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Rio de Janeiro, in southeast Brazil, is one of South America's most famous hubs of energy
ブラジル南東部にあるリオデジャネイロは 南米でも特に人々の活気と興奮が
and excitement.
Rio fills the narrow strip between the Atlantic Ocean and the Serra do Mar coastal forest,
大西洋とセーハ ド マール山脈の森にはさまれた細長い地域に広がる
and is home to some sixteen million people.
人口 1,600 万の都市です
In Rio de Janeiro, the soft glow of dawn reveals golden shores,
リオデジャネイロでは 白々と夜が明け始めると 金色の海岸や
and an urban jungle dotted with mountain peaks.
At this early hour, the coastline is a sea of serenity,
このような早朝は 海辺は静かですが
but soon enough energetic locals fill the scene.
Rio's seductive beaches have a rejuvenating effect that appeals to everyone.
リオの静かなビーチには 万人を引き寄せる癒やし効果があるようです
With each sunrise, the city readies itself to put on a brand new show.
毎日 日の出とともに 街は新しいショーの準備をします
Cariocas, as the residents are known,
特徴ある住民で知られる カリオカは
take pride in expressing themselves in less conventional ways.
Even the city's main house of worship is unorthodox.
市内一の信仰の場も 伝統様式に則してはいません
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Sebastian is modeled after a Mayan temple,
サン セバスチャン大聖堂はマヤ寺院の「太陽への階段」を
a staircase to the sun.
But it's the statue of Christ the Redeemer that takes center stage on Rio's skyline.
リオの空高くにそびえるのは 救い主キリストの像です
Take the 20-minute ride through the Tijuca rainforest to the top of Corcovado Mountain,
チジュカの亜熱帯雨林を抜け コルコバード山の上まで車で 20 分ほど登ると
and stand at the feet of this world-famous landmark.
With arms outstretched in a gesture of peace,
平和を象徴し 大きく両腕を広げたイエスは
this statue of Jesus gazes down upon all of Rio, from the waterfront neighborhoods,
リオデジャネイロ全体を見下ろし そのまなざしは水辺から 山の斜面にしがみついて建つ
to the poor "Favelas" that cling to the mountain slopes.
Just across the water lays Rio's most iconic peak, Sugarloaf Mountain. Hang on tight,
湾の向こう岸には リオで最も象徴的なシュガーローフ山があります しっかりつかまって
as the cable car carries you to the lookout,
then relax and enjoy the views over the city, bay, and beaches below.
リラックスして 眼下に広がる市街や湾やビーチを眺めてみましょう
People from all walks of life are drawn to
Rio de Janeiro's most talked about beach: Copacabana.
リオデジャネイロ一有名なビーチが コパカバーナです
It's usually packed with sun worshippers,
but you can always find room to move out on its calm waters.
If you are looking for waves, head out to Prainha.
大波目当ての場合は プライーニャへ行きましょう
This protected eco-park lacks high-rise hotels and is a nice contrast to Rio's other beaches.
ここは環境保護対象の公園で 背の高いホテルがなく リオの他のビーチとはひと味違います
Closer to downtown, Barra da Tijuca, and Ipanema Beach,
ダウンタウンに近いのはバーラ ダ チジュカとイパネマ ビーチ
are great places for people-watching, or a game of volleyball with the locals.
周囲の人たちを眺め 地元の人たちとバレーボールをして 大いに楽しめます
In Ipanema, shop for souvenirs at the Sunday Hippie Fair.
イパネマのサンデー ヒップ フェアは 記念品探しに最適です
Or join the dancers during the street parties that often erupt here around Carnaval and
それとも カルナヴァルや新年のころに 路上で突然始まるパーティーに加わり
New Year.
At times it's as if Rio is one big parade of Samba,...Capoeira,...and Carnaval!
時期により リオは サンバ、カポエラ、カルナバルの 一大パレードめいて華やぎます
In the heart of the city, is Cinelândia.
This historic square is home to the eclectic Municipal Theater and the National Museum
歴史の深い広場で 多彩な演目を披露する市立劇場や
of Fine Arts.
Admire works by some of Brazil's greatest artists.
And see how the Portuguese left their mark on this city when they first arrived on New
ポルトガル人が 最初にこの街に訪れた 1502 年の 1 月 1 日に何を残したか
Year's Day in 1502.
Discover Brazil's pre-colonial times, at the National History Museum.
Located close to the port, the building was once part of the city's defenses.
港の近くで かつては市街防衛の一端をになっていた建物にあります
Rio is blessed with elegant public parks, such as Parque Henrique Lage.
リオには エンリケ ラージェ公園など 優美な公園が数多くあります
The formal gardens of Quinta da Boa Vista surround the Imperial Palace,
キンタ ダ ボア ビスタの幾何学庭園の間に建つパソ インペリアルは
the home of Brazilian royalty before the country declared itself a republic.
ブラジルが共和制を宣言する前 王族が住んでいた宮殿です
The local lust for life is reflected in the cuisine,
whether it be a traditional feast of grilled meat,
or simply a cool drink straight from a coconut. But of course,
nothing ignites the passion of Rio's residents like football.
リオの人たちの心を 何より熱くかき立てるのがサッカーです
Even between games, a visit the Maracanã Football Stadium will give you a taste of
マラカーニャ サッカー場に行くと 試合のない時でも 全国民がサッカーに注ぐ
this national obsession.
Don't leave Rio before walking the Selarón Steps.
リオ観光で外せない セラロンの階段は
The eccentric artist Jorge Selarón devoted much of his life,
paving the way for a more colourful passage from the bohemian Santa Teresa area,
色鮮やかな舗装で 自由なサンタ テレサ地区から夜の街 ラパに続く道を
to the nightlife district of Lapa. Tiles were donated from all over the world,
resulting in a remarkable mosaic.
No wonder they call Rio de Janeiro the "Cidade Maravilhosa",...the marvelous city.
Seeing the sun set over Guanabara Bay, is like watching the finale of a spectacular
グアナバラ湾に沈む夕日は 華麗なショーのフィナーレのようです
幕が下りたら アンコールを待つのみです
When the curtain goes down, you can't help but wait, for the encore...