字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント If people testify that the Lord has come, and we don't seek or examine their testimony, then how will we be able to hear His voice? For when God made man, the wise virgins were given human spirits and could hear God's voice. Only foolish virgins focus on guarding against false Christs and prophets and neglect to seek and examine the Lord's return. Only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. The One who can speak truth, show the way, and give people life is the One who's Christ. Amen. And the false Christs? In substance, false Christs are evil spirits and simply devoid of truth. And so, they have to rely on signs and wonders to deceive. Jiayin. Yes? You've been hiding from the CCP government for three years. But I would never have imagined you'd end up believing in the Eastern Lightning! (Huh?) I can't believe you've even brought them home with you! You … Pastor Yang, are you alright? Sister Li is so devout. How could she accept the Eastern Lightning? The Eastern Lightning always steals our good sheep. It's true. Over the years many as devout as Sister Li have come to believe in the Eastern Lightning. (Indeed. True.) Could it be the Eastern Lightning is the true way? If not, how could so many brothers and sisters accept it? Mm, it seems there is truth to be sought here. Jiayin, you have always sought righteousness and truth. Why do you accept the Eastern Lightning? (Yeah.) I don't claim to know much of or study the Eastern Lightning. But they've stolen many of our church's good sheep. (It's true.) That much I know. As do all of us. Indeed. That's right. Could you tell how you've come to accept the Eastern Lightning? (Yes, tell us!) Uncle, Hou'en, do you still not know me? I've believed for years and have some grasp of the Bible. I'm not one of those people who can't think for themselves. When it comes to examining the true way, I am clear in my heart: Only the One who speaks truth is Christ and the appearance of God. Yes. That's right. We know that mankind is corrupt without the truth, to say nothing of evil spirits. Only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. You know, Sister Li is right. Yes. Only the One who speaks truth is the appearance of God. That's true. This book, The Word Appears in the Flesh, is the expression of Almighty God. Expression of Almighty God? Reading the words of Almighty God, I have discovered many truths. It has really opened my eyes and given me so much. (Yes.) I've been convinced by the words of Almighty God. Today, Almighty God does the work of judgment starting from the house of God. He has expressed the needed truths for man's salvation, and revealed the mysteries of God's management plan. If people still can't see that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, are they not blind? Examining true way takes conviction: Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. This is a basic tenet. Only by examining this way can we avoid errors. This is true! Yes, she's right! Uncle, Hou'en, what have we been yearning for all the years we've believed? Do we not yearn for the day of the Lord's rapture? (Yes.) And we yearn for this day! Today, the Lord Jesus has returned, of this there is no doubt. Is that true? Has the Lord really returned? I beg you to read the words of Almighty God. You will discover that all of the words of Almighty God are the truth, and that He has revealed many mysteries. If we do not read the words of Almighty God, then we can't hear the voice of the Lord or discover His return, and we'll have no way of being taken before His throne. It's true. If we don't search or examine, how can we hear the voice of God? It's true. Yes, that's right. I believe that if we stay true to the Lord's name and the way of the Lord and do not accept the deception of false Christs, if we're alert, the Lord will provide revelations when He comes. (That's right.) We needn't listen to His voice to be raptured. (Right.) Amen! Do you not admit there's the deception of false Christs and false prophets? Yes. In the last days, there are false Christs that deceive people. And so all who testify to the Lord's coming are false. There's no need to search or examine! (Amen.) When He comes, He'll reveal Himself. He won't forsake us. (Indeed.) I believe that this is what's right. I ask: What do you all think? (Uncle.) Pastor Yang is right! As long as we stay true to the Lord's name and reject false Christs, He'll inspire us at His arrival. (Amen!) Today, all those who preach that the Lord has returned are surely false. We should neither listen nor accept! (Amen. It's so!) The Lord Jesus already told us false Christs and false prophets will come in the last days. We fear their deception, and so we await the Lord's revelation. Surely you don't think that this is wrong? (No!) You claim all news of the Lord's return is false. That is wrong. Indeed! Lord Jesus said He would come back. Do you dare say He was false? (It's true.) Don't you fear opposing God? That's no small matter! Yes. The Bible predicted that How do you explain that? The Lord Jesus clearly told us: God's sheep hear the voice of God. When He