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You are amazing in everyway.. stay beautiful :)!
woooow~ Hey guys it's Wengie here
Welcome back to my channel
And no, this is not sped up. This is like my actual voice right now
Because guess what i did
I sucked in some helium
I wanna give you guys a big fat hug
Here you go! Hugs! I'm hugging you!
Give me a hugggggg!!!
Yeah, that was pretty crazy, right
Your not gonna get this ever
Its run out......
So today I have some really fun squad halloween costumes
You can go and match with your friends and it's like squad goals, guys
(sucked in helium)And some of these are really really easy to do
And some of these are a bit harder
My favourite is obviously this one
This one really fun.....
But hold up if you guys aren't part of the family yet here already,
Don't forget to join us
Just click the subscribe button here on screen
or if your on a mobile device it is down below
(Sucked in some helium)
Our family can actually be apart of this really amazing giveaway
I'm giving away 3 macbook airs
To celebrate my 3 million wengie-corns cause you guys are the best! :)
And if you guys want to enter all you need to do is 2 things:
So Simple!
One is to be part of this family and we are pretty wacky and crazy as you guys can see from the intro!
The other thing you need to do is be part of my vlog squad and that's super simple!
Just click the subscribe button to my vlog channel
and it's linked here and down below
and you guys can be in the draw to win
One of these 3 macbook airs
I just gave away 2!
That's pretty much it.
It is so simple!
And oh my gosh guys!
If we can get this video to...
150,000 thumbs up
That would be amazing like
That would really make my day!
More than this wait... no
This is pretty fun actually hold on
Aw yeah look at that helium so good.
I'm gonna go real crazy before we enter the video!
So without further ado, Lets get straight to the video!
Let's go!
(Heathens- Twenty-one Pilots)
In order to create her shirt, you'll need: A white long-sleeve shirt,
Fabric paint (I had this spray on type),
A print out of her shirt design and some masking tape and extra brushes.
First use some masking tape to mark out the red patch on her chest, you'll need this on the front and back
and this goes just goes under the arm straight across.
You then want to use some scrap paper
to protect your table and the rest of the shirt as well, while you spray your red paint
Or you can use fabric paint and paint it on as well.
If you miss any bits you can fill them in with a brush.
next you'll need to cut out her shirt phrase "Daddy's little Monster" out on the paper.
I used an xacto knife and just carefully cut this out really acurately
It took a little while, but if you have a transfer sheet you can use that as well
You can just print it out and then iron that on
and that will save you heaps of time
anyways I got it cut out and sprayed black fabric paint onto it
on the shirt and it turned out really, really well,
I was really nervous but as soon as I peeled it off I was really amazed
She also has some stripes down her arms to mimic like a baseball top
so take your masking tape and mark out the two stripes on each arm
again protect the rest of the shirt while you spray away
and on her left sleeve there's like this blue patch inbetween each red stripe all the way to the cuff
so you'll need to remove the original tape, tape over the red bits to protect them from the blue
and once you're ready spray on the blue color
use a brush to create a blended affect as well on the top end like Harley has in the movie
Finally let this dry and once it's dry peel off the tape.
This is really satisfying by the way
next use a sponge to blend out the red edges cause we don't want it to look really clean
we want it a little bit messy like the movie version
and if you really want to go all out you can hand stitch like the black pattern on it
but I skipped this step
Finally take a black sharpie and trace around the edges of the words to finish off the bubble writing
and you're done with her baseball shirt
For the shorts you'll need a plain pair of shorts
Fabric Paint
and masking tape.
mark out the halfway point with tape and spray one half in red
next remove the tape and protect the red side
and then spray the other half in blue
use a brush to fill in any mised spots and then let this dry
and peel off the tape and then you're done
In the movie these are actuallt sequin shorts but you can just go with this
Harley's makeup is actually pretty easy to do and very, very quick
I picked a super light CC cream I had and just you know put it on with my fingers
you can just use your end of day makeup as well as a base like I did.
