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I recognized the roles that were placed on me very early.
幼い頃 自分に押し付けられた 役割に気づきました
One persistent concept that I observed --
私が認識したのは 私たちの言葉や メディアに根強く残るある観念―
existing in our language, in our media --
「女性とは子どもを 持つべきであるだけでなく
was that women are not only supposed to have children,
they are supposed to want to.
This existed everywhere.
大人たちに 自分の将来の出来事について
It existed in the ways that adults spoke to me
when they posed questions in the context of "when."
"When you get married ..."
"When you have kids ..."
このような将来に関する話が まるで アメリカンドリームの
And these future musings were always presented to me
一部であるかのように 常に立ちはだかりましたが
like part of this American dream,
私は 他人ごとのように 感じていました
but it always felt to me like someone else's dream.
You see, a value that I have always understood about myself
子供を欲しがることは 絶対にないということでした
was that I never wanted children.
この 女性の役割と 私の価値観とのズレを
And as a kid, when I would try to explain this,
this disconnect between their roles and my values,
they often laughed
子供特有の わけのわからない話だとでも 言いたげでした
in the way that adults do at the absurdities of children.
そして分かった顔で こう言うのでした
And they would tell me knowingly,
"You'll change your mind."
これまでずっと みんなに そう言われてきました
And people have been saying things like that to me my whole life.
礼儀正しい会話が急に 立ち入った話になることもあります
Otherwise polite conversation can turn intrusive fast.
"Does your husband know?"
"Do your parents know?"
"Don't you want a family?"
"Don't you want to leave anything behind?"
「子供を持たないこと」が話題になる時に 一番よく聞く言葉は
And the primary buzzword when discussing childlessness,
"That's selfish."
女性が母親にならないという 選択をした場合
There are countless reasons a woman may have
for choosing to abstain from motherhood,
the majority of them not self-prioritizing.
しかし そんな女性へのおおっぴらな非難が 今でも社会的に容認されています
But it is still socially acceptable to publicly vilify women as such,
どんな理由も世間の常識に 当てはまらないからです
because none of these reasons have made it into the social narrative.
女性は子供を生むようにできていると 教えられていた幼い頃
When I was little and learning about the inevitability of maternity,
it was never explained to me
どれだけありふれているかを 誰も説明してくれませんでした
the commonness of these factors that women consider,
遺伝性疾患を子孫に 引き渡してしまうリスクや
like the risk of passing on hereditary illness,
the danger of having to stop life-saving medication
中止しなければならない危険性 といった要因です
for the duration of your pregnancy,
concern about overpopulation,
your access to resources,
そしてアメリカでは 常時 41万5000人の子供たちが
and the fact that there are 415,000 children
児童養護の対象であるという 事実などもです
in the foster-care system in the United States at any given time.
Reasons like these, many more,
加えて これほど重大なことを 「偶然」任せにしたくないという考えから
and the fact that I don't like to leave things of this magnitude to chance,
all informed my decision
to become surgically sterilized.
I began my research eagerly.
I wanted to fully understand
卵管結紮手術に伴う すべてのことを
all that was going to come with undergoing a tubal ligation,
which is just another word for getting your tubes tied.
I wanted to know approval to aftermath,
術後の満足度、リスク 統計まで知りたかったのです
satisfaction rates, risks, statistics.
最初は 勇気付けられました
And at first, I was empowered.
それまでずっと教え込まれてきた 世間の常識から
You see, the way the narrative has always been taught to me,
子どもを欲しがらない女性は とても珍しいのかと思ったら
I would have thought that women who didn't want children were so rare,
and then I learned one in five American women
won't be having a biological child --
時にはそれを選択して 時には偶然に
some by choice, some by chance.
But I was not alone.
しかし調べるうちに 意気消沈してきました
But the more I read, the more disheartened I became.
I read women's stories,
trying desperately to get this procedure.
何年も 産婦人科医を転々として
I learned how common it was for women to exhaust their finances
資金が底を突く女性が あまり多いのだと知りました
appealing to dozens of ob-gyns over many years,
only to be turned down so many times,
しばしば露骨に見下され 手術を諦めるのです
often with such blatant disrespect that they just gave up.
医師は女性にしばしば 見下した態度を取り
Women reported that medical practitioners were often condescending
and dismissive of their motivations,
being told things like,
「結婚して子供ができたら またいらっしゃい」
"Come back when you're married with a child."
