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  • Everybody count off. Good, thanks. If there's an empty seat

  • next to you, raise your hand. It looks pretty full. Anyone know

  • if this place has a fire code or not? Don't start fires. If you

  • start a fire, you have to share. People who have their hands up,

  • have a seat next to them so the smart money goes that way. The

  • smart money is not in Vegas. All right. Hi there. I'm Bruce

  • Schneier. Are there any questions? It's good. That was

  • the easiest talk I ever did. If there are any questions, I'm

  • happy to take them. There are actually mics here. There's one

  • there, there's one I can't see behind the camera guy there. >>

  • Do they work, though? >> Yes, they work. That one works. >>

  • Thanks for coming out again. The question is, it's an old

  • question and I'm wondering if maybe you have any new insight

  • into answer on this. With cryptography becoming more in

  • the collective consciousness, especially with people who are

  • less technically savvy, there has been an argument for a long

  • time trying to explain to people that encryption is not security.

  • It's very common for people to say we'll just encrypt the shit

  • and we're secure which obviously is total bullshit. Do you have

  • any insight on how to better explain to those people why

  • that's fundamentally flawed? >> I think you're right. A lot of

  • people think of crypto as a panacea where in fact it is just

  • a tool. And a very powerful tool, actually it's for a bunch

  • of reasons, but it doesn't automatically make security on

  • any data that has to be used. One of the things that the

  • Snowden documents has brought forward is metadata. So this

  • cell phone is a great surveillance device because the

  • metadata where this phone is has to be in the clear. Otherwise it

  • can't ring. Thinking about that I should turn the ringer off. So

  • there's a lot of things encryption can't do. Encryption

  • can protect data at rest, but if you aren't going to make a

  • target corporation, you have a database of numbers that you're

  • using, if it's encrypted the key has to be there. I talk about

  • encryption as a tool, not as security, just like your door

  • lock is a really important tool but doesn't magically make your

  • house secure. What encryption does, I think this is real

  • important, is it NSA surveillance, it forces the

  • listeners to target -- what we know about the NSA is that they

  • might have a bigger budget than anyone else on the planet, but

  • they're not made of magic. They are limited by the same laws of

  • physics and math and economics as everybody else. And if data

  • is unencrypted, if they can tap a translated Internet cable,

  • they can get everything. But if stuff is encrypted, they have to

  • target who they're listening to. If the NSA wants into your

  • computer, they are in. If they're not, one it's illegal

  • and they're following the law and two you're not eye enough on

  • the priorities list. So what encryption does is it forces

  • them to go through their priorities list. They can hack

  • into your computer, that's no problem. They can't hack into

  • everybody's computer. So encryption is just a tool, but

  • it's actually a really powerful tool, because it denies a lot of

  • the bulk access and forces the listeners to do targeted access.

  • And there's a lot of security benefit in that. >> I wanted to

  • see your opinion on the back door that Obama wants.

  • (Laughter.) I'm not sure Obama personally has an opinion here.

  • It's interesting. This is -- this is the same back door that

  • the FBI has been wanting since the mid '90s. We called it the

  • crypto war and now we call it the first crypto war. So number

  • three, I'm done. It is you guys. I only do two crypto wars per

  • lifetime. (Laughter.) It's interesting. >> You're referring

  • to PTP? >> In general. The FBI director gave an interesting

  • talk at the Aspen security forum. I recommend listening to

  • these talks. This is a very high level, mostly government

  • discussions about security, cyber security, national

  • security, really interesting stuff. He was interviewed by I

  • think Wolf Blitzer who actually asked a great question. Why

  • don't you like the term lone wolf terrorist. That was kind of

  • funny. He was talking about the going dark problem and the need

  • for back doors and this is the scenario he is worried about.