Then take some red shadow with your ring finger and and apply this to your left lid
following the curve of your eyesockets and then smearing this down
create one more smaller smear under the eye as well
that's pretty much the design
also use your fingers to smear your eyeliner well into this as well
to add that kind of smeared eyeliner affect she has
then add some more red shaodow onto the lids if you want a more vibrant look
with the leftover red on your fingers just feel free to smear it on your neck
for an added affect then take some blue, onto your ring finger again then do the same to your right eye
Then grab a a small pencil liner and draw a small heart on your left cheekbone
and then write rotten in capital letters along your jaw line
Finish off with a bright red lipstick and then smudge he left corner down with your fingers
and now you are done
put your hair up in pigtails you can use a wig for this
or if you have blonde hair you can just use hair chalk or hair spray to color the ends
to seal the hair chalk I just sprayed it with hair spray and then teased my pigtails a litle bit to give it more volume
and now you're done
Harley wears some tall white boots or some long white socks and some white sneakers
Finish her look off with accessories
Fishnets and then pull your shorts over these
studded belt, wristbands, fingerless gloves, and finally her baseball bat
Now you can be as crazy as Harley
To make this mask you'll need
A regular white mask from a Dollar store
A pencil
An exacto knife
And some paint
Trace out a rough guide with a pencil under the nose part
then cut this piece off leaving the top half of the mask
then you want to make eyeholes winged up to the outside and downwards inside using an xacto knife
Finally trace out a circle on the forhead and fill it in with red and black paint
And you're done
00:07:05,620 --> 00:07:11,920 Katana's makeup is pretty simple just use a gel or pencil liner and line all the way along your lower lash line
flicking it up into a wing
you then want to bring your iner corners into a point as well
you should have your eyes lined all the way around by the end of this
and then simply finish it off with a dark nude lip
I put on a short black wig that's flicked out on the ends
And then I placed the mask on, and we realized we had to cut off the top section as well
once we measured it on my forehead we just chopped it off
Then used blue tac along the nose bridge
to make that mask fit well on my face
because it literally just didn't
it was kinda squashing my eyeballs it wasn't fun
To complete this look you'll need a black leather jacket
A white boob tube which I just made using a singlet top
Black tights
And some superhero black boots
You also need a red fabric belt which I created using just a red scarf wraped around
And some gloves
She actually has a long samurai sword and a short katana so that's what I'm going with as well
And you're ready to kick some butt
She has a crescent moon on her forehead so in order to make this you'll need:
A piece of cardboard
Some household circular objects for tracing
And some paint
First trace out a large circle onto the cardboard
and then get a smaller circle and trace it onto the edge of the larger circle
then cut these out to create your crescent moon
The moon has a dirty, rusted, silver look to it so we'll recreate this rust some aqua acrylic paint
Grab some silver paint for the base layer and paint it onto both sides of the crescent moon
if the paint is thin you may want to do a double layer
next wait for it to dry and we'll be using some green, blue, and white paint to recreate the color of the rust
I used a sponge to dab it on in a random way
and then take some black paint and a skewer to randomly draw some patterns on the moon
This gives an old mythical vibe, and then we're done
She also wears a round dark pendant
and I found this silver pendant which is the perfect shape
and it was on sale for $8 which is awesome
all I had to do was then dab on some black paint, and then dab on some patches of aqua to make it look like the real thing.
And to create texture just grab some tissue and then dab it on, and this creates like the perfect like textured vibe
I'm gonna be doing a very simple version of her makeup
Start off with a pale foundation or if you don't have one use your concealer
which is usually a much lighter shade then your skin
so use that all over your face or you can use white face paint if you want
Now use a black eyeliner and draw these guides
there's a sharp angle that goes from her eyebrows down to her nose bridge
then go along your lower lash line following the curve up connecting it to the end of your brows
also fill in your eyelids as well
you also want to straighten and wing your brows out
I think if you have a smaller distance between your brows and your eyes it will look more realistic
then draw under your cheekbones down, down your chin, to create that sunken cheek affect
next take a purplish, reddish eyeshadow, and apply this under your eyes
to make it look like you haven't slept for 100 years (this is an awesome face)
Now go in with a black eyeshadow and fill in all your guidelines blending it out with your fingers or a brush
If you have any excess feel free to smear it on the rest of your face lightly or on your neck
she kinda has smudges all over her body
I went over with an eyeliner again to darken certain parts
And then use a dark nude lipstick on your lips kinda like a deadish kinda look
Finally use a liquid liner to create the bands of ancient words on her forehead and her cheeks
I just scribbled in waves roughly
I couldn't really be bothered to draw in each one carefully, but you can if you want.
And then you just do three rows on your forehead and then two along each of your cheekbones as well
next I'm goin- my long straight black wig and then I popped on the necklace we made before
and then rows, and rows of black beads going up my neck like a choker
She has a few thin strands loose in the front of her face so kinda like move that out
This is optional but I also used activated charcoal to give my teeth a super dirty, gross black look.
Check this out it's crazy
you then want to stick on the crescent moon onto your forehead to finish it off
It was pretty much impossible to find her metallic chain underwear so I just used a black fabric beach top and some black shorts
Then I added some body paint to roughly match her patterns, find some temporary tattoos is another option.
To make this straw piece you'll need: