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(upbeat music)
- Look at how massive this thing is.
- It's huge!
- It's so big!
(Christmas rock music)
- Literally insane!
We were in a coma because we handle the sugar
in front of us.
(Christmas rock music)
- Ho Ho Ho!
- It's Brooklyn and Bailey,
welcome to another video during the Christmas season.
- Holiday season, Merry Christmas.
Happy Hanukah, and
- Happy holidays.
So you guys, today's video is going to be extremely fun.
Basically what we found is ginormous versions
of normal Christmas candies, and we are going to
compare them today.
We're gonna measure them.
- We're gonna eat them.
- Eat them.
- We're gonna break them, cut into them.
- It'll be very interesting to see if the giant versions
are as good as the small versions
- I'm excited, this is like a kids dream video.
- Giant candy.
- We get to eat giant candy, it's amazing.
- Yes, please, yes please.
Before we go into the video, if you haven't subscribed
to our channel, definitely go subscribe by clicking
the red button down below that says "subscribe",
alright you guys, I think we're ready to move on
to the extremely fun challenge.
- Let's go.
- First candy is the giant candy cane versus a normal
candy cane.
Look at how massive this thing is.
- It's huge!
- It's so big.
- We're gonna measure it and see the normal candy cane
size versus the big candy cane size.
- Okay, it is
- Five and a half inches.
- Five and a half inches, so this is five and a half inches
- This is a foot,
- Oh gosh!
- And five inches.
- Wow!
17 inches long.
- This thing is like a fourth of the size of my body.
- Oh my gosh!
- Like a pound.
- It weights a pound!
Instead of bringing a weight to the gym,
I'm just gonna bring a giant candy cane, I can go,
- Oh my gosh.
- We have a calculator,
and we're going to calculate the amount of calories,
so it says they're 60 calories per serving,
but there's 35 servings per candy cane.
- So that makes it like 2100 calories.
And this little guy has 50 calories.
This candy cane is basically your entire days worth
of calories.
- So we have another calculator that calculates the amount
of jumping jacks you have to do to work this off.
So we calculated, and it is 390 minutes of jumping jacks.
- To work this off.
- Which is five and a half hours of jumping jacks.
Is it really worth it?
We're about to find out because we're gonna taste it.
Okay, normal candy cane.
It tastes like a normal candy cane.
Okay, I'll lick the other end that you didn't lick.
- It tastes sweeter.
- It just tastes like a giant stick of sugar.
It doesn't even taste minty.
- It tastes way sweet.
- Is it really worth the calories, Brooklyn?
- No, we could probably fish with it, it looks like a hook.
- But you could go fishing.
- You could lick this so there's a sharp point.
- Or you know, I don't know, use it as a hammer,
a weight at the gym.
- I mean there are lots of uses for this.
Maybe just not eating it.
- Alright, the next giant candy we have is literally insane,
Giant Snickers!
Versus normal Snickers.
- We don't even have to measure it because it says
on the front.
- Holy cow!
Snickers yard.
- This is a normal Snickers bar, there are nine of these.
- Nine mini bars in a giant yard bar.
4500 calories!
- Props to you if you eat this is one sitting.
- That's a lot of calories!
- I would throw up like 20 times.
- Holy cow. T
That is 825 minutes of jumping jacks.
- Or 13.7 hours.
- That's literally longer than a school day.
Is it really worth it?
I guess if you really like Snickers, it would be.
So we looked and we found a spot, it says it's 33.46 ounces.
- This is about 2 ounces.
- It's time to try a taste.
If we can get it open.
- We've been jipped.
I feel so jipped!
It's just smaller bars inside of a package.
- Do you guys see this?
What's the point of buying this when you can just buy
one, two, three, four, five, six,
18 Snickers bars separate.
- Tastes like a Snickers bar.
- It tastes like a Snickers bar.
- I'm sorely disappointed.
- I'm really disappointed.
- Next one.
- Okay you guys, so, turns out they actually do have
a giant Snickers that's a real giant bar,
instead of just several individual ones,
- And this one is exactly one pound.
And it's so cute, I think it's like, compared to the other
one, it's small, I mean let's see how long it is.
- So this one is about ten inches.
But this one's just thicker and fatter.
- Yeah, it's wider, it's like big.
And 2160 calories.
- So, this is almost exactly the same as the candy cane,
because it would be 380 minutes of jumping jacks.
This is what I'm talking about.
- A giant Snickers bar.
- Holy cow.
Holy cow.
- That's just a brick of chocolate.
- This is a brick of chocolate.
Oh my gosh, okay.
- We're gonna slice it.
- It's like cake.
Like you have to cut a piece of it.
- Go Bailey go!
- Got it!
Oh my, okay you ready?
- This does not look the same.
Look that's what the inside of the Snickers bar looks like.
- Ready to try it?
Set, go!
