字幕表 動画を再生する
What's wrong? Yeah, I know. I have a toothache. It hurts. I have to go to the dentist. What's
a "dentist"? A "dentist" is a tooth doctor. Do you hate going to the dentist? I love going
a "dentist"?a "dentist"は歯医者です。歯医者に行くのは嫌いですか?私は行くのが大好きです
to the dentist. I don't know why. Ever since I was a child, I have absolutely loved going
to the dentist. Maybe because my dentist gave me stickers to play with or something to take
home, I don't know. I've just never been afraid of the dentist. I always thought that it was
really cool to see all the tools that the dentists use and put them in my mouth. I was
a strange child. Not much has changed except I've gotten bigger.
My name is Ronnie. Today, I'm going to teach you about going to the dentist. Oh, the torture.
Oh, the pain. Oh, the fear. Oh, the fun. I'm going to teach you some basic vocabulary that
you need to know if you go to the beautiful dentist.
First of all, we have English singular and plural. So, singular is one "tooth". So you
can say, "My tooth hurts", or "I have a toothache" -- singular, "tooth". So "tooth" means one.
can say, "My tooth hurts" or "I have a toothache" -- singular, "tooth".なので、"tooth"は1つの意味になります。
If you want to talk about more than one tooth, you would say "teeth". Now, ladies and gentlemen,
複数の歯の話をしたい場合は、" teeth"と言います。さて、皆さん。
boys and girls, please be very careful with your pronunciation of the word "teeth" and
男の子と女の子は、単語" teeth"の発音に非常に注意してください。
"tooth", especially "teeth". If you do not stick your tongue out and say "teeth", it
sounds like you say "tits", "tits". It sounds like you say "tits". Don't say that. So: "tooth"
sounds like like you say "tits", "tits".それはあなたが"tits"を言うように聞こえます。Don't say that.だから: "toth".
and "teeth". You must stick out your tongue to get the pronunciation of this word correct.
と" teeth"。この単語の発音を正しくするためには舌を突き出す必要があります。
The next word you might know already, but thing this is strange, and think, "Gum? Chewing
gum? What? What? What is -- dentist? Chewing? No, I don't know. I don't get it." "Gums"
ガム?何が?何が?何が...歯医者さん?噛むこと?No, I don't't know.仝仝それは、私はそれを得ることができません。
are basically the pink -- can you get in there? -- the pink part above your teeth. So if this
基本的にはピンクの...そこに入れますか?-- 歯の上のピンクの部分ですもしこれが
is a picture of my black teeth, I have a pink tissue above my mouth -- or in my mouth
は私の黒い歯の写真で、私は私の口の上にピンクの組織を持っています - または私の口の中に
-- that surrounds my teeth like this, and these are called "gums". It is always plural. We don't
-- このように私の歯を取り囲んでいるもので、これらは"gums"と呼ばれています。それは常に複数形です。私たちは
say "gum". We don't say "my gum", we say "gums". So in your mouth, hopefully you have teeth.
say "gum"。We don't say "my gum", we say "gums".だから、あなたの口の中には、うまくいけば歯があります。
Some of you might not have all of your beautiful teeth, but that's okay. Don't worry. You have
your teeth, and you have gums. So "gums" is the pink part here.
あなたの歯には歯茎がありますですから "gums" はここではピンク色の部分です。
Sometimes your tooth is sore. So you might say, "Oh, my tooth is sore. I have a toothache."
時々、あなたの歯が痛むことがあります。だから、あなたは言うかもしれません、"Oh, my tooth is sore.I have a toothache.".
Say this with me: "Toothache. Toothache. I have a toothache." That means there's something
私と一緒にこれを言う: "歯痛。歯が痛い。I have a toothache." That means there's something
wrong with your tooth. It's causing you pain. Uh-oh! Most of the time, the reason why you
have a toothache is because you have a cavity -- "cavity". Now, "cavity" is simply a hole
have a toothache is is because you have a cavity - "cavity"。さて、"cavity"は、単に穴
in your tooth. So this is a beautiful, red, healthy tooth, and what happens is a cavity
あなたの歯の中でこれは美しくて赤くて健康な歯です そして何が起こるかというと 虫歯です
makes a hole in your tooth, and it begins to rot right down to the root or the vein
in your tooth, and that causes you pain. So a "cavity" basically just means a hole in
your tooth. And because this is rotting away, it causes pain in the nerve in your mouth,
causing you to get a toothache: not a good feeling, not a good situation.
Unfortunately, the dentist is very expensive in Canada, so I recommend that you brush your
teeth at least two times a day -- to help with the bad breath as well. You may have
少なくとも1日2回は歯を磨いてください - 口臭にも効果があります。あなたが持っている可能性があります
done a lesson on bad habits, bad breath. We don't like that. One of the reasons you may
have bad breath -- or someone, not you -- is because you have a cavity.
