Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • We are going to hide these designators, we don't need them now.

  • So, go to Filter and write

  • "IsDesignator". Enter. Apply.

  • Go to PCB inspector ->

  • Hide.

  • Go to PCB, clear the selection.

  • Now, I will split the window,

  • so we can see PCB and Schematic here.

  • So I go, click here and we see the Schematic here.

  • and

  • check if you have this setting: Tools ->

  • Cross select mode is Selected.

  • When you use click to PCB, same, Tools ->

  • Cross select mode.

  • So, what is happening,

  • when I select a component here,

  • it selects also in PCB.

  • If I select a component in PCB,

  • it selects in the schematic, because we are going to use it.

  • First we will start with this biggest

  • component in the middle

  • and we will use a special command

  • for placing the components.

  • Click here, click into your PCB, go to Tools ->

  • Component placement ->

  • Reposition selected components.

  • It automatically moves the component which we selected.

  • And press "L" on your keyboard, you change the layers.

  • Now, it is on the top.

  • You would like to have it on the bottom,

  • So, press "L".

  • And I will place it somewhere here.

  • In case you can't see some of these windows; for example, Filter, Inspector

  • you will find them here.

  • Click on the PCB

  • Here is PCB inspector, PCB filter,

  • so you can always switch them on there.

  • and for placement, we will use

  • grid, which is like,

  • 0.1 millimeter.

  • Now, we can continue with other components.

  • Just to make it nicer, I will switch off this nets:

  • View -> Connections -> Hide all.

  • And, to make the placement

  • a little bit easier,

  • I will make a shortcut here,

  • for the placement.

  • It's Component placement -> Reposition selected components

  • I will place the button here.

  • Okay

  • Start with these 2 components.

  • Click, SHIFT, click.

  • Hold the SHIFT down and then click.

  • Go to PCB.

  • Reposition selected components, "L"

  • "L"

  • And here is one thing, which we are going to fix.

  • As you can see when I place components, very close to each other,

  • there is error again, they are green.

  • So there is a rule,

  • Design rules ->

  • Component clearance

  • which we will set to be 0.1 again.

  • Okay

  • Now, we can go closer.

  • The same for the other side.

  • Click, press SHIFT, hold it down,

  • click, you can release the SHIFT,

  • click to PCB,

  • Reposition selected components, "L".

  • "L"

  • Press SPACE BAR and rotate the component.

  • Next, this three

  • Hold SHIFT down.

  • Click to PCB.

  • "L"

  • It will go here.

  • This one will go here.

  • This one here.

  • This one goes here.

  • Okay.

  • Now, let's have a look on this divider.

  • It will be here.

  • You see, FB1 goes there.

  • Okay

  • Here is the other divider.

  • The pull-ups.

  • Temporarily, I will place them here.

  • Just to see how much space we need.

  • These two pull ups.

  • Now, this power

  • part

  • I will just select this.

  • It goes to pin number 6.

  • Here is the pin number 6.

  • You can see, when I hold cursor on a pin,

  • it will make the white outline, so I see where it is connected.

  • And pin 19.

  • It's here.

  • There are some other resistors close to the pin 19.

  • This one and this one.

  • Okay

  • This capacitor close to the pin 3,

  • here is pin 3,

  • and pin 7.

  • Good.

  • On the top we will place

  • the transistors, inductors and big capacitors.

  • Let's have a look where the transistor is connected.

  • Okay, so this one should go somewhere here.

  • This other one

  • will go somewhere here,

  • inductor,

  • here,

  • capacitor,

  • perfect.

  • It actually remembers the order when you are selecting more components.

  • So it's very useful.

  • This capacitor needs to go close to

  • input voltage here and also

  • this way.

  • Don't worry that it doesn't look nice, now.

  • We will be doing some optimization,

  • and,

  • almost done !

  • Almost DONE!

  • These two

  • we missed this component,

  • which one it is?

  • We can go here, click here,

  • and select the pin,

  • and it will

  • select the pin, it's this one.

  • It will go temporarily somewhere here.

  • Good.

  • To make it more comfortable,

  • to work with your PCB,

  • we will create layer sets.

  • Layer set is kind of view,

  • where you enable just some layers,

  • which you would like to see.

  • For example, for top layer,

  • we would like to see only the layer, where is the copper,

  • and layer, where is the outline around the components.

  • So when you look on your PCB, basically, the white color around the components.

  • Here, in our PCB,

  • it is this yellow.

  • The copper is the red one.

  • So I click here, this is the place where you can set it.

  • LS, board layer set.

  • New set.

  • Empty.

  • Top.

  • I will enable top layer and top overlay.