  • And he's very explicit. It is an ISIS scenario. ISIS is a new

  • kind of adversary in the government's eyes, because of

  • the way it uses social media. Unlike al Qaeda, ISIS does it

  • with Twitter. And this freaks the government out. So the

  • story, and they square up and down this -- swear up and down

  • this happens, ISIS is really good at social media at Twitter

  • and YouTube and various other websites, they get people to

  • talk to them who are in the U.S., like you guys, except you

  • know, a little less socially adept and maybe kind of a little

  • crazier. But they find these marginal people and they talk to

  • them and the FBI can monitor this and go FBI, rah rah. They

  • say go use this secure app and this radicalized American does,

  • they talk more securely and the FBI can't listen. And then you

  • know, dot dot dot explosion. So this is the scenario that the

  • FBI is worried about. Very explicitly. And they've used the

  • story again and again. And they say this is real, this is

  • happening. Now -- >> It's not going to work, though. >> It's

  • sort of interesting. If this is true -- let's take it as it is

  • true. Another phrase they use, they talk about the time between

  • flash to bang. Flash is when they find the guy, bang is when

  • the explosion happens. And that time is decreasing. So the FBI

  • has to be able to monitor. So they are pissed off that things

  • like I-message and other apps cannot be monitored, even if

  • they get a warrant. And this really bugs them. I have a

  • warrant, damn it. Can can't I listen? I can get the metadata,

  • why can't I listen? So if you think about that as a scenario,

  • that it's true, it is not a scenario that any kind of

  • mandatory back door solves. Because the problem isn't that

  • the main security apps are encrypted. The problem is there

  • exists one security app that is encrypted. Because the ISIS

  • handler can say go download signal, go download this random

  • fire encryption app I just uploaded ten minutes ago. So the

  • problem is not what he thinks it is. The problem is general

  • purpose computers. The problem is an international market in

  • software. So I think the back door is a really bad idea for a

  • whole bunch of reasons. I've written papers about this. But

  • what I've come to realize in the past few weeks is it's not going

  • to solve the problem the FBI claims it has and I think we

  • need to start talking about that. Because otherwise we're

  • going to get some really bad policy. (Applause.) >> Good

  • morning. So this will probably go less in the direction of for

  • instance crypto. My question is somewhat twofold but I'm going

  • to focus more on the first one. >> Do one at a time. >> In the

  • course of day-to-day interactions, both with security

  • people and with less security-minded folks, I've come

  • to the conclusion that operational security is very

  • difficult to instill. From your experience, is there an easier

  • approach to getting the understanding through? >> I

  • think ops sec is pretty much impossible. If the director of

  • the CIA can't get it right, we're all done. We see that in

  • the hackers that hack Sony. We see people screwing it up again

  • and again. I'm not sure there is a solution. Because good op sec

  • is really and truly annoying. It means not using e-mail for

  • certain things. I've come to the belief that we're not going to

  • be able to train people in good op sec. That the best security

  • is going to be pretty good security that's ubiquitous. And

  • we saw this in some more of the Snowden documents. How many

  • people read the recent article that came out of Germany. Okay

  • article, really great document on how it works, the NSA

  • flexible database for monitoring the Internet. You can read their

  • documents and they talk about how they can find people using

  • encryption and roll up the networks. They can't read the

  • traffic, but they know who is talking to who. Metadata,

  • encryption doesn't solve everything. And I'm reading

  • this, and it's clear you can do this with PGP as well. You want

  • to find out who's using encryption, it's easy if you

  • monitor enough of the Internet. And what that tells me is that

  • someone would be better off not using the great encryption

  • program they wrote or the really powerful one they just

  • downloaded, but the average one that everyone else is using.

  • That you actually are better off using an iPhone with i message,

  • even though I'm pretty sure the FBI can get at it individually.

  • But you can hide using it because we're all using it. You

  • don't stand out. So I think there is a lot of power in that.

  • You had a second part. Make it quick. >> You answered it. It

  • was for propers making the use of op sec less obvious. >> Make

  • it invisible. Think of SSL, good security works if people don't

  • even know it's there. Encryption from the handset to the base

  • station, it would be great if it was better but it's working

  • because nobody knows it's there. >> So in thinking maybe not as

  • thoroughly or deeply as I should about like cyber terrorist

  • threats and bad actors that want to do corporations or

  • infrastructure harm, these sorts of things, or just the public,

  • right, it seems like all the ingredients are there for people

  • to do really bad things and there are a lot of holes and

  • security flaws. What keeps there from being enough motivated bad

  • actors and people -- what keeps them at bay? >> I think

  • fundamentally people are good. Right? Society works because

  • most of us are honest. You kind of look at me funny, but none of

  • you have jumped up and attacked the person sitting next to you.