子供を持ってから 不妊手術を希望しても
But women who did have children, who went to go get this procedure,
were told they were too young,
or they didn't have enough children,
which is very interesting,
私の州の法規定では 不妊手術の条件は
because the legal requirements in my state for getting this kind of surgery were,
"Be at least 21 years old,"
「精神が健康で 自分の意思で行動している」
"appear of sound mind, acting of your own accord,"
and "have a 30-day waiting period."
私は戸惑いました この法的要件をすべて満たしているのに
And I was perplexed that I could meet all of these legal requirements
and still have to face a battle in the exam room
for my bodily autonomy.
And it was daunting,
but I was determined.
初診の日にはキチンと正装して いったのを覚えています
I remember I dressed so professionally to that first appointment.
I sat up straight.
I spoke clearly.
自分を一人の人間として 扱ってほしい—
I wanted to give that doctor every piece of evidence
その根拠を一つ残らず 医師に伝えたかったのです
that I was not the date of birth in that file.
そして忘れずに こんなことを言いました
And I made sure to mention things like,
"I just got my bachelor's degree
and I'm applying to these doctoral programs,
I'm going to study these things."
「私の長年のパートナーは こんな仕事をしています」
And "my long-term partner has this kind of business,"
「この数カ月 不妊手術について調べました
and "I've done research on this for months.
I understand everything about it, all the risks."
医師に分かってほしかったのです ただの気まぐれではないし
Because I needed the doctor to know that this was not a whim,
not reactionary,
not your 20-something looking to go out and party
without fear of getting knocked up ...
自分らしさに欠かせない 一部分であることもです
that this supported something integral to who I was.
医療における合意についても 理解していますので
And I understand informed consent,
手術の方法を改めて 説明してもらえると思っていたのですが
so I fully expected to be reeducated on how it all worked, but ...
ある時から医師の説明が 偏見と大げさな統計と
At one point, the information being given to me started to feel agenda'd,
先方の思惑が交錯したものであるように 感じ始めました
interlaced with bias and inflated statistics.
The questions began to feel interrogative.
最初 医師たちは
At first they were asking me questions
私の状況をより良く理解するように思える 質問をしていました
that seemed to understand my situation better,
and then it seemed like they were asking questions to try to trip me up.
I felt like I was on the witness stand, being cross-examined.
The doctor asked me about my partner.
"How does he or she feel about all of this?"
「私は同じ男性と 5年付き合っていて
"Well, I've been with the same man for five years,
彼は私の自分の身体に関する決断に 全面賛成しています」
and he fully supports any decision I make for my body."
And he said, "Well, what happens in the future,
if you change partners?
What happens when that person wants children?"
And I didn't quite know how to react to that,
なぜなら まるで医師が
because what I was hearing
もしパートナーが子どもを強く望んだら 私自身の考えはすべて度外視して当たり前だと
was this doctor tell me that I'm supposed to disregard everything I believe
if a partner demands children.
So I told him not to worry about that.
初デートでの話題はいつも 子どもを持たない話でしたから
My stance on childbearing has always been first date conversation.
すると まるで私が 考えたこともなかったかのように
He then asks me to consider
20年のうちに本当に後悔するかも しれないから よく考えるようにと
how "in 20 years, you could really come to regret this" ...
as though I hadn't.
I told him,
「ある日 目覚めて
"OK, if I wake up one day
and realize, you know,
I wish I'd made a different decision back then,
自分が 親になる道を一つ消した というだけのことです
the truth is, I'd only removed a single path to parenthood.
家族をつくるのに生物学なんて 必要なかったのだから」
I never needed biology to form family anyway."
And I would much rather deal with that any day
本当に欲しいわけでもなく 世話をする準備も
than deal with one day waking up,
realize I'd had a child
子供がなくて後悔するほうが ずっと受け入れやすいことです
that I didn't really want or was prepared to care for.
選択肢のうち一つは 私だけに影響するものです
Because one of these affects only me.
The other affects a child,
their development, their well-being --
and human beings are not to be gambled with.
すると この男性医師は どの医者も 手術を承認するわけがない理由を言いました
He then tells me why no one was going to approve this procedure,
certainly not he,
because of a concept called medical paternalism,
which allows him, as my well-informed provider,
to make decisions for me ...
based on his perception of my best interest,
患者の私が何を望み 何を信じているとしてもです
regardless of what I, as the patient, want or believe.
