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  • - What are we doing here today?

  • I'm about to transform into an 80 year old.

  • (upbeat music)

  • I recently turned 30 earlier this year.

  • Most people wouldn't assume that because of my

  • boyish good looks.

  • It's like a landmark birthday.

  • Obviously it gets me thinking about growing older.

  • I never want to grow up.

  • Peter Pan is my favorite story of all time,

  • so I am doing the exact thing that I've been running from

  • my entire life, at least physically today.

  • I think the maturity will come later in life.

  • (energetic music)

  • Oh god.

  • Holy shit.

  • Oh my god.

  • What the fuck.

  • Dude, I'm gonna like faint right now.

  • This is the fucking weirdest thing that I've ever done.

  • This is fucking crazy.

  • It's like when in your life do you get to see yourself

  • 50 years in the future?

  • Oh.

  • Hello Benjamin.

  • I am your future.

  • I kinda look like Jon Voight.

  • I have this fear of other people seeing me like this.

  • Like I've been vulnerable before, but this is me

  • in the state that I fear the most.

  • And it's gonna be weird as hell if they look at me,

  • the people that I know really well,

  • and they don't even recognize me.

  • Hi.

  • - What?

  • - I've been lost.

  • - Oh I'm sorry, are you okay?

  • - [Other Woman] Who is it?

  • - Who is what?

  • (laughing)

  • - How do they do this?

  • Is that what our skin is gonna like, do?

  • - Yeah man. I can see yours is actually starting to do it.

  • Seeing my looks deteriorate and the wrinkles,

  • like this is what I'm gonna look like and it's startling.

  • - To be fair you're a very handsome old man.

  • - Your wrinkles mean wisdom.

  • - [Man] Well thank you.

  • Thank you ladies.

  • So I'm scared of how my girlfriend Annie

  • is gonna react to this.

  • She cares about looks too and I'm worried that

  • when she sees me she's gonna have a harder time visualizing

  • a life where she and I live to 80.

  • Which is a screwed up way of thinking,

  • and maybe she's not that superficial.

  • Hey baby, can we talk about the travel plan arrangement?

  • I'm gonna get my girlfriend Annie to go over to a location

  • where we're already set up with cameras.

  • She has no idea that I've been transformed into this

  • 80 year old version of myself and I'm just gonna

  • approach her and see what happens.

  • Hopefully she does not slap me in the face.

  • Hello.

  • - Hi.

  • - How are you?

  • Miss?

  • How are you?

  • Hello.

  • You remind me of somebody that I know.

  • - I'm super freaked out right now.

  • - What's wrong?

  • Come here.

  • - No. This is so creepy!

  • - Come here!

  • Come play with me young lady!

  • - So this is what you're gonna look like when you're

  • - Well this is not necessarily what I'm gonna look like.

  • This is just like, kind of worst case scenario.

  • Do you want to touch my face?

  • - I already kind of did but, it's so weird.

  • Your lips are all cracked and old.

  • Your hands, they put spots on them.

  • - Say we're both still together at this age...

  • - Like if I looked like that too?

  • - Imagine you were this old too, would you be happy

  • walking around with this old man?

  • - Yeah. You're very cute.

  • - You sure?

  • - Yeah. Okay.

  • - Sit on my lap. Please.

  • - You can kiss my cheek.

  • All right guys I'm done.

  • - Annie's response was fine.

  • I don't know why I was overreacting when I initially

  • looked at myself but, let's have some more fun with this.

  • We're at McDonald's.

  • I'm gonna go try to see if I can get some

  • senior discounted coffee.

  • Here I go!

  • - [Cashier] Next guest in line.

  • - One senior coffee please.

  • - One senior coffee. Anything else sir?

  • - That's all.

  • - Your total is gonna be $1.09, go ahead and sign.

  • Here you go, sir.

  • - Thank you.

  • Yeah, baby!

  • I got that discount.

  • $1.09, I don't know what it is normally but,

  • he was like of course sir, here you go.

  • How many creams how many sugars?

  • My dad happens to be in town today also.

  • I texted my dad telling him I was in the lobby.

  • I got into position, I got into character.

  • We waited for like ten minutes for him

  • to come down the stairs.

  • When he finally did, as soon as he walked into the lobby,

  • he doesn't even look at me,

  • he doesn't even notice me at all.

  • He picks up his phone and takes a business call.

  • I just decided, all right stick it out,

  • kinda look off to the side and wait for him

  • to get off the phone and then I finally got impatient.

  • I wandered over to him in this slouched kind of way.

  • Hi.

  • And then again I was like, oh crap.

  • He has no idea that it's me.

  • I proceeded to sit down, right next to him,

  • thinking that he would eventually look up and see

  • that it's his son.

  • When he looked at me, he didn't look at me the way

  • a dad looks at his son.

  • The way my dad normally looks at me.

  • He looked at me like he wanted to kick my ass.

  • Someone I've known for 30 years and he didn't even

  • recognize me?

  • It was totally surreal.

  • Excuse me.

  • You like BuzzFeed?

  • - Yeah I'm on the phone right now.

  • - With who?

  • As I'm getting in his face, my phone started buzzing

  • in my pocket.

  • He's calling me while I'm facing him.

  • You calling someone?

  • Who?

  • - I'll tell you in one second.

  • - I pulled out my phone and I held up dad.

  • - That is so weird.

  • (laughing)

  • No, I can't at all.

  • Holy crap.

  • When you showed me the phone that said dad.

  • I'm like why did Ben give this old man, I was like

  • (gasp)

  • - Yes!

  • - Once I realized it was you, it scared me.

  • - And seeing you, I feel the emotional weight

  • it has on you.

  • Dude like this is hard.

  • - Oh god, it was hard!

  • And then when I realized it was you, you were sitting down,

  • I'm like, how old am I gonna be when you're that old?

  • Because I'm still gonna be here.

  • - Yeah you are.

  • - I feel that I just don't ever want to look at my

  • old son again, ever.

  • - I'm sorry.

  • - No you don't have to be sorry.

  • - Well I love you and thank you for going through this.

  • He really can't look at me right now.

  • - Oh my god.

  • - I experienced what it was like to be perceived

  • as a different person.

  • I said I've got a bit of Peter Pan syndrome.

  • Never want to grow up, and I'm still happy with my age now.

  • But I think when I'm actually 80,

  • I'm not even gonna care.

  • I think life is gonna be a lot more carefree,

  • and I'm looking forward to that part of aging.

- What are we doing here today?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

私は一日80歳だった (I Was 80 Years Old For A Day)

  • 320 10
    Gabby に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日