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They sleep at night is it already daytime what do i already go to bed oh
ladies and gentlemen welcome to minecraft
looks like i just hit a dab
Anyways i think i just dropped my phone uh?
i'm a mess right now guys
i am, let all just be straight with you i am really really sick i woke up this morning feeling
Horrible but i also woke up really wanting to play some minecraft and that's exactly what we're doing today
Because i can't go a day without a video on this channel it's absurd
Okay that sign that wasn't a sick cough i was just clearing my throat so don't don't think it's actually that bad i mean it's
pretty bad i feel i feel pretty awful
over here hold on so let's actually alright
Okay, so what are we doing this episode
well we do last time we made this nether portal which i still think could use a little bit more
Yeah, some more stone right there a little bit over there yeah you know make it look more natural
Don't like it okay but in order to do that first off we should go to bed second oh?
actually did i have stuff cooking in those furnaces i'm pretty sure i did
Let's go quickly over there we got to be careful though because
there it is nighttime and there are monsters everywhere
okay hold on
yeah it is what was that it
wow i could go fix it right now
yeah, yeah i'm just gonna do it right now
Okay because i don't actually really want to focus too much on the house this episode i am especially
really wanting to play just because
This is if we have the nether portal now and i really really really want to go to the nether
So we're gonna be doing that we're gonna be taking care of that wow?
it's just such a mess
Something i'm i'm so sorry about this guy's, i've been terrible with it but
avec any other day oh ladies and gentlemen
This is the one that's been sitting and waiting oh?
cute and he's just been he's been sitting there for like weeks now because
We all do this one too i'm sorry okay ladies and gentlemen this kitty of the day is actually
this is probably one of my favorites look at this one
what is he doing we're a little idiot was he
why did what's he
Who does he think he is i don't even know what he's what he's sitting in right now is that like a cat thing
just looking at me i kind of want to get rid of it i got kind of want to show you guys how about this
because it's actually really freaky and terrifying and i don't like it at all
then i will use it as motivation
if we managed to
does that look better yeah i think so i think that looks good i
think what if we made this look kind of like you know like he was being put together
You, know i'm saying maybe that's a little tacky
We'll think about it later whenever we actually build the path up to here and stuff
Okay let's go back home and oh wait a second i need to fix this
this part here is not good either we need to go
Do that
what do you say i
Mean go stone because whenever i build a path up here it's gonna be like come on this way you know?
probably not gonna have that realistically it's probably something more or less like this
No, i'm saying, see that and you got a nice little pathway up here not bad at all not so bad
Know, so i don't want that dirt there i want to be all stone okay perfect this is good this is
They're very immediate progress i think that's good i think we can start you know i'm gonna have to slope that out a little bit
More so we can actually like climb up it properly but that's okay?
we're not we're not worrying about that right now because we are worrying about getting geared up follow dis neva baby
Don't worry about me cuz i'm gonna be all right
i'm gonna be especially alright if we find another stronghold like asap
It'll be perfect okay this creeper though i can't have i can't
mr. Sood they can't not not right now not like this please not near my whole my little hidey hole
okay we're good oh
hello reginald i'm dennis
you're looking a little a little down today is everything okay
well you know reginald i'm just not feeling the best is all i woke up just feeling like you know stuffy nose
kind of a headache you know
Well you know dennis i don't even have a nose is a year you're being really privileged right now i hate you
Reginald you're so hard to deal with sometimes
Here i'm just gonna get ready for the nether and i'm not even gonna i'm going to disregard your
Existence okay here we go how is that sound let's go what do i know
put this away in the little farming section is one of those bones right there
I'm going to keep it that amount of food on me that is a very good amount of food and then we're going to put
that there that there that there
yeah, this is good keep a little bit of wood on me you know you know something like that get rid of that get rid
Of that i will need the obsidian for an enchantment table later i'm pretty sure what i'd be able to make an enchantment table right
Surely i just need a book and two diamonds is it two diamonds or one
Let's try it how do you make a book isn't a book like
guinea paper
in order to make paper you need the
Yeah, you know what let's not worry about the book
For now because i feel like you need a decent amount of things to be able to like really successfully do it
Okay i can't even fit everything in these chests now well i'm gonna take some cobble with me anyways
And then i can put away when i put away do i want to keep that no you can't even put down a bucket of?
