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  • Rising from the western edge of America's High Plains,

    米国のハイ プレインズ西端にそびえ立ち

  • and shadowed by the Rocky Mountains, is Colorado's capital, Denver.


  • The city sprang up in 1858,

    この街が誕生したのは 1858 年

  • right were the first flakes of gold in the state were discovered.


  • As it turned out, there wasn't that much gold around Denver,


  • the real riches lay up in the mountains,


  • but ever since, The Mile High City has continued to grow,

    しかしそれ以降 このマイル ハイ シティは発展を続けています

  • thanks partly to its incredible weather.


  • Denver is blessed with over 300 days of sunshine per year;

    デンバーでは年間 300 日以上が晴天に恵まれます

  • that's more than Miami!


  • Just an easy walk or bus ride from Denver's modern downtown


  • is the Golden Triangle, an area filled with grand civic architecture,

    大きな市の建物、博物館、パブリック アートが集まった

  • museums and public art.

    ゴールデン トライアングルがあります

  • Climb the stairs to the Capitol Building,


  • where at the 13th step, you'll be exactly one mile above sea level.

    13 段目がちょうど海抜 1 マイルとなります

  • Spend some time in the Denver Art Museum,


  • which celebrates the region's landscapes and peoples.


  • The museum houses 18 000 Native American treasures,

    アメリカ先住民に関する所蔵品が 18000 点ほどあり

  • making it one of the most important First Nations' collections

    米国における重要な先住民コレクションの 1 つ

  • in the country.


  • Not far from the Golden Triangle is the Children's Museum of Denver,

    ゴールデン トライアングルからほど近い場所に デンバー子供博物館があります

  • where little adventurers can discover the world of kinetics,


  • explore nature, and climb aboard a big ol' firetruck.


  • There are plenty of other natural wonders to explore,


  • at the Denver Botanic Gardens, and Butterfly Pavilion.

    デンバー植物園とバタフライ パビリオンがお勧めです

  • Denverites have always enjoyed the great outdoors,


  • and believe their animal friends should too.


  • Denver Zoo pioneered the use of natural habitats,


  • so its guests can feel right at home, whatever the weather.

    天候に関係なく 動物たちのくつろいだ姿が見られます

  • Uncover the region's prehistoric past


  • at the Denver Museum of Science and Nature.


  • But to really walk in the footsteps of giants,


  • hit the Triceratops Trail at Dinosaur Ridge.

    ダイナソー リッジのトリケラトプスの足跡がお勧め

  • Here, on Denver's western outskirts you'll find the Morrison Fossil Area,


  • one of the most extensive dinosaur track and fossil sites in the world.

    数多くの恐竜の足跡や化石が見つかった場所として 世界的にも有名です

  • Just up the road is the historic mining town of Golden.

    道をまっすぐ進むと 歴史的な鉱山都市ゴールデンに着きます

  • Mosey on into the Buffalo Bill Museum on Lookout Mountain,

    ルックアウト マウンテンのバッファロー ビル博物館では

  • dedicated to the life and times of America's greatest Wild West showman.


  • Just outside, his final resting place sits high on a ridge

    彼の永眠の地は はるか高く尾根の上にあり

  • where the winds whistle through the Ponderosa Pines.


  • Down the hill at the Clear Creek History Park,

    丘を降りたところにあるクリア クリーク ヒストリー パークでは

  • peer into the lives of the pioneers who carved out a life

    グレート ディバイドの影と雪の吹きだまりの中で開拓してきた

  • in shadows and snowdrifts of the Great Divide.


  • Golden is also home to the Colorado Railroad Museum


  • which lovingly maintains the locomotives, cars and cabooses


  • that once traversed the region's High Plains and mountain passes.


  • For many in these parts, the mountains become an obsession.


  • Golden's Mountaineering Museum is dedicated to the technology and spirit


  • of those who answer the call of those lofty peaks.

    そびえ立つ山々に魅せられた 人々の技術と精神に触れることができます

  • Denverites can't seem to get enough of the great outdoors.


  • While you're in the Golden area,


  • call into to one of the world's most beautiful natural amphitheaters,

    世界で最も美しい自然の野外劇場の 1 つ

  • Red Rocks.

    レッド ロックスに立ち寄りましょう

  • Go for a run with locals, or time your visit to take in a show.

    地元の人とジョギングをしたり ショー見物に時間を割くのもよいでしょう

  • Many of the worlds great artists,

    ビートルズから U2 まで

  • from the Beatles to U2 have performed here under the blood red rocks.

    世界的なアーティストの多くが 赤い岩の下でコンサートを開いています

  • If all that sightseeing and history builds up a thirst, you're in luck.


  • The area around Denver is known as the Beer Triangle.

    デンバー周辺はビール トライアングルとしても有名です

  • Take a tour of the Coors Brewery,


  • before exploring the regions dozens of brewpubs and microbreweries.


  • Denver is surrounded by places of incredible beauty.


  • Just over an hours drive south are the ancient sandstone formations

    南に 1 時間ほどドライブすると古い砂岩の形成物があり

  • that have been attracting travelers and dreamers for thousands of years


  • the Garden of the Gods.

    ガーデン オブ ザ ゴッズが

  • Nearby, is the pretty town of Manitou Springs.

    また 近くにはマニトウ スプリングスがあります

  • From here you can hike, catch the cog railway,

    ハイキングか 登山鉄道に乗るか 車で

  • or drive to Pikes Peak ~ weather permitting!

    パイクス ピークに向かいます もちろん天気次第ですが

  • This is where Colorado's real high country begins.


  • Try your hand at prospecting, keep an eye out for the legendary Bigfoot,

    鉱石調査を試すもよし 有名なビッグフットの足跡を探すもよし

  • or just soak up the views from 14 000 feet.

    標高 4300 m からの眺めを堪能するのもいいでしょう

  • When the sun starts to drop, it's time to head back to Denver.

    日が暮れ始めたら デンバーに戻る時間です

  • Warm up by the fire, then make tracks to the Buckhorn Exchange,

    暖炉で暖まった後はバックホーン エクスチェンジに向かいます

  • a Denver institution spanning three centuries.

    3 世紀の歴史を持つデンバー名物です

  • Order up a rattlesnake dip, an alligator tail, or an elk steak.

    ガラガラヘビのディップ、ワニのしっぽ エルクのステーキはいかがでしょう

  • But don't miss the house specialty, Rocky Mountain Oysters, mmmmmm....

    自慢料理のロッキー マウンテン オイスターもお忘れなく

  • The Rockies loom large over Denver,


  • turn any street corner and there they are.


  • Maybe that's why folks here are so relaxed;


  • living this close to nature's majesty


  • has a knack of keeping things in perspective.


  • So, if you've got a hankering for best of big city comforts


  • and clear mountain air ~ there's a warm, wild, welcome,

    ここ デンバーで温かさ、大自然、歓待が

  • waiting for you, in Denver.


Rising from the western edge of America's High Plains,

米国のハイ プレインズ西端にそびえ立ち


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