comes, He will surely speak and work. It is through listening to His voice that man greets and accepts Him. If people testify that the Lord has come, and we don't seek or examine their testimony, then how will we be able to hear His voice? Shutting yourself off in your room and awaiting revelations does not count as watching and waiting! It is clear the Lord has already returned, yet you don't welcome Him. This may sound unkind, but you're just bringing about your own destruction! Yes. It seems we're wrong not to search for and listen to the Lord's voice. Yes, we're violating the words of the Lord. (Right.) It seems we should be sure to seek. (Mm.) Brothers and sisters, the Lord Jesus did indeed foretell that there would be false Christs and false prophets in the last days. This is a fact. But the Lord Jesus also clearly prophesied that He would come back. Surely we do believe this? When examining the prophecies of the Lord Jesus' return, many people give priority to being wary of false Christs and false prophets, sparing no thought to welcoming the bridegroom, nor to hearing the voice of the bridegroom. (It's true.) What's the issue here? Is this not being penny-wise and pound-foolish? (Right.) In fact, no matter how people guard against false Christs and false prophets, if they don't welcome the return of the Lord, and they cannot be taken before God's throne, then they are foolish virgins who'll be eliminated and forsaken by God, and their belief in the Lord will be an utter failure. Key to whether we can welcome Lord's return is whether we are able to hear the voice of God. If we recognize that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life, we can identify God's voice. (It's true.) If people can't discern the truth and only focus on signs and wonders, they will be deceived by false Christs and false prophets. If they do not seek to examine the true way, then they will never be able to hear the voice of God. Do they not wait for death and bring about their own destruction? It's true. Right, it's true. We believe in Lord's words. God's sheep hear the voice of God. Those who truly have brains and can discern the voice of God won't be deceived by false Christs and false prophets. False Christs and false prophets lack truth and can not do the work of God. On this point, we needn't worry. (Indeed.) Only those who are confused and brainless can be deceived by false Christs and false prophets. The wise virgins will not be deceived by false Christs and false prophets as they have God's protection. For when God made man, the wise virgins were given human spirits and could hear God's voice. So God's sheep hear His voice, which is ordained by God. (Yes.) Only foolish virgins focus on guarding against false Christs and prophets and neglect to seek and examine the Lord's return. If we wish to welcome the Lord's return and not be deceived by false Christs and false prophets, then we must understand how false Christs deceive people. So then how do they deceive people? (Yeah.) How? Lord Jesus has already told us about the practices of false Christs and false prophets. The words of the Lord Jesus show that false Christs and false prophets rely on performing signs and wonders to deceive those God's chosen. This will be the primary manifestation. The Lord Jesus already told us long ago that it would be so. Yes, that's true. (Mm.) In this, we must understand why false Christs use the signs and wonders to deceive people. Yes, why do they do that? Above all, false Christs and false prophets are devoid of truth. In nature, they're extremely wicked evil spirits. And so they have to rely on signs and wonders to deceive people. If false Christs and prophets possessed truth, they wouldn't use signs and wonders to deceive people. Looked at this way, false Christs and false prophets perform signs and wonders because that's all they can do. (It's true.) If we can't see this point, we will be easily deceived. Only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. The One who can speak truth, show the way, and give people life is the One who's Christ. (Amen.) Those who are incapable of expressing the truth are surely false Christs. They are fakes. This is the basic principle to identify false Christs. Those who seek the true way should abide by this principle to ascertain the voice of God. In this there's no wrong. Almighty God has already laid bare the practices of false Christs and false prophets. Let us read the words of Almighty God. Let's have a good listen. Brothers and sisters, Almighty God's words clearly say that God is always new, never old, and never does the same work. This is just like when Jesus came, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. He did one stage of the work of redemption and rescued mankind from sin, (Indeed.) so that His work would be effective, He performed some signs and wonders. In the last days, Almighty God has come. He brought the Age of Kingdom and ended the Age of Grace. But He does not repeat the work done by the Lord Jesus. Based on the foundation of the Lord's work of redemption, He performs the work of judgment starting from the house of God. He's expressed truths for the