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As the gateway to Argentina’s famous wine region,
美味しいワインを 造り出すメンドーサ
Mendoza is a popular stopover between Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile.
サンティアゴにも程近く 人気の観光地です
Labeled as the “Eden of the Andes”, this green city is bursting with flavor.
緑豊かな街で 別名はアンデスの楽園
Mendoza is “The Land of Sun and Good Wine”.
メンドーサは "太陽とワインの街"
The Andean city represents what Argentineans do best:
アンデス山脈の ふもとにあるこの街では
enjoying the good life.
Here, the glass is always half full and this optimism is palpable when you explore Mendoza.
ここではすべてが楽観的で 街中が明るいムードが漂います
Set on a dry, sun-kissed plateau in the foothills of the Andes,
ここは高原にある 温暖少雨の街
the city sprouted from an ancient network of irrigation channels
先住民の灌漑水路から 発展を遂げました
dug by the indigenous Huarpe people
to water their crops with the snowmelt from the peaks.
山脈の雪溶け水を 利用したのが始まりです
When the Spanish arrived in the mid-sixteenth century,
16 世紀中頃 スペイン人が入植
they adopted these “acequias”
to establish Argentina’s first vineyards.
In doing so, they planted the seed of Mendoza’s future
as one of the world's Great Capitals of Wine.
Like a vine that is lovingly cultivated,
the region's wine industry is thriving.
Because the conditions in these mountains are so perfect,
地形と気候条件が ワインに最適で
Mendoza’s vineyards produce about three-quarters of the country's wine.
アルゼンチン ワイン全体の 4 分の 3 を産出しています
Set in a historic homestead in the original wine-growing region of Mendoza,
歴史の趣が残る 伝統的なワイナリーもあります
Bodega Lagarde is as traditional as it gets,
ボデガ ラガルデもその 1 つ
Follow your nose to the smoking parrilla on the patio to enjoy a mouthwatering feast.
テラスからは美味しそうな 料理の匂いが漂います
Pair each course with a different drop for unexpected bursts of flavor.
料理に合わせてワインを選び ふくよかな味を楽しみましょう
Those with sophisticated palates can also book a private wine tasting session at Catena Zapata,
美食家ならカテナ サパータでの 試飲会もおすすめです
run by the descendants of a pioneering winegrower from Italy.
イタリアから来た醸造家の 子孫が代々経営しています
The vineyards in its fertile valleys are not the only reason why Mendoza is nicknamed
メンドーサの魅力は ワインだけではありません
“The Eden of the Andes.”
The city’s sunny climate and abundance of shady parks round out its flavors.
太陽の光と公園の緑が 街を色鮮やかに演出します
The most generous park of all is Parque General San Martín,
おすすめは サン マルティン将軍公園
just west of the city center.
This massive urban green space is big enough to drive
広大な緑の敷地では ドライブやボート遊びも可能
and even row through.
Adorning El Cerro de la Gloria,
the park’s glorious hill, is the national monument for the Army of the Andes.
セロ デ ラ グロリアには アンデス陸軍の記念碑があります
Scenes depict how General San Martín and his troops first liberated Argentina
サン マルティン将軍率いる 解放軍を象ったものです
in the early nineteenth century and then crossed the mountains from here
解放軍は 19 世紀初頭に アンデス山脈を越えて
to also liberate Chile and Peru.
In the heart of the city center,
the Teatro Independencia also serves as a grand memorial
独立シアターも 重要な建造物です
to the country’s War of Independence from Spain.
Don’t miss the sculpture under the beautiful dome of the nearby Espacio Contemporáneo de Arte,
美しいドームの現代美術館で 芸術を鑑賞するのもおすすめ
which is housed in a former bank.
This well-lit art space stands in stark contrast to the underground modern art museum,
明るい 1 階と地下との コントラストが印象的です
which features acclaimed South American and European artists
展示されるのは 南米やヨーロッパの作品
and is located right under the central terrace of Plaza Independencia.
美術館の近くには 独立広場があります
This pocket of green is the central point of five leafy squares
独立広場は市街地の 中心にあります
that are dotted around the downtown area.
Nearby Plaza General San Martín features the general’s horseback statue,
サン マルティン広場には 馬に乗る将軍の像があります
while the Plaza España features an Iberian fountain,
スペイン広場の 噴水にも注目しましょう
Andalusian benches and Maiolica murals,
which all symbolize the restored relations between Argentina and Spain.
アルゼンチンとスペインの 良好な関係を象徴しています
Just four blocks away is the Plaza Italia,
with its Romanesque stonework and sculpture.
It’s a tribute to the social influence of the province’s Italian community.
イタリア人コミュニティの 影響力の大きさが伺えます
When you explore this South American city it’s clear that the people of Mendoza
街を散策すると メンドーサの人々が
live their lives with gusto and know how to have a good time.
人生を十分に楽しんでいるのが 伝わってきます
So, why don’t you join them on a bustling café terrace along the boulevard at night.
カフェに入って一緒に 楽しいひと時を過ごしましょう
Like a good wine,
the spirited city of Mendoza has aged beautifully
since first sprouting from the foothills of the Andes
アンデス山麓に 水路が開かれて以来
and has matured into a full-bodied blend with a hint of elegance.
今ではすっかり 洗練された街に変貌しました
Come and get a taste of Mendoza’s zest for life
人生の楽しみを 味わえるメンドーサ
by uncorking the city’s intoxicating ingredients which, all combined,
ここにはあらゆる魅力が 詰まっています
make Mendoza into what it is today:
The Eden of the Andes.