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  • - One of my friends was like, oh, you could totally

  • date a fat girl, 'cause you know, it doesn't matter.

  • And I'm like, well I mean I have to be

  • attracted to someone.

  • - My name is Mac Potts.

  • I was born blind.

  • - I am Cindy, and I'm currently totally blind.

  • - I was sighted most my life,

  • and just the last nine years

  • I've lived a blind life.

  • (sighs)

  • - I think there's a perception amongst sighted people

  • that blind people don't give a shit about what

  • other people look like because we can't see them.

  • - I think I'm pretty shallow, just like everyone else.

  • - People tell me all the time that I am,

  • and you know, I am thin, and I know that I have nice hair,

  • partly because my hair is soft.

  • So, I know that I am attractive, but I wouldn't

  • know it to compare it to if I could suddenly

  • see myself in a mirror.

  • - Appearances is very important, and I try to

  • be very presentable.

  • - I still live in the world

  • that everyone else lives in.

  • I pick up on all the ways that we're shallow.

  • (laughs)

  • And I'm okay with that, right.

  • I don't wanna be some saintly person

  • just because, like, blindness has turned

  • me into a saint.

  • That's a lie.

  • (laughs)

  • - I guess other senses kick in.

  • Just the tenderness, the smoothness, the...

  • I guess you could say, the shape.

  • - It's little things.

  • It's like a sound, or a scent, or a touch.

  • And it all builds into this generalized thing.

  • - Sometimes I'll hold onto their elbow like,

  • if we're walking together, and so you can sometimes tell

  • from little things.

  • Or if you kind of give a small hug at the end of the night.

  • - There might be times where I might give someone a hug,

  • and be like, that feels like she might have a nice figure,

  • but I'm not going to like, feel her up because

  • that's not appropriate.

  • - I'm single.

  • Yes.

  • (laughs)

  • Through our conversational cues, you can pick up

  • if someone goes to the gym.

  • Yeah. I know; eventually people are gonna tell me

  • they go to the gym.

  • - That's a Hollywood myth.

  • Actually feeling someone's face; that's a silly thing to do.

  • - I would be very uncomfortable if someone

  • touched my face.

  • I don't care if they're blind.

  • I don't know where your hands have been,

  • so that's gross.

  • - People tell me all the time.

  • Oh wow, you got lucky; she's gorgeous, she's a looker,

  • she's cute, she's a hot one.

  • - I've had people influence me

  • like, this person's super hot, or meh.

  • - Just from their reaction of like, oh, he looks good,

  • or something like that.

  • I was kinda like, okay, he's good.

  • I think I was not really super concerned

  • at someone describing individual features, but more

  • the affirmation from my friends that someone was cute.

  • I wanna be seen with attractive people.

  • - It does make me feel more validated.

  • Like, oh yeah, you know, I'm making you jealous now.

  • Obviously, you're looking at her like, oh, don't you wish...

  • Don't you wish she was yours?

  • But no, she's mine.

  • - I mean, I experienced in my partner, like I know

  • how I think about, visualize, have a representation of her.

  • You know, I see that in my mind.

  • It's kinda like,

  • when you know something.

  • And for me, I experience things through touch

  • and through, like I was saying, like sensation and stuff.

  • - One of the first intimate things I did with her

  • was take her hand and, I liked how it, you know,

  • fit with mine.

  • - I don't look at it as visual beauty,

  • I receive it as what they project to me; their heart.

  • - I don't think vision really plays that big

  • of a role in beauty.

  • I think it's the whole experience.

- One of my friends was like, oh, you could totally


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A2 初級

盲人は美しさを描写する (Blind People Describe Beauty)

  • 102 6
    Samuel に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日