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  • O Lord.

  • You are my reliance, my strength.

  • I beg You. Please answer my prayer.

  • O Lord, where are You?

  • Now I am puzzled and confused.

  • I cannot feel Your presence.

  • But, without Your guidance,

  • how am I to be a good shepherd to my flock?

  • O Lord. I am forever in Your debt truly.

  • Brothers and sisters can’t receive any supply.

  • They hunger and thirst and their faith grows cold.

  • Some no longer attend the services, distracted by the world.

  • But I’m unable to support them, because I am weak.

  • O Lord. Where are You?

  • Please have mercy on meand give me strength.

  • Lord. May You revive the church

  • Better go to bed. Youll catch a cold here...

  • I just can’t write my sermon. So how can I sleep?

  • But didn’t you buy many books about preaching?

  • I did, but they aren’t inspiring.

  • My spirit’s dry. I have nothing to preach about.

  • Give it time. Itll get better.

  • And soon youll be back to normal.

  • To be truthful, when I preach, the eager faces of my flock all around me

  • I have nothing new to preach. And it just feels

  • They are listening to me out of courtesy.

  • And it makes me feel like I’m so very guilty.

  • I can’t really minister to them.

  • You should go back to sleep.

  • But I must finish my sermon.

  • I’ve got to prepare for the service I’m leading tomorrow.

  • Yes, but please not all night.

  • I’m worried that your health is getting worse.

  • I know. You sleep first.

  • All right.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • no matter where we might be,

  • we should be light and salt.

  • Same old thing again.

  • Glorify the Lord’s name. (I know what you mean.)

  • Obey the Lord’s teaching.

  • I don’t want to come back.

  • Be humble and patient. (No enjoyment at all. You said it.)

  • Love your enemies... (It’s the same every week.)

  • How has everybody been progressing

  • with the daily Bible reading plan?

  • Please read the Bible according to the daily plan.

  • For the manna God prepared for the Israelites

  • is what the Bible is like.

  • It is the spiritual bread we eat. It strengthens us.

  • Just as Luke 1:37 says,

  • So, if we don’t read the Bible,

  • well be thirsty and hungry in spirit.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • keep reading the Bible, and youll be strong.

  • And now one final message.

  • Please open your Bibles and turn them to Acts 1:11.

  • I’ll read it with you.

  • From this verse we can see

  • in the end time, the Lord will appear in the spirit

  • and take us into heaven.

  • Yes! That’s right!

  • And so, we should wait for Him with faith.

  • He never fails His promise.

  • Amen!

  • But in the end time,

  • like a lion, the devil prowls around us,

  • it is searching, searching for someone it can devour.

  • Yes.

  • Especially theEastern Lightning.”

  • Preaching everywhere that the Lord

  • has returned to this world in the flesh.

  • We know this is impossible!

  • Right. Yes.

  • Hell come in the Spirit.

  • And He will not come in the flesh!

  • Amen. That’s right. Yeah.

  • So then we should all be as wise virgins.

  • Stay in our home church.

  • Amen!

  • We all must be watchful and wait for the Lord to return.

  • Or otherwise well be like the people we find in Ephesians 4:14.

  • We should both read the Bible and pray more.

  • This concludes today’s service.

  • Amen!

  • Pastor Chen, my husband’s having those headaches again.

  • Please pray that hell recover.

  • Pastor Chen, my son is going abroad.

  • Please pray and ask the Lord to bless his trip.

  • Brothers and sisters, let us stand and pray.

  • The sermon was boring. I didn’t enjoy it.

  • I think youre right.

  • It’s just the same old sermon again and again.

  • There’s nothing new.

  • Coming to the service doesn’t solve any problems.

  • I’m getting tired of it.

  • Do you think we can really enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Sister, you can’t say that.

  • Didn’t Pastor Chen tell us?

  • We will all be raptured when the Lord returns.

  • I might stop coming.

  • I’ve so many things to do at home, I just feel that

  • Hey, Pastor Chen.

  • Hi. Youre all still here.

  • Hey, Pastor Chen, youre leaving now?

  • Yeah. It’s cold out here. You’d better head home.

  • See you later.

  • Sister Gao, youre still here?

  • Pastor Chen.

  • Mm-hm.

  • I’m disturbed.

  • I just don’t know how to be after the Lord’s heart.

  • So I need your advice.

  • Thank the Lord.

  • May He lead us. Please explain your problem.

  • Our factory has had so much work.

  • My husband has asked me to come and help him.

  • That means I wouldn’t have time to take care of the service,

  • which has made me struggle with which I should be doing.

  • Sister Gao, you know that our church needs a host.

  • No matter what, abandoning the mission and service

  • is not after the Lord’s heart.

  • Which I feel, too.

  • I know my husband is burnt out from working very hard all day long,

  • and still I do nothing to help him.

  • This doesn’t glorify the Lord’s name.

  • Sister Gao, since you said so, I can say nothing more.

  • Of course, youre aware of the condition of our church.

  • That it really needs you.

  • Lord have mercy. Someone will be raised up in my place.

  • Brother Lin is zealous and donated much.

  • His grave illness was quite unexpected.

  • How could it come to this?

  • So many bad things have happened in our church lately.

  • We must pray for Brother Lin,

  • ask the Lord to care for him.

  • We must tell others about it

  • and ask them to pray as well.

  • I don’t understand.

  • What’s happening to the church?

  • Why doesn’t the Lord keep us?

  • I think the Lord is testing us.

  • I almost forgot I met Brother Liu on my way home yesterday.

  • He’s moving out of town for work.

  • He’s what? He said he was going?

  • Yeah. That’s what he said to me.

  • And did he tell you why?

  • He was in a rush to go shopping.

  • So I couldn’t ask him more.

  • I thought if you could find a little time,

  • you could talk to him about it.

  • Mm.

  • Let’s go.

  • Pastor Chen, fewer and fewer are coming to services.

  • Most co-workers became weak.

  • We must find a way to restore it.

  • Yes. I’ve been praying a lot about it.

  • I haven’t received any answers.

  • Do you have any suggestions?

  • What about a dinner meeting once every week?

  • All the brothers and sisters can communicate with each other.

  • And the long-time believers can testify

  • to encourage those whose faith might have weakened

  • Brother Chen, you can stop reading now.

  • My mind’s made up.

  • Brother Liu, please think this over.

  • I am quite sorry for you.

  • Youve served the Lord for so many years.

  • So tell me, how can you give up so easily?

  • Is there some difficulty in your life?

  • Brother Chen, to be honest, the difficulty in my life

  • isn’t the only reason that I’ve decided this.

  • I’m hesitant to tell all of this to you.

  • Please don’t worry. Just go ahead.

  • I am a minister.

  • But there are some things.

  • It just isn’t right for me to say.

  • But I would like you to hear the truth now.

  • I’ve believed for a long time.

  • I pray every day and read the Bible.

  • But I am always alone in darkness.

  • I can’t feel God’s presence.

  • I have no way to go.

  • And what am I going to do if this continues?

  • What if the Lord rejects me?

  • Other believers also seem to

  • Brother Liu, the Lord’s promise is reliable.

  • The Lord has promised us,

  • Haven’t you often said to others just wait patiently

  • until the day when the Lord comes back to rapture us?

  • Thanks for the Lord’s mercy.

  • Brother Chen, I can preach a lot about faith.

  • Faith can’t come from wishful thinking, though.

  • Don’t try to persuade me anymore.

  • I’m really indebted to the Lord...

  • Hello, Sister Cai? Thank the Lord.

  • I haven’t seen you in church for a long time.

  • How are you doing?

  • Mm!

  • Oh!

  • Listen.

  • Fridays were having a kind of dinner meeting.

  • We can get together.

  • That’s right.

  • And we can have the chance to talk as well.

  • Yeah. Then I will see you at the meal?

  • Oh. That’s great! Bye.

  • Brothers and sisters, peace to you!

  • And to you!

  • I would like to thank the Lord for such a good time.

  • Amen!

  • So we can get together, and enjoy the Lord’s grace!

  • Amen!

  • This meeting will hopefully

  • connect our hearts in the bountiest love of the Lord.

  • Amen!

  • It says in Romans 12:5,

  • Today, how nice to see all of you brothers and sisters here

  • who may not have been to service in a long time!

  • Thank the Lord!

  • I hope that within this meeting,

  • we can have a good spiritual communication

  • and sustain one another.

  • Amen!

  • And those who have testimonies

  • testify all the wonderful ways the Lord has blessed you.

  • Or in other words, let’s fellowship!

  • Amen!

  • And now let us all sing a hymn.

  • Amen!

  • What a wonderful turnout! ...

  • It’s been so long since she’s been to the service...

  • This is a good turnout.

  • May be twice a month, and different menus each time, all right?

  • Worried about my son’s marriage.

  • I’ve been so busy with it

  • No way could I find the time to come to church.

  • I’m really indebted to the Lord.

  • Sister Wang.

  • Does your son have insurance?

  • No, not yet.

  • Ah. You had better find him some.

  • General plans are pretty good.

  • Oh, yes. A sister sells the plans.

  • The care is excellent. Yeah.

  • Well, here’s the soup, sisters!

  • Oh, here’s more soup.

  • I bought the same plan last year, it’s good! You should try it.

  • You won’t be sorry.

  • Hey, so how’d you feel about our health product?

  • Oh! It was amazing! I really liked it!

  • My skin has never felt so soft and lustrous. And I…

  • Well I think it was a big success,

  • how do you feel about our dinner meeting?

  • Thank the Lord. It was pretty good, wasn’t it?

  • Many believers who haven’t been to church in a while,

  • they showed up tonight.

  • Youre right.

  • So many of them we haven’t seen for a long time.

  • I truly feel God’s love.

  • Because of today’s meeting,

  • our brothers and sisters who are weak

  • will all come back to the Sunday service, don’t you think?

  • I think they will. I spoke with many of them

  • and I asked them to come back to the service.

  • They said they were coming.

  • Thank the Lord.

  • Amen!

  • Hurry up, youll be late.

  • Youre not gonna go?

  • I think well have a lot of people there today.

  • I have a meeting with our son’s wife.

  • I’ll go next week. Time to leave.

  • Well, goodbye.

  • Bye.

  • Brothers and sisters, peace to you.

  • And to you!

  • In your Bibles, please turn to Matthew 7:13.

  • O Loving Lord Jesus! Where are You?

  • The church, it is desolate.

  • All the sheep are lost. And I am powerless to help.

  • I am unworthy of Your good grace.

  • My Lord, what should I do now?

  • Co-workers, this is the end of today’s meeting.

  • If you have any questions, then please ask now.

  • Elder Qian, there’s a question that I would like to ask. (Hmm.)

  • The day of the Lord is soon coming.

  • Yeah. Right...

  • But we don’t have anything new to preach. (Yeah...)

  • Believers can’t get any supply, distracted by the world.

  • Less and less attend the service.

  • What can we undertake to combat this terrible plight?

  • It is normal that the church is in this position.

  • Of the Lord’s return, the Bible says,

  • So then all of us must patiently wait and pray more.

  • The Lord will surely appear to us.

  • Wouldn’t you agree, Pastor Chen?

  • But, elder, I am so greatly concerned.

  • Yeah...

  • At this rate, our churches will soon be empty.

  • Yeah...

  • We are the lead sheep.

  • When the Lord returns,

  • how can we give account for all of this?

  • Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.

  • It says in Revelation 3:15 and 16,

  • If this continues, will we be rejected by the Lord?

  • Yeah. No one knows for sure.

  • What will all of us do if we are rejected by the Lord?

  • Yeah. Right. Yes...

  • Pastor Chen, the Lord’s reliable and faithful.

  • So it is important that we have faith in Him. Never doubt.

  • The church is in the condition that it’s in,

  • because the Lord wants to test our faith.

  • Amen!

  • Did the Lord really forsake us?

  • O Lord! Why is the church so desolate?

  • What should we do?

  • My Lord! I’ve come to a dead end

  • Brother Wang. (Hmm?)

  • Was this photo taken at seminary?

  • Yes.

  • It seems memorable.

  • Time goes by so quickly.

  • Indeed.

  • Ten years just flew by.

  • Among them, some passed away

  • and some became businessmen.

  • Hey, who is that brother there?

  • That’s Chen Peng. After graduation,

  • he became a house church pastor.

  • It’s been a long time since we saw each other.

  • Brother Chen is upright.

  • He’s zealous, and preaches well.

  • I am not sure if he’s ever heard God’s end-time gospel.

  • Brother Wang, can you get in touch with him?

  • I think I can.

  • That’s Great!

  • Perhaps it would be all right if I invited him over here.

  • Good idea.

  • If a true believer can accept our gospel,

  • God’s heart will be very comforted.

  • She’s right.

  • All of God’s sheep will certainly hear God’s voice! (Mm-hmm. Yeah!)

  • Hello?

  • Hi! Chen Peng? This is Wang Zhong.

  • Oh, Wang Zhong, hi.

  • How’s it been going?

  • It’s hard to explain

  • Thank the Lord!

  • I really hope this meeting will be good for you.

  • May the Lord lead me.

  • Sister Fang, how has your church been doing lately?

  • It isn’t going well.

  • Many believers have been losing their faith.

  • Hey, I heard youve been having dinner meetings.

  • How’s that been going?

  • It’s not going well. Everybody comes for the dinner.

  • But very few come for the service.

  • It’s terrible!

  • What a shame!

  • It’s the same with our church.

  • Oh, thank you!

  • Don’t be shy! Make yourselves at home! Sister Yang, don’t bother! Come sit with us! (It’s no trouble.)

  • Sister Yang, I heard Pastor Wang

  • invited many co-workers from local churches.

  • He did. (Thanks!)

  • Sister Fang. (Thank you.)

  • So where is Pastor Wang?

  • Oh, he went to pick someone up.

  • Ah. (Sister Yang.)

  • Pastor Chen is here.

  • Ah. Hello, Pastor Chen.

  • Pastor Chen.

  • Ah, Brother Cao, Sister Fang, youre here.

  • Yeah. Since our last meeting

  • didn’t really solve the problems in our church,

  • we accepted Pastor Wang’s invitation.

  • I see!

  • Sit. Please. Sit. (Yes, have a seat.)

  • Brother Wang,

  • do you have any ideas

  • to solve the desolation of our church?

  • Would you please share with the rest of us?

  • Yes, please.

  • I regret that I have none. Just like all of you!

  • But I invited some fine preachers,

  • and their messages will help us all solve the current problem

  • and strengthen our faith as well.

  • Oh. yeah, that’s wonderful. Good idea.

  • Co-workers, peace to you.

  • Amen!

  • First thing, I’ll make an introduction.

  • I’d like you to meet Sister Li.

  • She followed with my father preaching for many years.

  • Her spiritual experience is rich.

  • I think her messages

  • can help solve the desolation of our church.

  • This is Sister Zhou, and Sister Wu,

  • Sister Li’s co-workers.

  • Theyre both experienced preachers.