  • (Laughter.) You laugh, but if this was a room of chimpanzees

  • that would have happened. A room full of a lot of strangers

  • sitting quietly listening to me. This sounds weird but I think a

  • lot of what keeps the really bad things from happening is most

  • people don't want to do really bad things. If that wasn't true,

  • society wouldn't work. So I think you're right, that all the

  • pieces, a lot of the pieces are there. There is a couple of

  • things. Terrorism is harder than you think. Yes, technically it

  • can be easy, but the whole operation is actually harder.

  • Which is why you don't see a lot of terrorist attacks. What you

  • do see these lone wolfs that wake up one morning say I'm

  • going to do something bad, there's no conspiracy to detect,

  • there are no mistakes you can make over the course of the

  • planet that flash-to-bang time is so short. So I really do

  • think that's why. Something interesting I would mention as

  • long as we're on this topic, that a new tactic we're seeing

  • more of, the notion of institutional boxing. You can go

  • into a company, take all of their stuff and publish it. It's

  • freaking people out. This happened to Sony, the hacking

  • team. The guy who did that is in this room, thank you very much.

  • (Applause.) It's what might have happened to Ashley Madison,

  • which is a little more awkward for some people. (Laughter.) And

  • if you remember a few years ago it was HB Gary federal. An I

  • think this is a really interesting tactic because it

  • empowers individuals against very powerful organizations. And

  • it is the first, I think the first real counterargument I've

  • heard to the increasing practice of hiring a sociopathic CEO. If

  • you are worried about everything your CEO says becoming public in

  • three to five years, you might not want to hire a jerk. But I

  • expect to see more of this. People are noticing that

  • wikileaks is publishing Saudi diplomatic cables. Someone

  • hacked in and is dumping all this stuff. So that's an

  • interesting example of a new bad thing that's being enabled by

  • technology that's happening more and more of. But in general, I

  • do worry about the bad things happening, but I think it's less

  • common than we think, because most people don't do them. It's

  • the systemic stuff that bothers me. The Internet of things,

  • being able to hack cars and planes and heart monitors and

  • other stuff. And the interconnection of those. I

  • think we're going to see more unanticipated vulnerabilities.

  • Because remember complexity is the worst enemy of security. It

  • is nonlinear, tightly coupled complexity and that's really

  • what the net gives us so we've got to be real careful there >>

  • I had occasion to look at it recently and at that time you

  • guys had assessed that our ability to analyze hash

  • functions was a good ten to 20 years behind our ability to

  • analyze the other primitives. I wonder if you think that gap has

  • closed. >> I think we're much better at understanding hash

  • functions right now. We're still implementing bad ones but that's

  • more legacy. It's a very hard -- mathematically it is hard

  • because your assumptions are squirrelly. I think I revised

  • that in the revised edition of that book which is cryptography

  • engineering. But I do think we understand crypto -- encryption

  • primitives better than hash primitives. Even though you can

  • make one from the other. Which is why I don't know if people

  • remember when there was the hash function con test that just ran

  • five years ago, I built a hash function on top of a symmetric

  • algorithm because I felt I understood that better. I'm not

  • convinced the NSA understood the hash functions well. Something

  • they're using in military applications much until

  • recently. They didn't have their rich history like they had with

  • encryption. >> Thanks. >> The code in rain Dale is not the

  • code that's in -- I trust you more than I trust the feds. Do

  • you think that AES is a trustworthy cypher? >> I think

  • AES is. I trust AES. It is ring dal. Everyone is happy with

  • them. It is weird because you can actually describe the

  • algorithm in a linear -- in an equation that fits on one page.

  • It's kind of small type but it fits on one page which kind of

  • freaks people out a little bit. But I do trust it. I think it is

  • secure. I do not think there is a back door or anything snuck

  • in. I truly don't. NIST did a great job with the AES process.

