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  • Everyone welcome [back] to my channel if you haven't been here before my name is Rachel Aust and today

  • I've got another instalment in the minimalism series for you, so in this video

  • I'm gonna be talking about one of my favorite things which is scheduling and

  • Organizing and getting more out of your day if you haven't seen any of my videos before don't forget to hit subscribe because I do

  • Upload every week and if you do enjoy this video

  • Please give it a thumbs up because it does help me out a lot okay, so I'll just explain the reason

  • I'm putting this is part of the minimalism series is because I feel like minimalism

  • Encompasses way more areas of your life than just your physical possessions

  • Which is what a lot of people seem to think a lot of people think it's about earning as little as possible

  • But it's also about having a good budget. It's also about organizing your time

  • you know in a good Manner and

  • Figuring out how to get more out of your day and do more of the things that you enjoy basically

  • I'm just going to go through my mindset when it does come to writing my own schedule for myself and

  • Hopefully that will help you guys figure out your schedule. I want you to ask yourself a couple of questions one

  • What do you want to accomplish?

  • Two what things are important to you and make you happy is it finding more time to spend with your family or friends?

  • Or is it having time for art or music or having more time to study three?

  • What are you going to have to do to get those things and for what unnecessary things?

  • Are you saying yes to in your day that you probably should be turning down now?

  • Sort of written a beginner's guide to scheduling if you want to call it that I've got 20 steps here

  • Don't worry

  • It sounds like a lot

  • but I've sort of broken them down into your easily manageable tasks your schedule does not have to be as rigid as mine

  • I find that I have to keep mine

  • Very organized and even down to minute tasks because otherwise I spend too long and something or not enough time on something else and so

  • This is just the way that I've found works for me if you are new to this and you find that method a little bit

  • Overwhelming perhaps, you can start by scheduling a couple of things through the week

  • And then you could break that down more into your day

  • And then you can start breaking it down into the hours like I do

  • I know some people see it as like rigid, and I guess not fun and really strict and obsessive

  • But for me, I find it super relaxing to know that I have a whole schedule there because everything is planned

  • I know what I have to do when know the things that I have to get

  • Time and I'm not stressing about forgetting something I also find when I do have a schedule and I stick to it

  • I find more free time throughout my day because I'll get tasks done a little bit quicker than I thought I would

  • You know having that list there?

  • I can just quickly zoom through everything and then I've got a little bit time a little bit of time left over for things like

  • Videos or photos or you know just whatever I want to create that day this house might be a bit of a big one

  • So if you can't do it for the whole week do it for a few days. Just record everything that you're doing

  • It doesn't have to be crazy in detail

  • but at least put down a

  • couple of our blocks and find what you're spending your time on because you might find that you're spending tons of time watching TV or

  • You're spending way too long on YouTube. This is about figuring out your bad habits and where you're letting your time

  • Go to waste I know personally the biggest waste of my time is when I go to our training studio

  • And I workout and then I get stuff sorted for the trainer's and then I end up hanging around for an extra hour talking to

  • Them I know that's where I waste my time

  • But at the same time I need to have those bonds with the trainer's because they work for [us] after you've recorded those few days

  • Or that week and you figure out where you're wasting a lot of your time

  • You're going to write a list of all the things that you want to accomplish in this month and do that every month just every

  • Month write a list of all the bigger tasks that you want to get done because there's big tasks

  • You can't just do them in one hit usually the things that you have to break down into smaller elements

  • And that way when you are doing your playing and your scheduling it you'll remember that you need to make time to work on those

  • Big things that you want to accomplish create a routine try and wake up roughly around the same time each day

  • Try to go to bed Roughly the same time each day

  • you know of course make some exceptions for yourself

  • But if you can get yourself into a habit of waking up at a certain time getting up having your breakfast like doing your emails

  • Or you know just whatever you want to do find a routine for yourself

  • That works plan your day the night or day beforehand so that when it comes through the day

  • You know exactly what you're doing different worries are going to work for different people

  • I switched between different methods depending on how busy my day is going to be so sometimes if it's a pretty

  • Relaxed day where I'm you know working at home?

  • But I just have a couple of things to do and then I'll be spending like a bulk of my time working on one project

  • I'll just use my phone, and I typically use like the iCal calendar because it's pretty simple

  • And I haven't found any others that are

  • To my liking like I've tried so so many different apps, and I just end up going back to iCal because it's easy

  • It seems with my computer easily all that sort of thing and I'll schedule my day in that

  • And I just make you know time allowances in there of what I want to be doing a way that I've really been liking lately

  • Is because it's a new financial year?

  • I decided to try out a new method and I got a financial year planner calendar book thing

  • It's like a day to a page

  • And I've just been drawing out my day and also including my to-do list on that page as well

  • So everything is all in the one place schedule your day in block

  • So just think of the time allowances as little blocks that you have to stick to and the tasks that you have to get done

  • Should be done in those times allow for interruptions

  • This is a really important one because if you try and schedule every single last minute you're going to fail I guarantee it

  • things come up phone calls meetings

  • Running over time traveling someone might take a little longer just allow yourself little

  • Exceptions where time doesn't go exactly the way you want it to go the way that I get around. This is I

  • Try and start my schedule so for example. I'll start something at 8 a.m.. And I'll finish it at 10 a.m.

  • And the next thing will start at 10 a.m.. And go until 11 a.m.