  • And their messages will be very beneficial.

  • And this is Pastor Chen,

  • a key leader in the local church.

  • I think you all must be somewhat familiar with him.

  • So he requires no further introduction.

  • And this of course is Brother Cao.

  • You all know him.

  • And since the rest of you know each other,

  • I will skip further introductions.

  • Pastor Chen. (Hmm.)

  • Youve preached for years. You know the Bible.

  • I think youre the most learned man here.

  • Will you share your opinion with us?

  • We can then have a discussion.

  • I’m indebted to the Lord.

  • Something has been genuinely puzzling me for a long time.

  • It seems most believers weaken in faith, tired of service.

  • This is the main problem that we face.

  • To encourage service attendance, we tried an idea or two

  • activities believers could come to.

  • Unfortunately, most of them came merely to socialize.

  • They did not come to worship.

  • Truth is, I just have no idea

  • what should be done to revive the church.

  • Yeah. I’m indebted to the Lord.

  • The believers nowadays

  • take the meeting place as a free market

  • or even some kind of a club,

  • further and further away from the Lord.

  • What’s going on with the church?

  • What is the Lord’s will?

  • Is anybody aware of the reason all this is happening?

  • Regarding the recent desolation of the church,

  • what we need is to seek the truth about this.

  • Look back to the Old Testament.

  • At the end of the Age of Law,

  • the temple which was originally full of Jehovah’s glory,

  • it had fallen into desolation as well.

  • At the time, people failed to keep the law.

  • Priests offered lame sacrifices.

  • The temple became a house of merchandise, a den of thieves.

  • What was the reason for it?

  • Well, I think there were a number of them.

  • Continue, Sister Li. I’d like to know your opinion.

  • Thank God.

  • In fact, here’s the main reason for the desolation.

  • The work of God progressed forward.

  • God left the temple to start the work of redemption.

  • So the Holy Spirit no longer upheld the work in the Age of the Law,

  • but upheld Jesuswork of redemption.

  • At that time, if people didn’t seek God

  • and follow God’s new work,

  • they would lose God’s presence and God’s supply.

  • Gradually, they became fallen and no longer feared God.

  • Then the temple became a house of merchandise,

  • and a den of thieves.

  • This is the foremost reason for the desolation of the temple.

  • Hmm! That does make sense.

  • How come weve never thought about this?

  • Could you tell us, sister,

  • what you think is the reason for the current problem.

  • Pastor Chen,

  • there are verses which can answer this question.

  • Amos 4:6-7,

  • When there were yet three months to the harvest,”

  • God withheld the rain.

  • When is it the time whenthe harvestshould begin?

  • I’m pretty sure it’s autumn.

  • As we know, the Lord Jesus did the work of sowing.

  • Clearly, “the harvestrefers to the work the Lord does

  • when He returns in the end time.

  • Would you agree with that?

  • When it’s time for the harvest,

  • in the end time,

  • then the Holy Spirit will stop working in the church of the Age of the Grace

  • and do the work of the harvest.

  • And so the church without the Holy Spirit’s working

  • will become desolate and dried-up.

  • Clearly, all this desolation that is now

  • occurring in our churches wasn’t caused by man.

  • It’s because God has started a new work.

  • This fulfills John 4:37,

  • In the end time,

  • God has returned in the flesh to begin the harvest.

  • What? God already came into the flesh?

  • You are preaching theEastern Lightning.”

  • You are! You are preaching theEastern Lightning.”

  • I’ve heard enough!

  • We will not listen to you no matter what you say! Humph!

  • Pastor Chen, it’s him!

  • Brother Wang, how did this happen?

  • You believe in theEastern Lightning”?

  • Youre a part of this deception?

  • Humph!

  • You are wrong-minded.

  • Go. Go. Go. Everyone. Were leaving!

  • Theyre part of theEastern Lightning.”

  • Co-workers, please calm down. Stay and hear us out.

  • For these past years, weve all been in a quandary

  • about the desolation of the church.

  • And then, the sister explained the cause of the problem,

  • the desolation’s cause.

  • Now, don’t you think that it’s good

  • for us to sit down and all talk this over?

  • All these years,

  • we have condemned theEastern Lightning

  • and the more that we condemn them,

  • the more their church prospers and grows,

  • while our church becomes more and more desolate.

  • Shouldn’t we at least examine why?

  • Co-workers, we are all already here.

  • Can’t we at least talk together?

  • Might we not learn something?

  • So then, we can give the believers an explanation.

  • We don’t seek or investigate.

  • All we do is avoid the problem.

  • What if this is the Lord’s work after all?

  • Aren’t we resisting and condemning God?

  • Won’t our faith in God end up in vain?

  • Brother Chen, what do you say?

  • Pastor Chen, Brother Cao, co-workers,

  • I ask you to please listen.

  • Pastor Wang has long served the Lord.

  • Would he be deceived so easily?

  • How about we just listen to

  • what theyre trying to preach first?

  • And if Pastor Wang has been deceived,

  • I really don’t think

  • that we should leave him alone with them.

  • Is that all right with you?

  • All right. Everyone please sit down.

  • Thank the Lord. May the Lord lead us.

  • All right, I look forward to seeing the tricks

  • that all of youEastern Lightningpeople

  • are going to try to use to deceive us.

  • Humph!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • we have all served the Lord for many years.

  • You know, I used to have the same opinion

  • of theEastern Lightning.”

  • And you all know that I did.

  • And then, after their fellowship recently,

  • I totally changed that opinion.

  • Then I invited you here only after a great deal of prayer

  • and communion with the Lord.

  • So I really hope that you can all benefit

  • after fellowshipping with them.

  • Let’s all agree to speak out freely.

  • We can discuss any question or opinion you have,

  • anything you want.

  • That’s right.

  • We can all investigate and discuss these things together,

  • determining whether or not

  • Almighty God’s work is the true way.

  • Actually, everyone should feel free to ask us questions.

  • If we sincerely investigate,

  • we just might find all of the answers.

  • I’ve believed for decades, read the Bible many times.

  • Nowhere have I seen it written

  • Jesus would return into the flesh again.

  • How are so many deceived by this blatant fallacy?

  • Today,

  • I would like to hear how you misinterpret the Bible.

  • That’s right.

  • So according to you,

  • Jesus already came back in the flesh?

  • Impossible!

  • Nowhere did Jesus say that He would return in the form of flesh.

  • You have no biblical basis.

  • That’s right.

  • You should never preach anything that groundless.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • the return of Jesus is prophesied in the Bible

  • and that Hell return in the flesh.

  • There are very many verses that talk of this.

  • How’s that possible?

  • We know that God is wise.

  • God’s prophecies are obscure.

  • They can’t be so plain.

  • So then we should not interpret them at will.

  • We understand a prophecy only once it’s fulfilled.

  • As the Old Testament prophecy says

  • In man’s eyes, Jesus had a father and mother

  • and He was not born of a virgin.

  • In man’s eyes, He was not called Immanuel.

  • It didn’t match the prophecy.

  • Therefore the chief priests and the scribes and Pharisees

  • wouldn’t believe in Him or accept Him,

  • but resisted and condemned Him.

  • And so, for us to truly welcome the returned Lord,

  • we shouldn’t measure or circumscribe God

  • with the words of prophecies.

  • If we did, we would repeat the Phariseeserror.

  • Don’t you think that we would know these?

  • Yeah.

  • We have served the Lord for many years,

  • read the Bible countless times.

  • Do not try to deceive us.

  • Yeah. You say that God has come into the flesh.

  • If you have no evidence, your words are worthless.

