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  • Olive oil is 100% fat.


  • There's nothing else in it.


  • Pancake mix, on the other hand, is only about 11% fat.

    パンケーキミックス、<a href='#post_comment_1'>一方で<i class="icon-star"></i>は、脂肪分が11%程度しかありません。

  • And, yet, olive oil is good for you, and pancake mix is not.


  • Why is that?


  • As it turns out, the amount of fat we eat doesn't impact our weight or our cholesterol or our risk of heart disease nearly as much as what kind of fat we eat.

    それが判明したように、私たちが食べる脂肪の量は、私たちの体重や私たちの<a href='#post_comment_2'>impact<i class="icon-star"></i>私たちの<a href='#post_comment_3'>コレステロール<i class="icon-star"></i></a>または心臓病の私たちのリスクは、私たちが食べる脂肪の種類とほぼ同じくらいのものではありません。

  • But let's back up:


  • What is fat?


  • If we were to zoom in on a salmon, which is a fatty fish,


  • past the organs, past the tissues, into the cells, we would see that the stuff we call fat is actually made up of molecules called triglycerides, and they are not all alike.

    臓器を超えて組織を越えて 細胞の中に 私たちが脂肪と呼ぶものは は、実はトリグリセリドと呼ばれる分子で構成されています。 と言っていますが、どれも似たようなものではありません。

  • Here's one example.


  • Those three carbons on the left, that's glycerol.


  • Now, you can think of that as the backbone that holds the rest of the molecule together.


  • The three long chains on the right are called fatty acids, and it's subtle differences in the structures of these chains that determine whether a fat is, let's say, solid or liquid.

    右側の3本の長い鎖を脂肪酸と呼びます。 そして、これらの鎖の構造の微妙な違いです。 脂肪かどうかを決める 固形か液体かで言えば

  • Whether or not it goes rancid quickly, and most importantly, how good or how bad it is for you.


  • Let's take a look at some of these differences.


  • One is length.


  • Fatty acids can be short or long.


  • Another, more important difference is the type of bond between the carbon atoms.


  • Some fatty acids have only single bonds.


  • Others have both single and double bonds.


  • Fatty acids with only single bonds are called saturated, and those with one or more double bonds are called unsaturated.

    単結合のみの脂肪酸を飽和状態と呼びます。 および1個以上の二重結合を有するもの を不飽和と呼びます。

  • Now, most unsaturated fats are good for you, while saturated fats are bad for you in excess.

    さて、飽和脂肪は<a href='#post_comment_4'>excess<i class="icon-star"></i>であなたのために悪いですが、ほとんどの不飽和脂肪はあなたのために良いです。

  • For saturated fats, the story pretty much ends there, but not for unsaturated fats.


  • The double bonds in these molecules have a kind of weird property; they're rigid.

    これらの分子の二重結合は、一種の奇妙な性質を持っています。<a href='#post_comment_4'>rigid<i class="icon-star"></i>です。

  • So, that means there are two ways to arrange every double bond.


  • The first is like this, where both hydrogens are on same side and both carbons are on the same side.

    1つ目はこんな感じです。両者が同じ側にある場合 と両方のカーボンが同じ側にあります。

  • The second way is like this.


  • Now the hydrogens and carbons are on opposite sides of the double bond.


  • Now, even though both of these molecules are made up of exactly the same building blocks, they are two completely different substances, and they behave completely differently inside of us.

    さて、これらの分子が両方ともは全く同じ構成要素で構成されています。 2つの全く別の物質です。 そして、彼らは私たちの中では全く違う振る舞いをしています。

  • The configuration on the left is called CIS, which you've probably never heard of.


  • The one of the right is called TRANS, and you probably have heard of trans fats before.


  • They don't go rancid, they're more stable during deep frying, and they can change the texture of foods in ways that other fats just can't.

    腐らないんだよ揚げ物の時の方が安定しています。 と食品の食感を変えることができます。 他の脂肪にはない方法で

  • They're also terrible for your health, by far worse than saturated fat, even though technically they're a type of unsaturated fat.

    健康にも悪い。飽和脂肪よりもはるかに悪い。 厳密には型にはまっていても 不飽和脂肪の

  • Now, I know that seems crazy, but your body doesn't care what a molecule looks like on paper.

    狂っているように見えるのは分かっている体は気にしないが体は気にしない 分子が紙の上でどのように見えるか

  • All that matters is the 3-D shape where the molecule fits, where it doesn't, and what pathways it interferes with.

    重要なのは3次元の形状だけ分子が収まる場所 そうでないところに とどのような経路で干渉するのか。

  • So, how do you know if a food has trans fat in it?


  • Well, the only sure way to know is if you see the words, "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredients list.

    唯一確実な方法はは言葉を見ればわかります。 成分表の "部分水素添加"

  • Don't let nutrition labels or advertising fool you.


  • The FDA allows manufacturers to claim that their products contain "0" grams of trans fat even if they actually have up to half a gram per serving.

    FDAは、メーカーが主張することを許可しています。自社製品に含まれていること "トランス脂肪0グラム 実際には一人前の半分のグラムまであるとしても。

  • But there are no hard and fast rules about how small a serving can be, and, that means, you'll have to rely on seeing those keywords, partially hydrogenated,

    しかし、堅苦しいルールはありません。盛り付けがどれだけ小さいかについて と、つまり、それらのキーワードを見ることに頼ることになります。 部分的に水素化されています。

  • because that's how trans fats are made, by partially hydrogenating unsaturated fats.


  • So, let's go back to our olive oil and pancake mix from before.


  • Olive oil is 100% fat.


  • Pancake mix is only 11% fat.


  • But olive oil is mostly unsaturated fat, and it has no trans fat at all.


  • On the other hand, more than half the fat in pancake mix is either saturated or trans fat.


  • And, so, even though olive oil has 10 times as much fat as pancake mix, it's healthy for you, whereas pancake mix is not.

    で、それで、オリーブオイルでも10倍のホットケーキミックスと同じくらいの脂肪 それはあなたのために健康的です。 ホットケーキミックスがそうでないのに対し

  • Now, I'm not trying to pick on pancake mix.


  • There are lots of foods with this type of fat profile.


  • The point is this: It's not how much fat you eat, it's what kind of fat.

    ポイントはこれです。どれだけ脂肪を食べているかが問題ではない。 それはどんな脂肪かということです。

  • And what makes a particular fat healthy or unhealthy is its shape.


Olive oil is 100% fat.


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