  • I will create also bottom,

  • layer set.

  • bottom layer, bottom overlay.

  • And top and bottom.

  • Top and bottom.

  • All these four.

  • Close.

  • What happened, now, when you click on this small button LS.

  • See, here are the layer sets, which we have just created.

  • When I select top.

  • I see only the top layer,

  • and the component outline.

  • When I click on the bottom,

  • I see only the bottom layer and the component outline.

  • Top and bottom.

  • Placement is very important.

  • So what I will do, I will drag and drop

  • this PCB and we have now

  • big window, so we can see it.

  • I will disable these dots

  • from the grid, do you know how to do it?

  • Do you remember?

  • Snap, grids, do not draw, do not draw,

  • I will go on the bottom layer and this is

  • the place where we will start.

  • What I will also use is

  • go with your cursor on a net,

  • for example this one.

  • Press CTRL, hold it down and click.

  • It will highlight the net,

  • where the cursor was

  • located or placed.

  • When you press "[" "]", you can change the intensity.

  • This is what I will be using quite a lot.

  • and because the proper placement may take some time,

  • I will try to do it as fast as possible.

  • I will start here.

  • This goes here, this goes here, here, here.

  • Ground.

  • This one. This big capacitor I will place somewhere here.

  • I will leave space going with this 5V

  • Here

  • And

  • Good

  • This is the way to do, to see how

  • good the placement is,

  • or how close the placement is

  • select all of them and see.

  • Now, it looks like it's in the middle.

  • Good, let's check this line.

  • We can go closer.

  • Okay

  • This one can go here,

  • with this one we can go here.

  • Good

  • Here ground.

  • We need to place the LDO.

  • Here this capacitor.

  • So this pin goes here, this pin goes here.

  • This one goes here.

  • This has to go here.

  • This goes here and there.

  • Okay

  • Okay

  • I will move this a little bit here,

  • and what I will do

  • I will actually place

  • these resistors better way.

  • I can connect these together.

  • This one

  • we can connect also these together.

  • This will need to go this way, this will need to go this way.

  • Do you understand what I am doing?

  • I can imagine how I will do the layout.

  • From here I will go here.

  • From here I will go here.

  • Then, somehow this way connect it here.

  • Okay, this one goes here so

  • again

  • with these I can go somewhere here.

  • This one we place here.

  • Good

  • This one is ground, this one I can place anywhere.

  • This one I need to place here.

  • Okay, good.

  • Just double checking.

  • Before we actually start drawing the tracks,

  • doing the layout,

  • we will set up some basic rules for the layout.

  • These rules are specified by capability of your PCB manufacturer.

  • So one of the things,

  • which you need to check with your PCB manufacturer

  • is what is the minimum clearance.

  • It is the space between two tracks.

  • The isolation.

  • I will use 0.15.

  • You need to check what is the minimum width,

  • what they can make.

  • Again, I will use 0.15.

  • For the maximum,

  • let's say 10 millimeters.

  • Okay

  • And now, we can do some preliminary things,

  • based on

  • our placement.

  • Okay

  • Good

  • This is just to see, how good the placement is

  • if we can fit everything correctly.

  • Okay, I think I see the potential issue, this.

  • So, we need to move this a little bit further.

  • Maybe better move it over here.

  • So we have also space for this one.

  • And we need some space also for this one.

  • Again, we need to move

  • this a little bit.

  • So we can go

  • Good.

  • For this maybe the best will be to have a plane.

  • We need to connect

  • a few other things.

  • This is ground,

  • to make it more visible, I will assign a color to ground.

  • Ground, right click.

  • Change color, I will use dark blue.

  • Press F5, you can switch on the color of override.

  • override, or F5, it will disappear.

  • So for example if you select a color for more nets,

  • you can switch it off or switch on, F5.

  • We would like to see it. We would like to see what pads are ground.

  • Okay

  • For this demonstration, I will use 6 layer PCB,

  • just to show you how you can

  • design board with more than 2 layers.

  • So, what I will do, press right click, options,

  • layer stack manager,

  • see, currently we have only 2 layers.

  • I will add one ground plane.

  • Then, I will add 2 layers and another ground plane.

  • 1,2,3,4,5,6.

  • Top layer, I will call L1.

  • This one I will call L2.

  • and assign it to ground

  • L3

  • L4

  • L5

  • Ground

  • L6

  • So what we can do, we can actually add the ground VIAs

  • and we will create some planes

  • on this layer 3, layer 4 and rest of the signals, which are missing.

  • I will improve the placement on the top layer,

  • so select top, right click, Snap Grid.

  • For this big placement I will use bigger grid, one millimeter.