  • Don’t bother trying to fool us.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • the prophecies have finally been revealed to us

  • through the fulfillment of God’s incarnation in the end time.

  • Let’s open our Bibles and turn to Luke 17:24-25.

  • Here it mentions

  • so shall also the Son of man be in his day.”

  • Son of man

  • means He is born of a man with bones and flesh, notSpirit.”

  • If God’s Spirit comes,

  • He can’t be called theSon of man,”

  • because the Spirit has no form or image,

  • invisible and intangible.

  • SoSon of man

  • tells us that God will be incarnated once again.

  • If He doesn’t come in the flesh,

  • He can’t be called theSon of man.”

  • Besides, if God is not incarnated again in the flesh,

  • He won’t “suffer many thingsor again

  • be rejected of this generation.”

  • If He comes as theSpirit,”

  • He won’t suffer and no one would dare reject Him.

  • And thus, when God comes again in the end time,

  • He will still appear to us as theSon of man,”

  • that is to say, appear in the flesh.

  • This is a reference to the Lord Jesus.

  • Because the Lord will return

  • in the glorified flesh and He won’t suffer.

  • Right! Youre misinterpreting the Bible.

  • What it means is the Lord Jesus suffered and was then rejected. (Amen!)

  • Brothers and sisters, may we look at some other verses?

  • The book of Luke 9:22.

  • This verse tells us very clearly,

  • when Jesus was first incarnated,

  • He was rejected by chief priests and scribes and elders

  • and suffered quite a lot,

  • and then in the end was crucified.

  • But Luke 17:24-25

  • tells us when the Lord Jesus comes again,

  • He will suffer many things

  • and again be rejected of this generation.

  • It mentionsand again be rejected of this generation.”

  • Againmeans that He was once rejected,

  • and it will happen again.

  • It shows that the Lord will come back in the flesh.

  • If the Lord Jesus returns in the glorified flesh,

  • He will notsuffer many things

  • oragain be rejected of this generation.”

  • Do you not all think so?

  • Thank the Lord! What she said makes so much sense.

  • Theyve got many ways to deceive people.

  • But we listen to Pastor Chen

  • The Bible really prophesies that.

  • I wonder why none of us ever noticed it before.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Maybe the Lord really will return in the flesh?

  • Impossible! Jesus will return the same way He went.

  • So how could He become flesh again?

  • The pastor is correct.

  • Lord Jesus will not become flesh again.

  • We don’t believe.

  • Amen!

  • Actually when the Lord Jesus made the promise that He’d return,

  • it was Jesus Himself who said the words,

  • it was not the Spirit.

  • Since the Lord Jesus Himself made the promise,

  • when He comes He will surely come in the flesh,

  • because Jesus was God’s incarnation.

  • We all know that the Spirit didn’t ever say that He would leave,

  • or He would surely return.

  • So it’s not the Spirit who will come.

  • If the Spirit said that, He will fulfill it.

  • But here the incarnate Jesus said He would surely come,

  • not the Spirit.

  • So when God comes in the end time,

  • He will become flesh again.

  • We believe the Spirit will come.

  • But you say it will be the flesh. Well never agree.

  • Yet their fellowship seems to have merit.

  • Jesus foretold He would come, not the Spirit.

  • That’s impossible!

  • Right!

  • We listen to Pastor Chen. We think he’s right.

  • Hmm. The Lord Jesus said that.

  • That’s right.

  • We had better listen some more.

  • Brothers and sisters, in the Bible it is prophesied

  • the Lord willcome as a thief,”

  • which means God will be incarnated.

  • Let me ask,

  • when the Lord Jesus came in the Age of the Grace,

  • did anybody know that He was God?

  • The answer isno.”

  • Jesus spoke many words,

  • did many works, performed many miracles.

  • But no one recognized Him.

  • No one knew that He was God.

  • How can any of us prove this?

  • Will you turn in your Bibles to Matthew 16:13-17.

  • So, when God is incarnated on earth without inspiration,

  • no one can recognize Him,

  • not even those who chose to follow Him.

  • So the prophecy in Revelation “I come as a thief

  • means that God will become flesh in the end time.

  • These people really are expert deceivers.

  • Yeah! Right!

  • You said that God will be incarnated to work?

  • Well, I see no need for this to be so!

  • The Spirit can do it.

  • Amen! That’s right!

  • Did not Jehovah do His work in the form of the Spirit?

  • So then the same thing can be done in the end time.

  • There’s no need to become flesh!

  • Amen! (Amen!)

  • You can’t just fool all of us with your deceptions

  • and your specious words!

  • That’s right! Truly Jehovah worked in Spirit form.

  • It will be the same in the end time, too.

  • I tell you your fellowship goes against the Bible.

  • Amen!

  • It’s heresy!

  • It’s right here! Look! Look! Look!

  • Really? Okay!

  • Brothers and sisters, I used to share your opinion,

  • so I do understand.

  • But we know we do not decide. Only God decides.

  • It is God alone who decides what form Hell take,

  • whether it is in the form of the Spirit

  • or in the form of the flesh.

  • God chooses the way He will work

  • in accordance with the need of His work

  • and the need of corrupt mankind.

  • If a way is truly better for His work

  • and the salvation of corrupt mankind, He will use it.

  • In God’s three-stage work of the saving of man,

  • God worked in the form of the Spirit

  • in what’s known as the Age of the Law.

  • In the Age of the Grace and the Age of the Kingdom,

  • God works in the form of the flesh.

  • Now then why does God work in the form of the flesh

  • in the last two stages of works?

  • Let’s take a look at God’s word.

  • God makes the choice of what way He will work

  • according to the needs of mankind

  • and the importance and nature of the work.

  • In the Age of the Law,

  • Jehovah worked in the form of the Spirit,

  • this is because Jehovah

  • was the one who just issued the law

  • and led the newly-born men to live on the earth.

  • Since that had nothing to do with changing man’s disposition,

  • so then, Jehovah worked in the form of the Spirit.

  • In the Age of the Grace,

  • God performed the redemptive work.

  • The Lord was crucified for man in sinless flesh

  • and became man’s sin offering.

  • If the Spirit did this, He couldn’t be crucified.

  • So, in the Age of the Grace,

  • God came into the flesh to work.

  • From Almighty God’s word,

  • we can see clearly God decides to work in the flesh

  • due to the necessity of the work,

  • so that man can receive His salvation.

  • In the end time, God becomes flesh to work

  • according to corrupt mankind’s needs

  • and according to His management plan.

  • Almighty God’s word tells us, in the Age of the Grace

  • mankind wasn’t saved completely from their sins,

  • they were actually still in the bondage of sin.

  • So then,

  • God has to be incarnated again to do a work of salvation.

  • After that, mankind will be completely saved

  • from the influence of Satan.

  • If God chooses to work in the Spirit form,

  • He can’t make contact with men and can’t achieve results.

  • What now?

  • Now you say God didn’t even save men completely?

  • Just hearing these few words of yours,

  • I can surely say, you are deceivers, and heretics!

  • Jesus said on the crossIt is finished,”

  • meaning Jesus saved mankind for all eternity.

  • Yet you sit there,

  • glibly saying that He in fact did not.

  • You could not be more wrong!

  • He’s right! The Lord Jesus Himself said that.

  • How dare you try to deny the word of Lord Jesus?

  • How dare you!

  • That’s right.

  • How are they trying to deceive us?

  • They can’t do this.

  • Pastor Chen, Jesus saidIt is finishedon the cross,

  • meaning that the redemptive work of God was finished,

  • not meaning that His management plan

  • of saving mankind was finished.

