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  • Translator: Ruth Milligan Reviewer: Rhonda Jacobs

  • Hello. It's a great honor to give this talk today.

  • How many of you would like to be successful in life?

  • Raise your hand. Alright?

  • Well actually, the two most important keys to success in life are:

  • intelligence, and self control.

  • Guess which one you can do the most about.

  • (Laughter)

  • Self control, right?

  • There are pills to cure just about everything,

  • but unfortunately, there are no pills to cure low levels of intelligence.

  • (Laughter)

  • My talk is going to focus on self-control.

  • In the 1960s and 70s, a Stanford psychologist

  • developed an ingenious way to measure self-control in children.

  • He put a marshmallow in front of them, and told the kids,

  • "You can eat it now if you want,

  • but if you wait until I come back, you can have two marshmallows."

  • He tested hundreds of kids,

  • and then did follow-up tests on them decades later.

  • And what he found is that kids who waited for two marshmallows,

  • were much more successful in life.

  • They had higher standardized test scores,

  • they were more likely to graduate from college,

  • they had happier marriages,

  • lower divorce rates,

  • lower obesity rates.

  • The kids who ate one marshmallow immediately, they all went to jail.

  • (Laughter)

  • Just kidding, just kidding.

  • They didn't go to jail.

  • But in one of these studies,

  • the researchers found that the kids who waited for two marshmallows,

  • had more activity in the pre-frontal cortex.

  • That's the part of your brain

  • in charge of, thinking, reasoning, and emotional control.

  • Psychologists call these 'executive functions.'

  • So poor self-control is actually responsible for many problems in life,

  • and many of these are preventable,

  • such as health problems,

  • eating unhealthy food, not wanting to exercise,

  • addictions to the internet or alcohol, tobacco, just to name a few.




  • (Laughter)

  • People also have trouble controlling their finances.

  • Some people spend more money than they make.

  • Sometimes governments do this too.

  • (Laughter)

  • Some people have trouble controlling their sexual desires,

  • including some politicians.

  • (Laughter)

  • And this can lead to very difficult consequences.

  • And people also have trouble controlling their anger.

  • Indeed, anger is the emotion people have the most difficulty controlling.

  • (Laughter)

  • And sometimes anger can even lead to criminal behavior.

  • For example, by far the greatest cause of murder is anger.

  • (Laughter)

  • Really!

  • (Laughter)

  • No other cause even comes close, like drugs, nothing even comes close.

  • Anger is the leading cause of murder.

  • So speaking of criminal behavior,

  • two criminologists wrote a very influential book

  • called A General Theory of Crime.

  • What a brazen title!

  • What general factor could cause all crime?

  • Is it bad parenting?

  • Bad genes?

  • Substance abuse?

  • Poverty?

  • Frustration?

  • No, actually, the best predictor of criminal behavior,

  • especially violent criminal behavior,

  • is poor self-control.

  • So, for over 25 years, I've spent my career studying human aggression.

  • And aggression often starts when self-control stops.

  • What I'd like to do today

  • is tell you about a few studies that we've conducted

  • on the link between low self-control and aggression,

  • but before I do, I want to tell you a little bit more about the brain,

  • because, the brain plays such a critical role in self-control.

  • The human brain's about the size of a grapefruit.

  • And although it's only about two percent of our body weight,

  • it uses 20-30 percent of the calories we consume.

  • The brain is a very demanding organ.

  • Calories provide fuel for the brain that it uses for many functions,

  • including those executive functions I talked about earlier:

  • thinking, reasoning, and emotional control.

  • Also recall, that the emotion

  • people have the most difficulty controlling is anger.

  • Now food... gives us calories.

  • I don't know if you've noticed this or not,

  • but sometimes when people don't get enough food to eat,

  • they have trouble controlling their anger.

  • Hungry people tend to be cranky, irritable, angry.

  • How many of you know what I'm talking about?

  • (Laughter)

  • I thought so.

  • There's actually a term to describe this; it's called 'hangry.'

  • (Laughter)

  • Hungry plus angry.

  • Hangry.

  • Now we actually did the first experimental study

  • to test whether hangry is a real thing.

  • I'd like to point out, it's really important

  • that we use science to test what ideas are true and which ones are false,

  • rather than relying on hunches, intuitions, gut feelings,

  • common sense, instincts,

  • because those can differ dramatically, for different people,

  • and they can often lead us astray.

  • So I'd like to tell you about our experimental study on hangry.

  • Participants were college students.

  • They fasted for food and water

  • for three hours before they came into our lab.

  • That's a very long time for college students.

  • (Laughter)

  • First, they participated in what they thought was a taste test study,

  • and we randomly assigned them to drink lemonade

  • that was either sweetened with sugar,

  • which has calories and therefore provides fuel for the brain,

  • or the lemonade was sweetened with Splenda, a sugar substitute,

  • with no calories, and hence, no fuel for the brain.

