字幕表 動画を再生する
SARAH WILLIS: Hi, I'm Sarah Willis and I'm standing on
0:00:14.160,0:00:16.940 こんにちは サラ・ウィリスです
the stage of the big hall in the Philharmonie in Berlin.
ベルリンフィルの 大ホールのステージにいます
And I've been asked to do a mini, mini master class for the
これはYouTubeシンフォニー オーケストラに
horn players who are applying to be part of the YouTube
応募する ホルン奏者のための
Symphony Orchestra.
It's got to be a mini, mini master class I'm afraid, but
I'm hoping that some of the things I can say might be of
ここでの話が オーディションの準備に
some help while preparing for the audition.
役立つことを 願っています
The excerpt I chose is the fourth horn solo from
取り上げる抜粋は 第4ホルンのソロ
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony because it looks on paper maybe
ベートーヴェンの交響曲 第9番です
to be the most uninteresting of all the solos.
これは譜面では最も 退屈なソロですが
But it in addition, it's quite hard to play because you stand
オーディションでの 演奏は大変です
on stage or you're sitting at home in your living room and
どんな場所で 演奏する場合でも
you have to convince the audience or the jury that it's
not just a bunch of long notes but that you hear that there
ただのロングノートの 連続ではなく
are woodwinds playing with you, and you make some sort of music
木管楽器と一緒に 音楽を演奏していると
out of this long, long passage.
Standing here I just remembered the last time I stood on this
私が前回このステージで これを演奏したのは
stage and played this excerpt was in my own audition
このオーケストラでの 私自身の
for this orchestra.
So yeah, it's bringing back a lot of memories.
いろいろなことが 思い出されます
So let's start.
You all have the music.
I have the music in front of me.
And I was thinking about a tempo, there are all sorts of
テンポですが この曲のテンポは多様で
different tempos for this piece-- it says adagio, I
これには アダージョとあります
thought maybe the average tempo taken from the few conductors
私が知る 平均的なテンポ
that I've played it with would be about quarter
指揮者の平均は 4分音符が
note equals 52.
So that might be some sort of a basis for you to
これを参考に メトロノームで
practice with a metronome.
The other thing is to make sure you know the score
0:01:54.820,0:01:56.890 それから 楽譜と現在の進行を
and now what's going on.
This whole pot is a dialogue between the two clarinets,
ここは全体が対話で 楽器は2つのクラリネットと
the bassoon, and the horn.
The horn is sometimes in accompaniment, the horn is
ホルンが 伴奏に回る時と
sometimes a solo instrument, and you need to show that you
ソロの時とで 違いがわかるように
know that in the audition part.
So with a dry mouth, having spoken to much, I'll try and
話しすぎて 口が渇いてきたので
play a bit of it for you.
[horn being played]
0:02:20.560,0:02:49.200 [ホルンの演奏]
Here comes the bar you're all waiting for.
さて 問題は次ですね
This next bar I have a little tip that has always helped
この次で 私がいつもやることを
me, maybe it will help you.
To play the low notes-- they have to sound just as easy as
低い音を 他の音と同じように
all the other notes and for a lot of us they're
響かせるのは 多くの奏者が
quite a struggle.
My tip would be to open up the hand for the low notes,
私は低い音の時に 手を広げます
otherwise they sound a little bit muffled.
でないと音が 少しこもります
Like this--
[horn being played]
Also the F have to be sharp enough, it's often very flat.
Fは鋭くします 平坦ではいけません
So the more you open up the hand, the sharper it'll get.
手を広げれば それだけ鋭くなります
After the F there comes the jump up to the F above
Fの次は 上のFまで上げて
and the C sharp.
A good conductor should wait for you to get up there,
良い指揮者は 待てますが
but he won't wait all day.
So in the audition you need to take a tiny bit of time,
オーディションでも なるべく間を空けずに
but still get up there.
[horn being played]
That whole passage as you know is mainly horn solo.
ここは全体が 主にホルンのソロです
You have the clarinets and a flute comes and weaves around,
クラリネットとフルートも 入りますが
but that whole passage can be played out a little bit
全体的に 主張できます
more and the crescendos, diminuendos very expressive.
クレッシェンドや ディミヌエンドも強調します
Then you have the long F to hold before the biggest
次にFのロングトーンで その後にこの抜粋の
solo of the excerpt.
This long F is time to just sort of gather your
このFの間に 頭を整理して
thoughts, stop your beating heart, whatever.
But still, keep the triplets of the violins going while
ただし ヴァイオリンも意識しつつ
you hold out this note.
They're going dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah,
この3連です ダダダ、ダダダ
dah, dah, dah, dah.
It helps.
I just find it helps to keep the concentration.
集中力の 助けになるでしょう
And then comes the one bar that says solo.
次にソロと 書いてある所です
It's maybe the biggest fourth horn solo in
レパートリーのうち 第4ホルン最大の
the whole repertoire.
And you can do this how you want.
思うように 吹きましょう
Some people play it with a little slur in it.
スラーを 加える人もいます
Some people play it tongued.
Some people do a huge ritardando, rubato,
大きくリタルダンドする人も ルバートする人もいます
however you feel.
But whatever it is it's got to be convincing.
なんであれ説得力が 必要です
How I like to play it is like this:
私はこういう風に 吹きます
[horn being played]
The last two bars obviously aren't solo anymore, but the
最後2小節は ソロではないですが
crescendo is there and you'll impress a jury if you show
クレッシェンドで 次に続く感じを出せば
them you know that's leading in to the next passage.
審査員に良い印象を 与えられます
OK, now for something completely different, and even
ガラリと変わって 次です
though I'm a low horn player, and maybe I shouldn't be giving
私は低音担当なので 適任かわかりませんが
tips about Till Eulenspiegel.
I sit next to a lot of solo horns who've
私は隣に座って 多くのソロを
played this in my time.
And maybe a couple of tips, you of course, can hear this solo
いくつか助言はできますが もちろん
on thousands of recordings and there are different
さまざまな音源を聴いて 多くの方法があることが
ways to play it.
A couple of tips for me would be to really make sure that
私のヒントは シュトラウスの意図に沿って
you do what Strauss wanted.
For example, the beginning of Till Eulenspiegel
たとえば この曲の冒頭は
it says gemachlich.
That means leisurely in English or sort of taking your time.
気楽にのんびりと という意味です
And what Strauss meant was Till Eulenspiegel was a really--
シュトラウスの描く オイレンシュピーゲルは
he was a real scoundrel.
He was a very naughty guy and he caused a lot of trouble.
いたずら好きで 問題をよく起こしました
And this was his first appearance in the piece.
これは彼の 最初の登場場面です
When this theme appears it's always representing
このテーマが鳴ると かならず
Till Eulenspiegel.
This is his first appearance and he's not quite sure-- he's
最初の登場では 彼はおそるおそる
sort of sticking his head out and seeing if the
頭を出して 周囲を
coast is clear.
It would be nice to play it a little bit like that because
それを演奏で 表現しましょう
when it comes to the second time he's more self assured and
2度目の登場で 彼は少し
he's showing what he can do.
So really take it seriously what Strauss says and play the
シュトラウスの意図を しっかり受け止めて
beginning a little bit leisurely, a little bit sort of
冒頭は少しのんきに 周囲を確かめる様子を
looking out to see if the coast is clear.
表すように 演奏しましょう
And gradually, getting more lively and getting more
そして少しずつ 強気になる様子を
confidence as it goes on.
I'm going to try and play it even though
I'm a low horn player.
When else do I have the opportunity to play this?
こんな時しか 演奏することはありません
[horn being played]
0:07:23.602,0:07:41.330 [ホルンの演奏]
A tip would be, also like I said in the Beethoven Ninth for
ヒントとしては 第9で話したように
the last two notes-- the G and the C-- is to open the hand a
最後のGとCでは 手を少し開きます
little bit more because it just makes the low notes a lot
すると低音が 少しはっきりします
clearer and just be careful they're not
too sharp of course.
But it really does help in the low range to
低い音域は この方法で
play a bit more open.
So that was Till.
Those were my ideas for Till and I wish you all the best,
私のヒントが 役に立つと幸いです
and looking forward to hearing all the different versions.
皆さんの演奏を 楽しみにしています