purification and salvation of mankind to resolve the source of man's sin and his satanic disposition, and to thoroughly save man from the influence of Satan, so man can be gained by God. And the false Christs? They're evil spirits who pretend to be Christ. They can not usher in a new age, nor bring the old age to an end. They only imitate the Lord Jesus by performing simple signs and wonders to deceive those unable to discern. But they can't do what Jesus did, such as raising the dead and feeding five thousand people with five loaves of bread and just two fish, or rebuking wind and sea. (Amen. Right.) That is totally beyond them. (Amen.) In substance, false Christs are evil spirits and simply devoid of truth. And so, they have to rely on signs and wonders to deceive. Or they deceive and admonish people by imitating God's tone and simple words once spoken by God. To know the truth of how to discern the true Christ from false Christs, let's see the words of Almighty God. I think these words are really very good. I've never heard that before. From the words of Almighty God, we can clearly see Christ is God become flesh, He is God's Spirit realized in flesh. What God has and is, God's disposition, God's wisdom are realized in His flesh. Indeed. Christ with the substance of divinity is the embodiment of the truth. He is able to express the truth to provide for man at all times. Only Christ can do the work of redeeming and saving mankind. No one else is able to imitate this, nor are they able to deny it. Most false Christs, meanwhile, are possessed by evil spirits. They're supremely arrogant and ridiculous. In substance, they are evil spirits and demons. No matter what signs and wonders they perform, or how they misinterpret the Bible or talk of profound knowledge, they do nothing but deceive, bring harm to even ruin man. (Indeed.) Nothing they do is edifying to people. All they do is bring darkness, leaving people no path, and to be devoured by Satan. (Indeed.) It can be seen that all false Christs and false prophets are the incarnation of Satan. They're demons set on disturbing God's work. Regardless of how many people they deceive, harm, or bring to ruin, they will soon fall and perish of themselves, for they are without the slightest truth as you can see. Indeed. That's true, right? Brothers and sisters, if we understand the truth of how to differentiate the true Christ from false Christs, there's no way we could refuse to hear God's voice or welcome His appearance for fear of deception. (Yeah. Right. Indeed true.) In past, we blindly guarded against false Christs and prophets. When people testified the Lord's returned, we didn't dare welcome Him. Now hearing the words of Almighty God, there's light within my heart. Thanks be to God. I understand that Christ is God's Spirit realized in the flesh, (Yes.) that Christ's substance is divine, and He is able to express truth at all times. He can usher in a new age and save mankind. False Christs, meanwhile, are possessed by evil spirits. They're not able to express truth or bring mankind's salvation. They rely on misinterpretations of the Bible, talks of profound knowledge and theory and some signs and wonders to deceive us. (Yes. Amen.) Today, we've made the distinction and need no longer fear the deception of false Christs and prophets. (Right.) Indeed. I understand: God's always new and never old. He always does new work, and Satan can never surpass His work. (Amen.) God is almighty and so wise. (Amen. Praise God.) Good. They've understood very well. Praise God. They fellowshiped the path to distinguish between the true Christ and false Christs very clearly. It looks as though there really is truth to be sought in the way of the Eastern Lighting. Brothers and sisters, because the words of Almighty God reveal the substance of false Christs and prophets, we have some discernment. False Christs and prophets are evil spirits without any truth. They only perform simple signs and wonders to deceive. If we are able to understand this truth, we'll no longer be deceived by false Christs and prophets. (Right. Indeed.) What's more, you said that God will surely inspire man at His arrival. In fact, most people believe this: As long as they can keep the name and the way of the Lord, then when He comes, they'll be given revelations and enter the kingdom of heaven without hearing God's voice. This is clearly against the words of the Lord Jesus. (Oh?) How could this be possible? Another verse, Lord Jesus clearly said that when He comes back, He will surely express the voice of God. (Indeed.) All who hear God's voice, search and accept it will welcome the Lord's return, and be taken before God's throne. (Yes.) Will it do if we hear people testify to the coming of the Lord, yet we do not search or examine at all? How could it be feasible to merely await the revelation of the Lord? Could the Lord thus act? Did the Lord tell us to await His revelation? (No. Never.) No, He did not! Such views are simply misleading and deceitful. Only ridiculous fools could say such things. If we await the revelation of the Lord according to this saying, then we can do nothing but await our downfall. Right. Let