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  • Hi. I'm going to ask you to raise your arms and wave back,

    翻訳: Masaaki Ueno 校正: Masahiro Kyushima

  • just the way I am -- kind of a royal wave.


  • You can mimic what you can see.

    私がやっているように -- 王室の人みたいに

  • You can program the hundreds of muscles in your arm.


  • Soon, you'll be able to look inside your brain and program,


  • control the hundreds of brain areas that you see there.

    まもなく 脳の中を見て そこに見える何百もの

  • I'm going to tell you about that technology.


  • People have wanted to look inside the human mind,


  • the human brain, for thousands of years.

    人間は何千年もの間 人の心の中

  • Well, coming out of the research labs just now, for our generation, is the possibility to do that.


  • People envision this as being very difficult.

    ちょうど今研究所から私達の世代の為に生み出そうとしているものには その可能性があります

  • You had to take a spaceship, shrink it down, inject it into the bloodstream.


  • It was terribly dangerous. (Laughter)

    宇宙船を縮小して 血液に注入するとか

  • You could be attacked by white blood cells in the arteries.


  • But now, we have a real technology to do this.


  • We're going to fly into my colleague Peter's brain.

    しかしようやく それを実現する技術ができました

  • We're going to do it non-invasively using MRI.


  • We don't have to inject anything. We don't need radiation.


  • We will be able to fly into the anatomy of Peter's brain -- literally, fly into his body --

    何も注入する必要なく 放射線も必要ありません

  • but more importantly, we can look into his mind.

    ピーターの脳の生体構造に飛び込みます --文字通り身体に飛び込むのです

  • When Peter moves his arm, that yellow spot you see there

    でもより重要なのは 彼の心を見れることです

  • is the interface to the functioning of Peter's mind taking place.

    ピーターが腕を動かすと そこの黄色い点が

  • Now you've seen before that with electrodes you can control robotic arms,


  • that brain imaging and scanners can show you the insides of brains.


  • What's new is that that process has typically taken days or months of analysis.


  • We've collapsed that through technology to milliseconds,

    ただその処理には 通常何日とか何ヶ月もの解析が必要です

  • and that allows us to let Peter to look at his brain in real time as he's inside the scanner.


  • He can look at these 65,000 points of activation per second.


  • If he can see this pattern in his own brain, he can learn how to control it.


  • There have been three ways to try to impact the brain:

    自分の脳のパターンを見れば どう操作すれば良いか学べます

  • the therapist's couch, pills and the knife.


  • This is a fourth alternative that you are soon going to have.

    セラピストのソファと 薬 そしてナイフ

  • We all know that as we form thoughts, they form deep channels in our minds and in our brains.


  • Chronic pain is an example. If you burn yourself, you pull your hand away.

    思考を形成する際に 心と脳に深いチャンネルが形成されます

  • But if you're still in pain in six months' or six years' time,

    慢性の痛みはその例です やけどをすれば手を引っ込めますが

  • it's because these circuits are producing pain that's no longer helping you.


  • If we can look at the activation in the brain that's producing the pain,

    それは脳の回路が生み出したもので もう役に立ちません

  • we can form 3D models and watch in real time the brain process information,


  • and then we can select the areas that produce the pain.

    3Dモデルを作って リアルタイムで脳が処理する情報を見て

  • So put your arms back up and flex your bicep.


  • Now imagine that you will soon be able to look inside your brain

    ではもう一度 腕を上げ 力こぶを作ってみて下さい

  • and select brain areas to do that same thing.

    もうすぐ脳の中が見えるようになり 同じことをするための

  • What you're seeing here is, we've selected the pathways in the brain of a chronic pain patient.


  • This may shock you, but we're literally reading this person's brain in real time.

    これは 慢性の痛みを持つ患者の脳の経路を選択したものです

  • They're watching their own brain activation,

    驚かれるかもしれませんが 文字通り人の脳をリアルタイムで読んでいるのです

  • and they're controlling the pathway that produces their pain.


  • They're learning to flex this system that releases their own endogenous opiates.


  • As they do it, in the upper left is a display


  • that's yoked to their brain activation of their own pain being controlled.

    それと同時に 左上に表示されるのは

  • When they control their brain, they can control their pain.


  • This is an investigational technology,

    脳を操作すると 痛みも操作できるのです

  • but, in clinical trials, we're seeing a 44 to 64 percent decrease in chronic pain patients.


  • This is not "The Matrix." You can only do this to yourself. You take control.


  • I've seen inside my brain. You will too, soon.

    これは映画「マトリックス」とは違い 自分だけに実施できます 自分で操作します

  • When you do, what do you want to control?

    私は自分の脳の中を見ました あなたもまもなく見れるでしょう

  • You will be able to look at all the aspects that make you yourself, all your experiences.


  • These are some of the areas we're working on today that I don't have time to go into in detail.

    自分を成す全ての面 全ての経験を見れるでしょう

  • But I want to leave with you the big question.

    他にも私達が現在取り組んでいる分野がありますが 今日はお話する時間がありません

  • We are the first generation that's going to be able to enter into,

    ただ一つ 考えてもらいたい大きな質問があります

  • using this technology, the human mind and brain.

    私達は この技術を使って 人間の心と脳に入れる

  • Where will we take it?


Hi. I'm going to ask you to raise your arms and wave back,

翻訳: Masaaki Ueno 校正: Masahiro Kyushima


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 操作 ピーター 生み 技術 スキャナー

TED】Christopher deCharms.リアルタイムで脳の中を見る (Christopher deCharms: A look inside the brain in the real time) (【TED】Christopher deCharms: A look inside the brain in real time (Christopher deCharms: A look inside the brain in real time))

  • 823 60
    劉老 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日