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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • aww..

  • Who gets his wand?

  • -I'm only going to ask you once more goblin! think of very very carefully before your answer-

  • - i dont know-

  • You don't know?!

  • Why weren't you doing your job?

  • Who got into my vault?

  • Who stole it?

  • Who..

  • ..stole it?

  • Well..

  • -When I was last in your vault, the sword was there.-

  • -Oh perhaps it just walked out on its own then-

  • There's no place safer than Gringotts

  • Liar!

  • consider yourself lucky, goblin, huh

  • The same won't be said for this one.

  • like hell!

  • Expelliarmus!

  • Stupefy!

  • Stop!

  • Drop your wands

  • I've said drop'em!

  • Take them up Draco, now!

  • Well, well, well..

  • look what we have here.

  • Is Harry Potter?

  • He's all bright and shiny and new again

  • Just in time to the Dark Lord

  • Call him

  • Call him!

  • Stupefy!

  • Stupid elf!

  • You could've kill me

  • Dobby never meant to kill

  • Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure

  • How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters?

  • Dobby has no master

  • Dobby is a free elf

  • Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝パート1 (4/5) ムービー・クリップ - マルフォイ邸からの脱出 (2010) HD (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (4/5) Movie CLIP - Escape From Malfoy Manor (2010) HD)

  • 413 38
    夢想 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日