll eat the tortillas.
Wait, I'm lactose intolerant.
Why you have milk if you're lactose intolerant?
For my cereal, for some reasons I can eat with cereal.
Why do you have empty cereal boxes?
I'm still working on the puzzles in the back.
Fine, I'll drink the milk, you eat the tortillas.
Wait...what do I eat the tortillas with?
There's no time, just eat it!
I can't "just eat tortillas", it's too dry.
I got it.
Dip it in mayonnaise.
Ewww...no...mayonnaise is disgusting.
Why do you have this groceries you don't eat?
Some I bought it for potluck.
No one brings mayonnaise to a potluck! Just forget it.
No, I might eat it someday.
There might not be a someday after today.
You wanted to start this, you finish it.
Fine, you drink the milk.
Oh god, it doesn't go together. Nothing here goes together!
Oh god, we're running out of time. Do you have eggs?
Yes, but I just bought them this morning. They're fine.
No, eggs will make the mayo easier to eat.
You're insane.
Chorizo, do you have chorizo?
What do you need chorizo for?
Eggs in the tortilla,I'm going to make a breakfast burrito.
You can't make a breakfast burrito. There's not enough time.
Not..with you holding me back. Do you have chorizo?
Yes, it's...
I just used it all last night for taco Tuesday.
You made tocos last night? Why didn't you invite me?
It was just me and Suzy though.
Oh nice, how did it go?
Pretty good, actually.
That's a pretty big step, I thought you guys were just talking.
Yeah..well..the timing feels right.
What else did you serve?
Rice and beans.
Would you gassing?
Um..a little bit, but I held it in.
Two minutes, chuck it!
You have one minute.
Red or green?
I..I don't know..what your gut telling you?
You need to make a decision now!
Okay, red.
What's going on...
The food is about to expired in 10 seconds.
So what?
What do you mean so what?
I mean, it's just food, nothing bad is gonna to happen.
So stop freaking out.
-Are you sure? -Really?
Oh my gosh..just watch.
See, I told...
[Subtitled by WTF]
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