  • If this word that Jesus uttered

  • meant that God’s entire work of saving man had reached its completion,

  • then how would the end-time harvest

  • spoken of in Revelation truly be fulfilled?

  • Besides, we are redeemed by Jesus.

  • We are not completely freed from sins.

  • We all sin often, disobey, resist God.

  • So then how could the salvation work of God be finished?

  • God is faithful.

  • When He saves mankind, it will be done quite thoroughly.

  • There is no way Hell stop the work of salvation

  • before it’s done completely.

  • Actually, in the Age of the Grace

  • the Lord Jesus only served as men’s sin offering

  • and redeemed men from sins. So men were forgiven.

  • They could come before God and pray to Him,

  • so they could enjoy the peace and joy.

  • But Jesus didn’t do the work of resolving men’s sins.

  • People who have been redeemed by Jesus

  • are all still bound by sins and sinning,

  • they are still resisting God.

  • So then on the basis of all of Jesuswork,

  • God will do more to remove man’s sinful nature,

  • saving man completely from all sins.

  • And then when man has experienced God’s end-time salvation work,

  • cast off corruption and become holy.

  • God’s plan for the salvation of mankind

  • will then be finished.

  • This will be the fulfillment of Revelation 21:5-6.

  • That is to say,

  • when people cast off their corrupt disposition

  • and are transformed into new men,

  • it is then God’s work of salvation

  • can be said to be truly completed.

  • Here it is. But the way they speak of the end time ...

  • it’s confusing.

  • I don’t remember anything like this.

  • I am telling you they are trying to confuse us.

  • It doesn’t make any sense!

  • The Bible doesn’t have a prophecy about that!

  • Still, the Spirit of the Lord verses the flesh?

  • Let us read the word of Almighty God,

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • from these words of Almighty God, we can learn

  • Lord Jesus only did one of God’s salvation works.

  • He forgave mankind for their sins,

  • but He didn’t remove their sinful nature.

  • So, men often still commit sins and resist God.

  • Look at the brothers and sisters in the Lord.

  • Believers, elders, pastors from top to bottom,

  • which one of them has gotten rid of sins and commits no more?

  • Not one. They are all controlled and bound by sins.

  • They can be selfish or arrogant, greedy, crafty,

  • and the list goes on and on.

  • And no matter how hard they try,

  • they can’t help but sin.

  • Even though some look humble and mild,

  • their hearts are filled with corrupt satanic disposition.

  • God does not want to gain these people

  • who cannot do God’s will and are not holy.

  • So, if men still commit sins,

  • controlled and influenced by Satan,

  • it means that God’s work of saving men is not finished,

  • and God will continue to do a greater work to save men.

  • After men’s sins have been forgiven,

  • God will do a work to transform men’s disposition

  • and will purge them altogether of their sins.

  • In other words, in the end time

  • Almighty God will become flesh to judge all men with the word.

  • Through the judgment of Almighty God’s word,

  • men will become holy, will enter into heaven

  • and have eternal life.

  • You said that God will do a new work?

  • Even if that is true,

  • He cannot possibly work in the flesh.

  • Why can’t the Spirit do it?

  • Right! God’s Spirit can do it as well!

  • Amen!

  • Pastor Chen, we have fellowshipped

  • for some time about the question you raised.

  • God works in the flesh in the end time,

  • because of the need of His work.

  • Otherwise, God will not come into the flesh.

  • In the end time, God’s work

  • is to express the word and guide man into the truth

  • while the Spirit can’t do it.

  • And so, that means in the end time

  • God has to appear in the form of the flesh.

  • In the end time God is going to express the word?

  • Impossible!

  • Right! Yes!

  • Lord Jesus has given us a full and a bountiful salvation.

  • And it has been indeed fulfilled.

  • Amen!

  • So why would the Lord speak again?

  • Besides, the Bible doesn’t have a prophecy about that,

  • and neither did the Lord Jesus.

  • You made it up just so you could deceive us!

  • That’s right!

  • Brother, why don’t we look at some verses?

  • John 16:12-13.

  • Now let’s turn to Revelation 2:7.

  • And Revelation 5:1 and 5:5.

  • Let’s look at what these verses mention,

  • In these passages we clearly learn

  • God prophesied that He would speak again in the end time

  • and guide man into all truth.

  • That is, He will open the scroll and break the seven seals.

  • Since God plans to express the word to save men,

  • He will surely come in flesh to do it.

  • If the Spirit speaks, men don’t understand.

  • When the Lord Jehovah spoke, it was as if it thundered,

  • people simply couldn’t understand.

  • Let’s read from John 12:28-29.

  • You see, here, a voice from heaven said,

  • Why did the people who stood by say thatit thundered”?

  • Do you think they all heard the voice wrong?

  • I don't know. (No.)

  • They couldn't understand. (Could they?)

  • Of course they couldn’t.

  • Because God’s Spirit spoke like thunder,

  • people couldn’t understand or approach.

  • But the incarnate God’s work is different.

  • He can give us accurate guidance through words,

  • clear goals of pursuit.

  • No need to grope or guess.

  • People will know how they can be after God’s heart.

  • As we all know,

  • as the book of Matthew chapter 18 records,

  • Peter asked Jesus,

  • We can see that God incarnate can directly supply people

  • with the truth,

  • tell them the way they should walk.

  • Then they can practice according to God’s will.

  • So the end-time God incarnate can easily contact people.

  • He can directly supply and water them with the truth,

  • while God in Spirit form really can’t do that.

  • Let us look at the disclosure from Almighty God.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • from the words of Almighty God we quite clearly learn

  • the incarnate God can give us accurate words and clear intentions,

  • but the Spirit would not be able to accomplish these things.

  • After Jesus rose and went up into heaven above,

  • on Pentecost the Spirit appeared

  • and all of the believers followed the Spirit’s leading.

  • And these men served God by the inspiration

  • and their understanding of the Holy Bible.

  • But as they had different understandings,

  • none could be accurate in their interpretation of the Spirit’s will.

  • So over 2,000 denominations came into being since Jesus left.

  • They each hold their own doctrine as God’s will,

  • leaving the religious world in chaos and division.

  • And so that means that in the end time

  • God must be incarnated and express the Word,

  • so people can get the most accurate word

  • and the most accurate direction,

  • and they can know God’s will without groping or seeking,

  • which cannot be accomplished by the Spirit.

  • I agree. The Spirit couldn’t.

  • So that’s how denominations came into being.

  • Weve never really thought about it. (Yeah.)

  • Can the pair of you hear yourselves?

  • Is it so easy to pull the wool over your eyes?

  • Have you read the Bible at all?

  • Watch out.

  • You better pray a lot more for the Lord to guide you.

  • Or else youll all be deceived by theEastern Lightning.”

  • Right!

  • You are all deceivers and heretics! Weve heard enough.

  • Pastor Chen, let’s leave. We cannot share in their evil.

  • Pastor Chen, we can’t judge casually

  • whether it’s the true way or a heresy.

  • If we don’t seek or investigate but judge rashly,

  • it’s actually kind of reckless!

  • When the Lord Jesus did His work,

  • the Pharisees and scribes condemned Jesusway

  • as a heresy and a cult,

  • because they assumed and imagined it that way.

  • They thought their judgment was most accurate.

  • What then?

  • They condemned and rejected the only true God and true way.

  • Please we ask that you listen.

  • Investigate and consider before deciding.

  • Try to be like the Jewish official Nicodemus was.

  • Because he had a seeking heart,

  • he went out and sought out from Jesus

  • the way of being reborn at night.

  • And then he was given inspiration and salvation from God.

