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Hi guys, welcome to another video of mine on this really cool channel diy channel videoeppo,
where we get to make something and we have fun
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Now let’s move in to this video where we will be making a terrarium
For those who don’t know a terrarium is
a sealed transparent globe or similar container in which plants are grown.
To make this we will be using a lighbulb as container.
Sounds interesting right… so let’s do it
The best part of making a terrarium is , the materials can be obtained for free from your backyard
and what you really need would then be a little bit patience.
I have some blown out light bulbs, which I had collected earlier
and can be used for this project.
For those who are only familiar with cfl and led bulbs, a bulb no longer works if its fused
or blown up.
A blown up bulb can be identified if the filament inside is not connected or hanging loose.
This is a good one and this here is a blown out one
For the contents inside the terrarium I started by collecting tiny stones which
would be the base of the terrarium and act as a drain.
While I was doing so I spotted really small snails, just the size of my finger nails and
was really careful not to pick them up.
I also collected some mud from near a tree which had a collection of dead and decaying
leafs and sand particles.
Dry twigs could be a good, both aesthetically and add to the ecosystem of the terrarium.
Tree barks add nice texture and contains nutrients for the vegetation to grow.
A scoop of sand from my yard and some fertile soil from the top layer made way into my collection
Overall, I had collected some gravel, sand, mud, dead seeds ,leaves and twigs.
Now ,it was time to look for the vegetation.
I collected some moss, which I found near water pipes and under leaking water tanks.
They tend grow where they find shade and adequate moisture.They look beautiful already.
Let’s not get distracted here and continue with our terrarium and this video too !!
I also collected some kinds of mushrooms, wild plants and some tiny grass varieties
While I was digging and look for these things, I found this strange thing that looked like
a manmade tool.
If anybody can tell what it could have been used for, I would be happy.
Now let’s get back into the workshop and make the terrarium
The bulb needs to be emptied from its contents but before that,
hand and eye protection is a must.
The drill was of less use because the bulb was sealed with a glass like material too.
A set of nose pliers did the job fine.
At this point it good to clean and dispose these broken glass pieces safely .
You need to be gentle and delicate at every stage or…the bulb could break
and the whole process starts again.
Once done, the inside of the bulb was cleaned with a piece of tissue rolled on a barbecue skew.
To fill the contents in the bulb a small funnel should be apt.
Or a small paper can be rolled to suit the purposes.
I don’t have tweezers so I made one with Popsicle sticks and rubber band
Before you start ,remember that a terrarium is a micro ecosystem.
You need to imitate what you would find in nature.
Therefore the bottom layer would be tiny rocks or gravel
You can add some charcoal here too.
These act as a drain and a tiny water reservoir where water gets collected
On top of that a layer of sand is added.
I went a little overboard, but you don’t need as much
Next would be some fertile soil suitable for plant growth.
The soil is being levelled as per the choice on how I need to arrange it
Using a barbeque skew the vegetation was placed The moss, followed by some mushrooms, twigs,
barks and some tiny plants inside the terrarium Once I was happy with what I was seeing...
It was time to add a few drops of water to keep the whole environment moist.
Do not overwater.
To seal the bulb, the end of a brush was apt.
It was cut to make a cork sort of a thing for the bulb.
It’s a must to be gentle not press too hard at all times.
It was then hot glued and sealed firmly.
There would be a hole once the holder clip is removed.
It was drilled and a clip made out of cycle spokes was inserted.
To make stand for the terrarium, the handy coat hanger finds another use.
It was bent into a u shape and at one of its end a hook was made to hang the bulb
For the base a 2 inch by 2 inch wood piece was used.
A large bark was hot glued
At though the hot glue was not so sticky, it severed as a grip
The bark was nailed to the wood piece later.
A blown up bulb can be identified if the filament inside is not connected or hanging loose.
The excess of the bark was cut using a cutter and
resulting in this unfinished wooden log look
A hole was drilled for the coat hanger stand
and it was snugly fit and a dab of super glue was added for added strength.
I wanted to stop here ,but thought of covering the aluminium stand to match the theme
So I rolled it with a thin jute rope.
This brings an end to our terrarium project
The left over plants were planted in another container which could be used later.
I really enjoyed working on this project
Hope you like it too
I have many other videos on my channel which might interest you.
Please subscribe share and comment. I will be back with another video soon,
as always,thanks for watching.