字幕表 動画を再生する
What if the state covered your cost of living, would you still go to work?
国が生活費を支給して くれるとしたら
Go back to school?
Not work at all? What would you do?
This concept is called a universal basic income or UBI
And it's nothing less than the most ambitious social policy of our times
in 2017, basic income is gaining momentum around the world
この考え方が最低所得保障 (UBI)と呼ばれるもので、
First trials are ongoing or on their way
こんにちの最も野心的な 社会政策のひとつだ
and a growing number of countries are considering UBI as an alternative to welfare
2017年、ベーシックインカムは 世界的に脚光をあびはじめた
How would it work and what are the key arguments for and against?
初めての試行がいくつか 進行中だし、
Right now people can't really agree. What universal basic income is or should be
福祉事業に替わるものとして UBIを検討する国が増えている
Some want to use it to eliminate welfare and Cupp bureaucracy
それはどういうしくみで働き、 賛否両論の要点はどこだろう?
Others want it as a free extra for existing programs, or even want it to be so high that work itself becomes optional
UBIが何であり、どうあるべきかという きちんとした合意は、まだ存在しない
For this video we'll talk mostly about the minimum basic income
福祉事業を廃止して、お役所仕事を 減らすために使おうという者もいれば
enough money to be above the poverty line
既存政策に無料で 追加すべきという者や、
in the US this means about $1,000 a month or $12,000 a year
労働がオプションになってしまうほど 支給額を高くしようという者もいる
The money would not be taxed and you could do whatever you wanted with it in
この動画では、最小限の BIについて話そう
In this scenario UBI is a way of transferring the wealth of a society
貧困線をかろうじて 超える額のお金
while still keeping the free market intact
アメリカでなら月1,000ドル、 年12,000ドルを意味する
But if we hand out free money will people just spend it on booze and stop working?
そのお金は非課税で、 何に使ってもいい
A 2013 study by the World Bank
このシナリオではUBIは 社会の富の再分配手段で
specifically examined if poor people waste their handouts on tobacco and alcohol if they receive it in the form of cash
The clear answer, no they don't. The opposite is true
でも再分配されたお金で人々は 遊び暮らし、働かなくなるのでは?
Other studies have shown that the richer you are, the more drugs and alcohol you consume
2013年の、 世界銀行による研究では、
The lazy and drunk poor person is a stereotype rather than reality
貧しい人が無料支給を、酒や タバコに浪費してしまわないか
What about laziness?
Universal basic income test runs done in Canada in the 1970s showed that around
答えは明確で、ノー 全く反対が真実だった
1% of the recipients stopped working, mostly to take care of their kids
別の研究では、豊かな人ほど ドラッグや酒を消費していた
On average people reduced their working hours by less than 10%
怠惰で酒飲みの貧困者というのは ステレオタイプな思い込みだったのだ
The extra time was used to achieve goals like going back to school or looking for better jobs
But if laziness and drugs are not a huge deal, Why doesn't our current welfare state solve poverty
1970年代のカナダでの UBIの試行では
Welfare or unemployment programs often come with a lot of strings attached
1%程度の受給者は子供の 世話のために働くのをやめたが、
Like taking part in courses,
Applying to a certain number of jobs a month or accepting any kind of job offer
増えた時間は、学校に戻って勉強したり、 より良い仕事を探したり、に使われた
no matter if it's a good fit, or what it pays
でも怠惰やドラッグが 問題ではないのなら
Besides the loss of personal freedom, these conditions are often a huge waste of time and only served to make the unemployment statistics
現代の福祉国家が貧困を 解決できないのは何故か?