  • God’s end-time work of word

  • refers tojudgment beginning with God’s familyin the Bible.

  • That is, expressing the truth to judge and purify men,

  • which means this is not the work

  • that can be done by the Spirit.

  • So then God has to become flesh

  • in order to do the last work.

  • Hold on!

  • Revelation 20:11-12 clearly say,

  • so says John.

  • According to these verses,

  • the judgment will take place up in the air.

  • God will judge men while seated on a throne.

  • No need for Him to come into the flesh to do it

  • on the earth. (Amen!)

  • I find your fellowship to be seriously against biblical prophecy.

  • That’s right! (Right!) (That’s right!)

  • God will judge men in the air not in the flesh on earth.

  • Amen!

  • This is wrong!

  • Yeah, how can they all go against the Bible?

  • I agree with Pastor Chen.

  • They are against the prophecy seriously.

  • Hmm! Pastor Chen’s completely right.

  • Yet some of their words kind of make sense.

  • I think we should keep listening to what they have to say.

  • Let’s see what else theyve got.

  • All of us have got some kind of fantasy about

  • how the Lord does the judgment work.

  • We think the Lord will set a large table in the air.

  • Hell sit on a great white throne, with majesty and wrath.

  • He will open the books in which is written everything

  • you have done in your life.

  • He will call you before Him to confess all of the sins

  • you have committed in your life.

  • And finally there will be justification or condemnation

  • from the good or evil you have done.

  • This fantasy is reasonable. But it’s not realistic.

  • You see, the verses record the vision

  • that John saw on the island of Patmos.

  • Vision is always far different from reality.

  • So then we can’t conclude

  • that God’s end-time judgment will happen in the air.

  • The truth is the Lord has told us

  • how and where God would do the judgment work in the end time,

  • but we didn’t pay attention to it.

  • Let’s read another two verses. In the book of John 5:27.

  • And John 5:22.

  • The two verses directly prophesy

  • that Christ will come into the flesh to judge men on earth.

  • The wordsSonandSon of man

  • definitely refer to the Christ in the flesh, not the Spirit.

  • Because the Spirit can’t be called

  • theSonorSon of man.”

  • Only the incarnate God can.

  • God incarnate, the Son of man, is Jesus Christ.

  • There’s no doubt about this.

  • So, we know that the Christ in the flesh will do the end-time judgment, not the Spirit.

  • Because if God works in the Spirit,

  • He’s not able to judge, purify or save men.

  • You are completely wrong.

  • The verses talk about the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Son,” “Son of man”? Hmm

  • Incarnation?

  • The Bible saysSon,” “Son of man”…

  • The Father has committed judgment to the Son,

  • which might refer to incarnation.

  • Brothers and Sisters,

  • will you all turn in your Bibles to John 12:47-48?

  • Saying this, Lord Jesus quite clearly told us that

  • He didn’t come to judge men.

  • Because the judgment is in the end time.

  • That is, Jesus will return to judge men with the word.

  • TheFatherhas committed the work to theSon.”

  • Speaking of theSon,” obviously it means incarnation.

  • Let’s read Almighty God’s word.

  • Yeah, that’s how weve always thought about it.

  • God will set a table in the air at which to judge all peoples.

  • That’s right.

  • Over so many years,

  • weve been indulging in our imaginations,

  • this fantasy we all share,

  • sitting and waiting for the appearance of God

  • as the Spirit up in the air,

  • seated on the majestic throne to judge all men

  • However, when God comes and starts the work of judgment,

  • we realize that God’s judgment before the white throne

  • means God becomes flesh to judge the people with the word.

  • The incarnate God of today is the One

  • who judges mankind in the end time.

  • I just don't even knowAre we solving our problems?

  • Would you like some water?

  • What do you think? (I don't know.)

  • Thank you.

  • Where is Pastor Chen going?

  • Lord! Today I was rendered speechless.

  • Their preaching is well organized,

  • the words they read have authority,

  • and their answer is well-founded.

  • I feel brightened within.

  • Theyre totally different from what the adverse materials say.

  • Lord! What’s going on? Are we wrong?

  • No!

  • People say theEastern Lightninghave glib tongues.

  • I shouldn’t be deceived by their appearance.

  • But I feel clear. I find ways in their fellowship.

  • And it’s indisputable.

  • O Lord! Merciful Savior,

  • Youre a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

  • Please show me the direction.

  • If Youre really incarnated to work again

  • and Almighty God is Your return,

  • Lord, may You inspire and guide me so that I can understand.

  • I will accept and obey.

  • If not, may You keep me from being deceived.

  • Brother Chen.

  • It’s chilly outside. Here. Have some tea to warm up.

  • Thank you.

  • Well, I think that I’ve heard enough.

  • No need for more discussion.

  • Brother Cao, today the Lord has given us a precious opportunity.

  • Any question you might have you are encouraged to ask it.

  • The Lord’s coming is a great thing.

  • All of us should treat it seriously.

  • If we don't investigate it, we may find ourselves against God.

  • Yes. Yes!

  • Now Let’s read Almighty God’s word.

  • Well, I’ve certainly never heard that before.

  • Youre right. No man could truly speak these words.

  • Yes! Weve believed in the Lord for years,

  • but never have we heard these words before.

  • These words are so clear. Crystal clear.

  • Theyre reasonable and also theyre practical.

  • Yes. I feel like I’m brightened in my heart.

  • Youre talking nonsense!

  • No matter what they tell us, we cannot believe their lies.

  • She’s right! We must hold on to the Lord’s ways.

  • It’s true that no man can speak these words.

  • Is it really God’s work?

  • But... Hmm.

  • From Almighty God’s words, we can plainly see:

  • The end-time work of judgment is mainly to purify and save man,

  • so that man will no longer commit and confess sins repeatedly

  • and can break away from sin, becoming holy.

  • To achieve such a result,

  • God has to be incarnated to express words practically,

  • judging man’s sins, exposing man’s corrupt disposition,

  • and revealing man’s unrighteousness.

  • Then man can know his corrupt disposition,

  • understand God’s requirement for man,

  • gradually break from the bondage and restraint of sin,

  • living out the reality of God’s word.

  • If God’s Spirit spoke directly to man,

  • man would fall down before the Spirit,

  • none would dare resist or oppose,

  • because man has no notion about God’s Spirit.

  • But when the incarnate God begins the work of judgment,

  • man’s notion, imagination,

  • resistance and disobedience against God,

  • these all will be completely revealed.

  • This way God can quite easily grasp the facts

  • and expose man’s satanic nature of resisting God.

  • Then judge and chastise man’s disobedience and resistance.

  • Contrasting the facts against God’s word,

  • man will fall down before God

  • to accept His judgment and purification.

  • Now let us all take a look at another issue.

  • Weve mentioned in the end time God is incarnated in the flesh

  • to do the work of judging and purifying man

  • through expressing the word.

  • But beyond that,

  • what do you think might also be achieved by this?

  • I don’t think weve ever thought about it.

  • Pastor Chen, what do you think?

  • This is actually a mystery. Please continue.

  • The Lord Jesus has prophesied

  • that in the end time He would separate wheat from tares,

  • sheep from goats, righteous from evil,

  • good servants from evil servants,

  • Hell reward the good and punish the evil.

  • God will bring this work to fulfillment through incarnation.

  • And if God did these things in Spirit form,

  • both good and evil would fully submit before God.

  • Men couldn’t be divided into their kind.

  • God’s incarnation can reveal men clearly.

  • God incarnate is the Son of man,

  • He has normal humanity just like us, He looks just like us.