  • I know this capacitor should be close to this pin.

  • So I will place it here.

  • This inductor should be close to here

  • and this capacitor should be close to here.

  • Okay

  • Nice

  • The same way I will do the placement here.

  • Good

  • This is what,

  • 24.

  • I will move it a little bit,

  • 5.

  • 1,2,3

  • 23

  • Nice

  • Here

  • Good

  • What is the position?

  • 30

  • 30,

  • This one is 20.

  • 20

  • 4, let's move it to be 5.

  • 5

  • These are 46, so let's move it

  • 5 millimeters from the edge.

  • Nice

  • I will move these a little bit closer.

  • Press arrows and you can move it

  • just one step.

  • and I will change the Grid back to 0.1.

  • Now, important part!

  • We need to place VIAs.

  • First, let's set a default VIA.

  • Default VIA you can set here.

  • Preferences, DXP preferences,

  • PCB editor -> Defaults ->

  • VIA and ask your PCB manufacturers

  • what is the minimum VIA they can make.

  • As you can see, I use 0.2

  • and that's the hole

  • and 0.45 is the ring around the hole.

  • Also,

  • I normally mask the VIAs.

  • You have two options, you can specify it like this one,

  • or you can force tenting on the top and bottom.

  • It will mask the VIA.

  • Mask, it means there will be the green color on the VIAs.

  • Also, we need to check one rule.

  • The rule is this routing style

  • for VIAs.

  • Because we use the hole 0.2, so it would fail here.

  • So, I put here 0.1.

  • 0.2

  • Maximum 10 milimeters, that's not really important.

  • The ring is minimum 0.4.

  • We use maximum, let's say 10

  • and we use 0.45.

  • Also, check the hole size.

  • Minimum, maximum, 10 millimeters.

  • Okay

  • We can start placing the VIAs on the unconnected nets.

  • Let's have a look here.

  • We can't place VIAs here because here is the pad.

  • So I will move these components.

  • These are just POK signals so it's not really important

  • where exactly they are placed.

  • I will connect it

  • like here.

  • Because this is power, I would use a little bit wider track

  • so start drawing and press TAB,

  • we can change the width to 0.3, for example.

  • Okay

  • Double click and then right button on your mouse.

  • Here are the VIAs.

  • Place VIA.

  • And I will click here,

  • press SHIFT down, I will select also the VIA.

  • CTRL+C

  • Click here, this is the position,

  • then, when I press CRTL+V,

  • it will be snapped, see.

  • If I press CTR+C

  • and I click here.

  • Then this point will be the position

  • where the cursor is when I press CTRL+V, see.

  • But this is better position.

  • So, CTRL+C,

  • CTRL+V,

  • and I will place it

  • here.

  • Also, here, here.

  • Good

  • SPACE BAR to rotate.

  • This one we can delete, press DELETE.

  • We can make it even smaller.

  • And if you want to delete more

  • segments, select first one and press BACKSPACE.

  • I will connect also this one.

  • Good

  • Now, we can go from the pin one

  • and connect rest of the tracks.

  • I change width to be 0.2

  • because it was too big.

  • You could see the copper was somewhere here.

  • I can show you again.

  • Press CTRL+Z, you go back.

  • So, start, press TAB, 0.3

  • See, the copper here it goes closer to the other pin.

  • I change it to 0.2

  • and it's now correct.

  • 1,2

  • 3

  • Here we can place a VIA.

  • And make it, we will make it then a little bit wider, later

  • but you can do it also now.

  • Start routing, press TAB, 0.3.

  • That's too much so 0.2

  • and 0.2

  • Good

  • This one needs to be connected with this one, so I will place a VIA here.

  • Okay

  • And we will connect it on layer 2.

  • So I will show signal layers

  • I go on layer 3,

  • I go on layer 3

  • and I will connect it here.

  • I go back to

  • the bottom.

  • Here we have ground.

  • 0.2

  • This one is unconnected.

  • 1.5

  • It will be connected here.

  • Okay

  • This one

  • It's okay

  • It's okay

  • This one is POK.

  • It needs to be connected with this one.

  • 0.15

  • The next pin, this goes nowhere, this one

  • I will move this a little bit, so just click and drag.

  • I will connect it to this one.


  • I will copy

  • this track because I know it goes also here,

  • and here,

  • just to make it faster.

  • Go on layer 3,

  • connect it together.

  • Next one

  • goes here.

  • Preliminary, I will just connect it like here.

  • Later, I will draw a polygon, so full copper around these pads.

  • At this moment, I just want to be sure.

  • I can connect everything and I see

  • how it looks, so I can optimize it,

  • because layout for switching power supply

  • is very important.

