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  • Hey guys we just finished our Villain Pub episode and I just saw me some Thor Ragnarok

  • SO I thought it’s about that time to do another HISHE review.. so..

  • You wanna talk some THOR?

  • Then Lets get to it!

  • RagnaRoooooock! RagnaRoooooock!

  • Thor’s come back now his hammer’s broke Gets thrown in the trash and his hair cut...

  • showt….

  • Alright.

  • Thor Ragnarok.

  • The next chapter in the Cankled Unicorn that answers the question.

  • Hey where was thor and hulk during that whole civil war thing?

  • Where they been?”

  • Well it turns out while Tony and Cap were battling over Playstation Vs Xbox, Thor was

  • hanging in chains on the other side of the universe and then it spirals into this whole

  • giant comedy filled sci-fi adventure about the new threat, Hela, who’s come to take

  • Asgard and destroy anyone who gets in her way.

  • Which sounds really serious but oddly Ragnarok is a straight up comedy.

  • Taika Waititi has directed one of the funniest Marvel films to date which is what will make

  • you either love or hate this movie.

  • It’s packed with humor throughout considering the story goes in some dark directions at

  • time, but even still the tone always stays extremely light.

  • So if youre looking for some serious emotional depth then youve come to the wrong place.

  • But if you just want to have a great time in the Cankles then Ragnarok should bring

  • you loads of enjoyment.

  • I thought it was extremely entertaining so I say Go Check It Out.

  • It was a really fun time.

  • So now that i’ve given it my endorsementlets talk spoilers

  • SPoiler Warrning Spoiler Waaaaaaaarning!

  • I can’t believe Heimdall gives up his eyesight in exchange for an icecream sundae!

  • I’m kidding that would be totally stupidalthough I feel like we barely know who heimdall

  • is so he may very well be THAT much into ice cream.

  • Anyway, spoilers ahead people!

  • What did you like about the movie?

  • As I already said, the comedy.

  • I like the new characters.

  • I like the music.

  • I like all de colors

  • What did you think about the story?

  • The story felt just like the original Thor movie to me in that Thor gets cast down to

  • an unfamiliar land, he has to live without his hammer, he meets a hot girl, he has to

  • get back to asgard.

  • And then he gets back to asgard and fights a family member on the rainbow bridge.

  • IT’s almost the exact same movie.

  • The difference is this one is REALLY funny and Hulk is in it and his hot girlfriend is

  • an awesome warrior... so it’s better.

  • But the parts that aren’t the same, like planet Sakkarr, with Hulk and Loki, those

  • are the points where I think the movie shines.

  • What did you think of the new cast?

  • I liked all of the new characters for the most part.

  • I liked the Grandmaster Jeff Goldblum and how he called Thor Sparkles.

  • I liked Karl Urban as Skurge and how he got his two M-16s from TexAS.

  • I really liked Valkyrie as the lone asgardian warrior who’s sort of

  • lost faith.

  • She’s also a possibly a love interest to thor.

  • They give you that opportunity to maybe want that, but who knows if they'll go that direction.

  • They are totally ditching all that Jane stuff which I’m actually totally fine with.

  • So Bring on more Thor and Valkyrie!

  • Did you like the Antler Lady Hela?

  • I did and I didn’t.

  • I really like Cate Blanchett so I thought she did a great job.

  • I just didn’t feel like she got to be the super villain that she really deserved to be.

  • I’m also not someone who knows anything about the Ragnarok comics timeline so I don’t

  • know who’s being shoe horned in to this thing or who's being left out.

  • So from a movies perspective Hela felt like a one time villain and I’d like her to be

  • more than that.

  • But I liked all of her action sequences and when she's mean, she's really mean.

  • What about Loki?

  • Who doesn’t like loki?

  • Greesy hair sneaky trickser loki.

  • He’s helping his brother while at the same time looking like he could still be up to

  • his same old tricks.

  • I thought he was great, and I enjoyed the few moments he and Thor shared together in

  • this movie.

  • Who was your favorite?

  • My favorite new character is Korg Taika Waititi gets to direct and also be the

  • scene stealer with his hilarious rock character.

  • I found myself laughing every time he’s on screen.

  • So I really hope Korg gets more screen time in the future.

  • What about the hulk fight tho?

  • This is my biggest complaint I have about the movie.

  • Not about the hulk battle exactly, but more so with the trailers.

  • I wish I could have watched this movie and this is sort of my fault for watching the

  • trailers, but I wish I could have watched this movie without having any idea that Hulk

  • was going to be in it.