  • Thus, all the disobedience and resistance of men shall be completely revealed.

  • And now when God incarnate performs this work,

  • through His word the gospel is spread.

  • Unconsciously it’s done the sheep from goats and wheat from tares.

  • Those who truly believe in God and thirst for the truth

  • will come to the light and return before God

  • when they hear God’s voice.

  • But all those who are arrogant and self-conceited

  • who hate the truth and condemn and reject God’s word

  • will be revealed and eliminated.

  • From Almighty God’s words, we can truly know:

  • when God is incarnated to express words,

  • the righteous will be separated from the evil.

  • Like when Jesus was incarnated,

  • the hypocritical priests, scribes, and Pharisees

  • who considered themselves faithful to God,

  • their nature of resisting God and hating the truth was revealed.

  • Today when God is incarnated to express words,

  • He reveals those who truly believe in God and seek the truth

  • and those who believe in God in name but resist God in substance.

  • So today, when God is incarnated to express the truth,

  • the righteous will be separated from the evil,

  • those who love the truth

  • will be divided from those who hate it,

  • and true believers from false believers,

  • and men’s satanic nature shall be revealed.

  • Then, they will be divided into their kinds.

  • Good with the good. And evil with the evil.

  • This is the wisdom of God’s working

  • and also the necessity of God’s incarnation.

  • Praise be to God. The Lord is so wise.

  • Without such work, it’s quite hard to sort wheat from tares.

  • She’s right. Their fellowship makes sense.

  • Hmm. God will sort the sheep from the goats in the end time.

  • I think this work would have to be done through incarnation.

  • The Spirit cannot reveal men.

  • If the Lord Jesus didn’t actually come into the flesh,

  • the Pharisees would not be revealed.

  • Yes!

  • Humph!

  • Your faith is weak.

  • Actually I think that’s a good point.

  • When the Lord comes back to judge men,

  • tares and wheat, goats and sheep will be sorted.

  • But at that time,

  • God will punish and reward and all the peoples on earth will wail.

  • Tell me why God doesn’t do that to us right now.

  • That’s right!

  • That’s a good question!

  • I don’t even know what to think right now!

  • Pastor Chen, God does His work by steps and stages,

  • He will not do it in one step.

  • And God’s work of judgment is to save and to purify men,

  • and also separate them into their kinds,

  • not to directly condemn and destroy them.

  • I think I’ve heard enough!

  • God will reward the good and punish the evil

  • after He finishes the work of judgment.

  • God will separate all the goats from sheep and the wheat from tares,

  • all of this shall be accomplished by the work of judgment.

  • That is to say,

  • when the incarnate God expresses words to judge men,

  • those who are judged and who are purified

  • through the word of God are the ones who are to be saved.

  • And those who refuse God’s judgment,

  • condemn and resist God are the ones who are to be punished.

  • And then after men are divided by God’s judgment into their kinds, God will punish and destroy the evil.

  • When God does the work of judgment,

  • we won’t see God reward the good and punish the evil.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • let us all read together Almighty God’s word.

  • The words of Almighty God are very clear.

  • The end-time judgment and chastisement

  • is intended to purify and save men

  • and to divide them into their kinds.

  • After God has separated sheep from goats and wheat from tares,

  • that is, separated true believers from false believers,

  • the righteous from the evil,

  • God will punish the evil and reward the righteous,

  • by this convincing all people fully.

  • So, God will reward the good and punish the evil

  • when He has finished all the work of judgment.

  • When the work of judgment is done by God,

  • we will not witness God punishing the evil.

  • Since Almighty God started His end-time work,

  • most of those who thirst for the truth in different denominations

  • have returned before God,

  • because they have heard the voice of God.

  • They are the sheep who have been called by God.

  • Those who crazily resist God

  • and make rumors to blaspheme God,

  • and hinder people from accepting the true way

  • are the revealed tares.

  • The work done by God exhibits such wisdom.

  • Only if He does the work of judgment

  • can all created beings be divided into their kinds.

  • Brother Chen, tell me can you accept my fellowship?

  • Your fellowship makes sense. I can accept it.

  • Pastor Chen, we all have to stand firm.

  • We are the lead sheep of our flock!

  • If we should stray from goodness,

  • what would become of our flock? (He’s right!)

  • Pastor Chen, don’t forget what we said

  • to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • It is no trifling matter to leave off from the Lord’s way!

  • She’s right!

  • Brother Cao, I am the lead sheep of this flock.

  • So, I’m the one who decides to investigate

  • whether this is the true way or whether it’s not,

  • out of the responsibility I have to our brothers and sisters.

  • And then I can explain things clearly to them.

  • Right! This is simply being responsible for their life.

  • Let us dispense with our anger and listen more.

  • Yes. Please sit down.

  • Let us all look together at the word of Almighty God.

  • The words of God tell us so clearly that

  • Almighty God, the end-time Christ is the expresser of all of the truths

  • and the gate through which we may enter the kingdom.

  • If we accept Almighty God’s end-time judgment of the word,

  • then we will receive all the truths from Him,

  • understand all the mysteries of God in heaven,

  • know God’s righteous disposition

  • and know mankind’s outcome and destination.

  • It’s very important to us corrupt mankind

  • that God is incarnated to work in the end time.

  • Only if we accept the truth Almighty God expresses

  • can we gain the approval of the Lord Jesus,

  • and be qualified to step into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Thank the Lord!

  • Almighty God,

  • the last Christ is the Lord Jesus weve long expected.

  • Only if we accept the truth that Almighty God expresses

  • can we be purified and enter God’s kingdom.

  • Youre right.

  • No wonder so many enthusiastic believers

  • don’t ever want to turn back

  • after they've joined theEastern Lightning.”

  • Actually, theyve found the true way, the spring of living water.

  • Sister Fang, you’d better speak with more caution.

  • And Pastor Wang, you betray the Lord when you say these words.

  • You say youre our co-worker

  • and then lead us to apostatize.

  • How can you give account to the Lord?

  • Yes! Youve been given so much from the Lord.

  • But you are ungrateful and betray the Lord.

  • Are you any different from Judas?

  • The Lord Jesus was crucified for the redemption of us all.

  • I can’t believe that you’d betray Him.

  • Brother Cao and sisters,

  • I ask you all to please calm down a bit.

  • Control your anger.

  • Why aren’t you angry?

  • Theyve talked all day and not said anything but heresy.

  • Are you telling me you believe them?

  • No, I will not calm down.

  • In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I curse you Satans!

  • Amen!

  • Get out now.

  • Before we all do worse than just cursing you!

  • What do you think youre doing?

  • I invited all of these people here.

  • We all heard their fellowship.

  • All that theyve said is very reasonable.

  • And now from their fellowship,

  • we can be absolutely certain

  • that God has indeed returned in the flesh.

  • It’s worthwhile to seek and investigate.

  • Even if we might not absolutely understand it all yet.

  • Lest we resist the Lord,

  • we should all watch our tongues.

  • Just as the Bible says

  • Brother Cao,

  • we have been very prejudiced

  • againstEastern Lighteningbefore.

  • But after hearing what they truly have to say,

  • theyre very different from

  • what we imagined they were like.

  • Truth is their words match up with the Bible.

  • I think that you had better keep listening to them.

  • Pastor Chen,

  • I always thought you knew what the Bible said

  • and were mature.

  • How could you so quickly lose your ground?

  • Yes!

  • If you agree with me, let’s get out of here.

  • We are finished listening to all their garbage.

  • Let’s go!

  • Brother Cao, if you insist on leaving, I will not stop you.

