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  • hello and welcome back to real English with real teachers with myself Charlie and

  • Harry how you doing really good really good Chas how you doing today I'm very

  • well thank you I'm ready to learn some phrasal verbs in

  • stories me too yeah English is absolutely full of

  • phrasal verbs we think that you need to know as many of them as possible so that

  • you can get by in English welcome to real English with real teachers with Harry and Charlie

  • Charlie before we before we get going are you really going to record a video

  • like this don't you think you look a bit bit scruffy what oh do you think I need to

  • go spruce up I think yeah I think you should spruce up look at me I'm wearing

  • a nice shirt and you're just looking a bit looking a bit shabby is that to your

  • satisfaction sir have I spruced up enough now that's a lot better that's a

  • lot better so Charlie has spruced up to spruce up that's a nice one isn't it Charlie what

  • does that mean it means to get neater or to improve your appearance so if you are

  • looking a little bit worse for wear or a little bit less impressive than you

  • should then you can say oop I need to spruce up and go put a shirt on

  • maybe if you're going to a wedding or if you're recording a YouTube video and you

  • want people to look at you and think oh Charlie looks nice and formal then you

  • need to spruce up I hope they look at me thinking he looks nice and formal for my

  • YouTube video you do you look nice maybe I should do my top button up

  • spruce up a bit Oh so it's top button even more spruced up I yeah I think it

  • is I think it is so Charlie you know I've started

  • going to gym again oh yeah yeah well I am I'm being really careful not to

  • injure myself but I am trying to bulk up a bit because I I I'm aware that I look

  • quite weedy especially in t-shirts and I want to fill out the the sleeves a bit

  • more so I'm really looking to bulk up you want to bulk up okay so you're

  • thinking at the moment you look too thin too thin and you need to get big exactly yeah

  • okay and if I was to eat lots of cake would I be bulking up hmm

  • no you'd be putting on fat so you wouldn't be bulking up because when you

  • bulk up you're putting on muscle so I don't know what would we say if you're eating

  • lots of cakes what expression could we use for that don't be such a

  • fatty I think you're you're piling on the pounds

  • - yeah that's it exactly yeah I don't I don't want to pile on the pounds

  • I want to I want to bulk up but also if I if I didn't want to bulk up I just

  • wanted to look more toned and have more muscle definition what could I say

  • then I want to get ripped I want to look ripped is that what you mean yeah I

  • want to get ripped yeah or to tone up I want to tone up so when you are fully

  • bulked up and you're a meathead do you think that you'll be able to fool around

  • with a lot more women you never know yeah not all girls are shallow and

  • they're looking for big meatheads to fool around with umm but it's possible

  • that my I'll have a better better sex life when I've bulked up what do

  • you think perhaps perhaps yeah I don't know have you got the have you

  • got the moves though because along with the looks you've got to have the moves

  • so I don't know when you were when you were younger and you were learning how

  • to how to flirt were you able to score to be honest I've never really had the

  • moves but I've got the moobs and that's why I'm hitting the gym

  • moobs being man boobs moobs so this this meaning of fall around is to engage in

  • some kind of naughty sexual activity with with someone of the opposite sex or

  • or someone of the same sex depending on your preferences did you did you fall

  • around much when you're at school Charlie ah so you're meaning fooling around in

  • misbehaving not being a good child yes did you mess around did you waste time in

  • lessons not concentrating I imagine you were a you're a goody two-shoes

  • you're actually on the money there I I was a goody two-shoes I did not fool

  • around much I was a bit too scared to fool around but I was with friends who

  • did fool around a lot in the non-sexual meaning they would

  • misbehave and I would stand there being good but pretending to be the friend

  • that is also misbehaving so you were like the innocent bystander just

  • observing the naughtiness yes exactly that I like I like the phrase as

  • well you're on the money to be on the money that's quite nice it means

  • like when when another person has said something correct and you want to say

  • yeah that's exactly it you've hit the nail on the head you can

  • say you're on the money you're just right

  • I was actually quite a naughty kid myself and I was fooling around a lot and

  • to the point where I wasn't really learning

  • much I didn't want to take up new things so now that I'm older I really

  • want to take up these new things like I've just taken up the guitar ahh you've

  • taken up the guitar so you've picked it up well yeah I have picked it up

  • yeah but I've started playing the guitar I've started occupying my time by doing

  • it so it's when you when you start a new hobby okay so can I say I've taken up

  • the coffee mug no you could say I've taken up coffee bean picking that

  • that's a hobby you know in like in the jungles in in Brazil or something maybe

  • you go there and you go coffee bean picking do you pick coffee beans yeah yeah

  • I mean I suppose you do I mean that's a very it's a bit of a bizarre hobby but I think

  • it would be quite an interesting one it's more exotic than taking up the

  • guitar certainly is certainly is yes I've recently taken up learning German that's

  • a good example isn't it to take up a new language yeah yeah and so you could say

  • take up learning German could you also say I've taken up German yeah I've taken

