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  • Tio English, learning English with videos

  • Hi friends! how are you?

  • I'm visiting a new city and I do not know where the places are

  • o let's learn how to ask for directions and give addresses in English

  • I'm going to ask for this kind man

  • Hello, excuse me could you tell me where is the main square?

  • to ask for directions we can also use

  • how do I get to the main square?

  • or, what's the best way to the main square?

  • Remember to be polite and say:

  • excuse me, could you tell me or can you tell me

  • Go straight on until you come to the square

  • And you know what's the best way to the station?

  • The bus station is on the right

  • and the train station is on the left

  • Great, thanks!

  • As you can see it's simple

  • Go straight on, go along this street

  • it's on the right, turn right

  • if there are several streets

  • take the first street on the right

  • or the second street on the right

  • and the same to the left

  • it is on the left, turn left

  • take the first Street on the left

  • Cross the street

  • Go across the street

  • Go trought the park

  • You can use the directions combined:

  • Go straight on until the end of the street and turn left

  • Take the first street on the right, go through the park

  • and after take the second Street on the left

  • That's all!

  • I hope you could ask for directions and do not be lost on your holidays

  • See you again soon!

  • Tio English, learning English with videos

Tio English, learning English with videos


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

道を尋ねたり、指示を出したりする。英語を学ぶ (Asking and giving directions. Learn English)

  • 201 27
    Chan Shuk Han Connie に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日