口臭がする - または誰か、あなたではなく - は、あなたが虫歯を持っているからです。
So what you're going to do is you're going to call the dentist. You are going to make
an appointment. Now, you might have noticed that I have written n-n-v-v-v-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n;
"n" means "noun". So this means it is a noun, and "v" means "verb". So what's going to happen
is you're going to call the dentist's office, and you are going to "make an appointment".
"Make" is a verb, so you're going to call and make an appointment. The dentist's receptionist
is going to say, "tomorrow at seven." -"No." They will arrange a time for you. I know sometimes
は、"in tomorrow at seven." -"No." They will arrange for time for you.と言おうとしています。私は時々知っている
talking on the telephone is difficult, so if you can communicate with a dentist through
email, or if you can actually go to a dentist office, it will be easier for you. But
it doesn't matter if you call, email, or go there. You're going to make an appointment. What's
going to happen is the doctor is going to give you a check-up -- or the dentist, sorry.
起こることは医者があなたに検査をすることです - または歯医者、申し訳ありませんが。
The tooth doctor is going to give you a "check-up". This just means he or she will check your
teeth -- check if they're healthy; make sure you don't have any cavities; make sure your
gums are okay. They may even give you an X-ray. That's very expensive too. An "X-ray" is a
picture of the bone structure in your mouth. The X-ray lets the doctor know any additional
things -- cavities you can't see on an X-ray, but if there's inflammation or something wrong
with the inside of your teeth, the X-ray will show the dentist this.
Then it's time for the drill. If you have a cavity, the dentist is going to take a drill...
Now, you may know the word "drill". Let's say you wanted to hang something in your apartment.
さて、あなたは言葉を知っているかもしれません" drill"。Let'sは、あなたのアパートで何かをハングアップしたかったと言います。
You're going to take a screw and a machine -- that doesn't look like a drill, but that's
okay. And, basically, a "drill" is going to make a bigger hole in your tooth. Guess what:
This really, really, really hurts. So it's like taking a hammer or an electrical thing
and going "aah" and drilling your tooth. They usual give you some kind of help. They usually
give you some kind of drugs or medicine so you don't feel the drill going in. So what
happens is they take their beautiful dentist drill; they drill a hole; and they drill all
the bad stuff out of your cavity. Then they take what's called a "filling".
I forgot to write this down. A "filling" basically fills your cavity with usually a white or
書き忘れていました。A "filling"基本的には、通常は白または
sometimes silver -- gold if you're really, really, really rich -- compound and it stops
the hole or it stops the cavity from growing. So they drill, and then they fill or they
穴を開けないと 虫歯の成長を止めてしまいますだからドリルで穴を開けて 埋めたり
put in a filling to cover your tooth. The next thing that they're going to do is
they're going to have to put a cap on your tooth so that food or foreign objects, like
an airplane, doesn't go back into your tooth. So a "cap" is basically like a lid or a hat.
It's a tooth hat. It's a hat for your tooth to protect it from all the drilling. So a
"cap" is what happens at the end after the drilling. After the filling, you get a beautiful
cap. Maybe -- when you go for your check-up or
your appointment -- you don't have a cavity. Yay! What they will do is they will clean
your teeth. They usually use a fluoride solution, and they scrape all the dirty stuff off your
あなたの歯を彼らは通常 フッ化物溶液を使って 汚れたものをこすり落とします
teeth. This is called "tartar". Oh, not "tarnar". Excuse me. So this is called "tartar", and
it's basically a build-up of dirty, dirty, dirty stuff on your teeth. So they scrape
it so your teeth are nice and clean. Maybe there is no help for your tooth. Maybe
the cavity has eaten all of your tooth, and your teeth -- tooth needs to be taken out.
What happens in this case is you have two options. You can get an implant. Do you know
another place you can get implants? An "implant" means a -- basically, a fake tooth. So they
put another drill in your mouth, and they're going to put, like, a nail or a screw, and
they just put a fake tooth, and they screw it into your mouth. It looks real. It's wonderful.
Not -- did I forget to mention that the doctor is very, very, very expensive and painful?
Or the other option you could go with is a false tooth, or plural, false teeth. A lot
または他の選択肢としては 偽の歯、または複数の偽の歯があります沢山の
of older ladies and gentlemen have false teeth. You can take them out -- scare the grandkids.
年配の女性や紳士の多くが偽物の歯を持っています。抜くことができます -- 孫を怖がらせます
So you have options. If you have money, you can have beautiful new teeth. No one will
ever know you had a cavity. Go to YouTube. Subscribe to my lessons.
Go to www.engvid.com. Leave me a comment. Tell me if you like or hate the dentist and why.
www.engvid.com へ。私にコメントを残してください。歯医者が好きか嫌いか、その理由を教えてください。
Don't forget: Brush your teeth. Goodbye.