  • But I hope that you do not pass judgment onEastern Lightninguntil you have investigated it fully,

  • whether this is the true way.

  • Lest you offend God.

  • But I will stay and listen for a little while.

  • Thank the Lord. I believe that the Lord is with us here.

  • Everybody, it’s time to go. (Yeah!)

  • Do not believe their deception.

  • Come on, get up. Were leaving.

  • Don’t you know that they are deceiving us?

  • No, no. Please, just think about it!

  • You don’t have to go!

  • Let’s read Almighty God’s word.

  • We all know that only God is the truth, the way, and the life,

  • the source of man’s life.

  • Well have the supply of life

  • when we find God’s footsteps.

  • Now God is incarnated

  • and has taken back the Holy Spirit’s work

  • from the other places.

  • He does all His work on those

  • who keep up with His footsteps.

  • So they get the watering and supply of God’s word,

  • and they are satisfied in spirit.

  • They are confidently following God

  • on the way of pursuing the truth.

  • How about all the other churches?

  • They have been trapped in famine and drought.

  • This is the root for the present desolation

  • the churches are experiencing.

  • So then if we fail to keep up with God’s footsteps,

  • then we will never be given any watering

  • and supply of the living water of God’s life.

  • Just like it was when Jesus came to do His work,

  • those Pharisees and those scribes in the temple

  • didn’t let go of God’s former word and work.

  • They resisted and refused

  • the work and word of Jesus Christ

  • and failed to keep up with God’s work.

  • As a result, they lost the supply of God’s life,

  • fell into darkness and then they lost God’s salvation.

  • Today in the end time,

  • only if we keep up with the work of Almighty God

  • can we get the watering and supply of the living water of God’s life,

  • because God alone is our good and righteous shepherd.

  • Just as John 10:10 says,

  • Only if we can find the source of the truth

  • can we receive real and true supply for our life.

  • Praise to the Lord!

  • Because of your fellowship,

  • I now know that

  • the church’s desolation isn’t caused by man.

  • It’s because God’s work has moved,

  • but we had failed to keep up.

  • Now I know why we tried everything

  • but weren’t successful at reviving the church.

  • This fulfills the verse in the Bible,

  • Yeah! I found your fellowship quite reasonable!

  • The desolation of the church isn’t caused by man.

  • It’s because God no longer sends rain or gives supply.

  • Youre right.

  • I find I finally can understand the prophecies

  • in the book of Amos.

  • Thanks be to God!

  • Praise Almighty God!

  • Today we can finally understand these words.

  • Thanks to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and God’s love.

  • Right.

  • Let us read some more of Almighty God’s word.

  • Let’s all turn to page 1451.

  • The word of Almighty God covers all aspects

  • and His word also opens truths of all kinds to us,

  • telling us all of the truths that man should practice,

  • things like how to live out a normal humanity

  • and how a man should do his duty,

  • how to believe in God, and so on.

  • This way no matter what happens at any point in our life,

  • we can directly find the ways of practice from God’s word.

  • Theyre accurate and practical and clear.

  • They are not confusing.

  • They are not vague in the slightest bit.

  • Almighty God, the last Christ, our Savior,

  • brings us the truth, the way, and the life.

  • It is absolutely right.

  • From your fellowship,

  • I feel much more brightened within.

  • Hmm! Thank the Lord!

  • It’s right! Only God is the way.

  • There’s nowhere we could go,

  • if God didn’t show us the way. (Yes.)

  • Brothers and sisters, let us read Almighty God’s word.

  • Please turn to page 1460.

  • Brother Chen, will you take over for me?

  • From Almighty God’s word, we can see

  • that God is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • Only the word of the end-time incarnate God

  • is the spring of living water.

  • If we reject or resist the incarnate God,

  • we can’t get the supply of living water.

  • Then we will fall into darkness and desolation.

  • So then only the last Christ is the gate

  • through which we may enter the kingdom,

  • the only pathway for us to receive eternal life.

  • Almighty God’s word really has authority and power!

  • We shouldn’t resist and condemn any more.

  • But instead we should investigate with care.

  • Yeah! TheEastern Lightningis actually the true way,

  • the work of the returned Jesus.

  • I only wish that I had sought it earlier.

  • We shouldn’t condemn so carelessly. (That’s right!)

  • Before I never sought.

  • I just followed the elders to resist and condemn God.

  • Today, after hearing your fellowship,

  • I feel much brightened inside.

  • Before I also believed the rumors

  • and resisted God’s new work.

  • Later, through seeking and investigating,

  • I understood theEastern Lightningis the true way.

  • These words of God are the truth,

  • and the truth that we all must follow. (Oh! Yeah!)

  • God works in the flesh in the end time.

  • This is a great salvation to all of mankind.

  • Amen! I agree!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • today words of life are brought to us

  • directly from Almighty God.

  • Later, the more we read God’s word,

  • the more we will understand.

  • For you see,

  • Almighty God has unlocked all the mysteries to us.

  • We learned all the things we shared

  • directly from the word of Almighty God with you today.

  • Of course, our understanding is so limited.

  • We can’t fellowship about many truths clearly.

  • So, you all need to read God’s word much more by yourselves.

  • Brother Chen,

  • the problem of our church’s desolation has been solved!

  • Yes, it has.

  • Yes. From God’s word,

  • we should also see that in the end-time

  • If God didn’t come in the flesh to save man

  • but worked in the Spirit,

  • man could only be punished by God due to his corruption.

  • God’s being incarnated again is really a salvation to man.

  • These years,

  • the pastors just preached the same old things.

  • I couldn’t give anything new either.

  • God’s word is just like the spring in the desert.

  • I’m very nourished and supplied in spirit.

  • O God!

  • I found my way back to You after all of this time.

  • I got the watering and supply of Your word.

  • My God!

  • I thank You for the mercy Youve given and patience.

  • Now let’s all turn to page 9.

  • From the words of God

  • we can clearly see God is the only spring of living water.

  • We will be supplied with living water

  • when we all keep up with God’s new work.

  • Then we can truly be watered and satisfied in spirit,

  • because God is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • We must hurry! Because I want to get there early.

  • OK. Let’s go now. (Mm.)

  • Pastor Chen.

  • All of you are here.

  • Waiting for you, Brother Chen.

  • You got here early.

  • Oh hi!

  • Yeah. Have a seat.

  • Good to see you.

  • Thanks.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • on this beautiful day

  • we are keeping up with God’s new work.

  • Attending this feast of life,

  • I feel so wonderfully assured

  • and peaceful deep within my heart. (Yes.)

  • It is clear to me,

  • that this is God’s mercy and salvation.

  • I thank God!

  • I truly feel like my faith and love have returned. (Amen.)

  • Yeah! I used to dread coming to the service even one time a week.

  • Now I can’t wait to get here!

  • Youre right, I feel the same way. I didn’t read my Bible.

  • I didn’t bother taking it home with me, because it wouldn’t get read.

  • I only ever read it at the service.

  • I feel very different when I read Almighty God’s word now! (Hmm...)

  • Yeah! I thank God for choosing us. (Thank God!)

  • Now let’s sing another hymn of God’s word. Number 7.

  • Mm...

  • Without God’s work and the supply of God’s word,

  • people will naturally get dry

  • and the church will become desolate.

  • It’s in vain no matter how hard they try.

  • Those who keep up with God’s work

  • are really different.

  • They are all vigorous and energetic, free and released!

  • God truly blesses us.

O Lord.


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天国の饗宴に出席して|ゴスペル映画「終電をつかまえて」を見る (Attending the Heavenly Feast | Gospel Movie "Caught the Last Train")

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    William Sue に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日