  • I really do -- NIST unfortunately got tarred with

  • the new release generator and they're trying to rebuild their

  • trust but they've done a fantastic job of crypto

  • primitives by and large. I like AES. Thanks for using two fish.

  • I like it too. I use AES without reservation. >> As disturbing as

  • the current crypto war is, something that scares me are

  • lava bid or some of the other companies getting national

  • letters. I'm wondering what we can do to defend against

  • governments secretly ordering companies to put back doors into

  • their products. >> The thing that should freak us out the

  • most, and to me this is the biggest deal revelation of

  • Snowden and all the stories around it. It's not that we

  • believe that encryption was perfect and nobody can break it.

  • But we did believe that the tech rose and fell on its own merits.

  • And the idea that the government can go into a company and say

  • you have to break your encryption and then lie to your

  • customers about it is terrifying. The law can subvert

  • technology. And we cannot, as a community, as a society, truly

  • believe that anything is secure, as long as that's true. I just

  • talked about, you know, i message and we don't know. And I

  • blogged about this as couple of days ago. It didn't get enough

  • play. It's kind of the last part of a post, but there's a

  • persistent rumor going on around right now that Apple is in court

  • fighting an order to back door i message and face time. And

  • Nicholas Weaver has written about how they could do that.

  • How they can modify their protocols to make that happen.

  • And we don't know. That is fundamentally terrifying. And I

  • don't know how to fix that. We have to fix that through the

  • legal -- there's no tech fix. I mean, the kind of things you can

  • do, I think that if we thought about it, we could rewrite the

  • Apple protocols such that if they did have to put a back door

  • in, we would notice. We would say why did you make the change

  • they would say a bullshit answer, we would know something

  • was up. So maybe something making your algorithms not back

  • door proof, but backdoor evident. So maybe think more

  • about that. But this is a hard one. And I don't have a good

  • answer. And it is one that I think really should disturb us.

  • More open source is going to be good here, more sunlight, harder

  • to subvert. But as long as the government can issue secret

  • orders in secret courts based on secret laws, we have a problem.

  • And it is not a tech problem. It's a legal problem. >> Hi. We

  • seem to be in a situation where the software industry can

  • release software that runs on billions of devices and is

  • completely insecure and badly written and there's no

  • consequence whatsoever to those companies for the problems that

  • they create. Just recently what comes to mind is heck on

  • android. Can you discuss generally what you think about

  • this and from a legal perspective and software

  • companies being held liable, accountable for the bad software

  • that they write? >> I've always been a fan of liabilities. I've

  • written the first thing about it in maybe '02 or something. Maybe

  • even before. So here's the basic argument. That right now as you

  • say there are no costs to writing bad software. You read a

  • software license, it says if this software maims your

  • children and we told you it would do that, we're not liable.

  • Even security software says no claims about security are made,

  • even though they are. So liability changes that. It adds

  • a cost to not designing software properly. It adds a cost to

  • insecurity. It adds a cost to nonreliability. And that has

  • real value. Think about we are already paying these costs,

  • we're paying it in losses, we're paying it aftermarket security

  • devices, we're paying it in sort of the entire industry that is

  • strung up around dealing with the fact that the software

  • sucks. But with a liability we would pay anyway, the cost would

  • be passed on to us of course, but at least we'll be getting

  • more secure software out of it. I see a collective action

  • promise, the market is not rewarding good security. The

  • cost of insecurity is too low. The value of insecurity is high.

  • And liability changes that. It is a lever we can use to

  • rebalance this cost-benefit ratio. And I think it's a

  • powerful one. It is not a panacea. Lots of ways

  • liabilities go wrong. But liabilities do a lot. They

  • provide value. And I think they would a hundred percent here in

  • software. We know why the Android vulnerability isn't

  • being promulgated. They designed their system, Google produced

  • the patch but it won't go down to the phones. The phone

  • manufacturers don't care very much. They don't have that tight

  • connection like you have in the iOS world. So the patch doesn't

  • go downstream. If suddenly the phone manufacturers were liable,

  • I assure you that the patch mechanism would work better,

  • right? And that's a lever we have as society, and we should

  • use it. I think it's a better one than regulation here,

  • because it's one that's dynamic, and tend to seek its own level.