us look at the words of Almighty God. Brothers and sisters, when it comes to the Lord's arrival, if people blindly cling to their own imaginings and don't seek truth or listen for God's voice, and merely await God's revelation, then they will never welcome the return of the Lord. Only if they focus on hearing the voice of God will they be able to welcome the appearance of the Lord. In the Age of Grace, among all who did follow the Lord Jesus, not one person followed because they had first been given revelation. They all heard people's testimony to the Lord Jesus or the utterances of the Lord Jesus, and recognized His voice, and thus they followed the Lord. Yes. And although Peter received revelation from God and recognized that Lord Jesus was Christ, Son of God, that happened after he followed Jesus for a while. From the words and work of the Lord Jesus, he gained knowledge of the Lord. Only then was he enlightened by the Holy Spirit. This is fact. (Yes.) Yes. Indeed it is. In the last days, the incarnate Almighty God does the work of judgment beginning with the house of God. He has expressed millions of words, and to be sure He's received countless followers, and not one of them has received God's revelation before following. That is the case. All of those who follow Almighty God were in fact enlightened by the Holy Spirit whilst seeking the work of Almighty God. They felt truth in the words of Almighty God, recognizing God's voice. They accepted God's work of the last days and were taken before God's throne. Indeed. This fulfills the prophecy of the Book of Revelation, Yet in the religious community, there are people who refuse to give up their conceptions and imaginings. They refuse to hear God's voice. They just await revelation. Pastors and elders, in particular, not only do not seek and examine when faced with Almighty God's work of the last days, but also fabricate rumors, and frantically oppose and condemn Almighty God. They even deceive believers and try to stop them from examining the true way. These people are the antichrists revealed by God's work of the last days. They are the very people who are laid bare and eliminated by God's work. Yes. In fact, in the two times that God has become flesh, He did not reveal it in advance. God, the Creator has His own plan. He doesn't work based on people's notions, nor does He ask for advice. He tells no one in advance. By working in this way, God is fair to everyone. This shows His fair and righteous disposition, (Amen.) and moreover, shows God's wisdom in His work. (Amen.) God's sheep will hear the voice of God. God uses practical words and work to reveal those who love the truth or are weary of the truth, who are clever, stupid, good, and wicked. (Right.) This is the very way the Lord Jesus did the work of classification. Just as the Lord Jesus said, Amen! As believers in God, we should hunger and thirst for righteousness, be poor in spirit, and pure of heart as Jesus asked. We should all focus on hearing the voice of God. We should seek the truths Almighty God expresses. Only such can we attend the Lamb's wedding feast. (It's true.) If people blindly guard against false Christs and don't examine Almighty God's work of the last days, still await Lord's revelation, then such people have become blind foolish virgins and shall be eliminated. What? Eliminated? (Uncle.) Huh! I've believed my whole life. I have worked so much, and made great sacrifices for the Lord. It has all been so I might enter the kingdom of heaven. Amen! That's right! I believe the Lord's promises are real, and He will not forsake me! Dad, sit. Please be seated. Please sit. You say the Lord won't inspire us when He comes. Huh, I doubt that. So many await the revelation of the Lord. Could they all be wrong? Who's to say He won't give me revelation? (Uncle.) True! We worked hard for the Lord. We built the church. All of this is commemorated by God. (Yes!) How could the Lord forsake us? Amen. Uncle, Sister Zhu, what you say is wrong. If it is as you say, then all who work hard for the Lord would receive His approval, and so they surely would not be forsaken when He comes. Are the facts really thus? Are these not the conceptions and imaginations of man? Back then, the Pharisees expounded on the Bible and traveled sea and land spreading gospel, and worked hard for God. Yet when Jesus began to work, did the Holy Spirit give them revelations? No, absolutely not. The Holy Spirit did not inspire them. Jesus cursed them for not abiding God's commandments, for pretending to be good all the while, hating the truth and being in enmity to God. This is fact. (Yes. Indeed it is.) We must not sit around waiting for God's revelation of the Lord's arrival. We should put aside our conceptions and focus on the Lord's voice. We should actively seek Almighty God's work of the last days, so we may not be forsaken and condemned by the Lord. Mm, yes. We should seek and investigate. It's a matter of our end.
B1 中級 米 "待つこと」(2) - 賢い聖母は真のキリストと偽のキリストを見分けることができる ("Waiting" (2) - The Wise Virgin Can Distinguish Between the True Christ and False Christs) 27 4 faith801125 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語