  • In a blind test task, people can't tell the difference

  • between the lemonade sweetened with sugar,

  • and the lemonade sweetened with Splenda.

  • Then we had to measure aggression.

  • Well, this is kind of tricky, right?

  • Because researchers can't just give participants guns and knifes

  • and see what they do with them.

  • (Laughter)

  • So researchers have to come up with safer ways to measure aggression.

  • Now, aggression is any behavior intended to harm another person

  • who wants to avoid that harm.

  • And in this study, and in the studies I'll tell you after,

  • we used a noise blast procedure,

  • that I developed for my doctoral dissertation.

  • So let me tell you about this noise blast procedure.

  • In this procedure, participants compete with an ostensible opponent,

  • to see who can press a mouse button faster,

  • when a target square turns red.

  • The winner gets to blast the loser with loud noise through headphones.

  • (Laughter)

  • The noise levels range from level 0 to level 10.

  • We included 0 because we didn't want to force people to behave aggressively.

  • If they don't want to behave aggressively, they don't have to,

  • they can just choose 0.

  • Level 1 is 60 decibels, 2 is 65, 3 is 70, 4 is 75,

  • all the way up to level 10, which is 105 decibels.

  • That's about the same volume as a fire alarm

  • going off directly into your ears through headphones.

  • (Laughter)

  • The winner also gets to control how long the loser suffers

  • (Laughter)

  • by setting the noise duration, from 0 seconds to 5 seconds.

  • Now, the noise is a combination of noises that many people really hate,

  • like fingernails scratching on chalkboards,

  • dentist drills, blow horns, sirens.

  • And they do this task 25 times,

  • so we can get a more reliable measure of aggression.

  • So I know you're dying to hear this noise,

  • so actually, I have a sound level meter,

  • so I can tell you how many decibels this is.

  • Okay, so here you go.

  • (Screeching noise)

  • (Noise ends)

  • Do you want to hear it again?

  • (Audience) No!

  • 93 decibels. 93!

  • It goes up to 105.

  • So, we told participants that the study

  • was about the effects of different kind of foods on a reaction time,

  • but it was not.

  • The study was about the effects of glucose on aggression.

  • And we explained this to participants after the study was over.

  • So here are the results

  • for participants who drank the lemonade sweetened with sugar,

  • and those who drank the lemonade sweetened with Splenda.

  • Those who drank the lemonade with Splenda

  • were significantly more hangry and aggressive.

  • Why?

  • Because the Splenda has no calories for the brain.

  • Well, we wanted to replicate this study; scientists like to do that.

  • We also wanted to see if the effects generalize,

  • because after all, this was a laboratory experiment.

  • It was conducted in an artificial setting - psychological laboratory.

  • Study lasted less than an hour.

  • And the participants were college students who aggressed against a complete stranger.

  • So, we conducted a field experiment as a follow up study.

  • In this field experiment, participants conducted the study in their own home,

  • a natural setting.

  • Study lasted 23 days, rather than less than an hour.

  • And the participants were actually married couples,

  • (Laughter)

  • who aggressed against their spouse.

  • (Laughter)

  • So, we had 107 married couples.

  • They'd been married about an average of 12 years,

  • and on Day 1, we brought them in our lab,

  • we gave them a standardized measure of marital satisfaction.

  • We wanted to control for this,

  • because couples who were satisfied with their marriage,

  • may be less angry and aggressive with their spouses than those who are not.

  • We also gave them a blood glucose meter; we showed them how to use it.

  • We sent them home with it, and for the next 21 days

  • they measured their blood glucose levels every morning before they ate breakfast,

  • and every evening, before they went to bed.

  • We also gave each person,

  • (Laughter)

  • a Voodoo doll, along with 51 pins.

  • We told them that this doll represented their spouse.

  • (Laughter)

  • Every night before they went to bed,

  • they stabbed between 0-51 pins into the doll,

  • (Laughter)

  • depending on how angry they were with their spouse that day.

  • They did this alone with their spouse not being present.

  • (Laughter)

  • And we actually developed this Voodoo doll task,

  • and we validated it in several studies involving couples.

  • We like it a lot because it's an objective measure,

  • you can count the number of pins between 0 and 51.

  • It doesn't use self-reports.

  • And it also takes some effort to put the pins in the doll.

  • One participant stabbed all 51 pins in the doll on one of the days.

  • Actually, on two of the days.

  • (Laughter)

  • Man, I'm glad I'm not married to that person.

  • (Laughter)

  • So, I bought 250 of these dolls; they're $20 each.

  • One day I got a call from my credit card company.

  • (Laughter)

  • They said, "Did you really spend $5,000 on Voodoo dolls?"