water in the nether right that's just like not a thing
okay well i'll do this probably that unless i want that what i want that
No that's don't why would i want that that doesn't make any sense okay
Should i bring the diamond pick though i don't know no i don't need it i don't need it i don't need it there with
I'm gonna smell you guys i think this is pretty good
I'm gotta say this is looking pretty alright i'm gonna put you in there and you poop
okay good stuff
Alright guys i think we're pretty much ready to go should i make another pick it's like a safety pick a backup pick i think
It's a good idea this is gonna be quite the adventure i think i also hear a skeleton outside in my house
Not a fan of that kind i want to get rid of these two things i don't i just okay
what can i put in the you know i'm just gonna
put those in there put these in here for now it's okay it's fine doesn't matter
Okay, now we could you know ly sleep at night is it already daytime what i already go to bed oh
really wasn't that bad at all huh okay anyways another time
Let's go oh
And why should i even care if a creeper blows up in here it's just some little
some dumb hole anyways i don't care about this hole i've never cared about this hole i
only care about the people in it reginald that is he is my
my everything
okay the house
For those you're wondering about the house we'll work on the house don't just not this episode i really want to go to the nether
I'm very very eager to go to the nether i'll work on the house eventually
I kind of still want to make a couple
sort of design changes to it i think i'm gonna focus more on this area of it
for now
kind of like perfect this before i worry about that whole thing that i was doing there because i honestly was just so lost i
Had no idea what i what i wanted to do with it so
it's fine it's a little bit of full lash i don't mind if i do
okay, oh
My goodness we could even make like eventually a little bridge that goes across and then we can just very nicely go
To the nether portal ooh?
all right
that can go up there and then ladies and gentlemen
Who i don't know if i'm ready for this
and i only have
14 levels i mean i sorry not only i have 14 levels which is i don't want to lose that
all right
So let's see where exactly did we spawn here quartz i like quartz i hear a lot of those
what you call it's the ghasts
seem pretty close unless you can just hear them from like anywhere can they be really far away and you still hear them really well
I don't know
okay you i will
Keep you in mind i really really don't want to lose my way home what is it the hat
what is that
that what that doesn't look like lava
Is that a different type but, i've never seen that before, okay all right and here is why i brought cobble
because i can now
Here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna build a little staircase
up there
seeing that
So that i don't lose my way home we're going back home
you see
perfect i
Can't even make a little little uh
little tower just like that you know little torch on top boom and now hopefully
we won't lose our way back but you never know
you just gotta be especially careful what's this i don't know
Main thing we're doing is looking for a stronghold and i think my
strategy for finding a stronghold i don't know if there's like an actual legitimate strategy you should follow
But my strategy is going to be to go in the same direction
and don't stop going in that direction because then that way it's gonna be really easy to actually find our way back
So okay i hear i hear an enderman
what's an enderman doing here
can they i didn't know they could be in the nether hello oh
what oh my goodness should i try fighting it
He is right here and i am fully geared i'm gonna do it oh
Okay please just don't oh he does so much damage he does so much damage
didn't know he did three hearts of damage every swing
okay the key is to just back away from them when they hit you but oh my
goodness oh wow that is a big drop huh what does that
what oh that's just a pigman okay i don't know what that is
It's like some weird okay here let's go back get some clothes stone we definitely want some of that
okay ghasts i'm now i really really don't want anything to do with you right now
there we go this should be fine
There we go we can get some clothes down oh?
down here this should be enough and
Then you need to come back from work that's totally cool man we can just come back? To the nether?
You, nab up a little bit of glowstone everything's gonna be fine there's a lot of glowstone oh my goodness me okay where's this guest
I hear him it what what is is that the no way could it be i don't know
this is so cool i think i got a pretty good spawn pretty good another spawn because
it feels like it's not
not that really far away from all our various things i've been spawning some sort of crazy location where it's like impossible
Able to navigate oh my goodness why did i just jump right there that was so weird
Okay whatever it doesn't matter wait how was i planning on picking those up i'm gonna go like this
Okay this should be enough clothes stone in a second here it's want to make sure i kind of
You, know i'm just gonna do this layer here i'm not gonna worry about the bottom once why do i keep jumping it's like it's
my thumb twitching and i'm hitting the
anything the spacebar
Okay, so we should now be able to go we'll go down we're gonna go down that way are we though no, no, no
No, no, no, no i'm gonna go that way i want to go that way because that's where the
yeah, there's my little tower so ivy come this way i think i might have seen a stronghold i could be extremely wrong though i
don't necessarily know i know that i saw something in the distance
what is that is that anything it's just some very very square like formation by the way if i die right now
Lehman's closed on i have not on these courts i really really really don't want to die so
I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that from happening
Okay, so this is no stronghold here no
