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Tuscany is a legendary region in central Italy
that stretches from the Apennine Mountains to the west coast,
アペニン山脈から 西海岸まで広がります
meandering through endless vineyards,
medieval towns and the impossibly beautiful cities of Florence,
中世の街並み そしてフィレンツェ、
Siena and Pisa.
In today’s modern world,
defined by alarm clocks,
deadlines and traffic jams,
Tuscany lures travelers with the promise of a warmer,
疲れてきたら トスカーナで癒されましょう
gentler way of living.
Here, high art mingles deliciously with warm sunshine
美術、暖かな日差し、 ワインを楽しめるのが
and fragrant wine.
History seeps through the cobblestones
and small occasions are transformed into
the greatest of pleasures.
Around six hundred years ago,
およそ 600 年前
Tuscany changed the world forever when economic,
cultural and political forces collided,
sparking the Renaissance.
It was a new way of thought in which art and education were highly prized
芸術と教育が高く評価され 幸福の追求が高貴な目標とされる
and the search for happiness, a noble goal.
Although the world has changed much since then,
それ以来 世界は大きく変わりましたが
Tuscany’s values hold firm
and visitors to this region can happily spend days and weeks slowly rediscovering them.
旅行者はゆったりと楽しみながら この価値を再確認できます
At the epicentre of the Renaissance was the capital city of Florence.
ルネッサンスの発信地は 州都のフィレンツェ
For centuries, powerful families competed with each other
何世紀もの間 名家や教会が競い合い
and with the church to create the grandest buildings
荘厳な建築物が 建てられました
and commission the finest artworks of their time.
そして素晴らしい芸術作品も 制作されています
The patronage of writers, artists and thinkers
bought prestige for the wealthy and under this system,
名家は評判を 高められました
geniuses such as Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci thrived.
こんな時に生まれたのが ミケランジェロやダビンチ
Other greats such as Botticelli and Rafael
also walked these streets and you can still see their work in the Accademia Gallery
この通りを歩いていました 彼らの作品はアカデミア美術館や
and the Uffizi Gallery,
which is one of the oldest art museums in the western world.
ウフィツィ美術館は西洋でも 長い歴史を誇る美術館です
Florence’s architecture also flourished under this system
フィレンツェの建築も この時代に花開き
and many of the great buildings from that time remain.
偉大な建物の多くが 今でも残っています
With its historic piazzas, beautiful churches and ornate palaces,
歴史的な広場や美しい教会 華麗な宮殿があるフィレンツェ
Florence feels like a living, breathing museum.
Florence isn’t the only part of Tuscany that echoes with the gilded footsteps of history.
フィレンツェ以外にもトスカーナには 歴史的な街があります
During the Renaissance,
the province of Siena competed fiercely with Florence
シエナはフィレンツェと 競争を繰り広げ
and commissioned many of its own beautiful works to lure wealthy Florentine families.
フィレンツェの名家を引き寄せるため 美しい作品を多数注文しました
Visit medieval hill towns,
such as Monticchiello
and Montalcino which played a strategic role in generations of power struggles.
モンタルチーノは長い権力闘争で 戦略的な役割を果たしました
Sit high on the timeless ramparts of these towns which have remained almost unchanged
街を囲む城壁は 1000 年前から変わりません
for 1000 years.
Pisa, known around the world for its famous tower,
is a wonderful place to discover on foot.
A couple of hours' drive away is the hilltop town of Volterra.
数時間ドライブすれば 丘の上の街 ヴォルテッラに到着
Skilled alabaster craftsmen have been turning this luminous stone
ローマ時代からアラバスター職人が この光り輝く石を
into pieces of art since the days of the Romans.
But perhaps Tuscany’s greatest artworks,
are those created by mother nature.
With its warm thermal springs,
unspoiled beaches and wildflower-filled national parks,
手つかずの海岸 花が咲き誇る国立公園
Tuscany’s natural beauty has been seducing visitors since the days of the Romans.
トスカーナの自然美は昔から 旅人を魅了してきました
Head to Tuscany’s west coast to discover coastline that stretches for hundreds of miles
トスカーナの西海岸では 海岸線がどこまでも続きます
and visit ancient ports that feel as if they have been here forever.
そして威厳を放つ 古い港を訪ねてみましょう
A little further south is a wilder part of Tuscany where you can enjoy rolling hills,
少し南に行くと トスカーナの 自然を満喫できます
wildflowers and a warm appreciation of the good things in life,
丘や花を見ると 心が癒されていくはず
including of course, wine.
Follow your palate along winding roads and sun-warmed olive groves to the vineyards of Chianti.
オリーブ畑に沿って進むと キャンティのブドウ畑に到着
This area is world-famous for its earthy style of wine and many of the vineyards
この地域は素朴なワインが有名で ブドウ畑の多くは
are associated with castles,
each producing a wine that bears the castle’s name.
それぞれお城名を冠した ワインを製造しています
The beautiful towns of Cortona
and Arrezzo are also famous for their wines.
Pair your wine with Tuscany’s famously simple food
and linger over picnics created with seasonal ingredients,
季節の材料、チーズ、塩漬肉も おすすめです
cheeses and cured meats.
Tuscany’s abundant hills are full of locally grown produce
トスカーナの丘では 地元の農産物を味わえます
whose flavours capture the very essence of the land.
まさに土地のエッセンスが 感じられる風味です
In the rest of the world,
the Renaissance may now be a chapter in the history books but in Tuscany,
ルネッサンスは もはや歴史の教科書の一部
traces of that noble time remain.
They linger in the gentle hills, the warm traditions, the grand art
なだらかな丘、心温まる伝統、 偉大な芸術、幸福の追求に
and in the region’s never-ending search for happiness.
ルネッサンスは 残っているのです