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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • When we all get back onto the set again after a gap

  • it's just lovely because by now it's

  • more like a family and we do get on very

  • well and have a lovely time and have a lot of laughs.

  • Well I'm just really glad to be back in the fold

  • and being a part of the show again it's amazing and

  • I think in terms of Molly

  • It's hard to say much without giving things away

  • but there's some really beautiful moments

  • which I'm really excited about.

  • It's very exciting to be back on set

  • I love Sherlock and I love being a part of it

  • and this series is particularly exciting

  • and dramatic so it's great to be back

  • with everybody again because we've got

  • loads of old faces and some new ones as well

  • So yeah I love it, it's brilliant.

When we all get back onto the set again after a gap


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A2 初級

撮影現場に戻った気分は?- シャーロック (What's It Like Being Back On Set? - Sherlock)

  • 205 19
    Heidi Zhou に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日