  • But that's why. That's why you use it, and I'm a big fan of it.

  • Actually, thinking about this, hang on. Everybody, smile.

  • There's more of you than fits on this screen. That's not going to

  • work. Hang on. People at the edges, you don't have to smile.

  • Thanks. Who's next? >> Bruce, it seems like less and less surveys

  • seem to show that Americans are concerned about the privacy of

  • their information. Often you hear terms like I'm not hiding

  • anything, so I'm not worried. And it seems like people my age

  • and younger don't have much of an understanding of Edward

  • Snowden or the relevance of what he released. What would you say

  • to those perspectives? >> I don't know if people know I had

  • a book published in March called David and Goliath. I spent a

  • whole chapter on that question on privacy, why it's important.

  • And it's not true that people don't care about privacy. It's

  • actually young people don't. All surveys show that they do.

  • They're very concerned about it. And you know this is true. You

  • remember being a teenager. You don't care about the government,

  • because who cares, but you're concerned about the privacy in

  • your world. And you know, people who are fluent kids teenagers

  • who are fluent in the net are fluent in how to maintain their

  • privacy. They might not do a good job but they try a lot. I

  • argue that it's fundamental to individuality, to who we are.

  • Without privacy we became conformists. We don't speak out.

  • And I think it's a really interesting argument in social

  • change. We're in a year where gay marriage is legal in all 50

  • states. (Applause.) That issue went from impossible to

  • inevitable with no intervening middle ground. It's amazing. But

  • what it means is, and you can take legalization of pot, you

  • can take a lot of issues you can take in this way. Back then,

  • something is illegal and let's say immoral. It goes from

  • illegal and immoral to, you know, some cool kids are doing

  • it. To illegal and we're not sure. And then suddenly it

  • becomes legal. But in order to get from here to here, you've

  • got to be a point here where the thing is illegal and people do

  • it anyway. Because you've got to do it and say you know what?

  • That gay sex wasn't that bad. (Laughter.) That was kind of

  • okay. You know? I tried pot and the world didn't end. And it

  • might take 40 years and a couple of generations, but then you get

  • to the point where it is legal. Interracial marriage. Any of

  • these issues. But if you have surveillance here. If you can

  • stop people from trying the thing and saying, you know? It's

  • not that bad, maybe we're wrong, you never get to the point where

  • the majority of us believe we're wrong. I think surveillance,

  • broad government surveillance will really have a stifling

  • influence on social progress. Because it won't let experiments

  • to happen. Now, the argument you can make to anybody, but I think

  • it is probably the most important one. But really,

  • anyone who says I have nothing to hide, you know they're lying,

  • right? I mean, there aren't cameras in Scott McNeeley's

  • house because he has nothing to hide. I think you have to point

  • out that those arguments aren't true and that privacy isn't

  • about something to hide. It is about maintaining your sense of

  • self in a public world. I get to determine what I tell you people

  • and what I don't tell you people. And that is empowering.

  • And if I lose that, I am fundamentally a prisoner of

  • society. So attaching privacy to something to hide, to secrets,

  • is just wrong. It's about human dignity and it's about liberty.

  • I spent a whole chapter on that and I do it better in the

  • chapter. So I offer that up. >> Thank you. >> Yes? >> Most

  • people seem to me more worried about back doors and forced

  • government back doors, but I'm sort of more worried about

  • sneakers where what is your opinion on quantum computing and

  • current encryption and also quantum encryption and its

  • rebuttal to quantum computing. >> Quantum encryption has

  • nothing to do with quantum computing. Quantum computing is

  • going to become real. Probably not in our lifetime. I think we

  • can factor like 24 now. But it will get better. It has

  • potential to change crypto, but not destroy it. It will break

  • all of the common algorithms, so RSA, and those. It will break

  • those in linear time and be very nasty. But we do have public key

  • algorithms that do work. His early one that the work factor

  • of a square instead of exponential. They're less

  • efficient, but they still work. In theory, the best quantum

  • photography does is have your key length. It reduces your

  • brute force search by a factor of a square root. So double your

  • key length and you're done. NIST is actually hosting conferences

  • on post quantum cryptography. How can we build resistant to

  • quantum computing theoretical world. Quantum crypto is really

  • quantum key exchange. It is a clever way to exchange keys

  • using quantum properties. Really neat, great science, great

  • physics, something I as a cryptographer have no need for.

