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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • do you?

  • do you..

  • do you wanna be my girlfriend

  • mhm

  • god damn Japan every freaking time

  • look I'm not gay okay?

  • Fine....

  • Can I be your girlfriend?

  • I actually had

  • Hey! ya ya ya

  • I actually had a lot of colonies back in the day

  • I was big and strong

  • not like I'm trying to brag or anything

  • but I was pretty good! yeah...

  • You again?

  • You need to stop annoying everyone with your stupid stories

  • Hey you better walk away! I was strong

  • not like you

  • You do realize I had more colonies than you

  • yeah right... I had more you little shit

  • what?

  • Yeah that's right!

  • amatures

  • Hey Hey! you!

  • you little shit

  • what did you say?

  • I said

  • Amatures

  • I want freedom!

  • I want freedom!

  • Sir what are you protesting against?

  • I don't wanna stay in Spain

  • I wanna be free

  • I want freedom

  • There he is take him down!

  • Hey hey hey over here! Camera over here

  • Okay yeah

  • What will happen to Catalonia?

  • Oh no he is completely fine!

  • He is right here

  • Yeah he is right here

  • Hey

  • I'm okay... I wanna stay in Spain

  • Yeah... I like being in Spain

  • Dude I'm not dumb... I can tell that this is not real Catalonia

  • What did you say?

  • Take him down he knows to much

  • oh sh*t

  • Run!

  • I think he is not moving

  • Are you sure?

  • I think so

  • *beating intesifies*

  • Hey! you want to try something

  • NEW?

  • Hmmm.... Alright

  • but nothing will beat tea

  • *takes a little sip*

  • Um?

  • Are you alright?

  • Now this is the sh*t

  • *hic* no *hic* more tea for me

  • Ho ho ho Vive la France

  • Hmmmm

  • vamos España

  • Hmmmm


  • Hmmmm

  • Yay Deutschland

  • I love all my money

  • Oh I gotta get me some of that

  • and some FREEDOM

  • good day to rule


  • bloody hell

  • Brace yourself mate

  • you fool you brought a gun to a sword fight

  • I'm better than you

  • There you go

  • you go

  • Ah....

  • I hate my life

  • Ha ha ha I'm invincible

  • I conquered most of Europe

  • north Africa and peace of Asia

  • no one can beat me

  • I declare war

  • you go down

  • ha ha ha.. Bring it on

  • I... I... I surrender.. I surrender

  • Ah Crimea my son

  • You can go of and play if you want

  • Yaaaayy

  • *singing*

  • pft..

  • Hey... Hey kid

  • Yes?

  • Want some candy?

  • Yes!

  • Well... Hop in my van !

do you?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

Countryballs - コンパイル (Countryballs Compilation - )

  • 136 7
    bfvjkg に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日