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  • lesson 8 long e

  • lesson 8 long e in this lesson you'll learn some

  • in this lesson you'll learn some

  • in this lesson you'll learn some common spellings of the long e

  • common spellings of the long e

  • common spellings of the long e sound e EI e + ey can make the

  • sound e EI e + ey can make the

  • sound e EI e + ey can make the long e sound

  • long e sound

  • long e sound let's look at some examples whoo

  • let's look at some examples whoo

  • let's look at some examples whoo EEE

  • EEE

  • EEE me

  • me

  • me mmm

  • mmm

  • mmm be her e

  • be her e

  • be her e read good

  • read good

  • read good he

  • he

  • he be

  • be

  • be Neil

  • Neil

  • Neil yeah

  • yeah

  • yeah mmm

  • mmm

  • mmm Green

  • Green

  • Green Shh she third e3e key

  • hmm ah

  • hmm ah mmm e money

  • mmm e money

  • mmm e money Oh II

  • Oh II

  • Oh II honey

  • honey

  • honey very nice look for these letter

  • very nice look for these letter

  • very nice look for these letter combinations you worked

  • combinations you worked

  • combinations you worked you will remember them quickly

  • you will remember them quickly

  • you will remember them quickly and learn exceptions if you

  • and learn exceptions if you

  • and learn exceptions if you practice in less than nine

  • practice in less than nine

  • practice in less than nine we'll look at the different

  • we'll look at the different

  • we'll look at the different spellings of the long I sound

lesson 8 long e


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

フォニックスを使ったリーディングの教え方 - 8/12 - Long E Sound - 英語のフォニックスを学ぼう! (How to teach reading with phonics - 8/12 - Long E Sound - Learn English Phonics!)

  • 24 5
    jsdxwxc520 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日