  • up german I've taken up

  • Japanese I've taken up arts and crafts

  • my dad's recently taken up art actually as you saw in the last live lesson we did he's taken up drawing

  • all sorts of interesting things I like that phrase as well all sorts of something

  • mmm yeah like a variety all varieties of art

  • yeah so your father's just taken up art and you have taken up a bit more travel this

  • year haven't you you're excited to go somewhere

  • I am yeah with you actually yeah with me me yeah where are we going

  • we're going to Pisa in Italy and I believe if Charlie has the guts we're

  • going to hire scooters and go on an adventure on these vespas on the

  • Italian scooters over to a seaside town I've got I've got guts I've guts what you talking

  • about Harry I know I know you've got guts but Charlie one thing we're gonna have

  • to do is maybe take some Italian lessons like before we go to brush up on on our

  • Italian don't you think yeah I mean I've actually been trying to brush up on my

  • Italian but your Spanish could come in handy couldn't it

  • yeah yeah it could come in handy yeah apparently there's like 80% lexical similarity

  • between Italian and Spanish so it could definitely be really useful but

  • apparently there's loads of false friends so I could try and say something but it has a

  • totally different meaning so it could be quite confusing but yeah we're gonna

  • have to brush up on those Italian skills aren't we how are your lessons going

  • the the lady that I started with actually moved away and changed jobs I

  • think or she just said that yeah she went into early retirement yeah yeah exactly

  • so I can't brush up on my Italian there but we should just clarify that brushing

  • up on something is improving an already existing skill so for me I'm not there

  • yet so I can't really say that I'm brushing up on my Italian I could say

  • I'm brushing up on my Spanish to go to Spain next year I have a tiny level of

  • Spanish but my Italian is a little bit non-existent yeah it's true yeah and you

  • could use it with other things not just with languages

  • lets say golf I haven't played golf in donkeys years but if I was to play

  • I would definitely have to brush up on my swing because god it's been so long

  • since I last played okay okay yeah you have to dust the cobwebs off yes yeah dust the cobwebs off

  • my old my granddad's old clubs yeah meaning the spiders webs

  • so Harry would have to brush up on his golf if he had a meeting

  • with an important person in a company and they had a golf day if you were to

  • have a day out with an important person to impress them on the golf course would

  • you would you prepare yourself in any other way I'd certainly spruce up and

  • if I were a woman I'd probably slap on some makeup

  • you don't slap on makeup being a man I don't I don't I know you do occasionally

  • for YouTube and for Stacey do you and Stacey still have those umm those strange

  • evenings where you put on makeup and parade up and down in front of the

  • mirror in her dress you know what I'm speechless don't know what to say to you thought you

  • weren't going to come out with this on camera umm no we we don't

  • slap on any makeup on Charlie's Charlie's gob any more

  • those days are past yeah those days are over have you taken up some some new some new

  • hobbies as I said every Thursday but if you are slapping on makeup Charlie is it

  • does that suggest you may be doing it carefully you are not you're doing it

  • very quickly for example if we are running late then I can say to Stacey

  • don't do it here slap on some makeup in the car

  • yeah you see so many girls driving around in this country anyway slapping

  • on makeup in the mirror it's ridiculous yeah they should actually have a law

  • shouldn't they they've brought a law in for phones maybe they do it's anything

  • that's distracting your hands I believe so yeah

  • but yeah so a message to everyone don't don't slap on makeup when you're driving

  • danger oh can we can we use slap on with just makeup

  • um not no we can use in other things as well if it we use it with liquids and

  • when it when we apply liquids to a surface be it our face or a wall or

  • something so if my walls needed a lick of paint a little bit of paint

  • what could I what could you say to me Charlie you could say I need

  • to slap some paint on the wall yeah say and I need to slap another coat on

  • quickly mmm yeah that's nice so you actually use

  • an object there as well slap another coat of paint on the wall oh my god the

  • other yesterday Charlie I went for a really long bike ride it was really hot it was piping hot

  • and I forgot to slap on any sun tan lotion so I'm really burnt and my arms are super

  • burned and my face is too and I'm yeah it hurts a little bit ouch so you should

  • have slapped on some sun cream and slap is actually probably coming from like

  • the action of slap right yeah exactly yeah the slap or at least we could

  • remember it that way so which verb to slap slap on thank you for joining us

  • for our phrasal verbs with stories we hope you have enjoyed that and that's

  • not all we don't want you to forget these we want you to use them right away so

  • get in the comment section and write us a creative example

  • using all of these phrasal verbs from today to spruce up to fool around to

  • bulk up to take up to brush up on to slap on and the best example gets a

  • shout out in our next live lesson good luck bye for now

  • click here to subscribe and be notified when we are next live if you want to live

  • eat and breathe real English then come and stay with us on our own immersion

  • course and lastly if you want more classes from us every week then come over

  • to patreon to join our loyal members PS give us a cheeky thumbs up

  • go on you know you want to

hello and welcome back to real English with real teachers with myself Charlie and


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句動詞を楽しく学ぼう (Learn Phrasal Verbs the Fun Way!)

  • 91 9
    michael に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日