  • Goes nowhere, this one goes here.

  • Layer 3

  • Okay

  • Ground

  • Oh, this is not nice, I will redraw it.

  • Okay

  • Again, this is not nice.

  • I will then improve the layout as I already said.

  • Good

  • This goes here.

  • Here

  • I need some space.

  • On Layer 3

  • Connect this one

  • I will still leave it unconnected because I don't know

  • what other connections here will be like.

  • Goes nowhere, this is ground.

  • It's connect it here.

  • Again, just temporary connection.

  • There will be plane

  • or polygon.

  • Good

  • Good

  • I can now show all the connections

  • So, we see what still needs to be connected.

  • Now, I am going to connect everything.

  • And I will then explain what connections are important and we will improve them together.

  • Because some of these are not really how they should be.

  • For example, big capacitors, they should have more VIAs.

  • I will explain

  • because there are big currents.

  • and one VIA can carry only limited

  • current.

  • So, for our power supply, which supports like 5 Amps, for example

  • one VIA is not enough.

  • On Layer 4 I will connect this,

  • I will actually make a

  • big plane

  • on layer 4.

  • but currently I use only this temporary connection

  • because if I draw a plane

  • here I could draw a plane but in your project

  • if you draw a plane too soon,

  • it's hard to work with

  • because it will be covering all the tracks,

  • what are below the plane.

  • Also, when you place; for example, a VIA,

  • there will be violation all the time,

  • you need to refresh the plane all the time.

  • It's much easier if you just draw the tracks first.

  • and

  • do the planes and polygons on the end of your layout.

  • Let's connect these grounds.

  • Again, these are transistors.

  • Here will be big current flowing

  • so we will improve it.

  • Same, here is a capacitor with big current.

  • We will draw small planes everywhere.

  • You always need to think ahead,

  • how you use your

  • layers.

  • I will rotate these capacitors, it would be much better if this goes like here,

  • rather than around.

  • So, I go

  • and do it like this.

  • We can actually

  • move it

  • even closer to the inductor

  • and the same here.

  • Does it look same?

  • The

  • 17.2 is the X position.

  • 17.2

  • You know, just to make it look same and nice.

  • I need to move also this.

  • If you want to move something,

  • something very difficult to move,

  • use this.

  • Good

  • So, now I can go here

  • and here

  • and connect these to ground.

  • Good

  • I will redraw this one.

  • Good

  • Only a few unconnected nets.

  • You can actually

  • there are some commands, which for example press "+",

  • "-", you change layers

  • and the VIAs can be placed.

  • I just like to have a full control over tracks and VIAs.

  • Sometimes it may be a little bit time consuming but

  • it's just the way you prefer to work with.

  • So you may want to have a look on some ways

  • how you can speed up, improve or make the design the way you really like.

  • You know, I mean the way how you work

  • with the Altium designer

  • because there are a lot of options how you can do one thing.

  • The best, you need to choose the best one,

  • which fits exactly

  • to the way, you like to work.

  • Still this one.


  • Only this grounds

  • are still unconnected.

  • Here, I need to move

  • these tracks here.

  • So, I have place for VIA.

  • Here

  • Here you may want to place more VIAs

  • because it also will carry

  • some heat

  • out from the chip.

  • You see, there are violations.

  • Let's go on each layer now and I fix violations.

  • I redraw the tracks.

  • Here

  • I still see, there are some errors like here is green, here is green,

  • but I will show you how you can check what's wrong

  • and how to fix it.

  • See, it says here.

  • Some errors

  • First

  • This one

  • layer 4 and VIA.

  • It's not very visible, for difficult designs this is not very visible,

  • so much better way to do it is

  • PCB rules and violations.

  • And you can go here, one by one and look here.

  • Nothing, nothing, here is an error.

  • So, you double click, you say jump and highlight.

  • This is much better

  • you see it here, it is much better,

  • than, if you use this one and click here.

  • I will redraw it.

  • Good, the error is gone.

  • Test point

  • We don't use test points, I will disable this.

  • This one, jump, highlight, OK, DELETE.

  • Here are all the rules.

  • Test point

  • Test point

  • Thermal, thermal, we will fix these

  • before we finish the layout.

  • Important is

  • we enable these unrouted nets,

  • and we are sure that everything is routed perfectly.

  • So the unrouted nets are 0.

We are going to hide these designators, we don't need them now.


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Altium Essentials を学ぶ - PCB レイアウトを行う(レッスン 4 (Learn Altium Essentials - Doing PCB Layout (Lesson 4))

  • 35 6
    johnson741963 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日