Seem less bad
福祉や失業政策は、 がんじがらめだ
Often your time would be much better spent looking for the right job
continuing education or starting a business
毎月決まった数の 仕事をこなせとか、
Another unwanted side effect of many welfare programs is that they trap people in poverty and promote passive behavior
Imagine a benefit of $1,000 each month
in a lot of programs if you earn a single dollar extra the whole thing is taken away
If you take a job, that's paying $1200 you might not only lose your benefits,
but because of your taxes and another costs like transportation
雇用統計をちょっと 改善する程度の
You might end up having less money than before
So if you actively try to better your situation, and your total income is not improving or even a shrinking
もっと適性に合った 仕事を探したり
welfare can create a ceiling that traps people in poverty
勉強したり、起業した方が 良かっただろうに
and rewards passive behavior
福祉政策の別の副作用は 人々を貧困にとどめ、
A basic income can never be cut and therefore getting a job and additional income would always make your financial situation better
Work is always rewarded
月に1,000ドルの給付金が あるとする
instead of a ceiling it creates a floor from which people can lift themselves up
多くの制度では、1ドルでも稼ぎがあると 給付金は全部取り上げられる
But even if UBI is the better model, is it economically feasible?
職を得て1,200ドル得ると、 給付金を失うだけでなく
What about inflation?
税金や送料ほかの コストがかかり
Won't prices just rise making everything just like it was before?
Since the money is not being created by magic or printers it needs to be transferred from somewhere
状況を改善しようと努力すると むしろ悪化してしまう
It's more of a shift of funds than the creation of new ones
福祉が貧困から抜け出せない 罠となり
Hence; no inflation
消極的な振る舞いを うながしてしまう
Ok, but how do we pay for it?
BIは絶対にカット されないので
There's no right answer here because the world is too diverse
職を得て追加の 収入を得ることは
How well-off the country is, what the local values are,
Are things like high taxes or cutting the defence budget politically acceptable or not?
How much welfare state is already in place and is it effective?
抜け出すべき罠を 作るのではなく
Each country has its own individual path to a UBI
しかしUBIが良い 制度だとしても
The easiest way to pay for a UBI is to end all welfare and use the free funds to finance it
Not only would this make a number of government agencies disappear, which in itself saves money, it would also eliminate a lot of bureaucracy
on the other hand cutting them could leave many people worse off than before
物価が上がって 元のもくあみになるのでは?
If the goal is to have a foundation for everybody there still need to be programs of some sort because just like countries,
お金が魔法やプリンターで 生み出せない以上、
People are not the same
The second way - higher taxes especially for the very wealthy
新しいお金を作るのではなく 資金の移動なのだ
In the US for example there's been a lot of economic growth but most of the benefits from it have gone to the richest few percent
the wealth gap is rapidly widening
わかった でもどこから持ってくる?
and many argue that it might be time to distribute the spoils more evenly to preserve the social peace
世界は多様なので 正解はない
There could be taxes on financial transactions, capital, land value, carbon, or even robots
But UBI is not necessarily expensive
高額な税金や国防費の削減が 政治的に受け入れられるか?
According to a recent study
既存の福祉国家はどれだけあり、 それらは有効か?
a UBI of $1,000 per month in the US
Could actually grow the GDP by 12% over eight years
UBIの財源を作る簡単な方法は 福祉を全廃することだ
because it would enable poor people to spend more and increase overall demand
多くの政府機関が消えて 節約になるだけでなく
What about the people who do the dirty work?
Who will work in the fields, crawl through sewers, or lift pianos?
その一方で、福祉をカット されると困る人もいるだろう
If you don't need to for survival, will people still do hard boring and unfulfilling labor?