He takes this opportunity to step out
私の担当になるかもしれない 外科医と話しに行きました
and discuss my case with my potential surgeon,
ドアの向こうから 私をまるで子供扱いした 話しぶりが聞こえてきました
and through the door, I hear him describe me as a little girl.
I was so offended.
I wanted to defend myself.
そこの医療提供者一人ひとりに 面と向かって はっきり言ってやりたくなりました
I wanted to explicitly explain to each one of these providers
how they were treating me,
いかに軽く 性差別的であるかを
that it was belittling and sexist,
and I didn't have to take it.
But I did take it.
I swallowed every sharp word in my throat,
clenched my jaw, and instead
軽蔑的な質問や言葉にも すべて答えました
answered each one of their condescending questions and statements.
私が来院したのは 客観性や支持を求めるためです
I had come here looking for objectivity and support
にもかかわらず軽んじられ 黙らせられたように感じました
and instead I felt dismissed and silenced,
and I hated myself for it.
何度も 無礼な扱いをされるがままだった 自分が嫌になりました
I hated that I was letting people disrespect me repeatedly.
しかしこれも 単なる一度の試みです
But this was my one shot.
何度も受けなければならなかった 面談の一つでした
That was one of multiple consultations that I had to go to.
ある時は短時間のうちに 5~6人もの医者に会いました
At one point, I had seen five or six medical professionals in the same hour.
診察室というより 次々と道化師が 飛び出すドアに向かう気分でした
The door to the exam room felt more like the door to a clown car.
There's my primary,
there's his colleague,
the director, OK.
It felt like I was asking them to infect me with smallpox
まるで 天然痘に感染させてと 頼んで回っているような気分でした
instead of, I don't know, obtain birth control.
But I didn't waver,
and I was persistent,
そして遂に 一人の婦人科医を説得しました
and I eventually convinced one of them to allow the procedure.
And even as I am in the room, signing the consent forms
ホルモン剤を注射し 残りの手続きをしながらも
and getting the hormone shots and tying up loose ends ...
医者は首を横に振りながら 言っていました
my doctor is shaking his head in disapproval.
"You'll change your mind."
この経験をするまでは 完全に理解していませんでした
I never really understood
いかに社会が この母親という役割に 固執しているかを
how strongly this society clings to this role
私は 何度も何度も
until I went through this.
いかに人々が— 医療提供者であれ
I experienced firsthand, repeatedly,
同僚であれ 赤の他人であれ
how people, be it medical providers,
私という女性を母性から切り離して 考えることができないのか
colleagues, strangers,
were literally unable to separate me being a woman
私はずっと 子どもを持つことは 女性であることの延長であり
from me being a mother.
And I've always believed that having children
was an extension of womanhood, not the definition.
子どもの有無によって 決められるべきではありません
I believe that a woman's value
大人の女性として そして自己としての すべてのアイデンティティを
should never be determined by whether or not she has a child,
because that strips her of her entire identity
女性は生命を生み出す 素晴らしい力を持っています
as an adult unto herself.
Women have this amazing ability to create life,
女性の存在そのものが 出産のための手段になってしまいます
but when we say that that is her purpose,
社会が押し付ける その役割が 「母」という名前よりもずっと重いことを
that says that her entire existence is a means to an end.
忘れるのは あまりにも簡単です
It's so easy to forget the roles that society places on us
are so much more than mere titles.
その基準に合わせるための プレッシャー
What about the weight that comes with them,
the pressure to conform to these standards ...
受け入れた時に捨てた願望は どうなるのでしょうか?
the fear associated with questioning them,
and the desires that we cast aside to accept them?
There are many paths to happiness and fulfillment.
しかし私は そのどれもが 自己決定の権利を
They all look very different,
but I believe that every one
女性に知ってほしいのです 母親となるかならないかの選択は
is paved with the right to self-determination.
あなたの価値や 配偶者、大人、女性としての
I want women to know that your choice to embrace or forego motherhood
アイデンティティに 縛られていません
is not in any way tied to your worthiness or identity
母性についての選択が 間違いなくそこにあります
as spouses, as adults, or as women ...
and there absolutely is a choice behind maternity,
and it is yours
and yours alone.
Thank you.