  • So I think it is kind of pointless from a practical point

  • of view. Great science, but I would never buy such a device

  • because I would use one of the math systems and they work just

  • fine. So that's sort of my quick quantum primer. But it's great

  • science and I love the research. And eventually, yes. We'll be

  • able to factor numbers very quickly, which will be cool.

  • Yes? >> I was wondering if you caught the previous talk by

  • Eijah demonsaw. >> I definitely want things -- this is the

  • answer about the opsec. Same thing. The more you make it

  • invisible, the more you make it transparent, easy to use, no

  • work. Even sacrificing some security, I think we do better.

  • I'm really liking -- on my iPhone. It's a great program. It

  • has a really clean interface. It works. I can actually all the

  • key exchange happens in the background, it's well designed.

  • I can confirm there's no man in the middle. I don't have to but

  • the fact that I can is enough of a deterrent of people trying it.

  • So I really like simple stuff. Because I want everyone to use

  • it. There's value in it being ubiquitous. Expert-only

  • encryption has much less effectiveness. One last comment

  • to the quantum guy. One of the things we know about the NSA

  • documents, they have a budget line but it's not very large. >>

  • First of all, Bruce, you're my security crush and do you mind

  • if I take a picture with you after the show? >> I don't but

  • you guys all have weird pie plates on your chest. I'm just

  • saying. You look like some embarrassing cult. >> It's

  • Flava-flav. With the explosion of software defined networking,

  • do you have specific concerns around the security of such

  • leading edge technology and this virtualization of router

  • switches, firewall et cetera, do you have thoughts on that? >> I

  • don't have any specific concerns, just a general of more

  • complexity, more things to be insecure, and another layer of

  • organization. Those are my concerns. I mean, there's huge

  • value in this. I'm a big fan of security outsourcing for

  • organizations. It's very hard to do right and the more you can

  • consolidate the expertise, I think the better you'll do. But

  • there are legal risks. We've been seeing some court cases

  • that the FBI can survey warrant on Facebook for your stuff

  • bypassing you. They can do that. And that does cause problems.

  • But in general I think the value of outsourcing is great. And

  • there are security risks but I think in benefit I tend to like

  • that technology. >> So it's a balance, no major concerns over

  • shared control planes? >> That's it. You've got to know all that.

  • Those are things to be concerned about. But are they major

  • concerns? They're like regular-sized concerns. >> All

  • right, thanks. >> First of all, thank you for everything you do.

  • >> With the pie plate also, I'm saying. >> My question is, even

  • if they wanted to, would policy makers be able to stay current

  • with the pace of technology? >> It's interesting. I think I've

  • got to the belief that the United States, probably other

  • countries are becoming fundamentally ungovernable.