目的が万人のための基盤づくりに あるなら、なお何らかの政策は必要だろう
UBI might give them enough leverage to demand better pay and working conditions
国と同じく、人も さまざまなのだから
a study calculated that every extra dollar going to wage earners would add about $1.21 to the national economy
他の方法としては、最富裕層に 対する、より高額な課税がある
While every extra dollar going to high-income Americans would add only 39 cents
米国を例に取ると、多くの 経済成長があったのに
There would still be very rich and poor people
利益はみんな最富裕層の 数%に行ってしまった
but we could eliminate fear, suffering, and existential panic for a significant part of the population
Making poor citizens better off could be a smart economic tactic
公平に利益を分配するべき 時期だとの議論が多い
For some this isn't enough. They want a UBI large enough to live a middle-class existence
金融取引、資本、地価、炭素排出、 あるいはロボットにだって課税できる
If we set the financial obstacle aside, this idea fundamentally challenges, how our society is constructed
しかし、UBIが必ず 高くつくとは限らない
By earning money, you earn the possibility to take part in society this determines your status and options
But it also forces many people into spending huge chunks of their time on things they don't care about
in 2016 only 33% of US employees were engaged at work
GDPにして毎年12%の 成長をもたらすという
16% were actively miserable and the remaining 51% were only physically present
貧しかった人たちがお金を 使うようになるからだ
Would 67% of people stop working if they could?
汚い仕事をする 人たちはどうか?
It would be unfair to portray work as just a chore
野良仕事や下水の仕事、あるいは ピアノを運ぶ仕事など
work gives us something to do. It challenges us
生きていくのに必要でなければ、 誰がきつい仕事をするだろう?
it motivates us to improve, it forces us to engage
UBIはそうした人たちの待遇改善に つながるかもしれない
Many find friends or partners at work, we work for social status wealth and our place in the world
ある試算では、賃金労働者への 1ドルごとに、
We're looking for something to do with our lives and for many people work gives them meaning
国民経済に対して1.21ドルの 貢献になるが
There are other concerns with UBI
高所得者への1ドルは39セントの 貢献にしかならないという
If all welfare programs were exchanged for one single payment, this gives the government a lot of leverage
依然として富めるものと 貧しき者がいるだろうが
individual programs are easier to attack or cut than a multitude
大部分の人にとっての恐れや悩み、 実存的パニックを解消することはできる
or populist smite promise drastic changes to the UBI to get into power
貧しい市民を改善するのは 賢い経済戦術だ
and a universal basic income doesn't tackle all problems when it comes to equality
これでも不十分だと いう者もいる
Rents for example
UBIは中流の生活ができる 程度にすべきだと
while $1,000 might be great in the countryside, it's not a lot for expensive metropolitan areas
財政上の議論は おくとしても、
which could lead to poor people moving outwards and the difference between rich and poor
この考えは我々の社会の成り立ちに 対する根本的な挑戦になる
becoming even more extreme
お金を稼ぐことで、 人は社会の一部を担う
and of course, for some people, the concept of work itself not being essential for survival is appalling
それが人のステータスと選択肢を 決定している
だがそのために、多大な時間を 興味のないことに費やしてもいる
So is the universal basic income a good idea? The honest answer is that we don't know yet
2016年、仕事に満足している 米国の被雇用者はたった33%で、
There needs to be a lot more research more and bigger test runs
16%は悲惨な状態にあり、 残りの51%はやむを得ず従事していた
We need to think about what kind of UBI we want and what we're prepared to give up to pay for it
67%の人々が、可能なら 仕事をやめるのだろうか
The potential is huge. It might be the most promising model to sustainably eliminate poverty
仕事をただの雑用として描くのは フェアじゃないだろう
It might seriously reduce the amount of desperation in the world and make us all much less stressed out
仕事は我々になすべきことを与え、 意欲をかきたてる
This video was made possible by a
それは改善の動機となり、 我々に参加を強制する
Universal basic income provided by you, our viewers
友人や仕事上の 仲間を見つけ、
Ten thousand people around the world gift us a monthly income on patreon.com/Kurzgesagt
社会的身分や 居場所を得る
You enable us to pay salaries and buy new hardware you enable us to make more videos
我々は人生の中で すべきことを探し、
And you enable us to spend more time on them
仕事が多くの人に 意味を与えてくれる
Kurzgesagt would truly not be what it is today without your help
UBIには他の 懸念もある
You help us stay independent, and you give us the freedom to put quality before quantity
全ての福祉政策が単一の 給付になってしまうと、
Thank you so much
政府に大きな影響力を 与えることになる