Does it taste the same?
- Basically.
There's a little bit more caramel in it.
- Well it's probably because it's thicker.
Well you guys, turns out a giant brick of snickers,
- I don't like it as much as the small one.
- Doesn't taste as good as the normal Snickers,
so if you want it to be worth your calories,
maybe you should just buy a bunch of these.
- Buy like a ton of these.
- Yeah.
It's time for the giant Lindor.
So look at this baby, holy cow, how cow.
Okay, so first let's measure size wise.
It looks like it's about six and a half inches long,
- And this is maybe an inch.
- So six and a half versus an inch.
Tah dah!
- Look at the size difference of that.
- And looking at the calorie count,
3,300 calories.
Wow that's a lot of calories.
- Hot dang.
- And then it says it weighs 18 ounces, so that's a little
over a pound.
- If this weights about 5.1 ounces, this whole bag does,
so I don't know how many that is per thing,
but it's not a lot.
- Okay.
- So to work this whole big giant Lindor off, you'd have
to do jumping jacks for 600 minutes, or ten hours.
- Yep.
Okay, I want to see what it looks like.
- Oh, again!
- So, it's definitely not chocolate.
What is this?
- That is so,
- Rip off!
Crack it.
It's literally just the same thing.
- The same thing, just like three more of them.
- That's so lame!
(Christmas music)
- You're just a normal Lindor.
No difference?
- No.
Why would you do this?
People be buying it thinkin' their getting a giant ball
of Lindor, instead they just get the same thing they
could've gotten in this.
Next one is a milk chocolate Hersey's Kiss,
and it's ginormous, so I looked at the weight,
and it says it's only 12 ounces
- Not even a pound.
- Which is the smallest so far.
Not even a pound.
200 calories per serving and there are nine servings,
so that would be how many calories?
- 1,800.
- Is that the smallest so far?
I think that might be the smallest so far.
- About six inches.
- Six inches.
And they even have the tag on this, okay you guys,
at least their wrapping is consistent, no matter what
the size is on the actual chocolate itself.
- About half an inch.
Oh my.
- That's ridiculous!
Okay, so it'd be 325 minutes of doing jumping jacks
to work this baby off.
- And about four hours.
- And it's like the size of my head.
Oh my gosh.
- It just looks amazing.
It's so smooth.
Oh goodness, oh goodness gracious.
Oh goodness gracious.
Wait, I think I can break it.
So, it's definitely hollow, which is why it doesn't
weigh that much.
So I'm just gonna take a nibble of the side I guess.
- Oh my gosh.
I'm gonna eat the top.
- It tastes the same.
- I don't like it as much.
- We definitely like the smaller ones better.
- Yeah, this is better.
- This just felt more plasticy than that one.
I don't know how to describe it, maybe they have
to make it harder or something so that it will stay
in the shell shape?
- I definitely just want to break it.
- It's just like a shell.
I don't know guys, I don't think it's worth it.
- Our next treat is a giant Rice Krispies Treat.
- And this thing, I mean, it's like a sheet.
- It's like a desk.
You could put a computer on here.
- Holy cow, and then this is the small one.
- So this is one foot, four inches, and how big is this one?
This one's like a baby, it's barely an inch.
Two and a half inches.
And this one is one foot and four inches.
- And this one weighs two pounds, and that one weighs
point seven ounces.
So the comparison is a little crazy.
- Last but not least, calorie wise,
so how much is that?
- 3,600 calories.
No, no.
- For a Rice Krispy treat!
And by the way, when we calculate the jumping jacks,
we are calculating with our weight, so if you are
calculating, it might be different.
- Based on your weight.
- Just a little bit.
And it would be 10.8 hours of jumping jacks
to work this off.
- It's like a cake, you could frost it, and
make it a birthday cake.
Just peel it all off, I want to see the whole thing
in it's glory.
This looks like what they use on Cake Boss
to make cakes you know?
- I think it is.
- They just wrap this around something and then it's done.
- Alright, we're gonna cut it.
- Here's a normal one.
- Okay.
Literally taste the exact same.
- Yeah, there's no difference.
- Whatsoever.
- Tastes good.
- I guess if you just didn't want to buy
a bunch of these, and you just wanted to share it
with everyone, or maybe you just really love
Rice Krispy treats.
Okay, so, there you go.
That's that for ya.
I hope you guys enjoyed that sugary video,
I feel like I'm a little bit in a sugar coma.
- I know, I'm ready to go take a nap, work it off.
- A lot of sugar.
So if you haven't subscribed to our channel,
definitely do that by clicking the button down below.
- Comment below with candy you would eat out of all
the candy we had today.
- And if you want to see some of our other Christmas videos,
definitely click the button down below and watch those
and to see just more of our videos in general,
click the button right over here.
We love you guys so much!
Happy holidays!
Have a happy season, we love you all so much, bye!