Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Hello I'm edu from edu4java

  • and this is a presentation

  • of a new chain of tutorials

  • that I hope you like

  • that I hope you like

  • they are about game programming

  • what you are seeing is an htc desire in which I'm playing a little game

  • it is not finished, it is like an alfa version that I have made by myself.

  • In the next tutorials we are going to learn game programming concepts,

  • android specific characteristics for game programing

  • and a little of game achitecture "How we are going to structure a game"

  • Here we have the same game but with less characters or guys

  • As you can see there are

  • 1, 2, 3, ...

  • 4, 5, ...

  • ok, as you can see here are bad and good guys

  • ok, as you can see here are bad and good guys

  • ok, as you can see here are bad and good guys

  • ok, as you can see here are bad and good guys

  • these ones with wings are the good ones

  • when you kill one of these they scream as a terrified woman and leave a blood stain,

  • when you kill one of these

  • it makes an "auch" and leaves a blood stain too

  • after a few seconds the blood stain disappears

  • the idea is to kill the bad guys ...

  • the ones that have no wings

  • try not to kill to the good guys. In other words, kill the boys and not the girls

  • here I present you a summary of what we are going to see in the next tutorials.

  • first we have to learn the concepts of

  • Game Programming:

  • Game Loop

  • What is Game loop ...

  • ... game loop is ...

  • when you see a movie

  • what you really see is a picture painted over another

  • several times per second

  • a computer monitor can print 80 pictures per second

  • in this simple game we are making we are going to print

  • 10 frames per second, that means we are going to print 10 pictures in a second

  • then in this loop each time we iterate

  • we print a picture

  • this is printed so many time per second that we see a video animation

  • also in this game loop ... in adition to updating the picture

  • the information of the game is updated

  • normally we have an engine (point 2)

  • this engine is in charge of

  • the update of the game state

  • and the drawing of the pictures,

  • these are the 2 principal methods called by the game loop

  • these are the 2 principal methods called by the game loop

  • in the update each character is updated. The position, ...

  • if it reached the border, to turn and go in the opossite direction

  • ok

  • it updates what people call "the game physics" for example

  • when a character walks it has an inertia,

  • this inertia

  • is shown

  • calling this update, in each call we move the character.

  • 3. Sprites: is an old concept, it is the concept of...

  • here the littles guys are the sprites

  • the sprites normally have characteristics like movement

  • they can have sound, ... they are like a little entity

  • in our ...

  • in our ...

  • example this is an sprite

  • this blood stain is also a sprite

  • it is alive, ... now it disappears

  • each one of these is a sprite

  • then... this is a sprite, will see it later on...

  • Collision detection: it is when it is necessary to now when ... for example this one gets to the border here

  • and goes in this direction. It is detected that it was going to get out from the screen

  • and when it detects the border it changes direction

  • another collision detection can be this

  • when I click, how does it know if I kill some one? It needs to be aware ...

  • that in the x, y position where I click there was a guy

  • and then when it detects that here there is a collision between the click position and a guy I make the character disappear and

  • and then when it detects that here there is a collision between the click position and a guy I make the character disappear and

  • and then when it detects that here there is a collision between the click position and a guy I make the character disappear and

  • and then when it detects that here there is a collision between the click position and a guy I make the character disappear and

  • the blood stain appears, after a few seconds it disappears too

  • ok with collision detection

  • Game resources: ... how to find the images

  • we are going to see this in detail but for now .... let's go here to resource

  • and we can see ...

  • these are my images resources, see?

  • this is a little guy

  • this is a bad guy

  • here we have another bad one, you can see it is walking front, the legs are in different positions

  • here we have a good one. I made this with a program ...

  • I saw in a web that we are going to see in the next tutorials.

  • see, here it is going left moving it's legs

  • next, we have sound resources too

  • here in raw

  • I don't know if you are going to hear this, but when you click here

  • if it runs correctly...

  • if it runs correctly...

  • this is the scream of a woman and this is when we click on the man

  • and...

  • what else?

  • we are going to see Android specific characteristics used for the game. For example the use of SurfaceView

  • it is a low level View.When we are developing a game we are worried about

  • the performance so we use the low level view

  • we are going to learn what is a Holder and how to handle its events.

  • How Android manages the resources, how you put them into memory, how you load them

  • refering to Game Architecture...well, this is as in general Architecture...

  • the idea of the Architecture is to divide a problem in simple and reusable parts

  • in our case we are going to try to uncouple

  • put into one independent place the game logical part and in another place the Android specifics, why? because my idea is

  • that with the same development we did for this game

  • that with the same development we did for this game

  • use it to do an applet game and

  • a Java game without developing again the entire program

  • ok, as a first introduction I hope it has been enough, see you in the next tutorial

  • of Android Game Programming

  • Good Luck!

Hello I'm edu from edu4java


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Androidゲーム1 Javaプログラミングのチュートリアル。ゲーム開発 (Android Game 1 Java Programming tutorial. Game development)

  • 591 22
    劉佳華 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日