  • Everything about his reveal in the gladiator scene was completely lost for me and I remember

  • thinking man this build up would be so awesome if I didn’t already know this moment was

  • coming.

  • I know they did it to get people in the seats and it achieves it’s goal, but man these

  • trailers make this movie feel a little predictable at times.

  • I mean I didn’t really expect either one of them to kill the other but still I would

  • have loved to have that initial scene be a real surprise.

  • But I don't know how many people would have gone to this movie if they didn't know Hulk

  • was going to be in it, so maybe that's just me.

  • But I still absolutely enjoyed the hulk battle.

  • Hulk’s character is new here as well and I really like what theyve set up in this

  • movie about the duality of hulk and banner.

  • That scene where Hulk see’s black widow in the quinjet I felt was actually very sweet.

  • I like that they are keeping thesun’s getting real lowthing a part of him.

  • Did you like the Dr. Strange cameo?

  • I was a little disapointed in Dr. Strange being barely any more than his own credits

  • scene for this move.

  • They sort of hinted that he would be more important to this plot but instead he’s

  • just likeallow me to help youstraight through this doorway!

  • Alright thanks for coming...

  • Bye!!"

  • Somore Dr. Strange, Am I right?

  • What else did you not like?

  • You negative nancy!

  • I really enjoyed the movie and I laughed a lot and had a lot of fun.

  • I kind of drift back and forth on was this movie too focused on being funny or do I wish

  • it was a little more serious.

  • The two major moments I wish had more emotion where Odin’s death and Hela wiping out Asgard.

  • These parts felt a little stiff at times and I thought they should be crucial emotional

  • points, but When Odin dies there isn’t much sadness.

  • This is probably because Thor’s too busy trying to figure out why the heck NOBODY ever

  • mentioned there was a dangerous Sister in the family.

  • Instead of being sad, Thor's like "Well THANKS ALOT FOR TELLING US NOW FRatha!

  • This is News we would have liked to have known sooner!

  • And Odin’s just all "sorry boys.

  • Good luck with your franchise!

  • Blaaaaaagh."

  • So I wanted a little more emotion in that scene.

  • And then as Hela begins to you know REMOVE every single character from the Thor Trilogy

  • (except for Sif and Heimdall) You’d think this should be you know more shocking thing

  • to see and sad.

  • This is Thor’s home and these were his friends.

  • That and the very last moment when Asgard is literally obliterated were the parts where

  • I wished the tone allowed for a little emotion.

  • But they pulled back and even made a joke out of the entire thing.

  • The realistic side in me wants to be likecome on guys I mean your entire home just

  • blew up right now.

  • You don't have to make a joke of it the second it happens!”

  • But then the other side in me is likeeh yeah it’s ok I don’t really care about

  • any of that stuff either because they didn’t establish any kind of meaningful bond with

  • asgardso yeah it’s hilarious.

  • So like i said I drift back and forth.

  • Still like the movie.

  • I just kind of wanted the characters to feel a little more emotion in the tense moments.

  • But What was the point?

  • The story seems to deal with troubled pasts and selfish rulers.

  • Loki is pretending to be Odin on Asgard where he’s put up a statue in his own honor.

  • The grandmaster rules over Sacar and says nobody can leave this place that’s all about

  • my amusement.

  • Hela Takes over Asgard and reveals that Asgards origins aren’t honorable either.

  • Even Odin was a selfish ruler and his decisions have put them in this position to begin with.

  • The only solution in the end is Revolution.

  • They have to destroy the foundations and start over.

  • When they learn the truth, then they move on as a new family.

  • Because Asgard to is not a place it’s a people.

  • Kind of a deep concept if you dive into what are they trying to say here.

  • But beyond all that, overall i think the point was to be ENTERTAINING

  • And that's not always a bad thing.

  • Okay those are my thoughts on Thor Ragnarok I hope you enjoyed them and I hope you enjoyed

  • enjoyed the movie as well.

  • As always let me know what you thought about the film in the comments below because I always

  • enjoy getting hear what you guys took away from the movie.

  • Were starting to work on How Ragnarok Should Have Ended so that will be happening in the

  • near future.

  • That’s all for now.

  • Thank you guys for watching!

  • Don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and facebook, click

  • that little bell to get notifications!

  • And we will see you next time!

  • Bye!

Hey guys we just finished our Villain Pub episode and I just saw me some Thor Ragnarok


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ソー・ラグナロク - HISHEレビュー(SPOILERS (Thor Ragnarok - HISHE Review (SPOILERS))

  • 150 7
    hunter に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日