  • Because it might not take that full block of an hour or two hours

  • but

  • Just in case things run a little bit over a little bit under I have a rough guideline of where I want them to start

  • And stop so if I know that something is going to take me about 45 minutes

  • I'll just put an hour down anyway, just in case I have some interruptions put your annoying task first

  • doing the dishes

  • clean the floor

  • whatever

  • Whatever you hate doing put that first get it out of the way

  • And you will feel so relieved

  • And you'll stop procrastinating if possible make block allowances for meetings and appointments make block time for your emails

  • I really liked and get back to inbox zero whenever I can is getting harder and harder lately

  • But if you can get to inbox zero, which is just like clearing everything out making sure everything is sorted do it

  • [I] find personally from me the best time to answer emails is it not because then I can answer my emails

  • That's done

  • Like I don't have to worry about it

  • And then I can sleep easily lookout time for the exercise you guys always know that

  • I'm gonna tell you to do this because I feel like you need to exercise

  • Everybody needs exercise as part of Their day

  • And there's no point trying to get all this stuff done be like chasing down your dreams

  • and

  • You know doing whatever with your life?

  • If you're not going to even look after your body to be well when you get there have a blocked out time for you to

  • Do lists so I

  • Really I love writing lists. I love it

  • I just I

  • Love that satisfaction of where you tick off a task so make sure there's time in your day even if it's just like 20 minutes

  • or something to

  • Block off time to do the tasks in your to-do list otherwise those sorts of things will just slip away if you're just starting getting

  • Into scheduling and being like pretty strict with how your day is going to go so that you do have more free time

  • Set an alarm on the hour every hour just so you can refocus and figure out what you're meant to be doing again

  • Because you may find that you'll be doing something and then you fall off track and the next thing you know you're like read it

  • Or something

  • So if you have that alarm going on the hour every hour you can refocus check your schedule and get back to what you meant

  • To be doing when you stop work

  • Actually stop if you've got a break scheduled in your day try your best to actually take that break if you stop work at night

  • I don't care if it's six o'clock at night or if it's nine o'clock at night if you said you're going to stop work then

  • Stop work then don't burn yourself out at the end of each day review your day

  • I don't care whether if you're writing your schedule

  • Maybe like ticking across it or something

  • But just go through it and make sure you've gotten a lot of this stuff done

  • If you haven't maybe sit down have a think why would I get this done?

  • What did I get interrupted by is that a regular recurrence, and how can I prevent it from happening tomorrow now?

  • You're also going to write yourself a to-do list

  • So there's a few different ways you can do this which leads into my next tip which is find the way that this works for

  • You I even change mine depending on my mood

  • You know just whatever I have to do in that day, so some days

  • I will sit, and I'll just write one list like one big list from most important to least important

  • Lately when I've been using that new financial year planner thing

  • I have had six of the most important tasks on the right-hand side of the page

  • And I'll go through and make sure that those things have to be like they have to get done

  • There is no choice other than to get those done from that day and then in my blocked out time schedule

  • I have all the little tasks

  • But I want to try and do during that time that I have scheduled for that activity

  • Another way that you can do. This is by drawing up a grid

  • I don't find this method useful because I have a lot of tasks and I tend to get stuck on one

  • Grid and then I forget to look at the others, but you might find it works really well for you

  • So you divide your page up into four then you have a grid of important and urgent

  • unimportant and urgent

  • Unimportant and not urgent and important but not urgent and then you can put your tasks into those different categories

  • And it will help you figure out what needs to be done sooner and what needs to be done later something that I really like

  • To do is put a little dollar symbol next to any revenue based activity

  • so if it's something that has to [be] done like if I'm going to lose money by not doing this I

  • Need to know about it another point

  • If it's a toss it takes less than two minutes

  • and you can do it immediately then do it immediately and that's not to say

  • You know fall off track of your schedule all the time if this is just if it's something really really quick

  • and it's normally more important to do this if there is someone else relying on you for an

  • answer or for you to get back to them if you're having trouble sticking to your schedule and you find that you end up on

  • Social media a lot try turning your phone to your airplane mode or just turning it off and my last point is to not entertain

  • Self-Doubt it's really easy to look at all the things that you have to get done in a day and think that it's not possible

  • I know for myself

  • For studying for a run eat relief for getting blank living still set up

  • for trying to do all my cooking for trying to make videos and

  • Trying to have time for my own stuff as well like you know taking photos and hanging out with my boyfriend and all that

  • It can be really hard, and you might have different challenges in your life

  • So you might be at school still or you might be working a job where you have to work 12-hour shifts?

  • Or maybe you have kids or something like that, but you can still make a schedule out of your day

  • and it's important not to listen to that voice that says that you can't once you start putting together your schedule and actually sticking to

  • It you'll find that you'll be able to have the time for the activities that you want to do be able to work a little

  • bit more on the projects that you want to get done as well most people have a goal that they want to achieve rather than

  • Setting up a awesome new project or maybe just finding more time to relax and a schedule can help him do that

  • I hope some of these tips were useful to you

  • It's just my sort of method of creating a schedule for myself if you are new don't forget to hit subscribe

  • And you can find me on all my other social Media

  • I will pop the links up on the screen here, but for now

  • I hope you guys are all doing really well, and I'll catch you in my next video. Bye

Everyone welcome [back] to my channel if you haven't been here before my name is Rachel Aust and today


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A2 初級

プロのようなあなたの一日のスケジュール + もっと自由な時間を見つける [ミニマリズムシリーズ] // レイチェル-オースティン (Schedule Your Day Like A Pro + Find More Free Time [Minimalism Series] // Rachel Aust)

  • 175 22
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日