  • That's one of the reasons that technology is moving so fast,

  • that the people who understand it can run rings around policy

  • makers. And whether it's writing laws that five years in

  • retrospect you realize whoa, they understood that and put

  • that sentence in and we didn't understand that this is hard. I

  • like seeing laws that are invariant. Write laws that don't

  • have to keep up. Laws about assault and murder don't really

  • care about the weapon. I could write a law about privacy for

  • communications that doesn't care if it's e-mail or voice or voice

  • over IP. I can do that. I think that's better. I'm not sure it

  • will happen. There's so much co-option of the legal and

  • policy process by people who stand to make and lose a lot of

  • money. Right now the cyber security bill, that's probably

  • going to get signed, has got all sorts of amendments and riders

  • and what it actually does isn't what they say it does. And

  • that's an easy one. You start doing something like health care

  • or climate change, forget it. So I'm not optimistic about

  • lawmakers staying current because of technology. I think

  • we're going to have to go through some bad times before we

  • realize how to create law in a society where tech moves so

  • fast. There's an argument to be made that the modern

  • constitutional democracy is the best form of government mid 18th

  • century technology could invent. Travel and communications are

  • hard so we've got to pick one of us to go all the way over there

  • to make laws in our name. It made since in 1782. There's a

  • lot of ways that our systems that were designed when nation

  • states started becoming a thing are sort of breaking now because

  • things are different. Things are moving too fast. The

  • communication is different. It's all different. And I think we

  • have to redesign democracy. This of course is ridiculous and will

  • never happen. But I think we kind of need to. That wasn't an

  • optimistic answer, was it? >> A few months ago there was news

  • about Chris Roberts being detained at the airport after he

  • posted a tweet -- >> Is he here? Okay. >> And then your blog said

  • that maybe FBI knew that Chris Roberts works in the field of

  • avionics and that's why he was detained. And there was news

  • that they had posted a warning about it even though they claim

  • it was an IT issue. So what do you think -- is the emphasis on

  • security -- the issue was similar. >> So we didn't know

  • that Chris Roberts says that he actually was being watched by

  • the FBI. That he had talked to them before. The Chris Roberts

  • says is very complicated and I stopped commenting when I

  • realized it was way more complicated than I understood.

  • This is the case of him being on a plane and saying something

  • about going into the avionics bus via the USB port in his

  • seat. Which would be crazy if you could, but it wouldn't

  • surprise me if Airbus forgot about that. It really seems

  • every time you put physical security people and give them an

  • IT security problem, they completely forget they should

  • talk to a security IT person. Anyone follow the hack on the

  • Brinks safe? It's completely embarrassing. They never even

  • open an IT security book. Oh, yeah, we can do this. No

  • problem. I don't know how much proactive -- it does seem like

  • the FBI is monitoring more groups and more individuals. And

  • we see them monitoring the occupy movement or black lives

  • matter. I mean, real social change movements that might not

  • be as, I don't know, as mainstream as they could be. So

  • there's a lot of that going on. How much -- in those cases I

  • don't know. The wall street case I have no idea. Certainly

  • there's always a lot of bragging that might not be true. >> But

  • then they posted it the day before. >> Yeah, I don't know. I

  • don't know the details. And it's hard to speculate. I think there

  • is more monitoring than we all think. This is the point of

  • fusion centers, this is the point of information sharing

  • between the NSA and others and I think a lot of it is going on.

  • >> So do you trust elliptic curves? >> I've been skeptics

  • for the bunch of years. Most do trust them. My feeling is that

  • there's a lot we don't know about elliptic curve

  • mathematics. The NSA uses elliptic curve crypto. So I can

  • tell you that. So in some instances it is secure. But I

  • also know that they have, in some cases, tried to influence

  • curve selection. Now, for good or for bad, I can't tell you. So

  • I worry about elliptic curves where the curve selection

  • process isn't transparent. Now, if you want to use elliptic

  • curves in your system, Dan Bernstein, a guy we all trust

  • had a public process and they are available and I would use

  • those without reservation. The NSA said here's some great

  • curves, I would say, you know, huh? (Laughter.) So that's my

  • feeling on that. I think the math is sound, but I think there

  • are things we don't fully understand. I'm getting the get

  • off stage soon signal so I'm going to take -- do you have a

  • yes or no question? >> No. (Laughter.) >> All right. Short

  • answer. Go. >> So you got me into security, I've been in this

  • industry ten years. Thank you so much. So my question is, now

  • that I found myself in a position, hypothetically, where

  • I'm working with a government agency, where they use the same

  • shitty software as everyone else, they've got the same

  • problems as everyone else, and I'm convinced that the actions

  • of stock piling zero days, weakening crypto all that stuff

  • is harmful. >> Quick, quick. >> What can I do to convince or

  • show these people that actually these other arms of the

  • government are doing things that hurt us. >> This is hard and a

  • lot of us are trying to do this. Keep saying it. This is not the

  • tech process. I'm doing a book signing at 4:00. Come by and say

  • hi. Not all of you at once. I'm going to go outside right now

  • assuming there is space to breathe. Thank you very much for

  • coming. Thanks for sitting. Have a good weekend. (Applause.)

Everybody count off. Good, thanks. If there's an empty seat


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