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  • Hey guys!

  • I'm Chrissy.

  • These are my band mates, Dan and Will.

  • We're from a band called Against The Current.

  • And as some of you may know,

  • I'm obsessed with make-up.

  • So I'm gonna be showing you some of my beauty tips

  • on these lovely ladies right next to me.

  • So Will's gonna go for a red lip.

  • I'm going for red.

  • I want the trashy lip.

  • I want like,

  • the girl you don't bring home to your mom.

  • I like using liquid lipsticks for a red lip

  • because they'll stay longer.

  • This one's a luster matte

  • so it still has that shine

  • so it's gonna look like very glossy and healthy

  • without smudging off.

  • Yeah, inviting.

  • I want my lips to be inviting.

  • He likes an inviting lip, alright.

  • What do I do with my lips?

  • Just that for now.

  • You can line your lips beforehand if you like

  • with a red liner.

  • You don't have to,

  • [ding]

  • especially with when using a liquid lip.

  • It's pretty easy to just line it with the applicator.

  • And when you're using a darker lip

  • you can kind of get away with over drawing it

  • a little more to make your lips look more voluptuous.

  • Now if you're over drawing the upper lip,

  • you can kind of get away with a little bit more

  • on the outer edges than when you can

  • with the cupid's bow area.

  • You can over draw them more in this area.

  • Just over the five o'clock shadow.

  • Yeah, right over the five o'clock shadow.

  • As opposed to the top of the lip.

  • Don't laugh!

  • Alright give me a nice little pat.

  • And give a nice little kissy face.

  • How do you feel?

  • I feel a little different.

  • But I think I look beautiful.

  • You do look beautiful.

  • Alright.

  • So today we're gonna give Dan a nude lip.

  • Dan has a nice big puffy bottom lip.

  • So we're not gonna over draw too much on him.

  • If you want to make your lips look a little smaller

  • you can put some foundation,

  • like just with a foundation brush.

  • You can put some foundation over your lips first,

  • kind of neutralize the color.

  • And then redraw your lips

  • in like the size that you want.

  • We're gonna just start at the bottom,

  • and this time I'm gonna line the lips with,

  • so now I'm just filling in the bottom lip

  • right after I lined it.

  • You can do this with a lipstick that matches

  • the color of the lip liner,

  • or you can just do it with the lip liner itself.

  • It's a darker nude shade.

  • Especially if you're pale like Dan and I,

  • you're gonna want to use a really light shade

  • as a nude.

  • This one's a little dark for him,

  • so it's more of a chocolate nude.

  • Ooooh!

  • But you look luscious!

  • You can go over this with a lipstick

  • in the color of your choice.

  • You can leave it as is.

  • You can fill it in with a liquid lip

  • if you want as well.

  • But the lip liner will stay pretty well on its own.

  • Look at my beautiful beauties!

  • And their luscious lips!

  • Ahh!

  • It's beautiful!

  • So kissable.

Hey guys!


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アゲインスト・ザ・カレントのクリッシー・コスタンザは、彼女のバンドメイトのメイクアップをしています。 (Against The Current's Chrissy Costanza Does Her Bandmates' Makeup)

  • 87 8
    liang.teresa.5501 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日