Sir ii bought nothing not even close man that's just great okay in that case i'm actually just gonna go back
I'm gonna go back this way
hello mr
Zombie pigman you are a nice man don't i'm not worrying about you don't worry wow that is so cool look at that drop
Man i really want to know what what that is down there that type of material i have no idea is it valuable
Is it no i i don't know
get these quartz while right here might as well don't don't even really remember what you used quartz walk could it be
just, like a material just like a building block i know that that's one way of using forts
Mmm i just look at some netherrack while we're here to you know
sound a little bit mine up so fast to a diamond pickaxe literally just like tears through another rock it's
insane and you know just like a little bit a little bit right there
Actually i don't i do here's another way of getting the rack look at that
Uh-huh! I know that you're not supposed to dig straight down but you know what in the nether maybe it's not
So bad
Hey look that's where i was minding glowstone and there's some right here look at that although what's the truck
feeling a little bit of some some mushrooms as well
is there a safer way down
yeah, could jump over this
I'm not risking it i'm not gonna oh, no stop it stop it
where am i going not there absolutely not there maybe like right here
that was reckless why did i do that i don't know that was bad what is it it's a little baby zombie pigman
look at him oh
yeah, it's actually not that cute it's kind of gross here though you order it tonight stand on you all ow oh bad
bad bad bad
okay i can't do that why wouldn't why did i think that was a good idea
can i not just okay fuck it i just want mine
Oh i can mind this huh
Okay how do i like pick it up though how do i pick it up if is he always gonna be on top of itself
will it eventually stop yes it will okay so i can just mind my own this
see i always thought that the zombie pigmen really didn't like whenever you mind
Their their minerals they would they would see it as like they took offense to it or something
So you had to be careful when mining around them is that just not a thing anymore
Or was it was i just like not mining quartz close enough to them i don't know what is this
magma block don't know what that does but that's cool man i
Can dig it does it actually do anything if i'm like up against it mmm, no it's only if you're on top of it okay
Well that's good to know here we go again i don't know what you can do with mac in the block maybe the recipe book
oh, no a good thing of another pekka axl oh yeah okay you know what this that that's enough i'm gonna nap it up and
Then if i need more later we'll come back it's totally cool
okay i
i'm just about done with this place for now i did want to find the stronghold and we will come back for the stronghold
whenever we're not coming here and getting the materials
Now that we've kind of got past the base materials we got some clothes stone we got some nether act we got whatever this magma
Block is we'll be good we'll be fine we'll be able to come back and have a soul?
to find the stronghold and then you guys can maybe like mental and let me know in comments
How do you find where's the stronghold how do you find it i don't know okay i don't know if you just got
To explore the nether until you eventually find it i have a pretty bad feeling that that's exactly what you're supposed?
To do okay how do i go home where is home oh right there okay, see stay close, to home
and then
That's it easy easy as that you can just go home right now right here see there's my little tower
And next thing you know now bob buy a mushroom make a nice little stew when we're back
check out these quartz while i'm right here i nice nice
going here we go
alright we did it guys this was a very
Very successful another run i mean i shouldn't i might be speaking too soon we should really just
Make it home
Make it back to the house to the hole the hidey hole see look it's now midnight
So we're not safe yet
Everything's fine spider right there oh, no don't make me put down this magma block dude i could make like a monster trap oh
skeleton there nope ouch bad bad bad bad bad stop it stop it stop stop
stop ow that really hurts if an enderman was doing three hearts of damage oh man
flew right by
if an enderman was doing three hearts of damage and i'm full iron armor
Imagine if i didn't have any armor and all you'd be he could like to hit me hello reginald i'm back from my trip and
You, know a couple battle wounds but i'm doing pretty all right i'm gonna bond my first time i'm gonna go to bed before anything
else we're taking care of that
Okay, so that wasn't so bad we uh we did pretty good i'm going
To restore these away
Hi okay i need another chest here we go i'm just gonna do this for now we're eventually gonna need to create a storage area
which is totally funded but for now just like god
this i'm gonna put it all away there you go high 63 netherrack i really couldn't have gotten a 64 another come on
All right there we go i shall keep some dirt on me
yeah good
stuff i always sort everything in a very specific way
now we're good look at that that's so bad, huh ant ladies and gentlemen on that note i
Would like to thank you so much for joining me for another episode of
Minecraft if you enjoyed please do remember to leave the video will like maybe even subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and?
you, know what next video i'll be better i'll try i'll try my best i'm not gonna stop though i don't care how sick i
everything's gonna be okay
also i need to show you guys that last kitty of the day
cuz it's terrifying and i really don't want it in my face anymore
that's it right there look at that i don't want that on my desk looking at me
he usually usually i'm pretty okay with like almost any cat for some reason this cat scares me i don't know what it is
On that note again thank you and i will see you oh-oh-oh!
actually don't forget to check out house holiday package dennis daily comm link in the description below okay now
The video thank you again guy said i will see you