  • (Laughter)

  • I said, "Yeah, I did; I'm a scientist,

  • and I'm doing a study that involves over 200 participants,

  • and each of them gets a Voodoo doll.

  • And they said, "Really?"

  • (Laughter)

  • I said, "Yeah, really!"

  • They said, "Okay. It seemed like a suspicious charge to us.

  • (Laughter)

  • We never saw anybody spend $5,000 on Voodoo dolls before."

  • So on Day 23, we brought them back in the lab,

  • and they did the noise blast task that I described earlier.

  • Did you want to hear that noise again?

  • (Audience) No.

  • Okay, I didn't think so.

  • But this time, their partner was their spouse rather than a stranger.

  • And here are the results.

  • First, the number of pins stabbed in the Voodoo dolls.

  • Participants with high levels of glucose, a standard deviation above the mean,

  • and those with low levels of glucose.

  • (Laughter)

  • One standard deviation below the mean.

  • Those with low levels of glucose were much more hangry at their spouse,

  • and they stabbed almost three times more pins in the Voodoo doll

  • than those with high levels of glucose.

  • Next, the noise blast.

  • Participants were nicer to their spouse than college students were to strangers.

  • Those with high levels of glucose,

  • and those with low levels of glucose.

  • But those with low levels of glucose,

  • were once again more hangry and aggressive with their spouse,

  • than those with high levels of glucose,

  • because they had less energy for their brain

  • to exercise control over angry feelings and aggressive impulses.

  • Also we found the number of pins participants stabbed in the doll

  • was directly correlated with the intensity and duration

  • of noise blast they gave their partner,

  • which adds some validity to our Voodoo dolls measure.

  • So, the take home message from this study

  • is don't talk about anything important with your spouse on an empty stomach!

  • Don't do it!

  • Right?

  • Instead, you should talk about it over dinner,

  • or better yet, after dinner,

  • after your glucose levels have had a chance to increase.

  • So we've shown that hangry people

  • are more aggressive against complete strangers,

  • in our laboratory experiment involving college students,

  • and hangry people are also more aggressive against loved ones

  • using our field experiment involving married couples.

  • So it's really important that we feed our brain,

  • our brain needs fuel to engage these executive functions,

  • including controlling angry feelings and aggressive impulses.

  • Now I am not advocating that we feed our brain with junk food.

  • Right?

  • Although sugary foods cause a quick spike in glucose,

  • you get a decrease just as quickly, right?

  • And also we know that sugary foods lead to diabetes.

  • And we've done other research showing that people with diabetic symptoms

  • tend to be more aggressive than those without.

  • So I'm not advocating this.

  • Rather, I'm advocating that we feed our brain with healthy foods,

  • such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains,

  • that will keep our glucose levels higher for a longer period of time

  • and at a more stable level.

  • In my office, I have a drawer full of protein bars

  • so I don't get hangry with my colleagues and students.

  • So everybody knows that muscles can be strengthened with exercise.

  • But what many people do not know is that self-control

  • can also be strengthened with exercise, just like a muscle.

  • So here's some self-control exercises. You can try these at home!

  • Work on your posture.

  • Use your non-dominant hand for mundane tasks

  • like stirring soups, or opening doorknobs, or brushing your teeth,

  • or drinking beverages.

  • Speak in complete sentences.

  • (Laughter)

  • It's a tough one, huh?

  • (Laughter)

  • Keep track of what you eat.

  • My colleagues actually did a really cool study

  • in which they randomly assigned participants, college students,

  • to do these self-control exercises, for just two weeks,

  • every morning between 8 am - 6 pm.

  • Participants in the control group did not do the exercises.

  • Then they gave them a standardized measure of aggressiveness.

  • It has items like:

  • "Once in a while I can't control my urge to strike another person."

  • (Laughter)

  • "If I have to resort to violence to protect my rights, I will."

  • Then after two weeks, they came in the lab

  • and they did the noise blast task that I described earlier.

  • Don't worry, I won't give you those noise blasts.

  • And here are the results.

  • As you can see,

  • those in the control group, the more aggressive they were,

  • the louder and longer noise blast they gave their partner.

  • But check this out,

  • after just two weeks, those in the self-control exercise group

  • were significantly less aggressive than those in the control group.

  • So in conclusion, control your anger and you will live long and prosper.

  • Like I said at the beginning, the two keys to success in life

  • are intelligence, and self-control.

  • And although it's difficult to raise your intelligence,

  • you can increase your self-control by engaging in the exercises I described,

  • and by not being hangry.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Translator: Ruth Milligan Reviewer: Rhonda Jacobs


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TEDx】ハングリーにならないために:脳に健康的な食べ物を食べさせよう|TEDxColumbus (【TEDx】Don't get hangry: feed your brain healthy food | TEDxColumbus)

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    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日